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Kelly Antilles
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Jennifer reached up and touched her face where the other vampire had hit her. It actually stung a bit. "You have signed your final death warrant, Bruck," she said softly.

Anna smirked and spoke to the woman in an ancient language. "<I think not, child. You must remember that I will always be better than you. I will always be there before you. You will never obtain the prize.>"

Jennifer snarled. "<I will obtain whatever I choose. You are nothing but a stuck up Ventrue. The day will come soon when I will watch you lose everything.>"

"I eagerly await that day to prove you wrong." Anna stood defiantly before the younger vampire.
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Post by Stormbringer »

Alec rushed to Anna's side. She was going to get herself killed.

"Anna, what hell are you thinking?" Alec growled, angry beyond words.

This was going to be trouble. As if they needed more trouble.
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Jennifer Lazlo scowled. "We'll see about that now won't we."

She had nothing else to say. Bruck's reaction had come as more than a surprise. In all their competition, the two women had never actually come to blows. She wasn't quite sure whether to think of this as a good thing or bad.

"Keep your delusions close," she sneered. "In the end they will be the only things you have left."

Again, she turned and began heading toward Ahmed and his party. This time, however, she didn't even get a step. The party was coming to them.

Joe stopped the group before everyone and directed Ahmed's gaze to Alec with a finger.

"<There's the man,>" he said in Arabic. "<This is the guy who thinks he can out play anyone in cards. He wants in on your game.>"

The Assamite smiled. "<You're a funny guy, you know that,>" he joked. "<You think you can take my money? You're good, eh? We'll see.>"

"<Hay,>" Joe put his hands up in mock defence. "<Personally, I just want to see if you're as good as they say.>"

The Assamite laughed again. "<Well come on than. Let's go. This place was boring anyway.>"

"<Mind if I come along?>" Lazlo slinked up to Ahmed and purred the words.

"<Are you good luck?>"

"<The best.>"
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Post by Stormbringer »

What the hell was Joe up to? Alec was stunned by Joe's bold move. And how the hell did the anti-social recluse work his into the Assamites confidence so quick?

"So, what game do you prefer?"
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Anna stood beside Alec and spoke quickly. "Seven card stud, straight up. And I believe we have the perfect dealer." She grinned ferraly at Jennifer. "I trust you know how to deal cards?"
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"Oh, I've had some experience with dealing," Jennifer returned. "But I'd much rather play. You don't seem to have any use here, Anna. Why don't you deal?"

Ahmed's face broke into a lurid grin at the exchange. It seemed he was enjoying it. His excitement was already high from trying to size up these unknown variables.

"You can all play if you've got the money," the Assamite said, switching to accented english. "I don't care who I take it from."

He looked back at the fighting ring as the losing dog was being cleaned from the sands. "So did you win?"

They had. Somehow their gamble had paid off and they went to collect their winnings. The Assamite took careful note of the size of that reward and his smile widened. The stakes would be high tonight.

Whether he had come out ahead in the fights, no one was quite sure. He made no comment and no show of caring. With a gesture of a hand he simple bade them to follow and led the group out.

"Come on," the Assamite commented, putting a hand on Alec's shoulder. "You're looking like shit, man. Let's get this game started before you drop out on us."

After Ahmed, Lazlo, Alec, Jack and Anna, Ahmed's boys, and the three Sabbat in the cheap pinstrips, Joe turned to take one last look at the ever shifting crowd. Death hung in this place, but life ruled over it. Life made a game of it, a joke of it. No matter what the others told themselves, it was life that had true power. He turned and caught up to the rest.

"How'd you manage to pull that off?" Jack asked from the side of his mouth as they were brought to another unassuming building not far away. This one's interior far more elegantly appointed.

The Caitiff shrugged and smiled slightly. "He seems to like my cynical sense of humour. Good kid, respectful to his elders. Unlike some. Doesn't have a clue who we are though, by the way. I think he knows you're in town but I don't think he gives a rats ass about it. He's not stupid, just seems more into having fun."

