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Mr Bean
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Post by Mr Bean »

Don't tell me Nemesis is going to transmit on all channels anytime soon *we surrender? :P

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Post by Stravo »

Mr Bean wrote:Don't tell me Nemesis is going to transmit on all channels anytime soon *we surrender? :P
I was thinking along the lines of: "All your bases are ours" SHIT I know I got that quote wrong somehow but you get the picture. :lol:
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Post by HemlockGrey »


Trenches v fifty foot killing machines capable of reducing Iraq to below sea level. Within an hour or so.
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Post by Stravo »

Cyril wrote:Correction.

Trenches v fifty foot killing machines capable of reducing Iraq to below sea level. Within an hour or so.
You know, at least starfleet actually created trenches and fortifcations for battle instead of relying on their tried and true battle tactics....hide behind rock/tree/column/outhouse and shoot, duck behind again, rinse and repeat.

See Siege of AR whatever whatever to see the true stupidity of those "crack" federation groundtroops, they've been there for moths and the best they have is a few boulders to hide behind???? UGH. If I were writing this story strictly as B&B would have, it would have ended at Ch. 6 and Nemesis would shrug and say "Whose your daddy?"
Wherever you go, there you are.

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Post by CorSec »

Stravo wrote:I was thinking along the lines of: "All your bases are belong to us." SHIT I know I got that quote wrong somehow but you get the picture. :lol:
There, now it's correct. However, if you use it you would be lynched.

I have my own ideas about what is soon to take place, but I'm keeping my big bazoo shut.

Again, I say bravo, Stravo.
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Post by Ted »

Eleas wrote:
Cyril wrote:Trenches.

Against fifty foot machines bristling with weaponry capable of leveling Iraq.

Psst, Cyril: Iraq is already pretty level. ;)

Anyway, Stravo, I officially nominate this chapter to be your best one yet. Keep it up, please.
Gonna do any of your ritual head smashing for it?
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Post by Eleas »

Ted wrote:
Eleas wrote:
Cyril wrote:Trenches.

Against fifty foot machines bristling with weaponry capable of leveling Iraq.

Psst, Cyril: Iraq is already pretty level. ;)

Anyway, Stravo, I officially nominate this chapter to be your best one yet. Keep it up, please.
Gonna do any of your ritual head smashing for it?
Possibly. Stravo is very good.
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Post by Dartzap »

wow an amazing story !

" :D more more"
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Post by Ted »

Eleas wrote:
Possibly. Stravo is very good.
But if you do, you'd be unable to finish reading Starcrossed.

*EDIT--- Sorry bout that, I'm on a bit of a sugar high right now.
Last edited by Ted on 2002-09-11 11:12am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Eleas »

Ted wrote:
Eleas wrote:
Possibly. Stravo is very good.
But if you do, you'd be unable to finish reading Starcrossed.
Ted, take it over PM, please.
Björn Paulsen

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Post by Stravo »

A surprise for all you fans...Chapter 18. Please keep an eye out for a very special section dedicated to those who have suffered the last few months. This is my 500th Post!!!!!!

Chapter 18: Battle of Sector 001 pt. 2

Nemesis closed his eyes as he felt the ebb and flow of the darkside. He could feel the anger, hate, fear and aggression flowing all around him. The fleet battle had become a great vortex of darkside power and he fed from it, took comfort in it and followed its flows. His consciousness drifted down to the pathetic world sprawled beneath his mighty armada.

He drifted on the clouds of fear that dominated the Federation lines as troops, some no older than he was on Tatooine when the lying old wizard appeared in his life began to prepare for battle against his mighty war machines. A brief flicker on the edge of memory of endless fields of white snow and trenches full of friends and allies prepared to hold off an enemy they knew could not be beat.

“I feel like I can take on the empire myself.” a soft voice drifted in on his thoughts. He slammed the memories away like one swats an offensive bug crawling across a table.

He felt something else, a presence he had not felt since…Bespin. His eyes flashed across the Federation lines and there he spied a beacon of light, so pure, so bright, warm like the fires of a home’s hearth, inviting like a warm bed in the middle of a cold desert night. Standing by the beacon was a young man, dressed in a gold shirt and black pants, light shone from him as well.

“The Force is strong in this one.” he surmised with a smirk. Then he peered past him as he rallied the troops. Someone else stood behind him, the source of the light and the warmth, It called him like home.

