ROTFL! Awesome. All that horrendous spelling just gave me a massive headache, but damn it was funny.Durandal wrote:As for my first post, I was never a n00b. The denizens of ASVS were the first settlers here, and I posted on Mike's first bare-bones discussion board prior to this one (I think it was written entirely in Perl). However, here is my first post to the boad.
In [url=]this[/url] topic, I wrote:Well, I just thought I'd christen this board with its first blatantly trollish post, so here goes. Bear in mind that I'm not quite the expert at slandering Mike Wong that the Versus inhabitants are, but I'll do my damnedest.
OMFG!!11 wong thnx he cna setal evry1 from adn get thm 2cum2 his web bored thsi is so fooooooking rediclous mike wogn is a ginat poohead his site is so biasd its not even funy hes such a lira he dosnt haev a dgree in eng...whatver i cant spell that neway yah mike wong liks goat testicals nad evlushun is suhc a plie of crap u cant add gntic stuff into smethig cuz it vliotaes the law of entropy or sumthng mike wong SuXoRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I trust this was adequate.
My favourite part is where you call Wong a 'lira.' Did he respond by calling you a peso?