Vertigo1 wrote:So its basically a longer lasting alternative to frogging your arms? Thats just pathetic if you ask me.
It is indeed.
To ask a silly question, what's "frogging"?
Alyrium, it doesn't seem possible, does it?
That's with good reason: ordinarily, it's not.
That ass-clown's arms reportedly measure some 26". (99.99% of all bodybuilders flat out lie about measurements and lifts, so I suspect it's more like 24".)
Of course, about 7" of that measure is all fake stuff. A 19"-20" muscular arm is humongous. 21"+ arms do exist, but you've gotta be 6'2" or less and weigh 300 plus pounds, fairly lean, to get that crazy big. If you're taller, you'll have to be heavier--a lot heavier. (Lou Ferrigno's arms were 20.5" when he was at his peak condition in 1974, weighing about 277 at 6'5".)
Arnold's arms measured 19.75" with a fair pump beforehand. Measured "cold," his measurement was probably not greater than 19.5" That's huge by any standard. His arms are still among the best ever. Today's guys are getting bigger and bigger, but the arms aren't better.
The muscular arm is easy to spot, even if the lifter is a bit chubby. You can tell muscle from that stupid oil shit.
What I want to know is, who do guys like Gregggggg Valentino think they're fooling? Even lots of guys here, probably totally unfamiliar with bodybuilding, think the guy's arms look more like FAT than muscle. I made a point to indicate that's not the case, but thinking about it a bit more, that's a lot like what synthol really is...useless, ugly, FAT!
But the fattest, most useless part of Valentino is between his ears. You have got to be either stupid or insane to do that to your body, nevermind the risk involved in injecting that crap. Sticking it into one of your veins is a good way to have a mild heart attack, just like Sarcev did.