((Who wants to write how the card game will play out? I'll PM you with a couple things I want you to hit on.))
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

And so it began.

The cards were delt over and over. The luck was with Alec at the beginning, but soon Jennifer gained ground. Next was Ahmed's turn. All the while, Anna watched. She knew her childe well enough that he was toying with the others. Jennifer was a puzzle, but she had a pattern. Ahmed was a typical gambler. Surely she and Alec would be able to strip him of his entire wallet and then some.

Joe watched as well, particularly the elder vampire. He knew of her blood weakness and figured she must be a good card player. But why was she holding back? She'd had several hands that would have won, but dumped them.

Jack paced like the caged animal he was. He was not at all comfortable being in a room with so many Assamites. Add to that the fact that his hunger was growing made for a very dangerous combination.

"Well," Anna said. "Royal flush." She turned up the jack and ace of hearts from her face down cards. The ten, queen and king were showing face up. "I believe this pot is mine." Reaching forward, she slid the rather sizable pile of chips towards her. She looked at Alec and winked.

He smiled and took the cards to deal. From this point on, the betting became fast and furious. Jennifer and Anna battled against each other, both deminishing the mens pots. Alec hung in, but Ahmed's stack grew smaller and smaller.

Ahmed's pile was quite small, not much more than $5000. He looked down at his cards. He was showing the ten and nine of clubs. Beside him, the woman called Jennifer showed two eights, hearts and diamonds. Alec had the ace of diamonds and the ace of spades. Anna had the three and four of hearts. Under his downed cards, he had the queen of clubs. A possible straight. However, it wasn't his bet.

"Five hundred," Jennifer said as she slid her chips into the pot.

Alec looked at everyone's cards and nodded. "I'll see your five and raise you one thousand."

"That's fifteen hundred to me," Anna said counting her chips. "I call."

Ahmed quickly pulled out to call and pushed it to the middle of the table. "Call."

Jennifer smiled. "I guess that's one thousand to me. Well, I shall call."

The next cards were dealt face up. Jennifer showed yet another eight. Alec drew the duce of hearts. Anna had the six of hearts and Ahmed was given the king of clubs. Jennifer cackled. "Ah, yes. I will bet one thousand."

Alec looked at his cards. "Call," he said pushing the chips into the pot.

Anna raised an eyebrow. From the look on Alec's face, he had something. However, he didn't raise. "I'll raise another thousand," she said sliding two thousand into the ever growing pot.

Ahmed smiled. "Two thousand. I call."

Jennifer snarled and put fifteen into the pot. "Another five hundred to sweeten the deal."

Alec sat there for a moment before adding five hundred to the pile. "Call." Anna and Ahmed both called as well.

The last two cards were dealt face down. Everyone looked at their cards and counted their chips. Jennifer tossed one thousand in. "There's a good start."

Alec slowly pushed twenty-five thousand to the pot. Anna looked at the table and called. Ahmed looked at his dwindling chips. "I don't have enough. But, perhaps I could offer something." He pulled out a small book.

Anna's and Jennifer's eyes widened. They both drooled over what the book had to be. "I believe that will be worth quite a bit," Anna said. "Wouldn't you agree, Jennifer?"

"Absolutely. In fact, I'll call with the rest of my chips." Lazlo grinned.

Alec coughed. "I'll call." He shoved his chips forward.

Anna called as well. "Show your cards, Ahmed."

He turned over his cards to show a straight. Jennifer laughed as she turned over four eights. "That book is mine." She reached forward to pull in the pot.

"Not quite, Lazlo," Alec said. He flipped over two more aces.

Anna's eyes widened. "You did it!" She turned to hug him.

"Yes..." the young one slumped foward against the table.

Anna was immediately frightened. "Oh gods..." She looked up to see Joe pushing him back to look at the wound on his chest. "What is it?"

"Looks like he's infected with some kind of poison." The caitiff pushed aside Alec's shirt. "Damn, it's rather fast."