“Leia!” he gasped as he saw her for the first time since Bespin. She was as beautiful as he remembered, her hair was up in a tight bun and her face had that same determined scowl. Her eyes betrayed the weariness, the sorrow.

He slowly reached out and touched her cheek, brushing it with a careful calm like a sculptor touching a masterpiece, feeling the cool soft alabaster skin.

“They have all lied to you, my young apprentice.” the cold reptilian like voice cut in.

“Not her, not ever.” he responded without thinking. There was truth in his words. It armed him.

“For luck.” he felt the phantom kiss on his cheek and his brash smile as he took a firm grip of the rope and swung across the yawning chasm beneath them.


She paused as if she had heard a voice on the wind. Her eyes slowly tracked around her and stopped as they locked with his.

“Luke?” She replied hesitantly.

He drew back, the world flashed away like an illusion of smoke and mirrors and he stood on the bridge of the Emperor’s Will.

“Move us closer to the Federation fleet, we must press the advantage, they are obviously trying to protect the route of escape of their transports.” Kittaine ordered, smelling blood. The Federation fleet had suffered more than 50% casualties. Hundreds of starships were destroyed or dead in space, the rest of their fleet was damaged to some extent, many were obviously crippled, they would not be able to withstand a full assault.

“Sir, the Federation starbase has moved to an interposing position between their fleet and ours, its weapons suites are damaging our lighter fleet elements.” Branna reported.

“Move us in closer, the Emperor’s Will will deal personally with this starbase, have the stardestroyers form up into assault wings, I want to hit them all at once for maximum effect. I don’t want any of these ships escaping this day.”

“Aye sir.”


“My Lord?”

“Prepare my personal shuttle.”

Kittaine paused.


“I am landing on Earth, I want a contingent of your finest stormtroopers waiting for me in assault transports, I am personally leading an assault on Starfleet command.”

“My lord, General Ithis reports that his AT-ATs will be in firing range in a matter of moments. He reports little resistance so far. It is not necessary for you to risk yourself on this endeavor.” Kittaine replied.

“I have to agree with the Admiral on this point, Lord Nemesis.” Mara interjected stepping to Nemesis’ side.

Nemesis smirked.

“Your protests are duly noted, now prepare my shuttle.” he strode away from them, but as he was about to enter the lift he paused and turned his head over his shoulder.

“Admiral, destroy that fleet, I want there to be no survivors. The Federation must learn today that resistance to the Empire will only garner death and desolation.”

“Of course, My Lord.” Kittaine snapped. He swore he would never understand the Sith Lord.

“I don’t ever think you will, Admiral, but I don’t require your understanding, merely your obedience.” Nemesis replied icily, but there was a wicked smile on his face and he entered the lift.

“Mara, to my side.”

“Of course My lord.” she bowed slightly to Kittaine and quickly joined Nemesis in the lift. Kittaine watched the pair as the doors slid shut.

He shook his head slowly. They certainly deserved each other, but the thought of having them on his fleet for the rest of his life was daunting.

“Sir, we’re in range of the starbase.”

“Let them show us their mighty weapons.” Kittaine replied snapped out of his reverie.

Starbase One’s fire began to concentrate on the Emperor’s Will. Angry red crimson pulsed phaser fire splashed over the mighty ship’s bow. Torpedoes were streaking in and exploding in an impressive light show on their shields. Kittaine watched the firepower dancing along the hull of his ship with cold satisfaction.

“Have heavy turbolaser gunners all lock on to that starbase.”

“How many?”

“A single broadside will be sufficient to show these fools what they are facing.”

“Of course Admiral.”

“Also, have our fighter squadrons escort our bombers in an attack run in the center of their fleet, it’s time we cut them in half and send the assault wings in on my mark.”

“Of course Admiral.”

Kittaine stared out his viewport as the base grew in size. They approached closer and closer, the weapons were brighter, striking repeatedly. He admired them for their courage. They were not even trying to escape.


