Anti-french feeling and lies

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Axis Kast
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Post by Axis Kast »

In case you didn't notice, that's what we're talking about.
No. It’s what you and Lee were talking about. It’s not what you and I are talking about.
Saddam's guilt is irrelevant. Whether the war was a good or bad thing motivates my stance. On which we differ, since you don't care about what happens to the Iraqis.
So you agree that Saddam is guilty on all or most charges but deny that American national security necessitated war in Iraq? Tell me what would, then, Vympel. A first-strike on their part? Don’t tell me you apply to the Star Trek school of “they must always fire first.”
See other thread. I'll make another post there in just a second.
Now it’s down to opinions. Care to comment on the Sunday Times report that supported some of the Telegraph’s statements?
Even if your curious Palestine=Al-Qaeda theory was factual, you do realize that Iraq has now gone from secular dictatorship shithole to theocratic shithole? You know the Shi'ite clerics hold more authority with the Iraqi people than American forces do? The continued protests for the US to get out? The ever-mounting US casualties (up by 50 since the 'statue went down')? The reports that Al-Qaeda has been strengthened, not weakened, by this adventure? The shitty state of Iraqi infrastructure, including disease, hunger, lack of electricity, etc? Do you get a grasp of why I was against the war now?
That secular shithole was a hell of a lot more dangerous to the American mainland than this new theocratic shithole in its present state of affairs.

Did you honestly think they’d welcome us for the most part with welcome arms and some kind of bunt cake? That was to be expected though; it’s not necessarily indicative of another Ayatollah just over the horizon. American casualties? You mean the kind for which George Bush has warned the nation repeatedly? The reports also indicate that al-Qaeda has already lost more than one-third its operative strength at lowest estimate. We knew the Iraqi affair would boost support for al-Qaeda. But better a spontaneous outpouring than Iraq’s official help. The shitty state of Iraqi infrastructure that could have been a lot more shitty in a less discriminating campaign? It’s par for the course with any fight, Vympel. Answer the question: would anything but a first-strike or outright fueling of missiles have compelled you to support a war?
Let's follow this train wreck of logic: Al-Qaeda attacks America. America attacks Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. (Misses completely, overthrows Taliban instead. Installs ineffectual puppet leader with no authority. Country dissends into anarchy. Taliban still around.) *Assertion* made that Palestinian terrorists recruit from al-Qaeda remnants from Afghanistan. *Assertion* made that Iraq supported Palestinian terrorists (unsupported, unless you count money given to familes of dead bombers- which by the way aren't expensive). Thereofore, Iraq supports Al-Qaeda.

Crystal clear!
Misses completely? The whole fucking stated objective of moving into Afghanistan was to dethrone the Taliban – or hadn’t you noticed? We got one-third to two-thirds of al-Qaeda in the process. Nobody ever said it’d be over in one shot. Shame on you for trying to make it seem like that, too. Idiot. And never mind that even while remnants of the fundamentalists exist, al-Qaeda is nowhere near as safe and assured.

Assertion by TIME Magazine. Assertions from the State Department. Now it’s opinion. You refuse to believe anything but your own. We’re going to get nowhere.
Of course it does. Until they are found, they are utterly false, and Bush is either a craven liar, or is given information by incompetents- the Office of Special Plans, Rumsfeld's recently established pet intelligence service whom the CIA and NSA despise, who interpreted information the way that Rumsfeld wanted (unlike the CIA, who talked straight and said what they thought) and who sucked the cock of the Iraqi National Congress, because they told them what they wanted to hear- see a report in the New Yorker, by Hersh, IIRC.
The New Yorker? It’s a literary magazine.

Until WMD are found? Like I said, two years as par.
Bullshit? So you think everyone else on the security council just said: "oh look, France and Germany are bucking them, let's follow them!" Riiiighhhttt. I never saw I'd see the day when uber-realpolitik Axis Kast pretends that other nation's don't have their own interests.
What are you, some fucking asshat who can’t have a conversation without manipulation? Read the fucking arguments, Vympel. The point is that other nations were encouraged to join the Franco-German protest because they began to shed the fear of American vengeance. Chirac got the ball rolling and kept it rolling without leaving Bush much room to maneuver.
Then it should be presented.
Colin Powell was decried as having offered no “convincing evidence,” remember? We’ve given speculation since Day One.
No tried to liquidate Jews? Eh?

There is a difference between brutally putting down a rebellion and genocide, Kast. If Saddam had gassed major Kurd population centres repeatedly, which was certianly within his capability to do in 1988, he would've done so.
What, you think hundreds of thousands fled to Israel because it was a nice time of year to go?

Was it within his capability, or would he have sparked a response from Iran and a response from Turkey? Could he have afforded that in light of his alliances?
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Post by Vympel »

Axis Kast wrote:
No. It’s what you and Lee were talking about. It’s not what you and I are talking about.
You posted supporting Lee's stance, dumbass.

So you agree that Saddam is guilty on all or most charges
No, I agree he's an asshole.
but deny that American national security necessitated war in Iraq?
DER. The military trouncing, lack of presence of any weapons of mass destruction, their non-use in the conflict, all confirms that Iraq was about as threatening to the United States as Antarctica.
Tell me what would, then, Vympel. A first-strike on their part? Don’t tell me you apply to the Star Trek school of “they must always fire first.”
Lol, yes, an Iraqi first strike against America, the fevered paranoia of the hawks multiplied by 100x. :

"What, you don't think Iraq was a threat to America, even though their military was in shambles, we trounced them in less than a month, and they didn't even use WMD on us?! What would you prefer, a first strike?!!?!?!?"

Of course, there's *absolutely no middle ground* between letting the enemy shoot at you first and launching a pre-emptive attack when they haven't done shit or the capability to do shit .... typical blatant false dilemma fallacies ... dumbass .... :roll:

Now it’s down to opinions. Care to comment on the Sunday Times report that supported some of the Telegraph’s statements?
What, where they repeated the accusations? I know that's your idea of 'confirmation'.

That secular shithole was a hell of a lot more dangerous to the American mainland than this new theocratic shithole in its present state of affairs.
What, instead of a .0000000001 chance of Saddam's Iraq attacking America it went down to .0000000000000001? And good thing how you completely ignored the new terrorists this adventure has created.
Did you honestly think they’d welcome us for the most part with welcome arms and some kind of bunt cake?
The administration sure did, in case you didn't notice.
That was to be expected though; it’s not necessarily indicative of another Ayatollah just over the horizon.
The Shi'ite rumblings and the authority of the clerics are a threat.
American casualties? You mean the kind for which George Bush has warned the nation repeatedly?
What the fuck has what Bush warned of got to do with it?
The reports also indicate that al-Qaeda has already lost more than one-third its operative strength at lowest estimate.
Soon to be recuperated.

Iraq war boosted Al-Qaeda
We knew the Iraqi affair would boost support for al-Qaeda. But better a spontaneous outpouring than Iraq’s official help.
Yes, which your tortured illogic and dubious newspaper articles about papers found in bombed out buildings establishes so well :roll:

And furthermore, you speak of 'official help' like you've actually ever fucking established it. The most you've EVER done is point to commonality between Palestinian terror groups and Al-Qaeda, and then quietly slip in your pet bullshit completely unsupported theory about 'trickle down' help to al-qaeda arising out of alleged Iraqi support for Palestine- usually attempting to pretend that the sources you cite actually give any credence to this theory (which they do not).

'official help' indeed :roll:
The shitty state of Iraqi infrastructure that could have been a lot more shitty in a less discriminating campaign? It’s par for the course with any fight, Vympel.
Hence why I don't fucking support the war. Der.
Answer the question: would anything but a first-strike or outright fueling of missiles have compelled you to support a war?
A direct attack by Iraq against US forces/interests, or clear evidence that such an attack was imminent. Noone asked JFK for further evidence when he showed recon photos of SS-4 SANDALs in Cuba.

Misses completely? The whole fucking stated objective of moving into Afghanistan was to dethrone the Taliban – or hadn’t you noticed?
You dumbass. That's what they CHANGED the objective to when they couldn't find Osama!
We got one-third to two-thirds of al-Qaeda in the process. Nobody ever said it’d be over in one shot. Shame on you for trying to make it seem like that, too. Idiot.
Aren't we getting touchy, sorry for insulting the glorious adminsitration's clusterfuck handling of Afghanistan. You fucking missed. Deal with it. You didn't get Osama. You didn't even get Mullah Omar. The Taliban is resurgent (in the South), as is Al-Qaeda (along the border with Pakistan). All while US troops sit in their bases and get attacked with rockets, ambushed on the street, etc etc
And never mind that even while remnants of the fundamentalists exist, al-Qaeda is nowhere near as safe and assured.
Amply demonstrated by the recent bombings eh.
Assertion by TIME Magazine. Assertions from the State Department. Now it’s opinion. You refuse to believe anything but your own. We’re going to get nowhere.
I'll concede a point where I see fucking proof. It's not that hard.
The New Yorker? It’s a literary magazine.
Pathetic. I guess all he wrote must've been lies then. Maybe he was on narcotics. There is no spoon. :roll:

the article
Until WMD are found? Like I said, two years as par.
Using your South Africa false analogy again?
What are you, some fucking asshat who can’t have a conversation without manipulation? Read the fucking arguments, Vympel.
That's exactly what you're fucking asserting, you idiot- that the UN snubbing of the US was somehow all France's fault.
The point is that other nations were encouraged to join the Franco-German protest because they began to shed the fear of American vengeance. Chirac got the ball rolling and kept it rolling without leaving Bush much room to maneuver.
Justify this view.

Colin Powell was decried as having offered no “convincing evidence,” remember? We’ve given speculation since Day One.
Obviously such a sound basis for pre-emptive war, considering how quickly Iraq was crushed, the lack of use of WMD even in the scenario the CIA actually envisaged (Saddam's back against the wall- not the absurd give WMD to terrorists that Bush went on about and which was given credence by absolutely noone)- and of course, you may admit it was speculation but it was dressed up as canon truth repeatedly and shoved down the public's throat. They've already started to back off. You should too.
What, you think hundreds of thousands fled to Israel because it was a nice time of year to go?
Oh, so obviously that means in every movement of refugees, genocide must be being committed. You really are fucked in the head.
Was it within his capability, or would he have sparked a response from Iran and a response from Turkey? Could he have afforded that in light of his alliances?
Why the hell would Iran and Turkey care about liquidation of the Kurds?

And besides: concession accepted. You just admitted he didn't commit genocide. Right now, you are arguing that he would have if he could have :roll:
Last edited by Vympel on 2003-05-22 07:07am, edited 3 times in total.
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Stuart Mackey
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Post by Stuart Mackey »

Gandalf wrote:
Vympel wrote:
Gandalf wrote:I personally don't see what everyone's problem with the French is, I for one rather like them.
Me neither. The whole French surrender thing really irks me too. They were beaten fair and square. And Free French? Hello? Normandie-Neiman? Any of those ring a bell?
Perhaps because were both in Australia, we missed the "France suck" memo?
NZ, however, has a very good reason to dislike the French. Armed secruity forces of the French Government sank a Civillian vesssel, Rainbow Warrior, in Auckland harbour. They also killed a man in the prosess. Allthough international law was on our side, the bastards got awaywith it virtually scott free by blackmailing us over our access to European markets.
This tends to be typical French {government} behaviour and attitude, High handed and arrogant.
Via money Europe could become political in five years" "... the current communities should be completed by a Finance Common Market which would lead us to European economic unity. Only then would ... the mutual commitments make it fairly easy to produce the political union which is the goal"

Jean Omer Marie Gabriel Monnet
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Post by Gandalf »

Stuart Mackey wrote:NZ, however, has a very good reason to dislike the French. Armed secruity forces of the French Government sank a Civillian vesssel, Rainbow Warrior, in Auckland harbour. They also killed a man in the prosess. Allthough international law was on our side, the bastards got awaywith it virtually scott free by blackmailing us over our access to European markets.
This tends to be typical French {government} behaviour and attitude, High handed and arrogant.
Ouch, I remember hearing about that, I shall from this point on be annoyed with the French government.

BTW: This was over the nuclear testing wasn't it?
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

- A.B. Original, Report to the Mist

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Post by Stuart Mackey »

Gandalf wrote:
Stuart Mackey wrote:NZ, however, has a very good reason to dislike the French. Armed secruity forces of the French Government sank a Civillian vesssel, Rainbow Warrior, in Auckland harbour. They also killed a man in the prosess. Allthough international law was on our side, the bastards got awaywith it virtually scott free by blackmailing us over our access to European markets.
This tends to be typical French {government} behaviour and attitude, High handed and arrogant.
Ouch, I remember hearing about that, I shall from this point on be annoyed with the French government.

BTW: This was over the nuclear testing wasn't it?
It was a offshoot from the anti nuke protesting.
Via money Europe could become political in five years" "... the current communities should be completed by a Finance Common Market which would lead us to European economic unity. Only then would ... the mutual commitments make it fairly easy to produce the political union which is the goal"

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God's will

Post by Lee3 »

Well shit, I appreciate the effort anyway. 8)
Yeah. Thanks, I guess. Learning all the bells and whistles can be so dang frustrating, and gets in the way of a good row. :oops:

I'll keep trying to manipulate the machine side of this if you keep after the charm school... :P

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Re: God's will

Post by Knife »

Lee3 wrote:
Well shit, I appreciate the effort anyway. 8)
Yeah. Thanks, I guess. Learning all the bells and whistles can be so dang frustrating, and gets in the way of a good row. :oops:

I'll keep trying to manipulate the machine side of this if you keep after the charm school... :P

Oh shit, that was funny.

*looks at Vympel's pissed off face, looks at Lee's pissed off face.*

*backs out of the room slowly*
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

But as far as board culture in general, I do think that young male overaggression is a contributing factor to the general atmosphere of hostility. It's not SOS and the Mess throwing hand grenades all over the forum- Red
Axis Kast
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Post by Axis Kast »

You posted supporting Lee's stance, dumbass.
Read my fucking arguments, Vympel. I supported the basis of his argument – that al-Qaeda and Saddam did in fact share links.
DER. The military trouncing, lack of presence of any weapons of mass destruction, their non-use in the conflict, all confirms that Iraq was about as threatening to the United States as Antarctica.
The ease with which we won conventionally on the ground in Iraq has very little – nay, nothing – to do with any unconventional threat. Remember that President Bush wasn’t talking about what Iraq could do with T-72 tanks. He was referring to their capability to fund, inform, and provide safe-haven for terrorists.

The lack of presence of weapons of mass destruction that were hidden in a territory the size of California still not fully under basic Coalition control, you mean?

The non-use of special weapons in said conflict might stem from three factors: (A) fear of mass retaliation, (B) inability to quickly deploy said arms, and (C) because of a Soviet-style (i.e. “phantom”) development system.
Lol, yes, an Iraqi first strike against America, the fevered paranoia of the hawks multiplied by 100x. :

"What, you don't think Iraq was a threat to America, even though their military was in shambles, we trounced them in less than a month, and they didn't even use WMD on us?! What would you prefer, a first strike?!!?!?!?"

Of course, there's *absolutely no middle ground* between letting the enemy shoot at you first and launching a pre-emptive attack when they haven't done shit or the capability to do shit .... typical blatant false dilemma fallacies ... dumbass ....
Nice try. Answer the fucking question. Would you have advocated war in Iraq without our having first been a victim? Never mind that you’re increasingly falling back on Saddam’s conventional weakness to defend his supposed frailty after a war over his unconventional arsenal.
What, where they repeated the accusations? I know that's your idea of 'confirmation'.
Where they legitimately go over French involvement.
What, instead of a .0000000001 chance of Saddam's Iraq attacking America it went down to .0000000000000001? And good thing how you completely ignored the new terrorists this adventure has created.
Stop fabricating. There’s no way in hell that an M1A1 tank is going to help fight the war on terror if we’re talking about house-to-house searches in Afghanistan or police cooperation in Pakistan. What it can do is crack down on a régime that might support terrorism against American targets.
The administration sure did, in case you didn't notice.
At first. And they did. There were no suggestions of eternal euphoria.
The Shi'ite rumblings and the authority of the clerics are a threat.
They will never promulgate Islamofascism in government.
What the fuck has what Bush warned of got to do with it?
You act as if it’s sensational that people suffer – on both sides – during wartime.
Soon to be recuperated.
With what? Teenage recruits. We certainly killed or captured several high-ranking characters and rooted out numerous veterans.
And furthermore, you speak of 'official help' like you've actually ever fucking established it. The most you've EVER done is point to commonality between Palestinian terror groups and Al-Qaeda, and then quietly slip in your pet bullshit completely unsupported theory about 'trickle down' help to al-qaeda arising out of alleged Iraqi support for Palestine- usually attempting to pretend that the sources you cite actually give any credence to this theory (which they do not).
I have established it, Vympel. Palestinians themselves brag about Iraqi connections. And we now have proof that Palestinians are themselves mixed up in al-Qaeda. But you won’t believe this because in your eyes, nothing can ever vindicate the war.
A direct attack by Iraq against US forces/interests, or clear evidence that such an attack was imminent. Noone asked JFK for further evidence when he showed recon photos of SS-4 SANDALs in Cuba.
We had reconnaissance photos of caravans. In case you hadn’t noticed, Iraq couldn’t exactly afford to be outright.