Ahmed looked over the table. "Looks like your childe had a run in with a Beni Kur. If you do not get him help soon, he will die."

Anna clutched Alec's hand tightly. "A damned? But your kind are the only ones who know of such poisons."

"There is another," Joe said rather reluctantly.

"Speak Joe. Tell us." Anna grabbed his arm tightly.

"Geoffrey D'Anjou."
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Post by Stravo »

"WHAT?!" Jack exclaimed. "There is no fucking chance that the heartless son of a bitch will help Alec!" Jack portested bitterly. He looked at Alec in dismay, To think that a friend's life depended on that evil psychopath.

"Joe, you can't mean that, there have to be other elders that can help us." Jack nearly pleaded.
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Joe frowned and shot Jack a sidelong glance as he lifted Alec from his seat, using the strength of his age to help support the man. “Come on DuMont,” he muttered. “Mind over matter, Kid. Mind over matter. You can’t be killed by poison, you’re already dead. Hold on.”

Around them the room had erupted at the mention of D’Anjou. Jack may not have been a concern but the other was entirely different. The young Assamites seemed to take offence to the very name being spoken. They were flying off the handle, shouting and waving arms as if trying to take off.

Jennifer Lazlo seemed to have gotten lost in the confusion.

“SIT DOWN!” The two syllables were spoken from the two eldest vampires in the room at the same time. They carried power behind them that could not be denied, especially not in a double dose like this. Even in his delirium, the little strength Alec had left in his legs gave out.

“Not you.” Anna pointedly grabbed Jack by the collar and hauled him toward the door.

“Sorry Reece,” Joe finally answered as they hurried out of the building before the effects on the others could wear off. “The only vampire that knows as much about the assassins as they do is D’Anjou. You know that. And I know for a fact that he’s in the city. Where can we find him? This doesn’t look good.”

He turned his head back to Alec’s limp form. “Mind over matter, Alec. Mind over matter.”

In what seemed like seconds they were on the street in front of Ahmed’s car. It was locked but that would never be a problem for them.

“Who knows how to start this without keys?” Joe asked, throwing Alec into the back. “And somebody has that damn book, right?”
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"Alec, you hold on, I'm going to get you out of this." Jack whispered as he wacthed the kindred he had come to call friend facing final death.

How do I find him? He always seems to find me.

Jack nodded to himself as he watched the others desperately working to save Alec.

"He's old, he's insane and he's always watching me." he muttered.

The impact was jarring and Reece went tumbling down to the ground. Blood trickled out of the corner of hsi mouth, his jaw had been shattered by the blow. It was starting to regenerate when his sire grabbed him by the collar and hoisted him up off his feet with one hand.

"You WILL pray."

"Fuck you." Jack spat his own vitae on D'Anjou. His sire's animal like features twisted in rage and his red eyes flashed dangerously.

"You are a test, I see it now, a test of my faith. I prayed for you Jack, I prayed for you and the Lord sent me you, but you are not complete. Your faith is sorely lacking and only the blood of the Christ can wash away the sins you carry with you."

"Sins?! I'm a FUCKING VAMPIRE!!"

Geoffrey slammed Jack against the stone wall of the subteranean haven. The rock behind him shuddered on impact.

"You are a KINDRED. VCampire is a vulgar word, one created by kine to describe that whoch they could not possibly undertsand."

Jack stared hard into his sire's eyes.

"We're damned, what the fuck can we possibly pray about? If God exists he should wipe us from the face of creation."

"IF?" Geoffrey's eyes widened and Jack felt nothing else after the first impact. He awoke briefly to Geoffrey hauling him into his stone sarcophagus. His body had been beaten into a literal pulp, bones jutted out of his arms and legs and his face he was sure was no longer there.

"You will learn one day, my little Crusader that the Lord is everywhere and he has not forsaken us, he only requires more from us because of our state. FOr it is in this state that we can face the infidel on even footing. But one day you will learn and we will kneel togther in the Sacred place where our lord was laid to rest where I prayed as a mortal Crusader and still pray as a kindred. Together."

