which is more disgusting?

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Total votes: 63

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Post by Lonestar »


Now let us never speak of this again.
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Post by SPOOFE »

How about a sex offense worthy of a death penalty: nercopedophilia! Now THAT's gruesome!
You must've never heard of "munging".
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Post by russellb6666 »

SPOOFE wrote:
How about a sex offense worthy of a death penalty: nercopedophilia! Now THAT's gruesome!
You must've never heard of "munging".
something tells me that i seriosuly don't need to know what that is but damnit i have to know what is munging and what the fuggen hell is nercopedophilia???
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Post by Solid Snake »

russellb6666 wrote:
SPOOFE wrote:
How about a sex offense worthy of a death penalty: nercopedophilia! Now THAT's gruesome!
You must've never heard of "munging".
something tells me that i seriosuly don't need to know what that is but damnit i have to know what is munging and what the fuggen hell is nercopedophilia???
2+2=4 right?

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Post by Queeb Salaron »

Far as I know, necrophilia is legal. I've never seen anyone arraigned on charges of necrophilia. But perhaps that's a state-to-state thing.

Pedophiles should be dragged around by their nutsacks over burning shards of broken glass, and then given a shower with lemon juice, tobasco sauce and salt.
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Post by Captain tycho »

Pedophilia is against a living person, which makes it far more heinous.
Both are disgusting, but pedophilia is easily the worst.
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Post by Rubberanvil »

SPOOFE wrote:
How about a sex offense worthy of a death penalty: nercopedophilia! Now THAT's gruesome!
You must've never heard of "munging".
Ok what is it other screwing up E-mail addresses or something.
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Post by Coyote »

I had to go with necrophelia, that is just way out of the league for me. I agree with the points made about children being alive and suffering for years afterwards but for some reason the thought of humping a dead, rotting cadaver produces a more vile reaction from me.

For the truly disgusting, how about pedonecrophilic-bestial-incest? Or, what if someone had sex with the dead family puppy and then ate it?

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Post by EmperorMing »

Coyote wrote:I had to go with necrophelia, that is just way out of the league for me. I agree with the points made about children being alive and suffering for years afterwards but for some reason the thought of humping a dead, rotting cadaver produces a more vile reaction from me.

For the truly disgusting, how about pedonecrophilic-bestial-incest? Or, what if someone had sex with the dead family puppy and then ate it?

Why did you go there... :shock: :shock:

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Post by Batman »

*adds Darth Gojira and Coyote to the list*
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Post by Steven Snyder »

Necrophilia is definately worse...

For all the horror of pedophiles can commit on children and society, you have to consider one thing.

A pedophilliac may not be capable of sexual intimacy with a corpse.

A necrophilliac is certainly capable of the sexual violation of a child...and other vile deeds that we can't even fathom.

Think about it for a second...A guy who meets a girl that 'looks' older than she is and is inviting a relationship may accidently commit pedophillia. But it is really hard to 'accidently' have sex with a corpse.
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Post by Xenophobe3691 »

Necrophilia, definitely.

Just imagine it. You're humping a mushy, smelly, corpse, just pounding away, when all of a sudden it EXPLODES, splashing you with rot and some of the most disgusting liquid you have ever had the misfortune of smelling. You take a look at that body you've just been pounding and now see a deflated bag of tearing, putrescent skin.

I'm sorry, but some legal children are older than I. Me having sex with a girl my age would be considered pedophilia (and statutory rape, lemme thank my mom the attorney for THAT wonderful bit of info...) I cannot imagine anyone my age having sex with a fuckin corpse.
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Post by Sriad »

Pedophillia is more disgusting on account of my not having done it yet today.Joke! Put down the torches! And you over there, don't think that I havn't seen dem pruning shears!

But seriously, from a purely aesthetic point of view necrophilia is more disgusting. I mean, consider what most people already look like when they die. And no, time doesn't heal all wounds.

From a moral standpoint, of course pedo is worse, since I doubt the dead people mind. Their living relatives might object to that pale fellow taking grandma home after the funneral, but she isn't complaining.
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Post by Companion Cube »

Vorlon1701 wrote:Necrophilia, definitely.

