Athiests and Souls...

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Athiests and Souls...

Post by RogueIce »

I dunno, this may be a dumb question, but would an athiest still believe in a soul? I mean a real, spiritual soul. I know athiests don't believe ina diety, but does this preclude souls as well?

As for me, I don't believe in souls, or anything else for that matter. For me, it's what you see is what you get, and when you die, it's over. That's it. But I was just curious.
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Post by Joe »

No, there is no metaphysical human soul.

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Post by UltraViolence83 »

Atheism is defined as not having a belief in a god(s), nothing else. Buddhists are actually atheists if I'm not too mistaken, and they believe in reincarnation, so I think the term you're looking for is 'skeptic' rather than atheist.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

I dunno. itd be cool. I have no proof tho.
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Post by RogueIce »

Durran Korr wrote:No, there is no metaphysical human soul.
Yeah, I know, that's what I feel.

I guess my question was, does being an athiest automatically preclude you from believing in a soul?

I was probably unclear in my first post.
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Post by kojikun »

i dont believe in some freaky metaphysical soul, but i do think that my nondiscontinuity of consciousness will continue (consciousness to me is a big philosophical issue) and I think im more then just chemical processes (whether that means my "soul" is the result of quantum improbability, or whatever).

im also convinced that the total fucked up nature of the universe (specifically quantum mechanics and relativity) demand that we're all a simulation in real "humanity"'s universe as they try to understand their physical laws by recreating them. or something like that. Gods a programmer. HACK THE UNIVERSE! :P
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Post by UltraViolence83 »

My opinions on this matter:

I don't believe in "life" after death, since that seems kind of funny if you think about the actual wording used. Consciousness, on the other hand...

Anyway, my views are based heavily in occultism i.e., the "right" path and the "left" path. Right suggests that you obliterate your own individualism to become one with God [nirvana], while Left suggests you increase your consciousness' power to become a separate entity after death. Example: Christians, Wiccans and Buddhists especially would be "Right." Satanists (not the silly skeptic LeVayans who are in a religion when they don't even believe in metaphysics; just because they wanna look cool), Setians and Dark Pagans would be "Left."

Guess which side I'm on. :twisted:
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Post by kojikun »

LeVeyans very much do believe in metaphyics, UV. Read the CoS website, one of the "commandments" is to acknowledge the reality of magick. So stop talking out of your ass.
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Re: Athiests and Souls...

Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

RogueIce wrote:I dunno, this may be a dumb question, but would an athiest still believe in a soul? I mean a real, spiritual soul. I know athiests don't believe ina diety, but does this preclude souls as well?

As for me, I don't believe in souls, or anything else for that matter. For me, it's what you see is what you get, and when you die, it's over. That's it. But I was just curious.
Umm, no. I am what I am. And what am I? I am a collection of complex organic compounds, powered by an astonishing array of electrochemical reactions guided by the principles of physics and chemistry. You'll find no immortal soul here.
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Post by Frank Hipper »

So, is ole what's his name that founded the Temple of Set still drinking his own pee?
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Post by Macross »

RogueIce wrote:
Durran Korr wrote:No, there is no metaphysical human soul.
Yeah, I know, that's what I feel.

I guess my question was, does being an athiest automatically preclude you from believing in a soul?

I was probably unclear in my first post.
No, it doesnt. But I guess it really depends on how you define "soul." Not to worry, eventually we all will learn if souls and life-after-death are real, that is when we die. Thats something to look forward too. :wink:
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

UltraViolence83 wrote:Atheism is defined as not having a belief in a god(s), nothing else. Buddhists are actually atheists if I'm not too mistaken, and they believe in reincarnation, so I think the term you're looking for is 'skeptic' rather than atheist.
Bhuddists don't really count as atheists. They count more toward spiritual diests. The belief, IIRC, is that you reincarnate until you can live a life devoted to the eightfold path, at which point you will ascend to become one with God-Being/Universe. My idea may be substancially flawed due to the fact that it may have been corrupted by overly imaginative and embellishing acid users from the '60's. I'd need to read Zen and the Art of Motercycle Maint, before I could give a clear answer, or perhaps Siddhartha(sp)
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Post by kojikun »

oh, btw, im not going to test out this theory about the afterlife. when the neuralnet transference becomes posible, im moving over to a computer and living forever. :)
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Post by RogueIce »

kojikun wrote:oh, btw, im not going to test out this theory about the afterlife. when the neuralnet transference becomes posible, im moving over to a computer and living forever. :)
"c:\ deltree *.*"