The heavy turbolasers lanced out and the mighty emerald beams slashed through the starbase like scythes, tearing it into pieces, punching through the armored hull like paper. Explosions, hot plasma and debris tore through the deep gashes in the starbase. The weapons fire faltered and suddenly died as a massive explosion tore through the heart of the base, the great spinning top portion suddenly came loose, spinning away into the darkness trailing molten metal and hot gasses. The lower portion exploded like a roman candle, the very lowest stabilizing rod rocketed downward, driven by the force of the violent matter/antimatter reaction like nail into Earth’s atmosphere. The massive chunk of debris trailed through the atmosphere like a flaming arrow and descended into the clouds.

A wave of Tie Bombers and their fighter escorts charged the assembled Federation fleet. White trailing wakes of proton torpedoes soon streaked into the Federation fleet. The stardestroyers, packed in solid wedge formations inched in like hungry hounds.

“Leia are you alright?” Kirk asked. He reached out to touch her shoulder when suddenly a massive paw fell around his hand, dwarfing it and closing around his like a vise.

“Rarraggh.” Chewbacca grunted and pushed Kirk away none to gently.

“Sorry.” Kirk replied massaging his sore hand. The Wookie towered over Leia protectively and eyed Kirk suspiciously.

“It’s alright, Chewie.” Leia replied hesitantly and patted the Wookie's enormous fur covered arm. She looked over at Kirk.

“We have to get out of here. Luke is on his way, I felt it.”

Kirk frowned.

“I thought you wanted to confront him.”

“I do, but not as a POW. We need to get out of here fast.”

“The battle hasn’t even begun yet and-“

Suddenly there was a flash and several red energy bolts screamed over head and crashed against the far side of the defensive lines. Huge geysers of hot earth erupted upward as the bolts exploded into the ground. Phaser cannons began firing and there began a slow thumping sound. The thumping came from the auto loaded photon launcher. The big mortars were set up at the back of the lines, an automatic feeder belt loaded a photon canister, essentially a miniature photon torpedo and launched it overhead at the approaching enemy.

The photon canisters passed over the Federation lines with a loud whistle sound and detonated over the oncoming Imperial Walkers which were now slowly coming into view. Their enormous heads slowly swinging back and forth like prehistoric beasts, pausing long enough to spit out a steady stream of heavy blaster fire that exploded along the Federation lines with devastating effectiveness. Troops screamed as they were blown clear of the trenches they hunkered down in, many of them blown clear with just their upper torsos, the rest of them were left behind in a twisted steaming pile of earth and entrails.

Delta Flyers flashed overhead, firing continuous streams of phaser fire into the advancing Walkers as more of the Federation’s heavy weapons began announcing their presence in the battle.

“No effect!” Tom Paris shouted in anger and frustration as he sent the Flyer between the legs of the lead Walker after firing two steady bursts at the knee joint and the lower back part of the main body. Wes nodded slowly as he tried to make sense of the readings on his sensor array. The Federation sensors were actually very good, but he noted with some distaste that they tended to give too much information, there was alot of extraneous information on this so called tactical display that he could do without.

“Try to hit the neck joints like I told you. Its really the only weak spot we were able to verify at Hoth. Otherwise there’s always harpoons and tow cables.”

“Are you serious?” Paris replied as he sent the Flyer up through a cloud of Flak and brought Flyer to the rear of the assaulting AT ATs.

“How the hell do you fly like that?” Wes asked sardonically watching Tom’s fingers moving over the keypads like mad. He had no idea how Tom was keeping this thing flying around so well with such a cumbersome interface.

“Practice makes perfect. I suppose you guys use antiquated joysticks.”

“Antiquated doesn’t mean they don’t work.” Wes replied, starting to like this young Federation pilot. The Flyer commenced an attack run on the rear of the Walkers. one of the Flyers further ahead suddenly went up in a ball of flame and crashed into the ground. Another Flyer was making a snap shot at a Walker and was clipped by rapid fire light guns, it slowly began descending across the battle field, trailing smoke.

“This is Flyer six, maybe we should switch attack patterns.” Paris flipped on the com. Wes’ eyes widened.

Two more flyers exploded on opposite end of the battlefield.

“Make that definitely change the attack pattern, they’re on to us somehow!” Paris exclaimed.

“You’re using attack patterns? Imperial predictors can sniff out computerized attack patterns in mere moments! Go manual, repeat fly manual or we’re all dead.” Wes interjected.