Define “imminent.” Your answer seems awfully like it advocates first strike with the lives of people who aren’t even your countrymen.
You dumbass. That's what they CHANGED the objective to when they couldn't find Osama!
You fucking idiot. The objectives were two-fold. It was partly but not fully about catching Osama. You might not have noticed that we sought to destroy the government that harbored him first.
Aren't we getting touchy, sorry for insulting the glorious adminsitration's clusterfuck handling of Afghanistan. You fucking missed. Deal with it. You didn't get Osama. You didn't even get Mullah Omar. The Taliban is resurgent (in the South), as is Al-Qaeda (along the border with Pakistan). All while US troops sit in their bases and get attacked with rockets, ambushed on the street, etc etc.
Missed? Osama and Omar, perhaps. But Afghanistan is no longer safe. Al-Qaeda must tread much more softly. Not to mention that the Taliban are no longer in control of an Islamic theocracy.
Amply demonstrated by the recent bombings eh.
Against largely civilian targets in the Arab world that might have turned public opinion against them? Yes.
I'll concede a point where I see fucking proof. It's not that hard.
Latest issue of TIME.
Pathetic. I guess all he wrote must've been lies then. Maybe he was on narcotics. There is no spoon.
And what, exactly, does, this prove? That the war was badly-spun from our side of the table?
Using your South Africa false analogy again?
So it’s a false analogy when it doesn’t jive with your own opinions?
That's exactly what you're fucking asserting, you idiot- that the UN snubbing of the US was somehow all France's fault.
Because it’s true. The world would never have been so adamant about not going into Iraq had France and Germany agreed with the United States. No Euro push. No core of seemingly legitimate nations around which to rally. Limited support for Russia and China, already unpopular elsewhere.
Justify this view.
See above. Or do you think Chile could have done it on its own?
Obviously such a sound basis for pre-emptive war, considering how quickly Iraq was crushed, the lack of use of WMD even in the scenario the CIA actually envisaged (Saddam's back against the wall- not the absurd give WMD to terrorists that Bush went on about and which was given credence by absolutely noone)- and of course, you may admit it was speculation but it was dressed up as canon truth repeatedly and shoved down the public's throat. They've already started to back off. You should too.
The war’s speed does not justify the notion that Saddam wasn’t an unconventional threat, Vympel.

The lack of WMD in the scenario can suggest multiple things, none of which you consider beyond, “There obviously were none!”
Oh, so obviously that means in every movement of refugees, genocide must be being committed. You really are fucked in the head.
When they’re hung by the dozens for “crimes against the State?” I think so.
Why the hell would Iran and Turkey care about liquidation of the Kurds?

And besides: concession accepted. You just admitted he didn't commit genocide. Right now, you are arguing that he would have if he could have.
No. I said that he was unsuccessful. Not that he didn’t try. Again, read the fucking argument.

Turkey cares because abused Kurds run across the border.

Iran cares because it uses the Kurds as proxies.
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Post by Vympel »

Axis Kast wrote:
Read my fucking arguments, Vympel. I supported the basis of his argument – that al-Qaeda and Saddam did in fact share links.
Well, attempted to support that argument :roll:

The ease with which we won conventionally on the ground in Iraq has very little – nay, nothing – to do with any unconventional threat. Remember that President Bush wasn’t talking about what Iraq could do with T-72 tanks. He was referring to their capability to fund, inform, and provide safe-haven for terrorists.
No, actually he was referring to the need to disarm Iraq of WMD because he might give them to terrorist groups. A patently ludicrous scenario, and made even funnier by the fact that Iraq didn't even use it's alleged massive stocks which haven't even been found in self-defense.
The lack of presence of weapons of mass destruction that were hidden in a territory the size of California still not fully under basic Coalition control, you mean?
- Where are the production facilities Kast?
- Where are the support facilities Kast?
- Where are the weapons Kast?

All of the top sites have *already* been searched. Satellite surveillance would've picked up holes in the ground filled with WMD. Scientists, even after the fall of the regime, STILL DENY that they had any. And if you read the New Yorker article, push find and then type in 1995 to reference as to how long this has been the case.
The non-use of special weapons in said conflict might stem from three factors: (A) fear of mass retaliation,
I'm sorry, but I think the most powerful force the world has ever seen comign at you already counts as 'mass retaliation'.
(B) inability to quickly deploy said arms
What a joke. What happened to all those alleged artillery shells, those evil WMD-spraying drones, or those Al-Samoud missiles? It was all bullshit Kast. They couldn't deploy them in weeks of war? Weeks are an *eternity* in war.
and (C) because of a Soviet-style (i.e. “phantom”) development system.
The Soviet development system is hardly what I'd call phantom.

Nice try. Answer the fucking question.
No. You're a fucking idiot. I need not subscribe to false dilemmas, dumbass- there IS a fucking middle ground between letting yourself get attacked and launching a preemptive strike on a country that's not even able of for lack of a better term, 'empting' you.
Would you have advocated war in Iraq without our having first been a victim?
Why the fuck would I do that? I'm not a war-monger.
Never mind that you’re increasingly falling back on Saddam’s conventional weakness to defend his supposed frailty after a war over his unconventional arsenal.
Would that be the unconventional arsenal whoose existence you have no evidence for?
Where they legitimately go over French involvement.
Do elaborate.
Stop fabricating. There’s no way in hell that an M1A1 tank is going to help fight the war on terror if we’re talking about house-to-house searches in Afghanistan or police cooperation in Pakistan. What it can do is crack down on a régime that might support terrorism against American targets.
And here comes our fundamental difference again. There's no fucking *might* when it comes to the deaths of thousands of people and rank incompetence when the shooting stops.
At first. And they did. There were no suggestions of eternal euphoria.
So what, when they were making those ludicrous statements they weren't thinking it was gonna last?

They will never promulgate Islamofascism in government.
We'll see.

You act as if it’s sensational that people suffer – on both sides – during wartime.
No, I act that it's fucking bad and shouldn't happen.
With what? Teenage recruits. We certainly killed or captured several high-ranking characters and rooted out numerous veterans.
There are veteran suicide bombers :lol:
I have established it, Vympel. Palestinians themselves brag about Iraqi connections. And we now have proof that Palestinians are themselves mixed up in al-Qaeda. But you won’t believe this because in your eyes, nothing can ever vindicate the war.
And round the circle we go once again. You have not established it. You use the phrase 'official help' and then theorize (without any support from any authorative sources- hell, not even *claims* made by the US government that such is the case) that there might be some sort of 'trickle' effect going on. I know you're very proud of your pet theory, but it's grade A bullshit.
We had reconnaissance photos of caravans.
Well give the Air Force a medal, who would've thought a truck would be in Iraq? How does this prove any of the charges leveled at Iraq? It doesn't.
In case you hadn’t noticed, Iraq couldn’t exactly afford to be outright.
So what? Inspectors were on the ground and found nothing. Iraq destroyed massive stocks of WMD after 1991. In 1995 a head defector insisted no WMD was left (see New Yorker article). Scientists interviewed in 2002 insisted no WMD. And after the fall, not only do scientists continue to deny it (when they have no reason not to), but teams of US 'WMD' hunters have turned up empty- one group has already gone home.
Define “imminent.” Your answer seems awfully like it advocates first strike with the lives of people who aren’t even your countrymen.
Look it up in the fucking dictionary, it's not like it's a controversial word.
You fucking idiot. The objectives were two-fold. It was partly but not fully about catching Osama. You might not have noticed that we sought to destroy the government that harbored him first.
No, I remember late 2001, and I remember the rhetoric. It was 'get Osama', "dead or alive" (in the words of Bush, IIRC) first and foremost. The media caught on to this, and repeatedly asked where he was. Tada! Rhetoric change- Osama's not important anymore ... how convenient. But we got the Taliban and 'liberated' Afghanistan- please accept that as a consolation prize. 18 months on ... still slogging through mountains getting shot at, and not even providing jack shit money to get the country back on it's feet.
Missed? Osama and Omar, perhaps. But Afghanistan is no longer safe. Al-Qaeda must tread much more softly. Not to mention that the Taliban are no longer in control of an Islamic theocracy.
They're making a comeback in the South apparently. People are sick of the warlords. Where's the support for Karzai? He's been promised jack.
Against largely civilian targets in the Arab world that might have turned public opinion against them? Yes.
The compounds were Western, Kast. And civilian targets are what terrorists always attack. You cannot be a terrorist if you attack a military target (unless you deliberately use civilians as a weapon- re pentagon attack).

Latest issue of TIME.
I've got it right in front of me. Provide a page reference.
And what, exactly, does, this prove? That the war was badly-spun from our side of the table?
That intelligence was not handled appropriately? That the amateurish OSP cherry-picked its way through evidence and accepted the word of the INC (a political group) as if it was intelligence? That the case for war was made to the President based on bad information, perhaps?
So it’s a false analogy when it doesn’t jive with your own opinions?
No, it's a false analogy because the situation isn't remotely the same, as anyone with half a brain could see.
Because it’s true. The world would never have been so adamant about not going into Iraq had France and Germany agreed with the United States. No Euro push. No core of seemingly legitimate nations around which to rally. Limited support for Russia and China, already unpopular elsewhere.

Or do you think Chile could have done it on its own
Do you have any evidence to support the notion that nations would set themselves at odds with the hegemon simply because *france* stood against it- by evidence I mean besides anti-French bile which the US has had in spades recently. Russia and China were already going to veto. The US couldn't garner any votes from even the minor security council members. Did it occur to you that the reason they voted against it was because the war was domestically unpopular in those nations, and that any pro-vote would've cost the government?
The war’s speed does not justify the notion that Saddam wasn’t an unconventional threat, Vympel.

The lack of WMD in the scenario can suggest multiple things, none of which you consider beyond, “There obviously were none!”
See above. Your claims hold no water. From where do you think the ridiculous "they went to Syria" claim came from? Desperation.
When they’re hung by the dozens for “crimes against the State?” I think so.
You should be hung for cheapening one of the worst words in the entire English language. This really fucking gets me, take a word like GENOCIDE and debase it into meaning that when people are hung for crimes against the state, it must be mass-killing of an entire ethnic group :roll: Do these words have any real meaning nowadays, or are they completely fucking coopted? Yes folks, a regime that hangs people by the dozens is now a genocidal state.
No. I said that he was unsuccessful. Not that he didn’t try. Again, read the fucking argument.
What exactly is the difference between "would've if he could've" and "unsuccessful"? And you haven't even shown that he tried. Your definition of genocide is fucking warped, that is plain for all to see.

Maybe someone should take this absurd new definition for the word and claim the Israelis are comitting genocide against the Palestinians.
Turkey cares because abused Kurds run across the border.
When, under your ridiculous genocide defintion, Turkey is committing genocide against it's own Kurds? Rigggght. :twisted:
Iran cares because it uses the Kurds as proxies.
Where do you get your information, really- this is even worse than your definition of genocide. There is *no love lost* between the Kurds and Iran, and the reasons are pretty damn obvious. War for autonomy with the central government ring a bell?

Please get a clue:
The Kurds have manifested an independent spirit throughout modern Iranian history, rebelling against central government efforts to restrict their autonomy during the Safavid, Qajar, and Pahlavi periods. The most recent Kurdish uprising took place in 1979 following the Revolution. Mahabad, which has been a center of Kurdish resistance against Persian authority since the time of the Safavid monarch Shah Abbas (1587-1629), was again at the forefront of the Kurdish autonomy struggle.

Ffollowing the 1979 revolution, one of the foremost pressing ethnic challenge to the new regime came from Kurdish rebels in the northeast, who had long struggled for independence. In several 1979 meetings, Khomeini warned key Kurdish leaders that any attempts at dismantling Iran would be met with the harshest response, and he sent Pasdaran units to the north, underlining the seriousness of the government's intention. Despite these warnings, in the spring of 1979, seizing on the turmoil of the Revolution, the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran, the Komala (Komala-ye Shureshgari-ye Zahmat Keshan-e Kordestan-e Iran, or Komala, or Committee of the Revolutionary Toilers of Iranian Kordestan) and the Kurdish branch of the Fadayan mounted a well-organized rebellion, but the revolutionary regime was ready.

The confrontation between Tehran and the Kurds intensified sharply when the Iran-Iraq War broke out. It was assumed that Iraqi Kurds and their Iranian brothers would cooperate to exploit weaknesses on both sides. Past divisions within the Kurdish communities were temporarily shelved in pursuit of the long-cherished goal of an independent state. Not surprisingly, neither Baghdad nor Tehran was willing to accept this outcome. Rather, both sides insisted on organizing special loyalist Kurdish military units to participate in the war and to demonstrate allegiance to their respective states.

Intense fighting between government forces and Kurdish guerrillas thus occurred from 1979 to 1982, but since 1983 the government has asserted its control over most of the Kurdish area.
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Post by Axis Kast »

Well, attempted to support that argument.
I have indeed supported that argument time and again. It isn’t my problem that you refuse to see the United States as anything but irrational and warmongering.
No, actually he was referring to the need to disarm Iraq of WMD because he might give them to terrorist groups. A patently ludicrous scenario, and made even funnier by the fact that Iraq didn't even use it's alleged massive stocks which haven't even been found in self-defense.
I’ll return to this topic when we go over the “weeks are an eternity during war” response.
- Where are the production facilities Kast?
- Where are the support facilities Kast?
- Where are the weapons Kast?

All of the top sites have *already* been searched. Satellite surveillance would've picked up holes in the ground filled with WMD. Scientists, even after the fall of the regime, STILL DENY that they had any. And if you read the New Yorker article, push find and then type in 1995 to reference as to how long this has been the case.
Not if those WMD are mere components, hidden beneath civilian structures. Nor if certain illicit chemicals were never refined but simply stockpiled somewhere equally as anonymous.

Even after the fall of the régime, some are still loyal to the memory that is Saddam Hussein, Vympel. None of this accounts for the fact that weapons delivered to Iraq during the 1980s have not been spoken for completely at this point in time.

For the same reasons that it took Soviet satellites tracking the SADF in 1979 over two years to find boreholes in the Kalahari Desert, it will take time for American teams to uncover any evidence themselves. There’s just a hell of a lot of ground to cover.
I'm sorry, but I think the most powerful force the world has ever seen comign at you already counts as 'mass retaliation'.
Many Iraqi soldiers didn’t fight. But if they chose to deploy WMD, they’d certainly have been killed.
What a joke. What happened to all those alleged artillery shells, those evil WMD-spraying drones, or those Al-Samoud missiles? It was all bullshit Kast. They couldn't deploy them in weeks of war? Weeks are an *eternity* in war.
Those “evil WMD-spraying drones” were discovered by the United Nations.

Those al-Samoud missiles were already destroyed or in the process of being disarmed.

Those alleged artillery shells were stockpiled in a warehouse somewhere – or underground – and simply not unearthed in time.

Weeks are an eternity in war from the point of view of the United States. But even during the 1980s, Iraq still measured its terrific fights in years. With a military like Saddam’s – where promotion is essentially based on Baathist loyalties -, efficiency doesn’t come guaranteed.
The Soviet development system is hardly what I'd call phantom.
Semantics. Marina’s speculation has worth. What if the United States was intercepting seemingly legitimate and suspicious transmissions about a program that never in fact existed at all?
Why the fuck would I do that? I'm not a war-monger.
Those who look out for their own best interests by preempting dictatorships led by madmen are not necessarily warmongers, Vympel.
No. You're a fucking idiot. I need not subscribe to false dilemmas, dumbass- there IS a fucking middle ground between letting yourself get attacked and launching a preemptive strike on a country that's not even able of for lack of a better term, 'empting' you.
And what was that middle ground, Vympel? The UN checked his armory, not his checkbook. Saddam was still free to do damage even while UNSCOM was on the ground. We all know where Blix’ real intentions lay.
Would that be the unconventional arsenal whoose existence you have no evidence for?
Do elaborate.
“Separately, The Sunday Times reported that its own journalists had found documents in the Iraqi foreign ministry that indicate that France gave Saddam Hussein's regime regular reports on its dealings with American officials.

The newspaper said the documents reveal that Paris shared with Baghdad the contents of private transatlantic meetings and diplomatic traffic from Washington.

One document, dated September 25, 2001, from Iraqi foreign minister Naji Sabri to Saddam's palace, was based on a briefing from the French ambassador in Baghdad and covered talks between presidents Jacques Chirac and George W. Bush.”

