Yes, the first hit flattened the shields, the second hit pulverised the asteroid--says something about TOS outpost shields, me thinks. And, no, the asteroid was not vaporised in whole, but the meathod of attack means at least some of it was (see my above post for my reasoning).seanrobertson wrote:
Where in the episode does it say anything about vaporization, though?
Spock held some remains of the base in his hands. The whole thing was definitely not vaporized. For all we know, the plasma weapon might've shattered some of the outer layers of the asteroid off, destroyed its shields and in destroying the outpost, breached its reactor, which could add significantly to the explosion(s).
Wasn't it so that one torpedoe downed their shield, then another one destroyed it(penetrating 1600m of iron too)?
And if I may, hard materials are brittle, but a diamond cannot be crumbled in your hands, far from it. Why should any harder substance crumble in this manner? If Spock effortlessly crumbled a remaining piece of the base as a testament to the weapon's power, why cannot his explanation be taken at face value?