The Flyers began to split away from the fight, trying to gain distance to recover. Wes noted with some alarm that they were no longer flying so straight and true. Even Paris seemed to be having a more difficult time, his hands moving even faster over the keyboard. So that was it, the Federation relied on computer backups to help their pilots fly. That was too dangerous. They were going to have to break them of the habit. The predictors were simply too good for a computer to fool.

“Ok, let’s do this right, Wes, do you mind taking over the weapons station so I can focus on not running us into the ground?” Paris asked.

“You got it, just tell me which button does the firing and we’re in business.” Wes replied with a grin.

“Hold that line boys, fire into them.” a sergeant shouted over the din of the dead and dying. Cadets stared dumbfounded at the carnage around them. Half dead men clawed their way out of half buried trenches. An artillery piece exploded behind them, showering hot shrapnel down upon the men.

Some of the ensigns were firing their phasers at the approaching Walkers and noting with dismay the little effect they were having. The Walkers were almost on top of the first line of trenches now. Many were shocked just how quickly the massive beasts moved. Before they knew it, the Walkers were nearly across the Eastern slope and entering Starfleet Command itself.

“This is not good.” Kirk muttered as he watched another Delta Flyer explode as it tried a direct assault on the head unit of one the Walkers. He did note however the pale red glow on the armored head as the Delta Flyer’s phasers finished striking it.

“The phasers ARE having an effect on the armor.” Kirk muttered.

“That looks like thermal damage to me.” Leia added.

“No, our phasers don’t work that way, they actually attack the molecular structure of the target that they strike. I’m willing to bet…” Kirk’s voice trailed off and he stalked over to a communications unit in the rear of the artillery park.

“You! What’s the frequency to the Flyer squadrons!” he shouted to the communications officer on duty.

“Uh.” suddenly a blaster burst exploded over head dropping Kirk to the floor. He caught his breath and slowly looked up. The communications array was wrecked, and the officer on duty had most of his vital organs wrapped into the array’s structure. Kirk frowned and activated his communicator on his sleeve.

“Kirk to Enterprise.”

“Please specify which Starship Enterprise you wish to contact. I detect two starships with the same designation in range.” the Computer replied calmly.

“Enterprise, no A, B, or C, just NCC-1701!” Kirk shouted down at the communicator as another burst exploded overhead. Suddenly there was a deep rumble and a transport slowly began to lift off, it hovered over Starfleet Command for a moment then gathered force and rocketed upwards. Some of the Walkers lighter guns fired after it, but the transport was already clearing the clouds overhead and disappeared from sight.

“The first transport is away, repeat, the first transport is away.” the computer announced. Some of the men actually cheered, their sacrifices had not been in vain. This fueled Kirk. He could not let them down.
“Uhura here, sir.”

“Uhura! Thank God, listen, see if you can patch me through to the Delta Flyer squadron’s communications net.”

“Aye aye sir.”

“And Uhura, have Mr. Spock commence orbital bombardment of Starfleet Command.”


“Just do it, he’ll know what to shoot for.”

“Aye sir.”

Kirk suddenly heard the chatter from the Delta Flyer Squadrons on his communicator.

“This is Captain James T. Kirk to all Delta Flyers, phaser fire IS effective on Imperial armor, but you need intensity and duration to cause a molecular breakdown, you need to focus your fire on one point, maximum intensity and try to keep it on the same spot for as long as possible.” he said.

“We copy that Captain Kirk.”

Kirk smiled and his eyes drifted down to one of the last functioning photon mortars. He saw a combat transporter set up by the mortar. Every few minutes the transporter activated, beaming in a new belt of photon canisters and the loaders would feed the belt into the mortar. Kirk stared at the transporter then looked over at the advancing walkers.

“Jim, you’re pilots aren’t going to be able to stop them. Even if your phaser idea works it will still take time to work through that armor, even our technology finds it difficult to punch through that hide.” Leia interjected.

Kirk accepted her help as he got up from his prone position.

“Then we have to find away to get through that armor and directly attack the walkers.” Kirk said with a wink and ran to the transporter. Leia glanced over at Chewbacca who shrugged.

“If I may say so, your highness, this James Kirk is a highly excitable character.” Threepio added.

R2 whistled in agreement.

Kirk reached the transporter and looked at the loader and his assistant. the loader was a gruff older man, enlisted, his assistant looked like one of the ensigns drafted for duty in this meat grinder. The first of the Walkers had already stepped over the first line of trenches and was advancing through the rest of the field nearly unopposed. He noted with a growing sense of horror that not much weapons fire was coming from the trenches.