Same article I linked to before.
And here comes our fundamental difference again. There's no fucking *might* when it comes to the deaths of thousands of people and rank incompetence when the shooting stops.
I’m sorry – what?!
So what, when they were making those ludicrous statements they weren't thinking it was gonna last?
No, I act that it's fucking bad and shouldn't happen.
You sure are gonna’ be disappointed almost perennially.
There are veteran suicide bombers.
Most of HAMAS and Hizbollah are not themselves suicide bombers.
And round the circle we go once again. You have not established it. You use the phrase 'official help' and then theorize (without any support from any authorative sources- hell, not even *claims* made by the US government that such is the case) that there might be some sort of 'trickle' effect going on. I know you're very proud of your pet theory, but it's grade A bullshit.
Patterns of Global Terrorism, 1991. Not to mention that TIME magazine substantiated the Palestinian issue.
Well give the Air Force a medal, who would've thought a truck would be in Iraq? How does this prove any of the charges leveled at Iraq? It doesn't.
Caravans leaving the same sites to which UNSCOM is granted access?
So what? Inspectors were on the ground and found nothing. Iraq destroyed massive stocks of WMD after 1991. In 1995 a head defector insisted no WMD was left (see New Yorker article). Scientists interviewed in 2002 insisted no WMD. And after the fall, not only do scientists continue to deny it (when they have no reason not to), but teams of US 'WMD' hunters have turned up empty- one group has already gone home.
Again, time will tell.
Look it up in the fucking dictionary, it's not like it's a controversial word.
I believe attack was imminent. You do not.
No, I remember late 2001, and I remember the rhetoric. It was 'get Osama', "dead or alive" (in the words of Bush, IIRC) first and foremost. The media caught on to this, and repeatedly asked where he was. Tada! Rhetoric change- Osama's not important anymore ... how convenient. But we got the Taliban and 'liberated' Afghanistan- please accept that as a consolation prize. 18 months on ... still slogging through mountains getting shot at, and not even providing jack shit money to get the country back on it's feet.
It was a statement made on television in the midst of a crisis; a public flair. That doesn’t mean we intended to leave the Taliban in place you fucking moron.
They're making a comeback in the South apparently. People are sick of the warlords. Where's the support for Karzai? He's been promised jack.
Because fighting still rages outside Kabul.
The compounds were Western, Kast. And civilian targets are what terrorists always attack. You cannot be a terrorist if you attack a military target (unless you deliberately use civilians as a weapon- re pentagon attack).
Read the fucking papers, Vympel. Western targets but some Arab compounds. People were generally upset.
I've got it right in front of me. Provide a page reference.
Page 24.
That intelligence was not handled appropriately? That the amateurish OSP cherry-picked its way through evidence and accepted the word of the INC (a political group) as if it was intelligence? That the case for war was made to the President based on bad information, perhaps?
Sometimes, we need to go with the “worst case scenario” in order to be safe, Vympel. Not that I think we were wrong about WMD in the first place however.
No, it's a false analogy because the situation isn't remotely the same, as anyone with half a brain could see.
Bull fucking shit. Russia spent two years tracking South Africa’s every move for their Cuban friends but never came up with data on the WMD programs. The same problem appears in Iraq.
Do you have any evidence to support the notion that nations would set themselves at odds with the hegemon simply because *france* stood against it- by evidence I mean besides anti-French bile which the US has had in spades recently. Russia and China were already going to veto. The US couldn't garner any votes from even the minor security council members. Did it occur to you that the reason they voted against it was because the war was domestically unpopular in those nations, and that any pro-vote would've cost the government?
Had China or Russia vetoed, it’d have been seen as similar to the incidents over Serbia. “The vindictive Reds and that bastard Putin hold out on us again.” It was a great deal harder, in case you hadn’t noticed, for Bush to shake Franco-German criticism. The US couldn’t garner minor votes from the other UNSC members because they had rallied around the French lead – or acceded to French demands. And why was the move unpopular domestically? Because it was unpopular everywhere else first – starting in France and Germany.
See above. Your claims hold no water. From where do you think the ridiculous "they went to Syria" claim came from? Desperation.
A logical question. When you don’t find it in Iraq, you have to ask if it went somewhere else.

As for the Kurds? Saddam brutalized them throughout the 1980s. His troops also went after Marsh Arabs in the Shatt-al Arab waterway. Thousands of homes were destroyed and the remaining refugees shot dead. Why? Because Saddam didn’t want to run the risk that they might become “security liabilities.”
When, under your ridiculous genocide defintion, Turkey is committing genocide against it's own Kurds? Rigggght.
No, you idiot. I was referring to when Kurds run to Turkey from Iraq. That’s a problem, you realize.
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Post by Vympel »

Axis Kast wrote: I have indeed supported that argument time and again. It isn’t my problem that you refuse to see the United States as anything but irrational and warmongering.
Irrational? No. Warmongering, yes.
Not if those WMD are mere components, hidden beneath civilian structures.

Nor if certain illicit chemicals were never refined but simply stockpiled somewhere equally as anonymous.
Not what the US claimed. The specific charge was leveled that Iraq possessed chemcial and biological weapons, maintained an active program for both bio and chem weapons, and was seeking nuclear weapons. Obviously, this was essential for the US to make the case to the American people- unweaponized material wouldn't cut it, and no such claim was made at any point before the start of the war, unfortunately.
Even after the fall of the régime, some are still loyal to the memory that is Saddam Hussein, Vympel. None of this accounts for the fact that weapons delivered to Iraq during the 1980s have not been spoken for completely at this point in time. ... 097#524097

Additionally, no actual weapons were sent. Components, some with dual use purposes were sent, and not all were weaponized. Much of the figures Bush pulled out of his ass were mere hypothetical extrapolations with no basis in evidence or fact- for example, the 15,000 litres of anthrax claim based on what would happen if production would continue at a plant that closed down long ago.
For the same reasons that it took Soviet satellites tracking the SADF in 1979 over two years to find boreholes in the Kalahari Desert, it will take time for American teams to uncover any evidence themselves. There’s just a hell of a lot of ground to cover.
Soviet satellites in 1979 over South Africa= troops/teams on the ground in an occupied country with free reign?
Many Iraqi soldiers didn’t fight. But if they chose to deploy WMD, they’d certainly have been killed.
You act as if it was up to the soldiers whether they used them or not. There were plenty of fanatics who would've been given the order.

Are you finished contradicting yourself? First you say the scientists are loyal to Saddam to continue denying WMD existence after the war, but the soldiers are not, then you say that it's just WMD components, then 180 again and say that the weapons were there but just weren't used.

Those “evil WMD-spraying drones” were discovered by the United Nations.
No, a drone that didn't even come under the list of proscribed items and was fitted for recon was discovered and dismissed by the UN. You know this full well.
Those al-Samoud missiles were already destroyed or in the process of being disarmed.
The accusation was that they'd be fitted with WMD, in case you didn't remember.
Those alleged artillery shells were stockpiled in a warehouse somewhere – or underground – and simply not unearthed in time.
So says the fanatic with no proof but staunch faith in an administration whoose record with facts is not stellar. You just love your hypothetical after-the-fact rationalizations, don't you?
Weeks are an eternity in war from the point of view of the United States. But even during the 1980s, Iraq still measured its terrific fights in years. With a military like Saddam’s – where promotion is essentially based on Baathist loyalties -, efficiency doesn’t come guaranteed.
So it would take 3 weeks for an WMD order to go out because of Baathist loyalties which would somehow make the command structure inefficient? You need more practice with these after the fact what ifs.
Semantics. Marina’s speculation has worth. What if the United States was intercepting seemingly legitimate and suspicious transmissions about a program that never in fact existed at all?
Then ... *tada!* they're incompetent.
Those who look out for their own best interests by preempting dictatorships led by madmen are not necessarily warmongers, Vympel.
- Saddam is not, and never was, a madman. Every decision he ever made was terribly rational. Remember when I posted what Ambassadar April Glaspie said to Iraq about it's opinion of Iraq and Kuwait prior to the Gulf War?
- Your claim of preemption remains outrageous. That you seriously think Iraq was a threat to the United States is just downright scary.
And what was that middle ground, Vympel? The UN checked his armory, not his checkbook. Saddam was still free to do damage even while UNSCOM was on the ground.
The middle ground between letting yourself be attacked and attacking someone who doesn't threaten you is *surprise* building a convincing case for action based on a clear and present danger to your national security.
We all know where Blix’ real intentions lay.
What were his intentions Kast? You're not one of those crazy UN conspiracy theorists, on top of all your many other issues?
“Separately, The Sunday Times reported that its own journalists had found documents in the Iraqi foreign ministry that indicate that France gave Saddam Hussein's regime regular reports on its dealings with American officials.

The newspaper said the documents reveal that Paris shared with Baghdad the contents of private transatlantic meetings and diplomatic traffic from Washington.

One document, dated September 25, 2001, from Iraqi foreign minister Naji Sabri to Saddam's palace, was based on a briefing from the French ambassador in Baghdad and covered talks between presidents Jacques Chirac and George W. Bush.”

Same article I linked to before.
In other words, the same controversial, unverified crap from the Telegraph, which hasn't been shown to anyone, and which is supposedly signed by an *unamed* Iraqi head of intelligence. All this in the background of forged documents being sold to credulous media in Iraq to make a quick buck.

I’m sorry – what?!
Might. Not might as in strength, but might as in 'oh, Iraq *might* do this'. And if the 'what' was in response to what I said was rank incompetence, I stand by that position- the peace in Iraq is being run by incompetents.
As you said, greet them them with bunt cake.

You sure are gonna’ be disappointed almost perennially.
Most of HAMAS and Hizbollah are not themselves suicide bombers.
We were discussing Al-Qaeda. The point being that the recent bombings show that Al-Qaeda is still quite capable of organizing suicide bombings and mass death.
Patterns of Global Terrorism, 1991. Not to mention that TIME magazine substantiated the Palestinian issue.
See other thread.

Caravans leaving the same sites to which UNSCOM is granted access?
You do realize these sites had legitimate industrial/ research uses? You don't think trucks move about?

I believe attack was imminent. You do not.
An attack by Iraq against the United States was imminent? You're delusional! What the fuck were they gonna do?
It was a statement made on television in the midst of a crisis; a public flair.
And you'd know this for a fact of course, who the fuck are you, Ari Fleicher? That you think you have an absolute fucking mite of authority to presume to dictate on what POTUS really means when he says something only makes you out to be crazier than I already thought you were.
That doesn’t mean we intended to leave the Taliban in place you fucking moron.
Strawman, you dumbfuck. The first and foremost objective was GET OSAMA. They failed, and subsituted it for the overthrow of the Taliban.
Because fighting still rages outside Kabul.
It's Karzai's fault fighting rages outside Kabul?

Read the fucking papers, Vympel. Western targets but some Arab compounds. People were generally upset.
People in Saudi Arabia were upset that Al-Qaeda blew up Westerners? Source please.
Page 24
Discusses the events of the bombings- 34 dead, 9 americans, 9 of the assassins, attacks in casablanca also against completely Western targets.

"Before Riyadh and Casablanca, it was tempting, if just for a moment, to believe that the war on terrorism was going well ... Then reality kicked in with a vengeance. After the latest blasts, noone is talking about turning any tide. Instead, the world is focusued again on mourning, on soul searching, on how to deliver an effective response"
Sometimes, we need to go with the “worst case scenario” in order to be safe, Vympel. Not that I think we were wrong about WMD in the first place however.
We'll see.
Bull fucking shit. Russia spent two years tracking South Africa’s every move for their Cuban friends but never came up with data on the WMD programs. The same problem appears in Iraq.
Retard alert. Please demonstrate where South Africa went through 7 years of intensive UN weapons inspections that destroyed many thousands of tons of *verified* WMD material- with inspectors from that effort maintaining that South Africa was disarmed. Please demonstrate where the Red Army invaded and occupied South Africa and is now crawling all over the place looking for masses of WMD to wave triumphantly at cameras?
Had China or Russia vetoed, it’d have been seen as similar to the incidents over Serbia. “The vindictive Reds and that bastard Putin hold out on us again.” It was a great deal harder, in case you hadn’t noticed, for Bush to shake Franco-German criticism. The US couldn’t garner minor votes from the other UNSC members because they had rallied around the French lead – or acceded to French demands. And why was the move unpopular domestically? Because it was unpopular everywhere else first – starting in France and Germany.
Since when does the world look to France and Germany for leadership? You accused me of distorting your argument and then continue to say precisely what I thought you said- that because it was unpopular in France/Germany it was unpopular everwhere else. It's absurd- anti-war people in Australia certainly weren't going on about how it was a good thing France was against it.
A logical question. When you don’t find it in Iraq, you have to ask if it went somewhere else.
Or, more logically, if they indeed existed at all.
As for the Kurds? Saddam brutalized them throughout the 1980s. His troops also went after Marsh Arabs in the Shatt-al Arab waterway. Thousands of homes were destroyed and the remaining refugees shot dead. Why? Because Saddam didn’t want to run the risk that they might become “security liabilities.”
And this is genocide? No, it isn't. You can't point to an organized campaign to eliminate the Shi'ites of Iraq as an ethnic group. Your defintion remains warped. The Final Solution was genocide. What happened to the Armenians was genocide. What happened in Rwanda was genocide (where the Hutus killed some 1,000,000 Tutsis in an orgy of destruction that lasted some 100 days).
No, you idiot. I was referring to when Kurds run to Turkey from Iraq. That’s a problem, you realize.
And I was lampooning your warped definition of genocide. You'd figure with the Kurds undergoing genocide in Turkey, the Kurds wouldn't be too happy to go there either. :twisted:

I repeat- under your absurd definition, I can level the charge of genocide against every nation with persecutory policies. If you want to concede the point, I'd highly recommend it- I'll just keep beating you over the head with that particular affront to the dictionary. It's quite irrelevant, Saddam is a certified war criminal anyway- it still doesn't change the fact that your genocide claim is absurd.
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Post by EmperorChrostas the Cruel »


"veteran suicide bombers." ??? WTF?

Suicide-----to kill oneself
Bomber----person or machine that delivers bombs to targets.

Are these veteran suicide bomber CATS? (9 lives)

Sorry, this was just too funny, it sort of jumped off the page at me.
This HAS to be a typo, or phrasiology braincramp.
(I know, this is a SERIOUS topic. Giggle. Harumph. Wipes smile from face, almost completely.)

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Post by Raptor 597 »

Perhaps they were in missions where the attack was cancelled or they'd by gunned down before reaching the objective.
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Post by Axis Kast »

Not what the US claimed. The specific charge was leveled that Iraq possessed chemcial and biological weapons, maintained an active program for both bio and chem weapons, and was seeking nuclear weapons. Obviously, this was essential for the US to make the case to the American people- unweaponized material wouldn't cut it, and no such claim was made at any point before the start of the war, unfortunately.
And as I’ve said before, time will tell. Only recently were American troops able to get into most of Baghdad safely. It’ll take months if not years to exhaust all possible contingencies.
Additionally, no actual weapons were sent. Components, some with dual use purposes were sent, and not all were weaponized. Much of the figures Bush pulled out of his ass were mere hypothetical extrapolations with no basis in evidence or fact- for example, the 15,000 litres of anthrax claim based on what would happen if production would continue at a plant that closed down long ago.
“Not all weaponized?” What’s Iraq realistically going to do with litre upon litre of biological growth medium during wartime?

Again, you’re attempting to deny the validity of educated speculation in geopolitics. Almost everything is based on an educated guess when it comes to a nation’s black-area activities. Many in the administration – and in the United States or Great Britain – will argue that Saddam was indeed an imminent threat, whether or not each and every fraction of his stockpile had yet been refined into something more deadly yet.
Soviet satellites in 1979 over South Africa= troops/teams on the ground in an occupied country with free reign?
Of course not – but consider the size of UNMOVIC and the relative value of satellites during that venture.

“Free reign?” Bullshit. American troops are barely safe outside massive armored convoys. We still don’t have the total, unhindered access necessary to make an extensive, utterly thorough check.
You act as if it was up to the soldiers whether they used them or not. There were plenty of fanatics who would've been given the order.

Are you finished contradicting yourself? First you say the scientists are loyal to Saddam to continue denying WMD existence after the war, but the soldiers are not, then you say that it's just WMD components, then 180 again and say that the weapons were there but just weren't used.
Regional or local commanders might have refused orders to deploy WMD on the basis that it would have meant total retaliation and potentially post-war imprisonment. They knew they would lose anyway.

I don’t believe all of Saddam’s former scientists.