Whoops. :D

(PS: Did I get the DOS command right?)
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

RogueIce wrote:
kojikun wrote:oh, btw, im not going to test out this theory about the afterlife. when the neuralnet transference becomes posible, im moving over to a computer and living forever. :)
"c:\ deltree *.*"

Whoops. :D

(PS: Did I get the DOS command right?)
No idea, but I know the delete command for BASIC is KILL. :twisted:

Or perhaps he'll become a cyberpunk and live in the places between servers, in which case.

/mode #universe Kojikun +b
/kick #universe Kojikun

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Post by UltraViolence83 »

kojikun wrote:LeVeyans very much do believe in metaphyics, UV. Read the CoS website, one of the "commandments" is to acknowledge the reality of magick. So stop talking out of your ass.
If you'll notice I wasn't reffering to the CoS's stance on magic. I was reffering to the silly LeVayans that don't believe in anything. There are a great deal of them. Like there's probably more stupid teenage girls claiming to be Wiccan because it sounds cool while there's still respectable honest and practicing Wiccans whom know what they're actually doing.

Guess I could have cleared that up a little. :oops:
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Post by kojikun »

CoS is the only LeVay-based Satanist organisation I know of. But nonmetaphysical Satanism isn't stupid, it's just an organised way to poke fun at christians (its a philosophy, more then anything, very similar to objectivist and humanist philosophies, only including a bit of a meanstreak where revenge and such is concerned.).

btw, atleast you clarified, even if its a silly one :)
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Post by UltraViolence83 »

I'm sure the CoS is the only one, but you need not be a member to be a LeVayan Satanist. I've a digital copy of the Satanic Bible myself I swiped off Kazaa...

I'm just saying that it seems rather silly to me if you're a total skeptic and still enter into a religion. Skeptical (as in they reject metaphysics) Satanists just seem like overly rebellious spooks starved for attention to me.

I LOVE their philosophy. I myself am pretty much a Satanist in the sense that I believe in individualism and strong-over-weak...Though I like the more spiritual approach the Temple of Set explores.
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Post by Rye »

Personally i reckon the soul is whatever causes the chemical/electrochemical or whatever reactions in your brain. I reckon that the universe itself has some sort of universal soul, that is expressed in forces, energy, and thereby matter and so on. It comes together through abiogenesis and then evolution and eventually it comes to us.

We are just the same as plants, or rocks, or gases, we just move around quicker.

My quickly simplified thoughts. ^
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Post by Durandal »

RogueIce wrote:
kojikun wrote:oh, btw, im not going to test out this theory about the afterlife. when the neuralnet transference becomes posible, im moving over to a computer and living forever. :)
"c:\ deltree *.*"

Whoops. :D

(PS: Did I get the DOS command right?)
No. The afterlife, if it exists, would run on a Unix derivative. You'd be looking for sudo rm -r /.
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Post by Sindai »

Durandal wrote:No. The afterlife, if it exists, would run on a Unix derivative. You'd be looking for sudo rm -r /.
I dunno, Hell would be the sort of place to use outdated MS software. :D
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Post by Durandal »

If Heaven runs on Windows, then I'm surprised that the denizens of Hell haven't exploited a security hole and gained administrator privileges yet.
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Post by Rye »

Durandal wrote:If Heaven runs on Windows, then I'm surprised that the denizens of Hell haven't exploited a security hole and gained administrator privileges yet.
They have, who do you think wiped out all those towns for no reason at all? Wouldn't have been the forces of good surely!
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