Admiral Johnason wrote:YT300000 wrote:Each fighter has countermeasures (chaff or flare, depends on pilot preference), a full load of warheads, and a beam weapon (tractor, jamming, cloak, depends on the mission profile). The SSD could keep resuplying 36 fighters for a looooooooong time, possibly for decades.
Look, the fighters will be overwhelmed. They are only ties, no matter what class. The pilots will eventually wearout and, when they take losses, it will only compound the problem. Slowly, the Fed fleet will remove them. Do you really think that 36 fighters is a match for 10000+ starships?!
These are no ordinary fighters.
The Seinar Fleet Systems TIE Defender is the premiere space-superiority starfighter in the Star Wars Galaxy -- it combines the compact profile, high speed and extreme maneuverability of the TIE series with the potent defensive shielding, heavy weapons loadout and hyperdrive capability normally of Rebel fighters like the X-Wing. The basic premise of the Defender is that it's the end-all, be-all of snubfighters; it can outrun and outmaneuver an A-Wing, packs more firepower than an X-Wing and a Y-Wing put together (four laser canons, two ion cannons and two multirole warhead launchers with eight concussion missiles or four proton torpedoes each), and has shields nearly as tough as a B-Wing. The only *bad* thing about the Defender is that it's horrendously expensive, at over 300,000 credits per ship.
The Cygnus Spaceworks "Starwing" Missile Boat is one of the deadliest heavy bombers Star Wars has to offer. Designed by Grand Admiral Thrawn himself, these heavily upgraded versions of the XG-1 Assault Gunboat trade off energy weapons for overwhelming missile firepower; while they are limited to a single SFS L-s9.3 laser cannon, they sport no less than
SFS M-s3 concussion missile launchers , each loaded with twenty concussion missiles for a total loadout of some
eighty missiles per fighter. They're also equipped with SLAM overdrive systems, which allow them to conduct devastating missile hit-and-run attacks against capital ships.
And then there's the Skipray blastboats. These twenty-five meter long bad boys aren't even considered fighters by most authorities since they mount weapons and shielding powerful enough to be considered light capital-class -- three Mendarn Arms Dar-2 medium ion cannons a pair of turret-mounted Senko Systems 5000x2 "Tru-Lok" laser cannons, a proton torpedo launcher and a concussion missile launcher. They are hyperdrive-equipped and carry enough fuel and supplies to operate autonomously for up to a month, making them ideal for patrol and escort duties as well as heavy assault.