And I was referring in general to the idiocy of the claim that Saddam would have to have used WMD during the war.
No, a drone that didn't even come under the list of proscribed items and was fitted for recon was discovered and dismissed by the UN. You know this full well.
A drone nonetheless in the public eye.
The accusation was that they'd be fitted with WMD, in case you didn't remember.
Time constraints. Too visible.
So says the fanatic with no proof but staunch faith in an administration whoose record with facts is not stellar. You just love your hypothetical after-the-fact rationalizations, don't you?
So says the man who reasonably analyzes Saddam Hussein as leading a régime that clearly went to pains to evade UN inspection in the past.
So it would take 3 weeks for an WMD order to go out because of Baathist loyalties which would somehow make the command structure inefficient? You need more practice with these after the fact what ifs.
Yes, actually. Iraq’s military was horrifically inefficient. They might have shot themselves in the foot logistically by first burying or distributing across the country the components for WMD.
Then ... *tada!* they're incompetent.
Hardly. Educated action based on speculation are par for the course, Vympel.
- Saddam is not, and never was, a madman. Every decision he ever made was terribly rational. Remember when I posted what Ambassadar April Glaspie said to Iraq about it's opinion of Iraq and Kuwait prior to the Gulf War?
- Your claim of preemption remains outrageous. That you seriously think Iraq was a threat to the United States is just downright scary.
Saddam was indeed a madman. No pragmatist would ever have made the same determinations made by Hussein either over Iran or vis-a-vie the United Nations.

That you don’t believe Iraq anything but toothless is downright scary. Especially since they wouldn’t hit Australia if they could.
The middle ground between letting yourself be attacked and attacking someone who doesn't threaten you is *surprise* building a convincing case for action based on a clear and present danger to your national security.
It is only your opinion that Bush didn’t make the correct argument.
What were his intentions Kast? You're not one of those crazy UN conspiracy theorists, on top of all your many other issues?
The man would have done anything to avoid war, Vympel.
In other words, the same controversial, unverified crap from the Telegraph, which hasn't been shown to anyone, and which is supposedly signed by an *unamed* Iraqi head of intelligence. All this in the background of forged documents being sold to credulous media in Iraq to make a quick buck.
Note the word, “separately.”
Might. Not might as in strength, but might as in 'oh, Iraq *might* do this'. And if the 'what' was in response to what I said was rank incompetence, I stand by that position- the peace in Iraq is being run by incompetents.
Those are the kind of determinations that leaders concerned with the security of their nation must make on a daily basis.
As you said, greet them them with bunt cake.
Now it’s a case of, “I saw what I wanted to see,” on your part. We were warned of a long and potentially unfriendly war/welcome.
We were discussing Al-Qaeda. The point being that the recent bombings show that Al-Qaeda is still quite capable of organizing suicide bombings and mass death.
Al-Qaeda is still dangerous, yes. That’s not to say they aren’t hemorrhaging badly. Their area-of-operations certainly seems to have been significantly whittled down.
See other thread.
Concession accepted. “Fart nugget” indeed.
You do realize these sites had legitimate industrial/ research uses? You don't think trucks move about?
Just prior to the arrival of UNMOVIC and on numerous occasions? Way to go with those best-case scenarios.
An attack by Iraq against the United States was imminent? You're delusional! What the fuck were they gonna do?
Terrorism. Chain-reaction stuff related to Israel. The potential was always there.
And you'd know this for a fact of course, who the fuck are you, Ari Fleicher? That you think you have an absolute fucking mite of authority to presume to dictate on what POTUS really means when he says something only makes you out to be crazier than I already thought you were.
Think about what the fuck you’re saying. You’re telling me my analysis is less credible than yours because I’m not Ari Fleischer. Mine at least takes into account room for public preening. Yours is a knee-jerk interpretation of the man.
Strawman, you dumbfuck. The first and foremost objective was GET OSAMA. They failed, and subsituted it for the overthrow of the Taliban.
Ever heard of parallel objectives? Toppling the Taliban was one of our objectives. It was alongside actually capturing Osama. Washington never intended to leave the Afghani government in place after September 11th.
It's Karzai's fault fighting rages outside Kabul?
It’s a result of the war. That doesn’t mean our troops aren’t still on the ground.
People in Saudi Arabia were upset that Al-Qaeda blew up Westerners? Source please.
Either Newsday or TIME Magazine carried an article related to Moroccan and Palestinian anger at al-Qaeda over the attacks.
Discusses the events of the bombings- 34 dead, 9 americans, 9 of the assassins, attacks in casablanca also against completely Western targets.

"Before Riyadh and Casablanca, it was tempting, if just for a moment, to believe that the war on terrorism was going well ... Then reality kicked in with a vengeance. After the latest blasts, noone is talking about turning any tide. Instead, the world is focusued again on mourning, on soul searching, on how to deliver an effective response"
You found the article before. Who cares now?
Retard alert. Please demonstrate where South Africa went through 7 years of intensive UN weapons inspections that destroyed many thousands of tons of *verified* WMD material- with inspectors from that effort maintaining that South Africa was disarmed. Please demonstrate where the Red Army invaded and occupied South Africa and is now crawling all over the place looking for masses of WMD to wave triumphantly at cameras?
We still don’t have access to 100% of the country. Not to mention that the Russians spent two years monitoring some fairly blatant activity.
Since when does the world look to France and Germany for leadership? You accused me of distorting your argument and then continue to say precisely what I thought you said- that because it was unpopular in France/Germany it was unpopular everwhere else. It's absurd- anti-war people in Australia certainly weren't going on about how it was a good thing France was against it.
The anti-war movement would never have been so strong had France and Germany supported us.
And this is genocide? No, it isn't. You can't point to an organized campaign to eliminate the Shi'ites of Iraq as an ethnic group. Your defintion remains warped. The Final Solution was genocide. What happened to the Armenians was genocide. What happened in Rwanda was genocide (where the Hutus killed some 1,000,000 Tutsis in an orgy of destruction that lasted some 100 days).
His troops did seek to exterminate certain parts of his own population…
Perhaps they were in missions where the attack was cancelled or they'd by gunned down before reaching the objective.
Vympel said “veteran suicide bombers.” My statement was “veteran HAMAS and al-Qaeda.” You know. The other 99% of each group.
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Post by EmperorChrostas the Cruel »

I know, I know! The term just lept off the page, causing an alergic reaction to my funnybone.
It's just that veteran suicide bombers is like;

Jaded nymphomaniac virgins.

High temp cryogenics.

Empathic sadists.

"It is happening now, It has happened before, It will surely happen again."
Oldest member of, not most mature.
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Post by Vympel »

Axis Kast wrote:
And as I’ve said before, time will tell. Only recently were American troops able to get into most of Baghdad safely. It’ll take months if not years to exhaust all possible contingencies.
And if the effort is abandoned publicly before then, will you concede?
“Not all weaponized?” What’s Iraq realistically going to do with litre upon litre of biological growth medium during wartime?
What during wartime? This stuff was sent in the 1980s. Iraq deployed chemical weapons in the war with Iran, but that doesn't mean the material *had* to be weapnonized, and indeed it wasn't: the Iraqis even placed unweaponized sludge directly into warheads (found by UNSCOM in the first round of inspections)- completely harmless. It is quite likely they didn't have either the capability or the inclination to weaponize all material.
Again, you’re attempting to deny the validity of educated speculation in geopolitics. Almost everything is based on an educated guess when it comes to a nation’s black-area activities. Many in the administration – and in the United States or Great Britain – will argue that Saddam was indeed an imminent threat, whether or not each and every fraction of his stockpile had yet been refined into something more deadly yet.
It wasn't educated speculation. It was moron speculation.
Of course not – but consider the size of UNMOVIC and the relative value of satellites during that venture.
What's your point.
“Free reign?” Bullshit. American troops are barely safe outside massive armored convoys. We still don’t have the total, unhindered access necessary to make an extensive, utterly thorough check.
Bullfuck- where has anyone made that claim? All the sites had been earmarked for searches prior to the beginning of the war, and hundreds have already been checked- in particular, one embarassing incident where they found a cache of vaccuum cleaners.

Regional or local commanders might have refused orders to deploy WMD on the basis that it would have meant total retaliation and potentially post-war imprisonment. They knew they would lose anyway.

I don’t believe all of Saddam’s former scientists.

And I was referring in general to the idiocy of the claim that Saddam would have to have used WMD during the war.
Yes, an 'idiot' claim made by the CIA :lol: Maybe if the Office of Special Plans had made it you'd be more accomodating.

A drone nonetheless in the public eye.
So what?

Time constraints. Too visible.
When Saddam knew war was coming for how long? Come now.
So says the man who reasonably analyzes Saddam Hussein as leading a régime that clearly went to pains to evade UN inspection in the past.
Yes, pains induced by US attempts to insert spies into the inspection teams back in 1998, remember?
Yes, actually. Iraq’s military was horrifically inefficient. They might have shot themselves in the foot logistically by first burying or distributing across the country the components for WMD.
That's just stupid- they're going to dismantle their warfighting capability and distribute it around the country prior to massive invasion out of inefficiency?
Hardly. Educated action based on speculation are par for the course, Vympel.
No, it is unacceptable.
Saddam was indeed a madman. No pragmatist would ever have made the same determinations made by Hussein either over Iran or vis-a-vie the United Nations.
How so? He had the full support of the United States and surrounding nations in his war with theocratic Iran.
That you don’t believe Iraq anything but toothless is downright scary. Especially since they wouldn’t hit Australia if they could.
I'm not responsible for your fantasies :twisted:
It is only your opinion that Bush didn’t make the correct argument.
Reinforced by every single day WMD goes unfound.
The man would have done anything to avoid war, Vympel.
So does that mean I get to say "they would've done anything to justify war" if WMD are found in Iraq?

Is it your contention then that Blix somehow torpedoed inspection efforts? Where is your evidence for this claim?

Note the word, “separately.”
What, sepearely as in "oh, we saw it too".
Those are the kind of determinations that leaders concerned with the security of their nation must make on a daily basis.
There's also the requirement that they should be competent.

Now it’s a case of, “I saw what I wanted to see,” on your part. We were warned of a long and potentially unfriendly war/welcome.
Obviously, you've forgotten the 'cake-walk' quote.
Al-Qaeda is still dangerous, yes. That’s not to say they aren’t hemorrhaging badly. Their area-of-operations certainly seems to have been significantly whittled down.
Terrorists strike soft, unprotected targets. We'll see.

Concession accepted. “Fart nugget” indeed.
I conceded did I? Dumbass .... :roll:

Just prior to the arrival of UNMOVIC and on numerous occasions? Way to go with those best-case scenarios.
Denied by UNMOVIC. Try again.
Terrorism. Chain-reaction stuff related to Israel. The potential was always there.
Nice vague handwaving totally divorced from the facts.
Think about what the fuck you’re saying. You’re telling me my analysis is less credible than yours because I’m not Ari Fleischer. Mine at least takes into account room for public preening. Yours is a knee-jerk interpretation of the man.
No, mine is taking the public pronouncements of the leader of the fucking nation at face value- yours attempts to introduce unjustified spin on unknown, unknowable terms (his motivations behind saying it) in an attempt to save your stupid argument.
Ever heard of parallel objectives? Toppling the Taliban was one of our objectives. It was alongside actually capturing Osama. Washington never intended to leave the Afghani government in place after September 11th.
I never contended they did- so cut the strawman.
It’s a result of the war. That doesn’t mean our troops aren’t still on the ground.
Sitting in their bases getting rocketed.
Either Newsday or TIME Magazine carried an article related to Moroccan and Palestinian anger at al-Qaeda over the attacks.
Reference? Which Moroccans? Which Palestinians?
You found the article before. Who cares now?
You referenced it as if it was proving something.

We still don’t have access to 100% of the country. Not to mention that the Russians spent two years monitoring some fairly blatant activity.
You have two years of satellite work in 1979 (compare to satellite technology today) by the Soviets and you're seriously trying to compare it to 12 years of scrutiny by the United States followed by occupation? US troops have access to 100% of the country- they can go where they will, and they have been.

The anti-war movement would never have been so strong had France and Germany supported us.
As part of said movement, I think that's wrong. Noone cared what France or Germany said- I personally wouldn't give moral authority to them or anyone else.
His troops did seek to exterminate certain parts of his own population…
Not the entire group.
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Post by Axis Kast »

And if the effort is abandoned publicly before then, will you concede?
That’s too nebulous a question. It would of course depend on the circumstances.
What during wartime? This stuff was sent in the 1980s. Iraq deployed chemical weapons in the war with Iran, but that doesn't mean the material *had* to be weapnonized, and indeed it wasn't: the Iraqis even placed unweaponized sludge directly into warheads (found by UNSCOM in the first round of inspections)- completely harmless. It is quite likely they didn't have either the capability or the inclination to weaponize all material.
“What during wartime?” Try the Iran-Iraq War. “In the 1980s,” in case you hadn’t noticed.

Are you implying that only material confirmed to be weaponized could have represented a threat? That’s an overly optimistic appraisal of the situation – especially coming from somehow criticizing an intelligence-gathering community tasked with ensuring the personal security of over 250 million people. In your blind quest for absolute fact, Vympel, you’ve passed up certain key staples of national security policy: speculation, theorization, and educated hypotheses. Chemicals sent to Iraq with the clear if unwritten understanding that they were to be later cooked into artillery shells don’t necessary fall off the radar simply because they are not used within a specific time frame. The potential for Iraq to cause havoc doesn’t vastly diminish with time. Not to mention that you’re still using the “American yardstick” while discussing Iraqi capability. Don’t for a moment assume that he logistical precedent is anywhere near similar. It is hardly a realistic leap of logic to consider that the Iraqi military might not have been able to unearth previously hidden weaponry in time to organize strikes on Coalition or other targets. Remember that the war’s quick conclusion was a surprise even to Washington.
It wasn't educated speculation. It was moron speculation.
Once more, easy sniping by somebody without full appreciation for the grey areas in intelligence gathering and national security policy. Wait for absolute, undeniable fact and you end up with a pair of shattered towers and three thousand dead. The very reasoning you use to defame Washington for the invasion of Iraq was proven faulty when it staunched questionable findings before September 11th.
What's your point.
Considering the size of UNMOVIC’s teams on the ground in Iraq, satellites and reconnaissance aircraft were tasked with just about the same amount of work as Soviet satellites over the southern tip of Africa in 1979. And remember that Moscow was at that time tracking any and all large-scale military movement by the SADF.
Bullfuck- where has anyone made that claim? All the sites had been earmarked for searches prior to the beginning of the war, and hundreds have already been checked- in particular, one embarassing incident where they found a cache of vaccuum cleaners.
“All the sites?” You mean all the known, suspected sites. You’re ignoring the potential for Hussein to have hidden his stockpiles elsewhere. The CIA isn’t omnipresent, Vympel.
Yes, an 'idiot' claim made by the CIA.
Nobody ever stated that Saddam’s possession of WMD were contingent upon their use. You imply that because they weren’t used at all, there evidently are none. That’s a massive leap in logic that nobody in American government now cares to take, smug Australian critics aside.
So what?
They would have been destroyed the moment they began to move.
When Saddam knew war was coming for how long? Come now.
Great, so he’s just going to sacrifice his sympathetic status by showing the Americans exactly where he’s hidden his stockpiles and invite the international community to do a 180-degree turn-about in Washington’s favor? Not to mention that the war was never on a precise timetable. There were even questions here at home as to whether we’d give it “a few more months” because the French were whining. Or don’t you remember the al-Samoud refusals and Baghdad’s “one step forward, two steps back” policy?
Yes, pains induced by US attempts to insert spies into the inspection teams back in 1998, remember?
Red herring. Previous insertion of intelligence personnel have nothing to do with Hans Blix’ constant admissions that peace was the highest priority. The man specifically buried in reports what he thought might prove inflammatory.
That's just stupid- they're going to dismantle their warfighting capability and distribute it around the country prior to massive invasion out of inefficiency?
It’s one contingency we’ve got to look into. More likely, little to nothing was ever moved in bulk in the past six months. That’s not to say SCUD launchers couldn’t have been partially dismantled and hidden piece-meal. Everything thus went unused during a war that flattened or dissolved what was left of the resisting Iraqi military even before Saddam could effect a decent escape of his own.
No, it is unacceptable.
Then this whole argument is worthless. If your argument is that nothing is ever acceptable, justifiable, or worthwhile without absolutely, undeniable physical fact or evidence, then we can never prevent more than half of any terrorist attacks before they occur. Period. Preemption of apparent threats is next to impossible within certain windows that limit collateral damage. Or haven’t we heard of Chamberlain and Munich?
How so? He had the full support of the United States and surrounding nations in his war with theocratic Iran.
Look at his piss-poor strategy. At the Baath Party’s horrific inefficiency. At his inability to adequately fend off hordes of Iranian suicide troops. Look at his gamble in Kuwait from the point of view of Iraqi military units on the ground. Look at his horrific decision to make sacrificial lambs of front-line troops before the Saddam Line. From time to time the man did of course take the practical road. That hardly implies that he was bound to it.
Reinforced by every single day WMD goes unfound.
And when it is?

Don’t forget that you still haven’t taken into account the power of Marina’s Soviet argument. The potential, that is, for electronic intelligence to have led us to war on the basis of legitimate fear that Iraq possessed weapons about which there were constant, ominous rumblings and seeming political power plays but which ultimately proven a phantom menace, if you will? These things happen. It’s unfortunate, but that hardly means we’d have made the wrong decision. After all, the police do respond to a four-year-old’s 911 call from time to time.
So does that mean I get to say "they would've done anything to justify war" if WMD are found in Iraq?