“We need to commandeer this unit right away.” Kirk said.

“Excuse me? Last time I checked you weren’t listed on the chain of command. My duty is to keep loading this mortar until they blast me to smithereens and that’s what I’m going to do. In case you haven’t noticed there’s a battle going on!” the loader replied sourly. Kirk was taken aback.

“Excuse me?” Kirk exclaimed in shock and indignation.

“Hey, that’s James Kirk.” The ensign interjected.

“So, who’s he think he is? The Second coming or something. This transporter is our only link to the armory that keeps feeding us these babies and without it this gun runs dry.” he grunted.

Chewbacca suddenly towered over the loader and howled in his face.

“Then again on the other hand, he is a Captain and what am I, a lowly chief, he’s welcome to it.” the man replied without skipping a beat.

“Thanks, Chewie.” Kirk said with a grin and Chewbacca nodded.

“Leia, bring over one of those canisters.” he pointed to one of the photon canisters and started examining the combat transporter’s controls. Their range was limited, but the Walkers were right on top of them so that shouldn’t be an issue. He tried to judge the distance and speed and noted with some disgust that he didn’t have a tricorder, nor did the transporter even have a simple scanning array.

He eyed Artoo.

“You have scanners and sensors?” he asked.

Artoo whistled affirmatively.

“I’ll take that as a yes, get plugged in here and give me range and distance for that lead walker.” he ordered pointing Artoo to the transporter. Artoo happily obliged and plugged into the transporter controls, a small dish antennae quickly rose from a slot in his dome.

“This is heavy.” Leia grunted and handed Kirk one of the canisters. She eyed the set up. “Just what are you doing?”

“A little surprise for our Imperial friends.” Kirk replied and set the canister on the transporter pad.

“Got that range and distance.”

Artoo whistled.

“Are you compensating for the walk?”

Artoo spat something insulting.

“I take that as an up yours.” Kirk replied wanly and activate the controls. The canister faded form view in a column of light. Kirk quickly glanced over to the lead Walker. It was lowering its head to fire at a concentration of troops desperately trying to get out of its way. Suddenly it shuddered hard, explosions could be seen lighting up the interior of the Walker and it slowly ground to a stop, smoke pouring from every open vent.

The men who had been under its guns began cheering and celebrating.

“One down.” Kirk crowed.

“Amazing.” Leia breathed.

“Good work, little guy! Give me range on the next one!” Kirk exclaimed slapping Artoo on his domed head. Artoo whistled happily.

“I have breached their main line of defense my lord, you may start your landing.” General Ithis reported to the small holographic representation of Lord Nemesis on his communications array. Nemesis nodded.

Ithis looked back up at the battlefield and his eyes narrowed on one of his Walkers. It had stopped on the highest slope of the defensive lines, nearly past their defenses, now smoke was billowing from it. He glanced down at his tactical display. The computers were listing it as destroyed.

“What in the name of the Emperor just happened?” he demanded.

“We don’t know sir, one moment Walker S-23 is making an assault and the next she explodes as if struck by artillery.

“Nonsense, Federation artillery has proven useless against our armor.”

“It looked to me like the explosions were coming from within.” his gunner reported uncertainly.

“Within?! How did they get past our armor…” Ithis’ voice drifted off. he remembered the initial briefing before hostilities with the Federation began, the Romulans had given them information on a teleportation system that the powers of this galaxy used.

“Transporters!” he slammed his fist down on the controls. “Have all Walkers commence immediate jamming, speed up the offensive and find me their power core, I have to shut down this threat before-“

Another Walker right on his left flank suddenly shuddered to a stop, explosions definitely issuing from within, this time the side of the armor burst open like an overripe melon and the Walker slowly toppled over.

“Find their power core now!”

“Okay, lining up for the shot, you with me Flyer 9 and 12?”

“We copy that 6, commencing fire.”

The Delta flyers flew in a tight wedge formation and their phasers lanced out simultaneously striking the lead knee joint of a Walker. They were coming in low and slow, trying to maintain fire on the same spot for as long as possible, flak exploded around them mercilessly but Tom kept the Flyer steady and Wes poured on the fire without hesitation. Just as they were forced to break the attack the knee joint suddenly exploded and the Walker shrieked as metal crunched on metal, the joint gone. The Walker toppled forward, all the momentum it had built up during the attack forcing it forward while the front leg failed miserably.

