Is it just me or is something weird about his conclusions?Charlemagne19 wrote:Counterpoint, Yssane Isard probably did utilize Cloning technology during her tenure as misterss of the Empire...specifically she utilized the same sources of clones that the Emperor had used in Carida.
There was no shortage of troops and manpower or equipment during Yssane's reign. The problem was that the Empire was in the throws of civil war and breakup. Lets not forget she 'let' the Republic have coruscant out of a plan to destroy it from within.
She realized I think the Empire needed to be proven the legitamate government, a billion billion billion billion clones would get the entire galaxy to turn against her en masse should she even have the time or wealth to do so.
What she needed was the people to NOT join the New Republic and that required humiliating them. No ammount of military force will conquer the galaxy as a whole (The Yzzung Vong prove that) alone.
As for Pelleon I remind everyone Pellaeon was never really commander of the Empire until after Daala's resignation as Supreme Commander.
He was head of the Outer Rim territories fleet out of mutual respect and the fact none of the Admirals seemed to have any idea what the hell they were doing. A process that continued under Pestage through Isard with Zsing until the rise of Thrawn.
The fact Pelleon was head of the remanents of the Empire when Thrawn came is just a example of the fact that his faction prospered as the others were destroyed.
No doubt he was getting any stormtroopers he still got from Carida and the other sources that the Empire usually got them from.
That is unless the shortage of stormtroopers in the Empire was caused by palpatine ceasing production from the Deep Core.
Also it is possible if Cracken and company knew about the Clone facilities that hundreds of them might have been located and destroyed and thus create an actual loss of clone sources.
As for why pelleon never used such an idea afterwards my answer is alittle simpler...
Pellaeon was repulsed I thought by Thrawn's use of clones and preferred actual military soldiery serving the Empire because they wanted to rather than reality. A veteran of the clone wars I imagine Palpatine refrained from reviving clone tech because of the very real reason its a pandora's box.
Why the USA hasn't used nukes more often.
I also reiterate clones are not really economically preferrable to recruitment. Without ysalamari and knowing nothing about the Spaarti and Kaminoan cloning methods the only benefit clones have over normal soldiers is that they can be conditioned to be mindless automatons incapable of disobeying orders due to morality.
in other words to produce an instant army of SS fanatics.
It seems to me its much easier to just recruit from the billions and billions of citizens of the galaxy to outfit your capital ships (the real power in the galaxy) as well as transports and so forth.
Thrawn needed the clone troops for only a two reasons I think
A:) Fear
B:) Expediancy
No doubt billions would have flocked to Thrawn once he proved the Empire was once again the New order they dreamed about
As Thrawn's own charisma has infected these would they affect the SW masses
It was shown that Daala and Pelleon revived the Empire up to managable war levels simply by accepting aliens and women into the ranks
I know it isn't the dumbest but it seems he's making some weird conclusions or weird leaps in logic or something. I can't put my finger on it.