Jack grabbed Joe's shoulder.

"I know where to find him. He told me in his own twisted way that if a prodigal wished to retrun to him what I needed to do. We need to get to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher."

Jack did not want to think about what would happen should his sire say no.
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Post by Stormbringer »

Alec was still dazed. All he felt was a miserable, painful blur.

"What's happening? Where's Anna?" the young vampire mumbled through his delrium.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Anna clutched his hand in hers. "I'm right here. We're going to get you help, I promise. You did get the diary?"

He reached into his jacket and pulled it out, a weak smile on his face.

"Ah, that's my light-fingered childe." She kissed his forehead. Turning to Jack, she gave him a very stern look. "Either tell me how to get to this... Church of the Holy Sepulcher or take us there, I don't care which. D'Anjou can deal with me when we arrive. I am not going to sit here and watch Alec die."
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“Shit,” Joe exhaled. “It had to be a church, didn’t it.”

The car careened through the ancient streets and laneways in an almost random, chaotic motion. Whether Jack actually knew where he was going or not, the others didn’t know and could not pay attention. Finding it fast was all that mattered.

Coming to a deserted parking area, the three immortals and their ailing companion, bolted from the stolen car and rushed for the darkened church come tourist attraction. The square in front of the church was empty this time of night and no eyes saw the group as they burst through the doors with inhuman strength. No one heard the echo of the doors slamming against the walls.

Joe stopped short at the threshold of the holy structure, Alec’s arm draped over his shoulder. As the other’s turned to see what was keeping him, he tossed the man’s lagging form to them.

“I can’t go in there. If you need me, I can’t help.”

Anger and frustration crossed his face before he spun around.
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Jack knew that Joe was not going forward out of cowardice, the caitiff had strange beliefs regarding his undead state and who was Jack to complain. Jack sighed softly and took the brunt of Alec's weight on his shoulder and and with his free hand, drew the blade that D'Anjou had given him, holding it firmly he nodded to Anna.

"Let's go, but I'm not making any promises. That bastard is as inscrutable as they come and he is as ancient as he is crazy. And he hates me for abandoning my mission, so my guess is he'll tell us to go to hell." He gently explained.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Anna took one more glance back at Joe before they disappeared inside. The Catiff wasn't the first vampire she knew that couldn't stand to be on Holy ground. She sighed and moved along with Jack, Alec draped between them. She heard a mumble from her childe. "Alec, did you say something?"

"S... sorry," he muttered. "Jack... I.... sorry...."

"Sh, Alec, " Anna chided him. "Everything will be alright. Jack is going to help us save you."
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Jack walked into the church, notably the security was suddenly lax, one of the biggest tourist draws in Israel and one of the holiest shrines in Christendom, the burial place of Jesus Christ himself was nearly unguarded.

This was his first warning that he was most likely correct about his guess.

Jack held Alec as close to him as possible, making sure that the poisoned kindred was not supporting any of his own weight. He watched the shadows around him but they were as deep and dark as they always were when he was mortal.

Jack reached the area closest to the altar, clumsily crossed himself and genuflected. He held Alec firmly as he glanced around the silent shrine.

“Come on you bastard.” Jack whispered noting Anna’s calm demeanor. She seemed like another of the statues in the church, still and regal, only her eyes moved.

“GEOFFREY!!” Jack shouted after long minutes of silence broken occasionally by a groan from Alec.

“What do you seek prodigal?” The voice was like ice as a figure appeared out of nowhere behind them, the elder Gangrel was crouched over them on an overhanging scaffold from a restoration project. His human body was unnaturally twisted and flexible in the low crouch as his red eyes glowed hungrily in the darkness.

“You know why I’m here you black hearted psycho!” Jack snapped.

D’Anjou did not move, did not show any sign of reacting to Jack’s words. Instead his eyes very studiously examined Jack, Alec and finally rested on Anna.

