But it makes things simpler in that we can find out where the person was killed, and when he was killed. With these thigns modern day detectives and technology can get a good idea what happened, and who did it via DNA, Finger Prints, or what have you. And if there is an auto-matic alert telling police when a chipped person has been killed, or harmed well then the polic can get to the scene almost immeadietly, collect all samples fresh, and possibly catch the killer at or near the scene.aerius wrote:But if it's voluntary and people choose not to have them implanted it raises another problem. What if a non-chipped person kills a person that has the implant? Unless the victim's implant can somehow ID the killer or the authorities can be on the scene instantly, it would still be a bitch to track down the killer and we're back to where we are now. We'd still need to use detective skills to piece everything together and somehow track the killer down.Durran Korr wrote:I think it's a great idea, but I should also think it ought to be voluntary, because forcing something into the body of a person that he/she does not desire is quite a violation of the right to privacy, among other things.
And if a non-chipped person gets killed we'd have a similar problem, except in this case no one would even know about the killing. And if the crime involves only non-chipped people then things get real fun and once again we're back to where we are today. I'd also think that the lawyers will be going apeshit with laws concerning the rights of chipped vs. non-chipped people, and no good is going to come out of that.
We'd know of the crime, because the person would disapear, and would be searched for and the body potentially found. And if we use Mr. Wong's O.J. Scenario where O.J. has the chip and the vics don't we could find out after tracking O.J.'s movements wether or not he did it. We could use the same thing in times where we have circumstantial evidence on a chipped person, and find out immeadietly, without harm to the person wether or not the person couild of performed the act in question.
Here's the tricky bit though, the people most likley to commit the crimes, are also the people least likley to have the chip implanted, meaning that unless the government offers incentives for people to sign up ($$$$) you will mostly get elderly alzheimer patients, or people who really have nothing to lose by getting the chip.