Only a Little while until the Next Harry Potter Book.

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Only a Little while until the Next Harry Potter Book.

Post by Lonestar »

Make your Predictions:


Book Description
I say to you all, once again--in the light of
Lord Voldemort’s return, we are only as strong
as we are united, as weak as we are divided.
Lord Voldemort’s gift for spreading discord and
enmity is very great. We can fight it only by showing
an equally strong bond of friendship and trust.

So spoke Albus Dumbledore at the end of Harry Potter’s fourth year at Hogwarts. But as Harry enters his fifth year at wizard school, it seems those bonds have never been more sorely tested. Lord Voldemort’s rise has opened a rift in the wizarding world between those who believe the truth about his return, and those who prefer to believe it’s all madness and lies--just more trouble from Harry Potter.

Add to this a host of other worries for Harry…
• A Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher with a personality like poisoned honey
• A venomous, disgruntled house-elf
• Ron as keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch team
• And of course, what every student dreads: end-of-term Ordinary Wizarding Level exams

…and you’d know what Harry faces during the day. But at night it’s even worse, because then he dreams of a single door in a silent corridor. And this door is somehow more terrifying than every other nightmare combined.

In the richest installment yet of J. K. Rowling’s seven-part story, Harry Potter confronts the unreliability of the very government of the magical world, and the impotence of the authorities at Hogwarts.

Despite this (or perhaps because of it) Harry finds depth and strength in his friends, beyond what even he knew; boundless loyalty and unbearable sacrifice.

Though thick runs the plot (as well as the spine), readers will race through these pages, and leave Hogwarts, like Harry, wishing only for the next train back.

From the Publisher
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, by J.K. Rowling, the fifth in the bestselling series has been scheduled for release on Saturday, June 21, 2003.

"We are thrilled to announce the publication date. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is absolutely superb and will delight all J.K. Rowling's fans. She has written a brilliant and utterly compelling new adventure, which begins with the words:

"The hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive.... The only person left outside was a teenage boy who was lying flat on his back in a flowerbed outside number four.
Later in the novel, J.K. Rowling writes:

"Dumbledore lowered his hands and surveyed Harry through his half-moon glasses. 'It is time,' he said 'for me to tell you what I should have told you five years ago, Harry. Please sit down. I am going to tell you everything.'


My Predictions:
The Pyscho House-elf is Winky, Mr. Crouch's elf.

Dobby's gonna die.

The Secret is that Dumbledore is harry's real Father.
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Post by consequences »

Nah, Voldemort's gonna be his father.

I can tell you right now, its not going to end pretty, and the casualty count is almost certain to rise. We are currently in act 3 of a five act play(or act five of a seven acter), and those always suck for the characters. Five bucks says that Voldemort uses his connection to Potter to attempt to possess him at some point in the next three books.
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Post by thecreech »

Dumbledore: Your father wasn't killed by voldemort, I am your father

Harry potter: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!... o wait :)
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Post by Ghost Rider »

I hope the body count rises.

Seriously it's almos as if Harry and buds ar invincible and whomeever is associated is rather protected as well.

Seriously I just don't see the danger unless ol Voldy decides to screw with him.

I want dead friends....because one real death from the past four, and minor one to boot...does not imply great danger(especially from a guy who is supposedly basically evil incarnate)

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Post by Lonestar »

My Other big theory is, if Dobby doesn't die, it'll be Hagrid.

J.K. Rowling said that one of Harry's "fans" would die AND, during Harry Potter Hour on the Rosie O'Donnell show Rosie asked Richard Harris (Dumbledore) if he was signed up for all seven movies and he said yes, when she asked Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid) he replied, "sort of". That leads me to believe that Hagrid might get the axe in book five.

In a recent interview with This is London, Robbie Coltrane is quoted as saying:

'I know about what happens to Hagrid, which is something author JK Rowling told me from the beginning to help me prepare me for the part,' he said. 'There is a death in the fifth book of a central character. But I can't say more than that.'
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Post by InnerBrat »

I knew Ron was going to be keeper!