Is it your contention then that Blix somehow torpedoed inspection efforts? Where is your evidence for this claim?
It is my contention that Hans Blix certainly colored the books in favor of those against war. Or do you deny that a more candid inspector would not have been in the UN’s best interests?
What, sepearely as in "oh, we saw it too".
“Separately” as in “independently of the Telegraph.”
Obviously, you've forgotten the 'cake-walk' quote.
You are wearing rose-colored glasses, Vympel. Bush repeatedly warned us of “a long road ahead.”
Terrorists strike soft, unprotected targets. We'll see.
Al-Qaeda will strike again. Do I think another September 11th is eminent in the United States? Not for some time, no. And then probably not by al-Qaeda.
I conceded did I?
You made no worthwhile argument other than, “This article is bad because it’s not long enough to suit my tastes.” Willful prejudice.
Denied by UNMOVIC. Try again.
Satellite photos discussed on FOX and CNN would indicate otherwise.
Nice vague handwaving totally divorced from the facts.
Again, it comes down to opinion.
No, mine is taking the public pronouncements of the leader of the fucking nation at face value- yours attempts to introduce unjustified spin on unknown, unknowable terms (his motivations behind saying it) in an attempt to save your stupid argument.
Bullshit. The President warned of a “long road ahead” on numerous occasions. You made the idiotic argument that I’m in no position to interpret my own President’s statements – while you do the same.
I never contended they did- so cut the strawman.
Backpedaling. You’ve been ranting for the past two pages that the Taliban’s collapse was a ruse to avoid our having to face as a nation the inability to yet capture Osama Bin Laden.
Sitting in their bases getting rocketed.
Check the news, you idiot. Sitting in their bases my ass.
Reference? Which Moroccans? Which Palestinians?
Palestinians in Lebanese refugee camps. Moroccans in the city of Casablanca. Al-Qaeda’s losing points.
You referenced it as if it was proving something.
It did prove something. Palestinian links to al-Qaeda.
You have two years of satellite work in 1979 (compare to satellite technology today) by the Soviets and you're seriously trying to compare it to 12 years of scrutiny by the United States followed by occupation? US troops have access to 100% of the country- they can go where they will, and they have been.
Until 2002, UNMOVIC hadn’t been in Iraq since 1998. Those two years of satellite work followed most major SADF deployments, too. One hundred percent of Iraq? No.
As part of said movement, I think that's wrong. Noone cared what France or Germany said- I personally wouldn't give moral authority to them or anyone else.
Do you think the movement against the war either in the U.S. or abroad would have been nearly as powerful had France, Germany, and Belgium agreed with Washington and pledged support?
Not the entire group.
Try as many Marsh Arabs and Kurds as they could get their hands on before international anger cowed Saddam.
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Post by Vympel »

Axis Kast wrote:
That’s too nebulous a question. It would of course depend on the circumstances.
No, it wouldn't depend on the circumstances. If the search was called off, that would be an admission that they weren't there in the first place.
“What during wartime?” Try the Iran-Iraq War. “In the 1980s,” in case you hadn’t noticed.
So you're contending that because Iraq was in a war in the 1980s all material ever sent MUST'VE been weaponized- putting yourself directly at odds with known information- that the material was *not* weaponized, this is from UNSCOM now. It's a good thing you're so well-versed in these matters, for a second I was gonna believe the inspectors :roll:
Are you implying that only material confirmed to be weaponized could have represented a threat?
DER. In case you didn't notice, the threat was played up precisely by claiming that Iraq's weapons program was ongoing! Unweaponized material is USELESS, and if you can't show it's being weaponized, then there is NO THREAT. It's not like it's fucking brain surgery ...
That’s an overly optimistic appraisal of the situation – especially coming from somehow criticizing an intelligence-gathering community tasked with ensuring the personal security of over 250 million people. In your blind quest for absolute fact, Vympel, you’ve passed up certain key staples of national security policy: speculation, theorization, and educated hypotheses.
The differnce between you and me is that you'll pass any speculation, no matter how pathetic, no matter how shoddy, off as canon truth. I just can't *wait* to see what you'll say when the search for WMD is abandoned entirely. If you say anything at all. You have a marevlous habit of quietly dropping points you get beaten on, preferably by cutting out the relevant rebuttal in the post and pretending it wasn't there.
Chemicals sent to Iraq with the clear if unwritten understanding that they were to be later cooked into artillery shells don’t necessary fall off the radar simply because they are not used within a specific time frame. The potential for Iraq to cause havoc doesn’t vastly diminish with time. Not to mention that you’re still using the “American yardstick” while discussing Iraqi capability. Don’t for a moment assume that he logistical precedent is anywhere near similar. It is hardly a realistic leap of logic to consider that the Iraqi military might not have been able to unearth previously hidden weaponry in time to organize strikes on Coalition or other targets. Remember that the war’s quick conclusion was a surprise even to Washington.
Only part of the argument. The claims of Iraq's WMD stemmed from hypothetical extrapolations of weaponization of material whoose status was unknown, and whoose production faciitlites were no longer active. Furthermore, we have the contention of Hussein Kemal back in 1995 that all material was destroyed- four years after the inspections had started and destroyed the remainder.
Once more, easy sniping by somebody without full appreciation for the grey areas in intelligence gathering and national security policy. Wait for absolute, undeniable fact and you end up with a pair of shattered towers and three thousand dead. The very reasoning you use to defame Washington for the invasion of Iraq was proven faulty when it staunched questionable findings before September 11th.
What a load of bullshit- Al-Qaeda had been attacking America repeatedly since long before 2001. Clinton launched strikes against Afghanistan, remember?
Considering the size of UNMOVIC’s teams on the ground in Iraq, satellites and reconnaissance aircraft were tasked with just about the same amount of work as Soviet satellites over the southern tip of Africa in 1979. And remember that Moscow was at that time tracking any and all large-scale military movement by the SADF.
Since when do Soviet satellites in 1979 equate to American satellites in 1991-2002? Why do you refuse to even include the teams on the ground as a factor? I know why- because they destroy any similarity between Iraq and South Africa- there is NO similarity between the two.
“All the sites?” You mean all the known, suspected sites. You’re ignoring the potential for Hussein to have hidden his stockpiles elsewhere. The CIA isn’t omnipresent, Vympel.
No, but various US departments passed off information to the inspectors telling them where to look. They went with an entire laundry list of sites to inspect. If you think you can hide a biowar factory in the middle of the desert, you're wrong.
Nobody ever stated that Saddam’s possession of WMD were contingent upon their use. You imply that because they weren’t used at all, there evidently are none. That’s a massive leap in logic that nobody in American government now cares to take, smug Australian critics aside.
Merely part of the case. The evidence that there were none is overwhelming. The evidence that there were any at all is threadbare.
They would have been destroyed the moment they began to move.
Drones would've been destroyed had they began to move ... you dumbass you realize there was ONE prototype?
Great, so he’s just going to sacrifice his sympathetic status by showing the Americans exactly where he’s hidden his stockpiles and invite the international community to do a 180-degree turn-about in Washington’s favor? Not to mention that the war was never on a precise timetable. There were even questions here at home as to whether we’d give it “a few more months” because the French were whining. Or don’t you remember the al-Samoud refusals and Baghdad’s “one step forward, two steps back” policy?
And you contradict yourself AGAIN. You claim US scrutiny as a defense to Saddam not activating his WMD, but then do a complete 180 and claim that he could have hidden them in plain sight for 12 years, away from the suspected sites!

Red herring.
Learn your fallacies, Kast. You claimed Iraqi obstructionism as proof of WMD, and I provided an alternate reasoning.
Previous insertion of intelligence personnel have nothing to do with Hans Blix’ constant admissions that peace was the highest priority. The man specifically buried in reports what he thought might prove inflammatory.
What'd he bury in his reports?

It’s one contingency we’ve got to look into. More likely, little to nothing was ever moved in bulk in the past six months. That’s not to say SCUD launchers couldn’t have been partially dismantled and hidden piece-meal. Everything thus went unused during a war that flattened or dissolved what was left of the resisting Iraqi military even before Saddam could effect a decent escape of his own.
We'll see if any SCUDs are found. Considering that Iraq was perfectly willing to use Al-Samouds and anti-ship missiles for land attack, I see no reason why they wouldn't use SCUDs.

Then this whole argument is worthless. If your argument is that nothing is ever acceptable, justifiable, or worthwhile without absolutely, undeniable physical fact or evidence, then we can never prevent more than half of any terrorist attacks before they occur. Period. Preemption of apparent threats is next to impossible within certain windows that limit collateral damage. Or haven’t we heard of Chamberlain and Munich?
Bait and switch between preventing terrorist attacks on yourself and preemptively invading another country on the basis of fucked evidence. Surely you can do something less transparent?

:roll: Oh look, it's ye olde irrelevant Hitler comparison. Iraq in the 1990s NEVER equalled Nazi Germany, Kast. You really are off your rocker.
Look at his piss-poor strategy.
At the Baath Party’s horrific inefficiency. At his inability to adequately fend off hordes of Iranian suicide troops. Look at his gamble in Kuwait from the point of view of Iraqi military units on the ground. Look at his horrific decision to make sacrificial lambs of front-line troops before the Saddam Line. From time to time the man did of course take the practical road. That hardly implies that he was bound to it.
That he was not a sound military strategist is a red herring to the issue of whether he engaged in these wars rationally.
And when it is?
It won't be.
Don’t forget that you still haven’t taken into account the power of Marina’s Soviet argument. The potential, that is, for electronic intelligence to have led us to war on the basis of legitimate fear that Iraq possessed weapons about which there were constant, ominous rumblings and seeming political power plays but which ultimately proven a phantom menace, if you will? These things happen. It’s unfortunate, but that hardly means we’d have made the wrong decision. After all, the police do respond to a four-year-old’s 911 call from time to time.
It speaks volumes of your attitude that you think the 'Soviet' argument is 'powerful'. Why don't you put a big neon sign over the NSA, DIA, CIA, OSP saying "look! we're incompetent"

Furthermore, it's bullshit speculation, like most of your statements. Got any evidence of this 'phantom' stuff? Why hasn't it been presented?
It is my contention that Hans Blix certainly colored the books in favor of those against war.
Oh right, like not finding anything is 'coloring the books'. Getting missiles destroyed is 'coloring the books'. Presenting the facts as they were rather than how the US wanted them to be is 'coloring the books'
Or do you deny that a more candid inspector would not have been in the UN’s best interests?
He was candid.
“Separately” as in “independently of the Telegraph.”
Yeah ... and?
You are wearing rose-colored glasses, Vympel. Bush repeatedly warned us of “a long road ahead.”
As usual, you try your old trick of trying to change what it is we were talking about. At no point was any statement made in public to the effect of "the Iraqis are gonna get the shits at us and tell us to fuck off". For lack of a more eloquent appraisal of the situation as it stands now. There have been numerous reports of how administration officials (anonymously, of course) have said that the administration has been totally blindsided by the situation in Iraq- the level of Shi'ite opposition, the hatred of the INC, the disorder etc. They weren't expecting it.

You made no worthwhile argument other than, “This article is bad because it’s not long enough to suit my tastes.” Willful prejudice.
Yes, and there are no Americans in Baghdad too, right Kast? :lol:
Satellite photos discussed on FOX and CNN would indicate otherwise.
Oh bullshit. What happened: "well here, we can clearly see Hans Blix about to walk in, and here, we can clearly see this truck leaving"
Again, it comes down to opinion.
Actually it's more a matter of rabid paranoia, illogical Israel=United States reasoning versus facts and common sense.

Biological or chemical weapons would leave fingerprints, just as the anthrax attacks did. Even if Iraq couldn't be conclusively shown to be the source of such materials, the U.S. government would assume Iraq was the source. Iraq has been under the microscope ever since the Gulf War, and can't possibly assume that it could get away with such an attack. Additionally, paranoid dictators do not give control of something they see as the foundation of their security (the only reason for Iraq to posess WMD) into the hands of Islamic fundamentalist networks, like al-Qaeda, which they can't control.

The notion that Iraq was about to attack the United States is patently absurd, and your "chain reaction stuff" involving Israel beggars the mind in its stupidity.

Additionally, I have yet to hear a single remotely coherent reason for what motivation Iraq would have for using WMD on the United States.

Bullshit. The President warned of a “long road ahead” on numerous occasions. You made the idiotic argument that I’m in no position to interpret my own President’s statements – while you do the same.
And you try the good ol subject change again! This has nothing to do with the 'long road ahead'. We were discussing public pronouncements on catching Osama Bin Laden and destroying Al-Qaeda. Do you have fucking amnesia, or are you just dishonest? And I don't 'interpet' Bush's comments. I repeat them. I leave the 'interpreting' for the benefit of your argument up to you.
Backpedaling. You’ve been ranting for the past two pages that the Taliban’s collapse was a ruse to avoid our having to face as a nation the inability to yet capture Osama Bin Laden.
Definitely amnesia/dishonesty. It is a strawman that I said that they would've left the Taliban in power. It is not a strawman that overthrow of the Taliban was used as a substitute for catching Osama Bin Laden. I didn't backpedal at all. It was a bait and switch consolation prize- why do you think Bush hasn't uttered Osama's name in so long? Why do you think the rhetoric changed from "dead or alive" to "oh, he's not important"?
Check the news, you idiot. Sitting in their bases my ass.
Oh, you mean when a few of them get together to walk along a road and get shot at?
Palestinians in Lebanese refugee camps. Moroccans in the city of Casablanca. Al-Qaeda’s losing points.
And not gaining points with Islamic fundies as well?
It did prove something. Palestinian links to al-Qaeda.
Erm, no, that was page 21.
Until 2002, UNMOVIC hadn’t been in Iraq since 1998. Those two years of satellite work followed most major SADF deployments, too. One hundred percent of Iraq? No.
And the 7 years previous just don't count :roll:
Do you think the movement against the war either in the U.S. or abroad would have been nearly as powerful had France, Germany, and Belgium agreed with Washington and pledged support?
I'm sorry, powerful? What power? The antiwar movement achieved nothing but to make it's voice heard. Common people got up and protested, do you think they gave a shit what President Chirac thought? Perhaps you're projecting your own slavish power worshipping persona onto others.
Try as many Marsh Arabs and Kurds as they could get their hands on before international anger cowed Saddam.
Saddam was cowed by international anger? More bullshit ... when and where did this happen?
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Post by Axis Kast »

No, it wouldn't depend on the circumstances. If the search was called off, that would be an admission that they weren't there in the first place.
Incorrect. Faulty logic. If the search is called off, it’s an admission that they cannot find anything. Nothing more.
So you're contending that because Iraq was in a war in the 1980s all material ever sent MUST'VE been weaponized- putting yourself directly at odds with known information- that the material was *not* weaponized, this is from UNSCOM now. It's a good thing you're so well-versed in these matters, for a second I was gonna believe the inspectors.
Again, we’re talking about a nation clearly at odds with the United States of America and indeed most of its neighbors let alone huge segments of its own population. How much leeway do you wish to give them in terms of being able to stockpile weapons components and yet still circumvent scrutiny or preemption? It’s only logical to assume that a vast majority of the chemicals and equipment imported during wartime were indeed meant for use in the field as combat supplies – i.e. in artillery shells or missile warheads. Just because something is sitting in a warehouse or under a schoolhouse doesn’t mean the potential for deadly use has been eliminated. You offer too much liberty to the enemies of others, Vympel.
DER. In case you didn't notice, the threat was played up precisely by claiming that Iraq's weapons program was ongoing! Unweaponized material is USELESS, and if you can't show it's being weaponized, then there is NO THREAT. It's not like it's fucking brain surgery ...
Incorrect. Unweaponized material has the potential to be deployed in a dangerous situation. Your assessment is the shining, optimistic, best-case scenario.
The differnce between you and me is that you'll pass any speculation, no matter how pathetic, no matter how shoddy, off as canon truth. I just can't *wait* to see what you'll say when the search for WMD is abandoned entirely. If you say anything at all. You have a marevlous habit of quietly dropping points you get beaten on, preferably by cutting out the relevant rebuttal in the post and pretending it wasn't there.
In case you hadn’t noticed, the White House generally approves my “shoddy arguments” – along with what has now become a majority of the United States of America.

