Sea Skimmer wrote:Are we sure this isn't a sockpuppet?
Could be; it's an AOL user so it's impossible to localize thanks to their idiotic proxy scheme.
However, I suspect it's just some jackass yanking our chain. He used a Lycos account to sign up even though he's obviously an AOL user, which means he didn't want us to know his address. He's also flip-flopped repeatedly. At one point, he actually said that he was so glad to talk to us because we were so much more rational than a fundie board, and now he's back to spouting his fundie nonsense.
Moreover, NOBODY is that stupid. I've debated with enough fundies in the past to know that they don't act like this. They try to at least PRETEND to answer points, rather than simply ignoring them and mocking you for not recognizing the absolute truth. A fundie is generally out to convince you; it's his mission in life to convert others.
This guy, on the other hand, is clearly out to irritate us. His comments are needling, usually offensive, and often mind-bogglingly stupid as they tend to completely ignore points made in the previous post. He hurls generalizations left, right, and centre, with no conceivable purpose except to annoy us. They certainly aren't going to convert us. And his habit of adding smileys at the end of ALL his posts seems almost designed to annoy people, particularly when they usually come at the end of a generalized insult.
He makes no serious attempt to convince us of the truth of what he's saying; he simply states it as truth, refuses to debate points or address rebuttals in any way, and tells us that we're either evil or stupid for not agreeing with him. I think there's no way this guy is sincere; he just gets his kicks from pissing us off. If anything, he may even be an atheist with a warped sense of humour, like GrandAdmiralPrawn. It seems almost as if he's out to make Christians look bad.