Just imagine it. You're humping a mushy, smelly, corpse, just pounding away, when all of a sudden it EXPLODES, splashing you with rot and some of the most disgusting liquid you have ever had the misfortune of smelling. You take a look at that body you've just been pounding and now see a deflated bag of tearing, putrescent skin.
Frankly, that sentence is enough to induce projectile vomiting and screaming fits in unwary readers. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :wink:
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Post by Boba Fett »

I voted for necrophilia.

It's the second most disgusting for me. The first is when the two person shit onto each other and then they have sex.

Pedophilia is also disgusting.

If I would make a list of crimes, pedophilia would be near to the top.

Ps: I also hate gerontomans. But it's almost the same. :wink:
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Post by Darth Gojira »

And while we're on the topic of disgusting pervertion, what is the name of that act where 50+ doink a single victim? I can't remember the name.
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Post by Zoink »

The necrophile is more messed up in the head, IMHO. But pedophiles are far more disgusting.

My reaction to a necrophile would be: this weirdo needs help.

For a pedophile: this sick bastard needs to be castrated.
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Post by RedImperator »

Necrophilia is disgusting starting at the point that the corpse is still warm and progressing up to the point I'm not going to describe because thinking of it actually gets my gag reflex going. Do people actually have sex with ROTTING corpses? I thought it was only people who were freshly dead. Ugh. Time to think of something else.

Morally, of course, paedophilia is much worse. Desecrating a corpse is evil, but the corpse itself doesn't worry about it. Fucking up a little kid forever is one of the things that eases my qualms about the death penalty.
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

pedophelia is fucking wrong and the pervs who partake in it must die! :finger:

on a lighter note, i'm reminded of a necrophilia joke.

did you hear about the man and woman stranded on a desert island? after a week the woman was so disgusted with her sexual activity, she committed suicide. A week after that the man was so disgusted with himself, he buried her.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Pedophilia. Necrophilia is just sick but it doesn’t hurt anyone.
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Post by SPOOFE »

Empty your stomachs before reading this.
something tells me that i seriosuly don't need to know what that is but damnit i have to know what is munging
It's a two-person act. In short, they dig up a ripe female corpse, about a year old or so (wait, it gets worse), lay it out on the grass. Guy #1 begins performing cunnilingus on the corpse (trust me, it gets worse!), Guy #2 positions himself above the corpse's chest (hold on, it's getting worse!), and when the time is right, he kicks out his knees and applies pressure to the corpse's abdominal cavity.

This causes the mushy, rotted innards of the corpse to squeeze out various orifices, including the vagina, where Guy #1 eats (yeah, eats) the ensuing matter that deposits itself into his waiting mouth.

That's munging.

Shall I now tell you about squicking? It's not nearly as horrendous.
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Post by DeadM »

SPOOFE wrote:Empty your stomachs before reading this.
something tells me that i seriosuly don't need to know what that is but damnit i have to know what is munging
<snip horrendous activity>
:shock: :shock: :shock: :x :x :x :evil: :evil:

Shitty hell, some people are just so screwed up I cant begin to imagine.

But on topic, I think Pedophilia is worse, for reasons already stated.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

SPOOFE wrote:Empty your stomachs before reading this.
something tells me that i seriosuly don't need to know what that is but damnit i have to know what is munging
It's a two-person act. In short, they dig up a ripe female corpse, about a year old or so (wait, it gets worse), lay it out on the grass. Guy #1 begins performing cunnilingus on the corpse (trust me, it gets worse!), Guy #2 positions himself above the corpse's chest (hold on, it's getting worse!), and when the time is right, he kicks out his knees and applies pressure to the corpse's abdominal cavity.

This causes the mushy, rotted innards of the corpse to squeeze out various orifices, including the vagina, where Guy #1 eats (yeah, eats) the ensuing matter that deposits itself into his waiting mouth.

That's munging.

Shall I now tell you about squicking? It's not nearly as horrendous.


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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Steven Snyder wrote:A pedophilliac may not be capable of sexual intimacy with a corpse.

A necrophilliac is certainly capable of the sexual violation of a child...and other vile deeds that we can't even fathom.
The logic there is somewhat lacking....
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Post by SPOOFE »

I know many things.
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