I have now found anus nirvana with Hiroyuki's masterful work as a weaver of anus propaganda. My friends and I are thinking of starting a cult and running off to the Himalayas - maybe we'll drink prunce juice laced with poison! I have to say that I had much skepticism when it came to clenching one's anus more than 50 or 60 times a day - but lo' and behold! I'll be the first to admit my sheer lack of information when it comes to my anus - Hiroyuki knows more about my anus than I care to admit!
I no longer chew my food, as my anus has taken over chewing most of my food for me. Sick of getting bones in your chicken? No problem now, as your anus will make small work of anything - bones, coins, even rocks! Sometimes I give myself a workout by going to the local landfill and just trying random items of different strengths - or even a quarry.
Sometimes I keep my anus acoomplishments as artwork. You think this book is an eye catcher on your coffee table? Try displaying some anus made sculptures. Nothing says "fit for life" like anus made sculptures. I recommend a couple of coats of hairspray to give it that "freshly squeezed" look, but also to cover the smell.
Take it from me - your anus is a terrible thing to waste!
At first I was hesitant of Mr. Nishigaki's technique. After 3 months of constricting my Anus, I can honestly say I am a calmer, better person. However, I've found that I reached an impasse - I've reached my 'constricting' limits. I've found that by inserting an object into my anus, and constricting 'over' the object brings back the early days of my therapy. I started with a double A batter, and moved up from there. Last week I managed to constrict on a football. Next week my goals are a minature replica of Giants stadium and an inflatable raft (partially inflated at first!!) Thanks Dr. Nishigaki!!!
Busily picking nuggets out of my well-greased ass.
There is some merit to the love-making thing, but it's not your anus you're supposed to contract.
There are muscles between the anus and the scrotum called the PC muscles. If you exercize these muscles, it is physically possible to constrict the urethra to delay orgasm for as long as is necessary. Porn stars exercize their PC muscles frequently for more staying power.
Interesting stuff, really.
Proud owner of The Fleshlight
G.A.L.E. Force - Bisexual Airborn Division
SDnet Resident Psycho Clown
"I hear and behold God in every object, yet I understand God not in the least, / Nor do I understand who there can be more wonderful than myself."
Queeb Salaron wrote:There is some merit to the love-making thing, but it's not your anus you're supposed to contract.
There are muscles between the anus and the scrotum called the PC muscles. If you exercize these muscles, it is physically possible to constrict the urethra to delay orgasm for as long as is necessary. Porn stars exercize their PC muscles frequently for more staying power.
Interesting stuff, really.
Perineal crunches... eeeeeenteresting. Talk about parts of the body you never thought about pulling a car with...
HemlockGrey wrote: Queeb: Um, how, exactly, do you work those muscles? Doesn't seem possible...
It's not that hard. It's the same muscle group used to stop urine flow. Run a search on kegel exercises.
I've found a way to contract those muscles in a way that is pleasurable. A bit like a mini orgasm that lasts for as long as I contract them. Works best when I'm sitting up. I think I'll do that some right now.....
HemlockGrey wrote: Queeb: Um, how, exactly, do you work those muscles? Doesn't seem possible...
It's not that hard. It's the same muscle group used to stop urine flow. Run a search on kegel exercises.
I've found a way to contract those muscles in a way that is pleasurable. A bit like a mini orgasm that lasts for as long as I contract them. Works best when I'm sitting up. I think I'll do that some right now.....
This day is Fantastic!
Myers Briggs: ENTJ
Political Compass: -3/-6 DOOMerWoW
"I really hate it when the guy you were pegging as Mr. Worst Case starts saying, "Oh, I was wrong, it's going to be much worse." " - Adrian Laguna
If Religion and Politics were characters on a soap opera, Religion would be the one that goes insane with jealousy over Politics' intimate relationship with Reality, and secretly murder Politics in the night, skin the corpse, and run around its apartment wearing the skin like a cape shouting "My votes now! All votes for me! Wheeee!" -- Lagmonster