As for dropping points? Hang on.
Only part of the argument. The claims of Iraq's WMD stemmed from hypothetical extrapolations of weaponization of material whoose status was unknown, and whoose production faciitlites were no longer active. Furthermore, we have the contention of Hussein Kemal back in 1995 that all material was destroyed- four years after the inspections had started and destroyed the remainder.[]/quote]

Pessimistic speculation is in this case preferable to optimism. Not that I believe Kemal – who was, it has been acknowledged, primarily involved in theory – or that we’ve uncovered each of the production facilities.
What a load of bullshit- Al-Qaeda had been attacking America repeatedly since long before 2001. Clinton launched strikes against Afghanistan, remember?
We still missed September 11th. If we accepted your analysis, that wouldn’t change in the future.
Since when do Soviet satellites in 1979 equate to American satellites in 1991-2002? Why do you refuse to even include the teams on the ground as a factor? I know why- because they destroy any similarity between Iraq and South Africa- there is NO similarity between the two.
Since those Soviet satellites scoured the country for any and all SADF movement during wartime in Angola. Since the South African facilities in question were patently massive. Since “ground teams” weren’t actually in Iraq between 1998 and 2002.
No, but various US departments passed off information to the inspectors telling them where to look. They went with an entire laundry list of sites to inspect. If you think you can hide a biowar factory in the middle of the desert, you're wrong.
See, Kalahari Desert, South Africa. It’s been done.
Merely part of the case. The evidence that there were none is overwhelming. The evidence that there were any at all is threadbare.
At this point, it’s premature to say that we’ve exhausted all options in the search for WMD.
Drones would've been destroyed had they began to move ... you dumbass you realize there was ONE prototype?
As far as I know, there were at least two.
And you contradict yourself AGAIN. You claim US scrutiny as a defense to Saddam not activating his WMD, but then do a complete 180 and claim that he could have hidden them in plain sight for 12 years, away from the suspected sites!
Plain sight? No. In piecemeal, carried by caravans across the nation and hidden in large part under sand dunes, in the earth, or the civilian sector? Absolutely. There’s a large difference between moving components and preparing to fire a SCUD into Israel.
Learn your fallacies, Kast. You claimed Iraqi obstructionism as proof of WMD, and I provided an alternate reasoning.
An alternate reasoning that has nothing to do with Hans Blix’ personal outlook.
We'll see if any SCUDs are found. Considering that Iraq was perfectly willing to use Al-Samouds and anti-ship missiles for land attack, I see no reason why they wouldn't use SCUDs.
The SCUDs were rumored hidden even after 1998.
Bait and switch between preventing terrorist attacks on yourself and preemptively invading another country on the basis of fucked evidence. Surely you can do something less transparent?
As far as I can tell, the two are intrinsically linked. And again, it’s a strong enough basis of evidence for most Americans.
That he was not a sound military strategist is a red herring to the issue of whether he engaged in these wars rationally.
Incorrect. Engaging in war in the first place is part of an overall strategy. Not to mention that idiotic military maneuvers in the field with no actual objective speaks volumes about his lack of logic.
It speaks volumes of your attitude that you think the 'Soviet' argument is 'powerful'. Why don't you put a big neon sign over the NSA, DIA, CIA, OSP saying "look! we're incompetent"

Furthermore, it's bullshit speculation, like most of your statements. Got any evidence of this 'phantom' stuff? Why hasn't it been presented?
The NSA, DIA, CISA, and OSP are founded on making speculation. That’s what they did here.

It’s a theory, Vympel. It would be presented only if very little or nothing was ultimately found.
Oh right, like not finding anything is 'coloring the books'. Getting missiles destroyed is 'coloring the books'. Presenting the facts as they were rather than how the US wanted them to be is 'coloring the books'.
Burying in reports drones that could have been used in combat is “being candid?”
Yeah ... and?
That means independantly.
As usual, you try your old trick of trying to change what it is we were talking about. At no point was any statement made in public to the effect of "the Iraqis are gonna get the shits at us and tell us to fuck off". For lack of a more eloquent appraisal of the situation as it stands now. There have been numerous reports of how administration officials (anonymously, of course) have said that the administration has been totally blindsided by the situation in Iraq- the level of Shi'ite opposition, the hatred of the INC, the disorder etc. They weren't expecting it.
We were unprepared for so complete a victory, yes. Some in the administration are surprised by the degree of Iraqi resistance after the fact, yes. That does not mean we went in with rose-colored glasses.
Yes, and there are no Americans in Baghdad too, right Kast?
Concession accepted.
Oh bullshit. What happened: "well here, we can clearly see Hans Blix about to walk in, and here, we can clearly see this truck leaving".
More like, “trucks.”
Actually it's more a matter of rabid paranoia, illogical Israel=United States reasoning versus facts and common sense.

Biological or chemical weapons would leave fingerprints, just as the anthrax attacks did. Even if Iraq couldn't be conclusively shown to be the source of such materials, the U.S. government would assume Iraq was the source. Iraq has been under the microscope ever since the Gulf War, and can't possibly assume that it could get away with such an attack. Additionally, paranoid dictators do not give control of something they see as the foundation of their security (the only reason for Iraq to posess WMD) into the hands of Islamic fundamentalist networks, like al-Qaeda, which they can't control.

The notion that Iraq was about to attack the United States is patently absurd, and your "chain reaction stuff" involving Israel beggars the mind in its stupidity.

Additionally, I have yet to hear a single remotely coherent reason for what motivation Iraq would have for using WMD on the United States.
You’re forgetting information, training, and intelligence units.

Because Saddam wants to disrupt American power-projection and cause suffering on our homefront for once? It’s not that difficult …
And you try the good ol subject change again! This has nothing to do with the 'long road ahead'. We were discussing public pronouncements on catching Osama Bin Laden and destroying Al-Qaeda. Do you have fucking amnesia, or are you just dishonest? And I don't 'interpet' Bush's comments. I repeat them. I leave the 'interpreting' for the benefit of your argument up to you.
You are making the same interpretations, Vympel. Yours is the, “Let’s take his words at mere face value” argument. And yes, that’s making an assessment – and a wrong one, at that.
Definitely amnesia/dishonesty. It is a strawman that I said that they would've left the Taliban in power. It is not a strawman that overthrow of the Taliban was used as a substitute for catching Osama Bin Laden. I didn't backpedal at all. It was a bait and switch consolation prize- why do you think Bush hasn't uttered Osama's name in so long? Why do you think the rhetoric changed from "dead or alive" to "oh, he's not important"?
Since when did we stop the hunt for bin Laden? How did victory over the Taliban impede the hunt for al-Qaeda?
Oh, you mean when a few of them get together to walk along a road and get shot at?
Red herring. Go watch the news.
And not gaining points with Islamic fundies as well?
Of course they gained points with Islamic fundamentalists. That doesn’t mean they didn’t still take a hit in an unexpected way.
And the 7 years previous just don't count.
When there were gaps of unobservability in between? No.
I'm sorry, powerful? What power? The antiwar movement achieved nothing but to make it's voice heard. Common people got up and protested, do you think they gave a shit what President Chirac thought? Perhaps you're projecting your own slavish power worshipping persona onto others.
Concession accepted. You didn’t even answer the fucking question.
Saddam was cowed by international anger? More bullshit ... when and where did this happen?
Like I said, he tried for genocide but was ultimately dissuaded.
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Anti-French feelings.

Post by jezrianna »

Admiral Johnason wrote:
Most Americans seem to forget that without the French aid in the Revolution, America wouldn't exist. This pisses me off. The French aren't that bad, but they need a serious social revolution.

I love this argument. Our revolution would not have succeded! Without the help of Louis XIV, or whatever his name was, NOT France! And old King Louis didn't help us because he loved liberty, he did it because it would hurt his old enemy England!
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Post by Vympel »

Axis Kast wrote: Incorrect. Faulty logic. If the search is called off, it’s an admission that they cannot find anything. Nothing more.
No, sorry, it is YOUR logic that is faulty. The simplest answer is that Iraq did not possess any.
Again, we’re talking about a nation clearly at odds with the United States of America and indeed most of its neighbors let alone huge segments of its own population. How much leeway do you wish to give them in terms of being able to stockpile weapons components and yet still circumvent scrutiny or preemption? It’s only logical to assume that a vast majority of the chemicals and equipment imported during wartime were indeed meant for use in the field as combat supplies – i.e. in artillery shells or missile warheads. Just because something is sitting in a warehouse or under a schoolhouse doesn’t mean the potential for deadly use has been eliminated. You offer too much liberty to the enemies of others, Vympel.
Thanks for the useless rant. I guess you really do think you have more authority than UNSCOM:
How much leeway do you wish to give them in terms of being able to stockpile weapons components and yet still circumvent scrutiny or preemption?
Strawman. Whoever said Iraq should escape scrutiny? Oh that's right, noone.
Incorrect. Unweaponized material has the potential to be deployed in a dangerous situation. Your assessment is the shining, optimistic, best-case scenario.
My assessment presumes that inspectors will be watching, rather than the strawman distortion that Iraq should be left to do as it pleases.
In case you hadn’t noticed, the White House generally approves my “shoddy arguments” – along with what has now become a majority of the United States of America.
Appeal to popularity fallacy. But like when you conceded on the other thread, you really don't think logic is necessary, do you?

Pessimistic speculation is in this case preferable to optimism. Not that I believe Kemal – who was, it has been acknowledged, primarily involved in theory – or that we’ve uncovered each of the production facilities.
You don't need to believe Kemal. The preponderance of evidence is on his side, though.
We still missed September 11th. If we accepted your analysis, that wouldn’t change in the future.
Are you working on the committee investigating 9/11 then? The word is there were numerous intelligence failures in that respect. My analysis is that actions to preempt attacks should be based on solid evidence, not rabid speculation, especially when the target is another country.

Since those Soviet satellites scoured the country for any and all SADF movement during wartime in Angola. Since the South African facilities in question were patently massive. Since “ground teams” weren’t actually in Iraq between 1998 and 2002.
But they WERE from 91-98!
See, Kalahari Desert, South Africa. It’s been done.
And again, I point to the difference between the two.

At this point, it’s premature to say that we’ve exhausted all options in the search for WMD.
We'll see.

As far as I know, there were at least two.
Well whoopdedoo.

Plain sight? No. In piecemeal, carried by caravans across the nation and hidden in large part under sand dunes, in the earth, or the civilian sector? Absolutely. There’s a large difference between moving components and preparing to fire a SCUD into Israel.
You realize that by making this claim you are destroying Bush's imminent danger claim- not that it had much weight to begin with- if inspectors had remained in Iraq, there is no chance for Iraq to reconstitue such fragmented weapons programs, if they existed at all- furthermore- the US has offered $200,000 to anyone who can supply information leading to a WMD find- you seriously expect me to believe out of all the people involved in such a hypothetical operation, noone would come forward?
An alternate reasoning that has nothing to do with Hans Blix’ personal outlook.
Can you be fucking honest for ONCE? You brought up Iraqi constructionism as evidence. I provided a reason. We weren't discussing BLIX.
The SCUDs were rumored hidden even after 1998.
They fired proscribed Al-Samouds, but not proscribed SCUDs. Fishy.
Bait and switch between preventing terrorist attacks on yourself and preemptively invading another country on the basis of fucked evidence. Surely you can do something less transparent?
As far as I can tell, the two are intrinsically linked. And again, it’s a strong enough basis of evidence for most Americans.
Incorrect. Engaging in war in the first place is part of an overall strategy. Not to mention that idiotic military maneuvers in the field with no actual objective speaks volumes about his lack of logic.
It *is* possible to rationally enter into a war (he had wide support) without fighting it well- military strategy and geopolitical savvy do not go hand in hand. Quite frankly, to make the claim that Saddam must've been crazy because he fucked up the Iran-Iraq war is about the lamest leap in logic you've ever made.
The NSA, DIA, CISA, and OSP are founded on making speculation. That’s what they did here.
Actually, they're founded on the analysis of intelligence- good intelligence services leave their preconcieved notions at the door- bad ones (the OSP) go in with a preconceived idea and let it color their perceptions.
It’s a theory, Vympel. It would be presented only if very little or nothing was ultimately found.
And head's would roll, hopefully.
Burying in reports drones that could have been used in combat is “being candid?"
Considering that the drones didn't have the range to come under the proscribed list, it doesn't get more candid than that.
That means independantly.
Let me get this straight- you think confirmation comes from when two newspapers seperately look at one suspect document?
We were unprepared for so complete a victory, yes. Some in the administration are surprised by the degree of Iraqi resistance after the fact, yes. That does not mean we went in with rose-colored glasses.
Unprepared for so complete a victory? I can provide quite a few quotes of what administration officials (including Vice President Cheney) and key advisors (defense policy board members) thought of the US chances in Iraq- they were very optimisitc indeed.
Concession accepted.
Black Knight syndrome rears it's ugly head once again- that you think you've won when you've already conceded that your arguments are illogical and made the ludicrous claim that logic is better applied to fictional sci-fi arguments than real-life gives stark insight into your delusions.
More like, “trucks.”
Noone ever denied that the pictures were of trucks, retard.
You’re forgetting information, training, and intelligence units.
In terms of what?
Because Saddam wants to disrupt American power-projection and cause suffering on our homefront for once? It’s not that difficult …
Sorry, that cliched Sean Hannity bullshit won't cut it here: what. has. he. got. to. gain. compared. to. what. he. has. got. to. lose.

Concession Accepted on every point you failed to answer, btw.
You are making the same interpretations, Vympel. Yours is the, “Let’s take his words at mere face value” argument.
It's not an argument, it's fucking common sense.
And yes, that’s making an assessment – and a wrong one, at that.
Yes, because you are such an authority on George Bush's state of mind you think you can speak with confidence about what he means. :roll:
Since when did we stop the hunt for bin Laden?
Oh, I don't know, since the emphasis went away from bin Laden?
How did victory over the Taliban impede the hunt for al-Qaeda?
It didn't. So?
Red herring. Go watch the news.
Unlike you, I actually have been. You obviously have no idea that Afghanistan has been tossed to the wolves.
Of course they gained points with Islamic fundamentalists. That doesn’t mean they didn’t still take a hit in an unexpected way.
You'd be the last person I'd expect to be optimistic about new terrorist attacks- but when they happen after victory over Iraq, I guess you'd have to make that argument :twisted:
When there were gaps of unobservability in between? No.
Absolute bullshit. Do you have any idea how many WMD were destroyed by UNSCOM? That doesn't count because of a four year gap? After which nothing has been found anyway?

Concession accepted. You didn’t even answer the fucking question.
Clearly, you have a reading comprehension problem. I gave you you answer, dipshit.
Like I said, he tried for genocide but was ultimately dissuaded.
I'll repeat the question: when?
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Post by Axis Kast »

No, sorry, it is YOUR logic that is faulty. The simplest answer is that Iraq did not possess any.
Simple isn’t automatically correct. Get off your high rocker of formal logic and begin to approach this as a political rather than scientific debate.
Thanks for the useless rant. I guess you really do think you have more authority than UNSCOM.
More properly, I suspect UNSCOM of not having been sufficiently thorough.
Strawman. Whoever said Iraq should escape scrutiny? Oh that's right, noone.

My assessment presumes that inspectors will be watching, rather than the strawman distortion that Iraq should be left to do as it pleases.
By your thinking, we should have instituted ongoing inspection régimes. But such régimes have failed in the recent past – notable where Israel and North Korea were concerned. The ability of UNSCOM to prevent Iraq from deploying existing weapons or developing in private limited amounts of the same is not above fault. Not to mention that Saddam thrived on Blix’ ham-handed approach before the war; or hadn’t you noticed that he waffled for days if not weeks after the issue of the al-Samouds was first broached at all? Not to mention that it turned out Iraq had test facilities for missiles with four times the al-Samoud’s thrust – which was itself already beyond prohibited levels.
Appeal to popularity fallacy. But like when you conceded on the other thread, you really don't think logic is necessary, do you?
The point, Vympel, is that nations are moving on a combination of fact and speculation as opposed to only physical evidence and little more.

Logic is unnecessary from the point of view of having to convince a rival. If you are in the end swayed to my side of the fence, it doesn’t matter how I achieved that victory.
You don't need to believe Kemal. The preponderance of evidence is on his side, though.
Only so long as nothing is found. Not to mention that the man carries weight only as a theoretician.
Are you working on the committee investigating 9/11 then? The word is there were numerous intelligence failures in that respect. My analysis is that actions to preempt attacks should be based on solid evidence, not rabid speculation, especially when the target is another country.
As far as I’m concerned, we had plenty of solid evidence.
But they WERE from 91-98!
Wishful thinking. Who’s to say that nothing new was done during the window between ’98 and ’02?
And again, I point to the difference between the two.
Not yet discernable considering that new American inspections have barely begun to scratch the surface.
You realize that by making this claim you are destroying Bush's imminent danger claim- not that it had much weight to begin with- if inspectors had remained in Iraq, there is no chance for Iraq to reconstitue such fragmented weapons programs, if they existed at all- furthermore- the US has offered $200,000 to anyone who can supply information leading to a WMD find- you seriously expect me to believe out of all the people involved in such a hypothetical operation, noone would come forward?
Just like in Israel, correct? Inspectors certainly proved their worth in that situation.