“You are an elder. I see my prodigal childe has decided not to completely sever himself from our society.” Geoffrey’s head cocked slightly and they could hear him softly sniffing the air.

“Anna Bruck, I knew thy sire, a right honorable fellow, for a Ventrue of course. Tell me, why not bring this wretch to the warlocks. They are gifted in the arts of magic, particularly blood magic.”

Before Anna could answer Jack interjected in frustration.

“Listen to me you twisted fuck, you KNOW why we’re here and you KNOW whether you’re going to help us or not. No more games, damnit!”

Anna solely caught the secretive smile that crossed the elder’s face.

“Silence Prodigal whelp. When you cast aside my protective arm you were sent into the lands of the infidel to suffer alone in your pride.”

“I didn’t come back here for you. I’ll NEVER join you again.”

Geoffrey vaulted from the rafter and landed between Anna and Jack as silent as the a shadow.

“You will walk alone for all eternity, as Caine did before you then.” Anna noted an odd note of something she remembered and knew herself as a sire. There was a buried note of beaming pride. Geoffrey turned his head and pinned her with his gaze. He was a looming figure and she could smell the vitae on his breath, on his clothes. He was a hunter, even among the kindred. But she was an elder and she was not afraid.

“Tell me, Anna Bruck, why are you here and what does this wretch mean to you?”
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Anna met D'Anjou's gaze evenly. She was tired of all the bullshitting they'd gone through since they had arrived here. With a huff, she spoke, "If you are trying to scare me, you're going to have to try harder."

He raised an eyebrow at her arrogance.

"But," she continued before he could speak. "We require your... expertise in Assamite poison. We were attacked by the wretches and one stabbed my childe with a tainted blade. Of course, we have no friends among the Assamites, so the only choice we had was to come to you.

"I'm sure you understand my desire to keep my childe close to me. He is very important. I do hope you are willing to assist us."
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Geoffrey looked down at Alec's tortured face and back to Anna.

"You have been honest with me. I appreciate that particularly from our kind."

Geoffrey glanced over at Jack.

He turned and extended a taloned hand and held Alec's chin.

"Where is Schwartz?"

"Outside, guess he shares my distaste for these places." Jack answered snidely.

"It would have been interesting to speak to him again." Geoffrey mused quietly as he examined the kindred's pallor.

"Tell me boy, do you wish to live? The cure for this will be painful, you may wish for Final Death after we're through. I will not waste my time or energy on a welp that will not endure." Geoffrey asked holding Alec's chin stiffly and looking deep into the ailing young Ventrue's eyes.
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Post by Stormbringer »

"Well, I sure as hell don't wanna die." Alec managed to growl back at the Gangrel elder.
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Anna's hand clinched into a fist and drew blood from her palm. She was tired of waiting, her patience had run out. "Listen, Geoffrey," she spat at the Gangrel. "I have seen Alec endure great pain. But, we are short on time and I'm not in the mood to play around. Either heal him or tell me where I can find someone who can."
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"Patience, my dear is a virtue, We are untouched by time yet you feel a need to be rushed." Geoffrey sighed heavily and glanced back at Alec.

"We would need to bring some very strange ingredients together, ingrediants that he does not have time to find and concoct, such as Scorpion's venom and dew from a desert blossom." Noting Anna's impatience he smiled softy. "But I always keep a draught or two on me in case I am ever felled by the foul works of my enemy."

He reached into his trenchcoat and drew out a vial. It had a blackish thick ichor. He shook the vial in front of Anna's eyes.

"I could save the life of your childe, but I will not be so petty as to threaten him or you. That is beneath you and I. Instead I am going to save his life, but you understand of course the traditions and what a boon is. You will owe me a life boon, equivalent to that of your childe. I may come calling to request the boon be fulfilled tomorrow night or ten centuries from now."

Geoffrey stared into her eyes, his twisted animal face softened slightly.

"Is that price worth the life of your childe?"