“That got him!” Wes exclaimed.

“Good shooting, Wes!” Tom replied and slapped him on the shoulder.

“Hey guys, looks like the Second transport’s getting away!” one of the Flyer pilots announced joyfully as the transport slowly lifted off. Walker fire struck it several times but the shields held, the transport rocketed away.

“That leaves one more and we’ve accomplished our mission.” Tom breathed with relief.

“Scooter, what do you see?”

Robert Scott Anderson, Scooter to his buddies, was staring out the window of his apartment across the bay, watching the deadly confrontation with a joyful expression.

“You should see this Timmy, they’re letting the Empire cross their lines of defense so that they can spring the trap on them. Once Starfleet has them where they want them, they’ll bitch slap them back to where ever it is that they come from. I mean come on, who are they to think they can conquer the Federation with LASERS?!” he answered derisively. “How’s the space battle going?”

“Well, according to the latest reports, the fleet is getting hammered.” Timothy Jones chuckled. “You have to love Starfleet intelligence, this disinformation campaign is really working. By making the Empire think that they’re destroying our fleet it lulls them into a false sense of security.” Jones replied with a braying laugh as he munched on some Doritos and stared at the holovision.

“To think, that asshole Wong said we should evacuate before the battle started.”

“What an ass, and give up these primo seats for Starfleet’s impending victory?” Scooter replied haughtily.
“Hey after this is over, maybe they’ll finally accept my application to the academy.” Scooter wondered aloud as he glanced back at his best friend.

“Why not, they’ve only rejected you twice before, you know what they say, three times the charm.” Jones replied holding up a can of Soda to toast his buddy.

A low whistling sound slowly grew in volume.

“What the hell is that?” Jones asked.

“Maybe it’s the Starfleet smack down about to go into effect.” Scooter replied with a gleam in his eyes and quickly glanced out the window again. The whistling was definitely getting louder and now the building was shaking.

“What the hell?!”

Scooter slowly looked up and his eyes bulged as he saw the great fireball descending down on them. He turned to his friend, tears in his eyes.



“Hold me.” Scooter begged.

The stabilizing rod from Starbase One plunged right through the tenement house and impacted into the earth in a multi megaton blast of fire and smoke. The blast leveled most of down town San Francisco.

“Fire in the hole!” Kirk exclaimed as he beamed another canister. The target Walker kept on firing as the canister materialized several meters to the east of it and exploded.

“Hey! What happened?” Kirk asked looking back at Artoo. Kirk had single handedly just knocked four Walkers out of commission and watched with glee as the Imperial advance seemed to be faltering as the Flyers had knocked out another two.

Artoo whistled a long plaintive string.

“Okay, now I’m lost.”

“He said, sir, that the Imperial forces are jamming his sensors, he has to try and make his best guess.” Threepio interjected.

“Well, my little friend, try to guess better.” Kirk said with a nod.

A long explosion ripped through the area, throwing Kirk and the rest to the floor. Kirk felt hot shrapnel pelting him. He slowly looked up and saw a sight he never thought he would see. Starfleet command was in ruins, the main building had been leveled by the monster blast that had passed over them. The building that had stood since the dawn of the Federation was gone.

Phaser fire began to shower down on the battlefield from above. It struck one Walker square one, shearing off the head and one of the hind legs. It exploded where it stood.

“Nice to see that Mr. Spock always likes to announce his presence with a bang.” Kirk smirked.

“Luke.” Leia whispered as she saw the lander slowly descending into the center of the ruined command center, flanked by two squat ugly assault transports she knew was filled to the brim with stormtroopers. She quickly glanced back and saw several walkers kneeling down, disgorging their own troops as well.

“We have to get out of here now!” she urged. Kirk looked down at the combat transporter, but it was dead, obviously the power core in Command had gone up with the building. He slapped on his communicator.

“Kirk to Enterprise.”

“Please specify which-“

“Enterprise, NCC-1701!” Kirk snapped as he watched the pitiful band of survivors scrambling away from the Imperial advance and desperately making their way to the West Lawn where the last transport was loading.