Plenty of unclaimed bounties have been offered in history, Vympel. Not all are always taken. That proves absolutely nothing.
Can you be fucking honest for ONCE? You brought up Iraqi constructionism as evidence. I provided a reason. We weren't discussing BLIX.
It’s obstructionism. And my argument was that Blix exacerbated the situation. Then again, we all know your take on the absolutely unbiased inspectorate. :roll:
They fired proscribed Al-Samouds, but not proscribed SCUDs. Fishy.
That’s the point, Vympel. The SCUDs were buried or broken down.
It *is* possible to rationally enter into a war (he had wide support) without fighting it well- military strategy and geopolitical savvy do not go hand in hand. Quite frankly, to make the claim that Saddam must've been crazy because he fucked up the Iran-Iraq war is about the lamest leap in logic you've ever made.
Saddam has made rational decisions in the past. That does not however make him a rational individual. He was patently paranoid and absolutely unable to come up with objective strategy during the Iran-Iraq War, a factor that led to the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of his countrymen in schemes against which he was repeatedly warned. The man specialized in illogical administration.
Actually, they're founded on the analysis of intelligence- good intelligence services leave their preconcieved notions at the door- bad ones (the OSP) go in with a preconceived idea and let it color their perceptions.
It’s what you have to do when you’re facing the threat of state-sponsored terrorism.
Considering that the drones didn't have the range to come under the proscribed list, it doesn't get more candid than that.
And for what reason did Saddam have these drones, Vympel? To fertilize his fucking fields?
Let me get this straight- you think confirmation comes from when two newspapers seperately look at one suspect document?
Regarding the French? That’s what the Sunday Times’ statements were referring to, and that’s what you asked about.
Unprepared for so complete a victory? I can provide quite a few quotes of what administration officials (including Vice President Cheney) and key advisors (defense policy board members) thought of the US chances in Iraq- they were very optimisitc indeed.
But we’re not talking about chances. We’re talking about the length of the fighting.
Black Knight syndrome rears it's ugly head once again- that you think you've won when you've already conceded that your arguments are illogical and made the ludicrous claim that logic is better applied to fictional sci-fi arguments than real-life gives stark insight into your delusions.
But it’s all true. You hide consistently behind the veil of formal logic used in science fiction debates when it comes to geopolitics. As Justin has said, you cannot see it any other way but your own.
In terms of what?
In terms of Iraqi intelligence officials in Palestine. Or Palestinians in Iraq.
Noone ever denied that the pictures were of trucks, retard.
I just love your optimism. “Trucks consistently leaving sites earmarked for weapons inspections are probably legitimate and don’t need to be considered with suspicion.”
It's not an argument, it's fucking common sense.
No. It’s fucking common sense to know that the man preens for the camera as a head of state from time to time.
Yes, because you are such an authority on George Bush's state of mind you think you can speak with confidence about what he means.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Oh, I don't know, since the emphasis went away from bin Laden?

It didn't. So?
Wait. If victory over the Taliban didn’t impede our search for bin Laden, then how did the emphasis shift unacceptably?
Unlike you, I actually have been. You obviously have no idea that Afghanistan has been tossed to the wolves.
We just began another round of sweeps – or hadn’t you heard?
Absolute bullshit. Do you have any idea how many WMD were destroyed by UNSCOM? That doesn't count because of a four year gap? After which nothing has been found anyway?
Just because nothing was found doesn’t mean nothing is there. We’ve not yet exhausted all of the options.
Clearly, you have a reading comprehension problem. I gave you you answer, dipshit.
No, you didn’t. The question was whether the antiwar movement would have been so pronounced and the resistance to Bush so strong had France, Germany, and Belgium signed on to Washington’s plan to invade Iraq.
Sorry, that cliched Sean Hannity bullshit won't cut it here: what. has. he. got. to. gain. compared. to. what. he. has. got. to. lose.

Concession Accepted on every point you failed to answer, btw.
Terrorism that hits the United States based on Iraqi training wouldn’t necessarily leave “marks.” Not to mention that Saddam staked much of his career on heavy criticism and outright support of violence against Israel.
I'll repeat the question: when?
Immediately during and after the Iran-Iraq War.
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Post by Vympel »

Axis Kast wrote:
Simple isn’t automatically correct. Get off your high rocker of formal logic and begin to approach this as a political rather than scientific debate.
Logic is useful in ALL debates. It's the only way to decide whether your argument truely follows or not.
More properly, I suspect UNSCOM of not having been sufficiently thorough.
Because you don't like what they said? Sorry, in the absence of countervailing evidence, you have zero reason to make that claim.
By your thinking, we should have instituted ongoing inspection régimes. But such régimes have failed in the recent past – notable where Israel and North Korea were concerned.
Israel was under an Iraqi style inspections regime, under intense hyperpower scrutiny? Because North Korea wasn't- I've already told you this: IAEA inspectors only were watching to make sure certain sealed fuel rods weren't used to extract nuclear material, not a blanket mandate to prevent NK from acquiring WMD.
The ability of UNSCOM to prevent Iraq from deploying existing weapons or developing in private limited amounts of the same is not above fault. Not to mention that Saddam thrived on Blix’ ham-handed approach before the war; or hadn’t you noticed that he waffled for days if not weeks after the issue of the al-Samouds was first broached at all? Not to mention that it turned out Iraq had test facilities for missiles with four times the al-Samoud’s thrust – which was itself already beyond prohibited levels.
And these test facilities dated back to when? Were they new? Had they been used? Devil in the details. Blix didn't waffle when he came to the Al-Samouds- it was an open question whether they were indeed proscribed or not- he had them scrapped anyway.
The point, Vympel, is that nations are moving on a combination of fact and speculation as opposed to only physical evidence and little more.
The evidence doesn't have to be physical. It just has to be good.
Logic is unnecessary from the point of view of having to convince a rival. If you are in the end swayed to my side of the fence, it doesn’t matter how I achieved that victory.
The only way I would be swayed would be if WMD representing the claims were found in Iraq= that would provide justification for the war, at least as it was framed by the administration (not in my own eyes).
Only so long as nothing is found. Not to mention that the man carries weight only as a theoretician.
His skills are not as relevant as his background, and what he alleges he knows to be true about the situation.

As far as I’m concerned, we had plenty of solid evidence.
Like what, the obviously forged documents that didn't recieve any scrutiny? The debunked aluminum tubes claim?
Wishful thinking. Who’s to say that nothing new was done during the window between ’98 and ’02?
That's what the 02-03 inspections were for. Nothing was found there either.
Not yet discernable considering that new American inspections have barely begun to scratch the surface.
They've already been to most of the suspected sites- it is increasingly unlikely that anything will be found at all- if it is, it certainly won't be on the scale that Bush claimed.

Just like in Israel, correct? Inspectors certainly proved their worth in that situation.
Israel was under an Iraq-like inspections regime and crushing sanctions? I think not.
Plenty of unclaimed bounties have been offered in history, Vympel. Not all are always taken. That proves absolutely nothing.
It's just yet another morsel to be thrown on the "no WMD" pile.
It’s obstructionism.
Sorry for the typo :roll:
And my argument was that Blix exacerbated the situation. Then again, we all know your take on the absolutely unbiased inspectorate. :roll:
No, obviously, American inspectors would've been better for the job ... your claim of bias remains completely unfounded.
That’s the point, Vympel. The SCUDs were buried or broken down.
Or- they weren't there to be used. Why weren't the Al-Samouds broken down?
Saddam has made rational decisions in the past. That does not however make him a rational individual. He was patently paranoid and absolutely unable to come up with objective strategy during the Iran-Iraq War, a factor that led to the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of his countrymen in schemes against which he was repeatedly warned. The man specialized in illogical administration.
His military incompetence is not an issue- the results of the war is not an issue- that he was not CRAZY to enter into the war, from a purely rational viewpoint, is.
It’s what you have to do when you’re facing the threat of state-sponsored terrorism.
It doesn't seem to be acceptable to the US: the CIA has already started an investigation into possible intelligence failures surrounding the WMD issue in Iraq.
And for what reason did Saddam have these drones, Vympel? To fertilize his fucking fields?
FOR FUCK'S SAKE! It was a recon drone, YOU IDIOT! It didn't have fucking chemical spray tanks on it, or anything of the sort! It didn't even have the fucking RANGE. It was NOT ILLEGAL.

Regarding the French? That’s what the Sunday Times’ statements were referring to, and that’s what you asked about.
Which is not confirmation- it's repetition of a claim.
But we’re not talking about chances. We’re talking about the length of the fighting.
No, it was the perception that America would be welcomed as liberators and that in no time Iraqis would be governing themselves. No thought was given to how they'd be recieved, and the incompetent civil administration up to this point and the understandable jumpiness of US soldiers has already seen some commentators warn of the 'West Bank' of the United States. Chalabi, the INC man, who was seen a some sort of catch all cure (buggered if I know why, he hasn't been in Iraq for four decades or something), has been largely cut loose. The preparation was utterly inadequate.
But it’s all true.
Logic doesn't apply in real life? It's better to make arguments where your conclusion doesn't follow the premise?
You hide consistently behind the veil of formal logic used in science fiction debates when it comes to geopolitics. As Justin has said, you cannot see it any other way but your own.
That I attempt to see things in logical terms is something that I think is quite valuable and works to keep my head on level ground. It is not 'my own' way. I go where the evidence is.
In terms of Iraqi intelligence officials in Palestine. Or Palestinians in Iraq.
And this has what to do with I posted? I was discussing the threat to the United States, the liklihood of any sort of Iraqi attack on the United States, and specifically, the liklihood that Iraq would use WMD on the United States, specifically, by giving them to terrorists.
I just love your optimism. “Trucks consistently leaving sites earmarked for weapons inspections are probably legitimate and don’t need to be considered with suspicion.”
Considering that some of these sites had legitimate research purposes were activity was ongoing, this isn't blowing me away, Kast.

No. It’s fucking common sense to know that the man preens for the camera as a head of state from time to time.
This is starting to sound like talking with a confused Christian- tell me, when do we decide that they're preening and when do we decide they're being earnest, and on what basis do we make the determination?

Pot. Kettle. Black.
Sorry, doesn't fly. I merely repeat what he said.
Wait. If victory over the Taliban didn’t impede our search for bin Laden, then how did the emphasis shift unacceptably?
I didn't say emphasis shifted. I said they failed, and offered up the toppling of the Taliban as a consolation prize.
We just began another round of sweeps – or hadn’t you heard?
Like Operation Valiant Strike, a massive operation where not a single Al-Qaeda or Taliban fighter was found, perhaps?
Just because nothing was found doesn’t mean nothing is there.
Burden of proof fallacy: also known as "the absence of evidence is not evidence of absensce"
We’ve not yet exhausted all of the options.
They may yet be found. I doubt it severely though.
No, you didn’t. The question was whether the antiwar movement would have been so pronounced and the resistance to Bush so strong had France, Germany, and Belgium signed on to Washington’s plan to invade Iraq.
Actually, you asked if it was as powerful. Not only did I answer that it had no power as such (obviously), but also that in my view the anti-war movement wasn't looking to France, Germany and Belgium for moral leadership. Quite frankly, I think it's a which came first question: French etc opposition, or anti-war protests?
Terrorism that hits the United States based on Iraqi training wouldn’t necessarily leave “marks.”
As I said, Iraq would be assumed by the United States to be the source even if it didn't leave marks, and that's highly unlikely- the source of WMD attacks can be traced (i.e. the anthrax attacks that moron Fox commentators tried to pin on Iraq, when it was actually domestic strain). We know it was al-qaeda that blew up the WTC.
Not to mention that Saddam staked much of his career on heavy criticism and outright support of violence against Israel.
Red herring. I'll repeat: what has he got to gain by attacking two nations equipped with overwhelming military and nuclear force by extremely weak WMD attack? His outright destruction? That's just brilliant. Furhtermore, Saddam Hussein is a dictator. By definition, his career is staked on nothing but his own power- he answers to noone and nothing. Furthermore, if his Arab credibility were somehow at stake (which it wasn't), then the fact that Saddam Hussein attacked Israel would again become known quite quickly: again, leading to his destruction.
Immediately during and after the Iran-Iraq War.
Would that be the outrage that saw President Reagan block a Congress (or was it Senate? whatever) resolution sanctioning Iraq for it's actions in gassing the Kurds, allowing normal relaitons to be continue?
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Post by Axis Kast »

Logic is useful in ALL debates. It's the only way to decide whether your argument truely follows or not.
You hide behind rules and sayings, Vympel, safe in your ivory tower of circular bullshit.
Because you don't like what they said? Sorry, in the absence of countervailing evidence, you have zero reason to make that claim.
UNSCOM was on the ground for a period of months. During that time they were charged with inspection of what must be considered mostly “high-profile” targets. Add to this fact that we repeatedly saw convoys leaving several sites just prior to the arrival of weapons inspectors, the fact that Hans Blix buried in his reports evidence he knew Washington would jump upon, and the ease with which Israel fooled inspectors in the past, and there’s clearly a strong argument to be made that UNSCOM wasn’t sufficiently thorough. Not that it could have been without régime-change, either.
Israel was under an Iraqi style inspections regime, under intense hyperpower scrutiny? Because North Korea wasn't- I've already told you this: IAEA inspectors only were watching to make sure certain sealed fuel rods weren't used to extract nuclear material, not a blanket mandate to prevent NK from acquiring WMD.
An “Iraq-style inspection régime?” Israel was forced to endure the same sort of inspections Iraq recently underwent. Not to mention a heavy dose of reconnaissance over-flights and satellite scrutiny. You also ignore the fact that Hans Blix was only responsible for one leg of the whole mess: actual WMD. He did absolutely nothing to combat Iraq’s intelligence maneuvers.
And these test facilities dated back to when? Were they new? Had they been used? Devil in the details. Blix didn't waffle when he came to the Al-Samouds- it was an open question whether they were indeed proscribed or not- he had them scrapped anyway.
The fact that they existed at all after 1998 is evidence that Iraq could indeed build and test weapons prohibited to it, Vympel. If indeed the UN was so thorough until now, why were the facilities there at all?
The evidence doesn't have to be physical. It just has to be good.
Oh, it is good. You simply disagree with it.
The only way I would be swayed would be if WMD representing the claims were found in Iraq= that would provide justification for the war, at least as it was framed by the administration (not in my own eyes).
So, essentially, almost nothing Washington or anybody else could possibly do would ever sway you. Hence the ridiculousness of this argument. I’m preaching to an empty church.
His skills are not as relevant as his background, and what he alleges he knows to be true about the situation.
His background? Are you now going to make a similar leap of logic and claim that every military man is an expert on every level? Bullshit. The man was a theoretician – no matter how many times he was shuffled around to departments with similar titles and the same objectives.
Like what, the obviously forged documents that didn't recieve any scrutiny? The debunked aluminum tubes claim?
The aluminum tubes claim was never debunked. You continually harp on the fact that they it would have been difficult and expensive but never impossible to fashion them into crude centrifuges. You never addressed the fact that the tubes themselves were prohibited under import restrictions in the first place. You never answered why Iraq would go to the trouble of importing such equipment while under sanction if it was meant only for a conventional arsenal – and a program that was ongoing without results for over twelve years at that. Your entire argument rests on Baradei’s assertion that they weren’t the best tools for the job.
That's what the 02-03 inspections were for. Nothing was found there either.
You mean like drones that clearly violated the spirit of the sanctions? Or the al-Samoud missiles? Or the test facilities for the same?
They've already been to most of the suspected sites- it is increasingly unlikely that anything will be found at all- if it is, it certainly won't be on the scale that Bush claimed.
Scale is unnecessary. If they find any stockpiles at all, Iraq will have been confirmed to have been a threat. Not to mention that it’s very likely he hid that material in remote or civilian locations previously unchecked by UNSCOM.
Israel was under an Iraq-like inspections regime and crushing sanctions? I think not.
Sanctions didn’t prevent North Korea or Pakistan from developing arsenals of their own, much less Iran. The same can be said of South Africa.

Israeli facilities were the subjects of intense observation.
It's just yet another morsel to be thrown on the "no WMD" pile.
But in the end that changes nothing.
No, obviously, American inspectors would've been better for the job ... your claim of bias remains completely unfounded.
When Blix admits that peace – rather than the objective assessment of Iraqi capabilities – was his first goal? When he buries reports he knows Washington will find suspicious? Bullshit.

Bush was correct from the start. The only way to ensure compliance is temporary occupation providing 100% access.
Or- they weren't there to be used. Why weren't the Al-Samouds broken down?
Hm, let’s see, because they were discovered perhaps?