"I wouldn't make deals with this bastard." Jack interjected coldly.

"This is the province of elders, prodigal." Geoffery replied bit his eyes never left Anna.
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Outside, Joe stood draped in shadow near the holy structure, eyes closed and ears open. He could hear everything that was being said through the time-tested stone walls and felt all the more impotent for it. The blue-blooded devil was toying with them. If he was going to help he should just do it.

Joe wondered if this was going to turn into an abject lesson to Reece about the dangers of becoming attached to others. That may prove fatal to DuMont. He also wondered whether the elder Gangrel would detect that his childe had diablised one of his bitter enemies. That could be dangerous for all of them.

Then he heard the bargain. Now Bruck was going to be wrapped up in this bastard’s plans. As if they didn’t have enough to think about, now they may have to shift their dance to his tune too.

The Caitiff clutched the musty, over-stuffed leather journal they had just acquired and knelt down, slamming his fist into the concrete. If anyone had been watching, on one knee, eyes closed, they would have thought him a pilgrim holding a lonely, midnight vigil

Damn it! God Damn Vampires!
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

His eyes bored into hers. She could not pull away, even if she wanted to. Her eyes closed as she calmed herself.

She looked over at Alec and remembered the day they first met....

She scanned the people, looking for something that would sate her. Her eyes passed the young man at the bar. He was staring directly at her. That was quite disconcerting. She checked his aura. No, he wasn't a vampire, but he was very confident about something. She frowned slightly and moved on.

"May I sit here?"

She looked up. It had only been several breaths since she'd looked in his eyes, yet here he was at her table. She motioned for him to have a seat. His blood did have the right scent, but there was something else about him. She couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Alec sat down, placing his glass upon the table. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"No thank you," she replied quietly.

"You like scotch."

"And what leads you to believe I like alcohol at all?"

"Because I've been watching you. You usually order a scotch before..."

"Alright. I'll have a scotch." She quickly interrupted him.

He grinned and went up to the bar to retrieve her drink. She was amused by him. He returned and carefully set the glass before her. "Scotch on the rocks."

"Thank you." She picked up the glass and downed it in one swallow.

"So, what really brings you here if it isn't something to drink?" He sat back in his chair and sipped his whisky.

"I'm looking for someone." She looked out at the people in the bar. It was true she was looking for someone. Unfortunately, he was the only prospect in here. For some reason, that bothered her greatly.

He chuckled. "Well, I think you've found someone."

"You aren't my type," she said sternly.

He leaned forward, staring at her from across the table. "Are you sure? I believe I could find something of your taste." He lay his arm on the table, wrist up.

She looked at his arm. The veins were pulsing, calling her name. He had the correct taint. Something was keeping her from choosing him, however. "You assume quite a bit."

"I know what you are," he whispered.

Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him. "You know nothing about me. Why don't you just go on and find your mark elsewhere. I'm not in the mood for games tonight."

"Oh come on, I know what it is you want." He grinned broadly.

They had gone back to his humble apartment where he confessed having watching her for a while. She was confused at how much he knew about her and her kindred. But she couldn't, could she?

Seventy-eight years seemed like such a long time. She loved him, just as she has all her children, but still... he was special.

"Alec," she said softly. "Always remember that I love you." Turning back to Geoffrey, she nodded. "I agree to your terms."
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Post by Stravo »

Geoffrey nodded, no sign of any emotion on his face and he placed the vial against Alec's lips.

"Drink deeply young kindred, this will flush the toxins out of your system and save your unlife." Geoffrey whispered as he tipped the vial and the black ichor slowly descended into Alec's mouth. The taste was atrocious and it went down slowly like a blood clot until finally settling into Alec's belly.

Geoffrey nodded with satisfaction as he placed the empty vial back in his coat.

"You should stay by his side. The pain will soon begin and it will be as nothing like he has ever felt. It will forcefully push the venom out and he will vomit it up. Do NOT touch it, only he can wipe his mouth at this point for the venom is still deadly. Once he finishes vomitting you must take him to feed and he will feed deeply this night, several vessels at least. By tomorrow night he will be himself again."

