phongn wrote:Brown was highly critical of the EU and vocal about it - earning him no points with LFL. Something apparently happened between Brown and LFL, but what I do not know.
I don't blame them. From what I've read Brown sounds like an over-presumptious fan who thinks he knows
Star Wars better than LFL and Lucas--and that offends me.
phongn wrote:Saxton's "include as much as possible" viewpoint probably was more palatable to LFL.
Given that it is their canon policy and their perogative, I don't blame them--Star Wars is Lucas and LFL's--regardless of how much Brown passes judgement on anything other than his pet Star Wars movies, ESB, and ANH.
Lord Poe wrote:He doesn't want certain things officially explained or "canonized"; he prefers the time in 1995 where fans were allowed to speculate and guess about the world of Star Wars, its ships, and its weapons.
Note that the latest Visual Dictionaries, for instance, seek to fully map out Jedi lightsaber techniques. Something very close to Robert's heart, being a kendo practitioner. He has a huge section on his website about lightsaber techniques..which is overridden by the Visual Dictionary.
Get it now?
Again, Robert takes the swordplay arts very seriously. When others do not, and, fairly or unfairly, are featured over more serious practitioners...
I've probably said too much already. But there it is.
Seems to me, pardon my ignorance, that he can take Star Wars lightly or live with the fact it is LFL's and Lucas' and his commentary is fanfiction, regardless.
Star Wars is meant to be enjoyed and taken lightly--this seems close to Mike's references to investing too much of one's personal feelings is something (not at all to associate Robert Brown with a pitiful miscreant like Darkstar; just the idea struck me as the same vein).
My two cents and likely ignorant opinion. He sounds like a true fan and a good guy--but things like this are only meant to be taken so seriously. And like I said--it belongs to LFL and Lucas, not to Brown.
Darth Wong wrote:*snip*
For someone who seems to spout off on following incorrect analyses and such--you think he'd have some respect for the only objective method. He seems at times to almost treat Star Wars like a personal toy that was somehow corrupted, the key to which only he holds which he also seems to phrase as if that should be self-evident to everyone else.