Nobody's getting sedated with Ritalin. It's a CNS stimulant. The reason it and amphetamines are prescribed for ADD and ADHD is that they have a tendency to focus you. Performing tasks and keeping your mind in one place becomes easier. That's why college students use them when writing papers.UltraViolence83 wrote:I've "had" it since I was a wee lad. Bullshit to me, in my opinion. What fucking little kid out there isn't hyperactive? Parents just want the doctors to tell them this so that they can sedate their kids with Ritalin, which is then sold on the streets. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are people who really have it, it's just been watered down by having been put on every kid that won't sit still in class.
It's not some "turn off his brain and make him playdough" drug. Though, IMO, it's VERY overprescribed.