Geoffrey laid Alec down on the ground and watched him. Alec's face was starting to twicth. The pain was nearly upon him.

As he crouched over Alec he glanced up at Jack who was looking down at Alec, relief etched on his face and pointedly ignoring Geoffrey. Geoffrey rose and looked over at Anna.

<It is a rare pleasure to see a sire and childe so attached. Blessed are the sires with children who love and understand them.> Geoffrey stated in Aramaic to Anna.

Geoffrey began to stride out.

"Thats it huh? No lectures, no bullshit?" Jack asked as Geoffrey neared the door.

Geoffrey did not turn around, but Anna could almost feel the smile on his face.

"You are brave prodigal. I should take your blood for the filth with which you have stained it."

"What?" Jack asked taken aback.

"You do not think I could see the black lines in your aura, you think I could not smell the fetid stink of my enemies vitae coursing through your veins, mingling with MY vitae." Geoffrey hissed, he still did not turn around.

Jack slowly held up his blade, feeling the tension skyrocket.

"You really think you can handle me with that? I fully expected you to pull one of your firearms to defend yourself." Geoffrey sneered. Anna heard something else buried beneath the contempt, a grudging respect.

"I may not be as good at it as you, but if I'm going to go down, its going to be with this buried in your chest."

Geoffrey turned his head and pinned Jack with his gaze. A broad smile crossed his animal twisted features.

"Good." Geoffrey replied simply and strode out of the church.

"I'll never understand that bastard Anna, NEVER."

Alec's screams of pain suddenly began.

Geoffrey strode out of teh churhc and closed his trenchcoat despite the fact that it was not cold and found Joe.

"Tell me, Johann, what is it you see in my prodigal that you allow him to travel with you despite the fact that his crime is celarly evident in his aura? There are some Camarilla circles that would kill him and his coterie for just setting foot in their city." He smiled wolfishly.
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Mark S
The Quiet One
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Joined: 2002-07-25 10:07pm
Location: Vancouver, Canada

Post by Mark S »

Joe looked up at the other coldly and removed his fist from the small crater it had made. He stood smoothly, like water flowing upward, and carefully placed Stormcrow’s journal in his coat. A well-worn sheath and its contents peeked impudently out before being hidden once more.

“And all of them would be more than happy to put me down as well.” He pointed to D’Anjou and crossed his arms in a deceptively unprotected gesture. “You are one of the very few ancients that has not.” Now he pointed a thumb at himself. “No clan. Worthless Caitiff, I believe is the term. I don’t give a rat’s ass about the Camarilla. That’s Bruck’s schtick. This is just where I am right now.”

“Besides,” he continued. “Reece goes where he wants. There is no allowing. Stay or go, it’s his choosing.” Joe frowned slightly. “It doesn’t matter to me. He’s just another vampire. Competition, right?”

The Gangrel didn’t seem to believe the last words.

“I don’t know,” Joe said turning his back on D’Anjou yet still keeping track of every move the other made. “I don’t know why I’ve stayed with them. Maybe because, for all I have seen of our cursed kind, those three are the least like it. The most... human. For all I have done because of my cursed bargain with the Devil, in the presence of those three I can feel almost human.”

Joe faced Geoffrey again. “I’m sure you think that’s stupid.

“I’m sure Reece did what he had to do to save himself. Didn’t we all try everything once in our early days?”

“No,” the reply shot back. “We follow the teachings of our Sires.”

“Oh. Well when you have no Sire, you try everything once. Just to see what will happen.”

The Caitiff smiled, the Gangrel sneered.

“Listen, D’Anjou. I heard the deal you struck. I’ve already danced for you enough to pay for DuMont. There is no reason to bring Bruck into this.”
Last edited by Mark S on 2003-06-05 09:05pm, edited 1 time in total.
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