The SCUDs were rumored hidden as early as 1998.
His military incompetence is not an issue- the results of the war is not an issue- that he was not CRAZY to enter into the war, from a purely rational viewpoint, is.
Bullshit. We trace Hitler’s logical failures through Barbarossa. Merely because Saddam stepped into war thinking he had the upper hand doesn’t mean his actions thereafter are defensible from any point of view.
It doesn't seem to be acceptable to the US: the CIA has already started an investigation into possible intelligence failures surrounding the WMD issue in Iraq.
Because nothing was yet found.
FOR FUCK'S SAKE! It was a recon drone, YOU IDIOT! It didn't have fucking chemical spray tanks on it, or anything of the sort! It didn't even have the fucking RANGE. It was NOT ILLEGAL.
You’re going to sit here and tell me that those drones didn’t violate the intent of a series of sanctions? You’re going to sit here and tell me that there was no way to put chemical drop-tanks or warheads in those vehicles – at all?
Which is not confirmation- it's repetition of a claim.
So now the word of a respectable newspaper is merely “a claim?”
No, it was the perception that America would be welcomed as liberators and that in no time Iraqis would be governing themselves. No thought was given to how they'd be recieved, and the incompetent civil administration up to this point and the understandable jumpiness of US soldiers has already seen some commentators warn of the 'West Bank' of the United States. Chalabi, the INC man, who was seen a some sort of catch all cure (buggered if I know why, he hasn't been in Iraq for four decades or something), has been largely cut loose. The preparation was utterly inadequate.
America was welcomed at first. There was no expectation of an endless celebration or an easy occupation.
Logic doesn't apply in real life? It's better to make arguments where your conclusion doesn't follow the premise?
Real life is illogical, Vympel. My conclusions follow my premise. They simply don’t jive with your own opinions.
That I attempt to see things in logical terms is something that I think is quite valuable and works to keep my head on level ground. It is not 'my own' way. I go where the evidence is.
You use the rules and peculiarities of debate as technical weapons. And again, Star Wars is nothing like Iraq. The “simplest answer is correct” routine doesn’t always function in the real world.
And this has what to do with I posted? I was discussing the threat to the United States, the liklihood of any sort of Iraqi attack on the United States, and specifically, the liklihood that Iraq would use WMD on the United States, specifically, by giving them to terrorists.
An attack on Israel would have forced us to become directly involved. Not to mention that Hussein was always a minor threat anyway, given the reach of his intelligence apparatus.
Considering that some of these sites had legitimate research purposes were activity was ongoing, this isn't blowing me away, Kast.
So now we’re giving criminals the benefit of the doubt? I’m sure that serves your purposes. It’s hardly good security policy.
This is starting to sound like talking with a confused Christian- tell me, when do we decide that they're preening and when do we decide they're being earnest, and on what basis do we make the determination?
We make the determination by looking at to whom the President was speaking, what the topic was, and why he might say what he did. Then we look at all of his other statements about “a long road to peace.”
Sorry, doesn't fly. I merely repeat what he said.
Which is in fact the middle-of-the-road interpretation.
I didn't say emphasis shifted. I said they failed, and offered up the toppling of the Taliban as a consolation prize.
Backpedaling. Your words: “Oh, I don't know, since the emphasis went away from bin Laden?”

What’s wrong with a concession prize? Bush is correct. The collapse of the Taliban did indeed impede bin Laden’s efforts considerably. Al-Qaeda is under a great deal of pressure at this point in time. If, as you’ve admitted, we’re still seeking bin Laden, what’s the problem?
Like Operation Valiant Strike, a massive operation where not a single Al-Qaeda or Taliban fighter was found, perhaps?
The fact that operations such as Valiant Strike are ongoing speaks a great deal to our commitment there.
Burden of proof fallacy: also known as "the absence of evidence is not evidence of absensce".
Exactly. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
They may yet be found. I doubt it severely though.
Blatant opinion.
Actually, you asked if it was as powerful. Not only did I answer that it had no power as such (obviously), but also that in my view the anti-war movement wasn't looking to France, Germany and Belgium for moral leadership. Quite frankly, I think it's a which came first question: French etc opposition, or anti-war protests?
I asked whether it would be “as powerful.” There’s a difference.

“No power as such?” You mean it didn’t force Bush to review his agenda? It didn’t drive wedges between old allies and invigorate a new surge of European trans-nationalism?

Again, answer the question: if France, Belgium, and Germany had agreed with the US and offered their support, would the anti-war movement have been nearly as powerful?
As I said, Iraq would be assumed by the United States to be the source even if it didn't leave marks, and that's highly unlikely- the source of WMD attacks can be traced (i.e. the anthrax attacks that moron Fox commentators tried to pin on Iraq, when it was actually domestic strain). We know it was al-qaeda that blew up the WTC.
It doesn’t mean Iraq won’t move to support terrorism still. Their intelligence forces were quite adept.

Afghanistan knew that by continuing to harbor the Taliban they’d invite invasion. Look where that took us.
Red herring. I'll repeat: what has he got to gain by attacking two nations equipped with overwhelming military and nuclear force by extremely weak WMD attack? His outright destruction? That's just brilliant. Furhtermore, Saddam Hussein is a dictator. By definition, his career is staked on nothing but his own power- he answers to noone and nothing. Furthermore, if his Arab credibility were somehow at stake (which it wasn't), then the fact that Saddam Hussein attacked Israel would again become known quite quickly: again, leading to his destruction.
What does Iraq have to gain? Economic dislocation of a key adversary. Again, Israel wouldn’t immediately treat any attack as having been the work of Iraq. Subtle influences – information, money, and training – wouldn’t show up. Especially if HAMAS or Hizbollah claimed responsibility.

The dictatorship argument is flawed. See, Taliban.
Would that be the outrage that saw President Reagan block a Congress (or was it Senate? whatever) resolution sanctioning Iraq for it's actions in gassing the Kurds, allowing normal relaitons to be continue?
Red herring. Iraq’s being called out has nothing to do with Iraq’s not having been responsible for genocide.
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Post by Vympel »

Axis Kast wrote: You hide behind rules and sayings, Vympel, safe in your ivory tower of circular bullshit.
Oh? I'm sorry, we're not accepting generalized snide criticisms as debate material today.
UNSCOM was on the ground for a period of months. During that time they were charged with inspection of what must be considered mostly “high-profile” targets.
I think you've confused UNSCOM and UNMOVIC.
Add to this fact that we repeatedly saw convoys leaving several sites just prior to the arrival of weapons inspectors
Denied by the inspectors.
the fact that Hans Blix buried in his reports evidence he knew Washington would jump upon
What's he gonna do? Put it on the front page? "Look, a drone that doesn't even fit the criteria of prohibited item!" What a pathetic criticism.
and the ease with which Israel fooled inspectors in the past
Keep up the false analogies.
and there’s clearly a strong argument to be made that UNSCOM wasn’t sufficiently thorough. Not that it could have been without régime-change, either.
Clearly a strong argument my fucking ass. They reported fucking everything they found. You have zero reason to make the claim. And it's quite amazing that you do considering the US lack of success.
An “Iraq-style inspection régime?” Israel was forced to endure the same sort of inspections Iraq recently underwent. Not to mention a heavy dose of reconnaissance over-flights and satellite scrutiny.
Source please.
You also ignore the fact that Hans Blix was only responsible for one leg of the whole mess: actual WMD. He did absolutely nothing to combat Iraq’s intelligence maneuvers.
Sorry, Bush never made a case for threatening intelligence maneuvers. He made the case for WMD.
The fact that they existed at all after 1998 is evidence that Iraq could indeed build and test weapons prohibited to it, Vympel. If indeed the UN was so thorough until now, why were the facilities there at all?
Perhaps you should go find the relevant UN provisions, tell me if Iraq was required to destroy such facilities, and furthermore, I repeat the question that if they hadn't been used in years, and the inspectors were there, what danger was there of Iraq clandestinely building such things? You can't covertly test launch a fucking MISSILE, Kast.
Oh, it is good. You simply disagree with it.
Yup, right now the evidence sure is undeniable :roll:
So, essentially, almost nothing Washington or anybody else could possibly do would ever sway you.
I just told you what would sway me. Evidence of WMD. It's not that hard.
Hence the ridiculousness of this argument. I’m preaching to an empty church.
Well, in your case, the wheel sure is spinning, but the hamster is dead. :twisted:

His background? Are you now going to make a similar leap of logic and claim that every military man is an expert on every level? Bullshit. The man was a theoretician – no matter how many times he was shuffled around to departments with similar titles and the same objectives.[/quote]

Hello strawman. I didnt' say he was fucking expert on everything. Since when is expertise required in a field to know whether any work is actually being done in it?!
The aluminum tubes claim was never debunked.
My fucking ass it wasn't. You're the only moron I've ever seen who tries to hold it up as proof.

EDIT: I'm sure by now you've read the next post which once and for all lays to rest your desperate flailing.
You continually harp on the fact that they it would have been difficult and expensive but never impossible to fashion them into crude centrifuges.
Ignoring the incovenient fact that expense of fashioning them into crude centrifuges, and the uncertainty of actually getting something useful out of the process, would make the entire scheme not worth the trouble.
You never addressed the fact that the tubes themselves were prohibited under import restrictions in the first place.
This has what to do with the claim that they were for nuclear weapons? Oh that's right, nothing.
You never answered why Iraq would go to the trouble of importing such equipment while under sanction if it was meant only for a conventional arsenal – and a program that was ongoing without results for over twelve years at that.
Bullfuck I didn't. We've been over this already. How do you know there were no results? How do you know what they've been used for?
Your entire argument rests on Baradei’s assertion that they weren’t the best tools for the job.
Yes, heaven forbid I listen the fucking IAEA when I could listen to some paranoid fucking moron on the internet desperate to prove his case.
You mean like drones that clearly violated the spirit of the sanctions?
My fucking ass. They were not illegal. What does 'spirit' have to do with whether they had a range greater than 150km, you moron?
Or the al-Samoud missiles? Or the test facilities for the same?
Would those be the disputed missiles that were scrapped? Idiot.
Scale is unnecessary. If they find any stockpiles at all, Iraq will have been confirmed to have been a threat. Not to mention that it’s very likely he hid that material in remote or civilian locations previously unchecked by UNSCOM.
Keep telling yourself that.
Sanctions didn’t prevent North Korea or Pakistan from developing arsenals of their own, much less Iran. The same can be said of South Africa.
Considering that Pakistan wasn't under sanctions when it got the bomb, only after, good one :roll: North Korea had it's own nuclear material, idiot. Iraq does not. South Africa was not under an inspection regime, idiot.
Israeli facilities were the subjects of intense observation.
Prove it. I'm tired of this shit- give me details of this intense observation.
But in the end that changes nothing.
Keep telling yourself that, Baghdad Bob.
When Blix admits that peace – rather than the objective assessment of Iraqi capabilities – was his first goal? When he buries reports he knows Washington will find suspicious? Bullshit.

Bush was correct from the start. The only way to ensure compliance is temporary occupation providing 100% access.
Take your burying claim and shove it up your ass. It's Blixes fault that he didn't tell Washington what they wanted to hear? Fuck off. As for 'objective assessment', this coming from the side who spoke of WMD as if they were 100% definitely there and made voluminous erroneous claims on the subject before sanctions started

Hm, let’s see, because they were discovered perhaps?

The SCUDs were rumored hidden as early as 1998.
Rumored hidden by who?
Bullshit. We trace Hitler’s logical failures through Barbarossa. Merely because Saddam stepped into war thinking he had the upper hand doesn’t mean his actions thereafter are defensible from any point of view.
You fucking dumbass. Hitler engaged in a two-front war. Where did Saddam make that error?

Because nothing was yet found.
Exactly. As I said, it is clearly not an acceptable way to do business in their eyes.
You’re going to sit here and tell me that those drones didn’t violate the intent of a series of sanctions?
Fucking der, idiot. If you read the actual sanctions, I'm sure you'll find the terms where they say what Iraq can, and cannot have? Who the fuck decides what the intent of the sanctions was? You? When I can fucking read them for myself?
You’re going to sit here and tell me that there was no way to put chemical drop-tanks or warheads in those vehicles – at all?
Burden of proof fallacy. It is not up to me to disprove your bullshit Tom Clancy thriller claims. Fucking paranoid psycho- who the fuck is gonna fly UAVs with "made in Iraq" on the side over anyone, you deluded dumbfuck?
So now the word of a respectable newspaper is merely “a claim?”
In the same way that respectable newspapers faithfully repeated the forged Nigerian documents as evidence, yes.
America was welcomed at first. There was no expectation of an endless celebration or an easy occupation.
Welcomed by some, not all. Do you deny what I just gave as the situation in Iraq, obvious for all to see? That speaks volumes of what the expectations were.
Real life is illogical, Vympel. My conclusions follow my premise. They simply don’t jive with your own opinions.
Yes, Baghdad Bob :roll:

You use the rules and peculiarities of debate as technical weapons. And again, Star Wars is nothing like Iraq. The “simplest answer is correct” routine doesn’t always function in the real world.
Sorry, but logic wasn't dreamt up for sci-fi debates. And it's not "the simplest answer is correct". The principle of parsimony says that it's most likely correct. In the absence of other evidence, it's a very reasonable position to take.
An attack on Israel would have forced us to become directly involved. Not to mention that Hussein was always a minor threat anyway, given the reach of his intelligence apparatus.

let's repeat this again:
the liklihood of any sort of Iraqi attack on the United States, and specifically, the liklihood that Iraq would use WMD on the United States, specifically, by giving them to terrorists.
Now, if you wish, replace United States with Israel. The question stands.

So now we’re giving criminals the benefit of the doubt? I’m sure that serves your purposes. It’s hardly good security policy.
No, it merely shows the quality of the evidence up to be crap.

We make the determination by looking at to whom the President was speaking, what the topic was, and why he might say what he did. Then we look at all of his other statements about “a long road to peace.”
The President was speaking to those he was responsible for. The topic was the war on terror. It doesn't get much more simple than that.
Which is in fact the middle-of-the-road interpretation.
Yes, repeating his is unreasonable compared to simply distorting what he said from face-value into what you wanted him to mean, which was nothing.
Backpedaling. Your words: “Oh, I don't know, since the emphasis went away from bin Laden?”
My original contention was that the US failed in Afghanistan to capture Osama Bin Laden, and that this was the primary objective of that attack- the focus was shifted from this failure to the toppling of the Taliban- Afthanistan's 'liberation' offered up as substitute. The emphasis did retract from Bin Laden. Bush has even stated publicly that he wasn't important. I never said "the emphasis shifted unacceptably", which was your distortion- I said the emphasis shifted.
What’s wrong with a concession prize? Bush is correct. The collapse of the Taliban did indeed impede bin Laden’s efforts considerably. Al-Qaeda is under a great deal of pressure at this point in time. If, as you’ve admitted, we’re still seeking bin Laden, what’s the problem?
The problem was the mission in Afghanistan was an utter failure. The money isn't there to rebuild the country. The Taliban was toppled, but Bin Laden remains on the loose (and declared unimportant by Bush, publicly, though I'm sure that they still hunt him privately), Karzai is the mayor of Kabul. The warlords hold sway. US troops are achieving nothing.
The fact that operations such as Valiant Strike are ongoing speaks a great deal to our commitment there.
Yes, a few thousand troops with no results, and no money expended to rebuild Afghanistan.

Exactly. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
And that is the burden of proof fallacy, also known as asking for proof of a negative. You must prove that they ARE there, I am under no responsibilty to prove that they're not. It's not sound.

Blatant opinion.
And you haven't offered up your own consistently?
I asked whether it would be “as powerful.” There’s a difference.
No relevance. I said it wasn't a question of power at all. They had no power.
“No power as such?” You mean it didn’t force Bush to review his agenda?
I'm sorry, I'm not aware of Bush reviewing his agenda.
It didn’t drive wedges between old allies and invigorate a new surge of European trans-nationalism?
The anti-war movement drove wedges between allies? Yeah, sure it did. Did the French government START the anti-war movement? Umm, no, sorry, don't know where you get that idea?
Again, answer the question: if France, Belgium, and Germany had agreed with the US and offered their support, would the anti-war movement have been nearly as powerful?
You act as if France etc started the anti-war movement. They didn't. The anti-war movement didn't draw any strength off the actions of those nations; why would they?
It doesn’t mean Iraq won’t move to support terrorism still. Their intelligence forces were quite adept.
The skill of Iraqi intelligence is irrelevant to the issue of whether Iraq would be held responsible, which it undoubtedly would be, assuming they could pull off such a feat as to preventing knowledge of who pulled off the attack.
Afghanistan knew that by continuing to harbor the Taliban they’d invite invasion. Look where that took us.
To war? You have a problem with war now? It's practically fucking gift-wrapped, aren't you happy?
What does Iraq have to gain? Economic dislocation of a key adversary.
Forgetting of course that America would destroy Iraq, nice little caveat you left out there.
Again, Israel wouldn’t immediately treat any attack as having been the work of Iraq. Subtle influences – information, money, and training – wouldn’t show up. Especially if HAMAS or Hizbollah claimed responsibility.
Doesn't fly- if it was a WMD attack, then they'd have to come from somewhere. Which power in the region would be the first place the US/Israel would want to look?
The dictatorship argument is flawed. See, Taliban.
How is it flawed?
Red herring. Iraq’s being called out has nothing to do with Iraq’s not having been responsible for genocide.
Wow, you sure know how to completely miss the point. I just debunked your outrage claim, I didn't talk about Iraq's responsibility for the "genocide".
Last edited by Vympel on 2003-05-26 11:36am, edited 1 time in total.
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