Robert Treder wrote:kinfe wrote:Where the hell are you eating? I eat rare and medium rare all the time? And I drink beer all the time.
Maybe it was a county thing or something, but I shit you not, in southern Utah, you will not find a Denny's (or Denny's analogue [p.s. kudos to whoever catches that reference]) which will serve you a rare steak.
That pissed me the fuck off.
*shrug* I don't spend an appreciable amount of time down south, except on my way through to Las Vegas and the such. However, the few times I have eaten in say St. George, I have had no problem in getting what I want. St. George has become something of a tourist spot due to the inordinate amount of golf courses there and the hot ass weather most of the year around. It would be economicly stupid to not sell rare meat to a costomer.
Maybe you should not go to Denny's if they won't give you a good steak (red and juicy).
Truely, I have not been to a Denny's is many a year, and wouldn't get a steak there if I did go. But alass, different people, different strokes.
And yes, you drink beer, but you do recognize that there are far too many obstacles in the beer-getting process in Utah, yes?
Not really, what pisses me off, is trying to get some wine and booze. Beer is sold at grocery stores (though it is low point) but the only place to get liquor is the state liquor store. High point beer is also there. I lived in California for a while, and in comparison to Utah, it is hard to get booze of any sort here. But if you want a beer, you can get one, or two, or three.... If you want a drink with dinner, you can get one. Its a pain, but not to any great amount. I have far bigger problems with the Church...I mean Goverment....I mean Churerment....what ever.... than the booze situation.