“Uhura here sir.”

“Patch me to Scotty.”


“Scotty have you finished doing what I asked you to do.”

“Aye sir.” Scotty replied mournfully.

“Scotty, we don’t have time for this now, just make sure everything is set, we’re getting the hell out of here and I have a feeling that the Empire will be making damn well sure we don’t!” Kirk snapped, ignoring the sorrow building in his own heart. “We may be the only hope the Federation has of getting out of here.”

Kirk noted the Walkers were getting close to the lawn and white armored stormtroopers were swarming like army ants towards the transport.

He switched frequencies.

“Transport, get out there, I’m going to get out of here on my own! Get out!”

The transport was slowly lifting off when one of the Walkers leveled its head in its direction and a full salvo struck the transport. The transport shuddered hard and small explosions rippled across its surface, it slowly began to list to port as the pilot was obviously trying desperately to get it to fly when another burst from another Walker struck it and the transport seemed to hang suspended in the air for a moment before plunging downward, exploding into a bright white blast of plasma. Kirk put his arm around Leia and covered her with his body as the shockwave sent them all scattering to the ground.

Kirk slowly got up, groaning as he felt the pain of landing all wrong in his muscles.

“Oh no!” Leia exclaimed.

Kirk looked up and saw an intense young man striding towards them dressed in black, with a flowing black cape. Who in the hell wears a cape in this day and age? Kirk wondered.

“Nemesis I presume?” Kirk asked looking at Leia who nodded sadly. She had not seen him since she saw him on Bespin, trying to rescue them. He looked as if he were in pain, the anger etching his face like acid.

“Master certainly looks angry.” Threepio commented.

Chewie howled sadly at the sight of his friend and knowing what he had become.

“I see you’ve brought the company together for me. Good, you make this much easier for me.” Nemesis stated coldly. Stormtroopers quickly fanned out surrounding them and training their weapons on the group.

“Luke.” Leis began.

“That name, no longer has any meaning for me.” Nemesis snapped.

“Sounds like that’s not the case to me.” Kirk replied sharply. Nemesis eyed the young man, noting his arm still protectively around Leia.

“And who might you be?” Nemesis asked.

“Captain James T. Kirk of the United Federation of Planets. I am personally going to kick your asses back to the galaxy and rock you crawled out from under.” Kirk answered, eyes boring into Nemesis’

“You certainly doing a great job of it now.” Mara interjected sardonically, as if punctuating her point, a flight of TIE Interceptors roared overhead. Leia watched her intently, the way she moved, like some stalking cat, always close to Luke, the way she eyed him.

Kirk smiled at the assembled Imperials, eyes still locked on Nemesis.

“You’ll find I’m full of surprises.” he stated simply and they were suddenly replaced by columns of glittering gold light.

“Stop them! Leia!” Nemesis roared but they were gone. Nemesis stared at the empty space where they stood only a second ago. Mara stared in shock. How could they have missed that avenue of escape? Despite the prevalence of this teleportation technology it was till hard to factor it into the tactical equations.

Nemesis stared up at the sky, black rage filled him. She had been close enough to touch. She had been within his grasp.

“Order Kittaine to blow them all up, spare no one, I want the Federation fleet completely destroyed. NOW.”

“As you command My lord.”

Nemesis stared out at the bay and wondered whether he would ever see her again. He also found his thoughts turning to this Captain James T. Kirk. Something was stirring in his breast. A warning. The Dark side was rippling around him telling him that this would not be the last he would see of the young captain.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Muuuust have more!

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Post by Mr Bean »

Nice inculsion of the others there :D

But assoiating Wong with Feddys? HEARSY! :P

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Post by CorSec »

I think I've soiled myself with glee.

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Post by HemlockGrey »

Damn. I was half-expecting Kirk to draw a phaser and fire at Nemesis, Clint-Eastwood style, only to have Nemesis batter it away with his lightsaber and smirk something to the effect of 'Try again, bitch.'

But hey, that ending worked. Great chapter.
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Post by Jack Lain »

Another masterful chapter Stravo. Very well done. Love the whole scooter bit. Almost got myself in trouble laughing out loud.
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Post by Eleas »

Jack Lain wrote:Another masterful chapter Stravo. Very well done. Love the whole scooter bit. Almost got myself in trouble laughing out loud.
Yeah, this was an excellent chapter, the best yet.
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Post by Crown »

Stravo wrote:“Are you compensating for the walk?”

Artoo spat something insulting.
My favourite line so far!!! :mrgreen:
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Post by Darth Eris »

Love the story so far!
Standing by the beacon was a young man, dressed in a gold shirt and black pants, light shone from him as well.

“The Force is strong in this one.” he surmised with a smirk.
So Kirk's a Force sensitive? Almost explains a few things, doesn't it? :wink:

Keep it up!
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Post by Stravo »

Darth Eris wrote:Love the story so far!
Standing by the beacon was a young man, dressed in a gold shirt and black pants, light shone from him as well.

“The Force is strong in this one.” he surmised with a smirk.
So Kirk's a Force sensitive? Almost explains a few things, doesn't it? :wink:

Keep it up!
I was wondering if anyone was going to notice that little there ANY OTHER way to explain this guy's luck??? I believe his force abilties manifest themsleves in a well known phenomenon known as "The Ripped Shirt technique" a technique lost to the jedi MANY Ages ago.....
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

Goooood chapter Stravo. Hopefully the war between the Empire and the Federation will be a long one.
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Post by Ted »

Cpt_Frank wrote:Goooood chapter Stravo. Hopefully the war between the Empire and the Federation will be a long one.
It better, I want this fic to last along while
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Post by Crown »

Do I detect another famous line?..;
Stravo wrote:“Transport, get out there, I’m going to get out of here on my own! Get out!”
The most effective spells are alway subtle :wink:

Great stuff Stravo!
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Post by Ender »

“Scooter, what do you see?”

Robert Scott Anderson, Scooter to his buddies, was staring out the window of his apartment across the bay, watching the deadly confrontation with a joyful expression.

“You should see this Timmy, they’re letting the Empire cross their lines of defense so that they can spring the trap on them. Once Starfleet has them where they want them, they’ll bitch slap them back to where ever it is that they come from. I mean come on, who are they to think they can conquer the Federation with LASERS?!” he answered derisively. “How’s the space battle going?”

“Well, according to the latest reports, the fleet is getting hammered.” Timothy Jones chuckled. “You have to love Starfleet intelligence, this disinformation campaign is really working. By making the Empire think that they’re destroying our fleet it lulls them into a false sense of security.” Jones replied with a braying laugh as he munched on some Doritos and stared at the holovision.

“To think, that asshole Wong said we should evacuate before the battle started.”

“What an ass, and give up these primo seats for Starfleet’s impending victory?” Scooter replied haughtily.
“Hey after this is over, maybe they’ll finally accept my application to the academy.” Scooter wondered aloud as he glanced back at his best friend.

“Why not, they’ve only rejected you twice before, you know what they say, three times the charm.” Jones replied holding up a can of Soda to toast his buddy.

A low whistling sound slowly grew in volume.

“What the hell is that?” Jones asked.

“Maybe it’s the Starfleet smack down about to go into effect.” Scooter replied with a gleam in his eyes and quickly glanced out the window again. The whistling was definitely getting louder and now the building was shaking.

“What the hell?!”

Scooter slowly looked up and his eyes bulged as he saw the great fireball descending down on them. He turned to his friend, tears in his eyes.



“Hold me.” Scooter begged.

The stabilizing rod from Starbase One plunged right through the tenement house and impacted into the earth in a multi megaton blast of fire and smoke. The blast leveled most of down town San Francisco.
Greatest. Cameo. Ever.

And nioce to see Chewie protecting Leia from the leech.
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Post by Stravo »


Glad you enjoyed the little cameo. I was hoping people would enjoy it and not think it broke the usual tone I've set of dark seriousness. I felt it HAD to be done after the hell we've been through with Fuckstar and his godamn wall of perpetual ignorance. Although I was not part of the ASVS community during the dark times (ie. TOWNMNBS) I've read the TJ website and aside form being STUPEFIED by his stupidity I knew that these two were cut from the same cloth and had to be placed together. I promise to keep things like this to an absolute minimum in the story, but I felt we SD Net folks needed the little chuckle. Besides the next few chapters are going to be ESB dark and I needed some levity.

BTW Kirk is going to have a helluva time getting into Leia's pants. Chewie makes a KICKASS chastity belt.
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