Seriously - James Potter is clearly Harry's father - that's obvious.

And Lily Potter is muggle-born. Sghe won't bring Petunia's family to far into it.

BUT - we don't know anything about Tom Riddle's witch mother - so I think she's a Potter, and a close relation of James - so That crap about the powers transferring through the failed Avada Kadavra curse is wrong - Harry is the Heir of Slyhterin through his father, AS WELL as the Heir of Gryffindor (if he is - it was implied in Chamber of Secrets)

I'm not going to specualte on who's gonna die, because I want to be surprised and upset.
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Post by Gandalf »

I think we'll see a big LOTR influence, maybe Voldemort left a ring, or some such. Though perhaps Dumbledore will "die" like Gandalf did. That would be interesting.
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Post by Steven Snyder »

My Grand Harry Potter Theory

Okay, here it is...

Snape has been in love with Lilly since they were in Hogwarts together.

Many years back Lilly, James, and Snape were involved in a love-triangle. Snape wanted Lilly, but Lilly wanted James. There was a great deal of jealousy on the part of Snape as he resented the talents of James and he went to Voldemort when James and Lilly were married.

Voldemort knew that Snape wanted Lilly, but hated the fact that she now had a family, so he decided to reward his new disciple. He went to the Potter house to kill both James and Harry, then bring Lilly back to Snape. He entered the house and killed James quickly enough, but when he tried to kill the child, Lilly stopped him and wouldn't relent. When you read about Harry's flashbacks you can hear this part, they argued for what seems like several minutes back and forth (hardly what you would have expected...why would Voldemort even bother to converse with her?), then he killed Lilly in an act of rage. Because of his mother's enchantment, Harry survived the attack.

After the attack Snape left Voldemort's side and went to Dumbledore, he sword vengeance against the man who killed the only thing he ever loved. And this is the reason why Dumbledore trusts him so implicitly, he knows that Snape hates Voldemort more than anything else.

Now Harry enters Hogwarts and meets Snape, the potions professor sees James reflected in the boy and sees the future that he feels was stolen by him. But in all this angst, Snape does see a bit of Lilly in the boy and wants to protect him on some level.

An very odd bit of history that they face is that in Harry's first year both were caught spending too much time in the Mirror of Erised, and both were looking upon Lilly Potter.

I have a feeling that the two will eventually patch up their differences, just because they share a bond of Lilly.

And so who is Voldemort to Harry? Just the guy who tried to kill him...Harry isn't the center of the universe, he is just someone caught in the middle of a tradegy and is just trying to grow up and make sense of the world.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

It stinks it stinks it stinks.
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Post by Majin Gojira »

Yes Mr. Sherman, Everything Stinks :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Admiral Johnason »

consequences wrote:Nah, Voldemort's gonna be his father.

I can tell you right now, its not going to end pretty, and the casualty count is almost certain to rise. We are currently in act 3 of a five act play(or act five of a seven acter), and those always suck for the characters. Five bucks says that Voldemort uses his connection to Potter to attempt to possess him at some point in the next three books.
James Potter is not Voldermort, he can never be. JKR already answered this question with a definite no.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Frankly i couldn't care less.
The films and long wait have killed all need to read the 5th book for me.
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Post by Crown »

innerbrat wrote:I knew Ron was going to be keeper!
So did I :D
Seriously - James Potter is clearly Harry's father - that's obvious.
*nods head vigerously* *sprains neck muscle*
And Lily Potter is muggle-born. She (JK Rowling?) won't bring Petunia's family to far into it.
Maybe, maybe not.
BUT - we don't know anything about Tom Riddle's witch mother - so I think she's a Potter, and a close relation of James - so That crap about the powers transferring through the failed Avada Kadavra curse is wrong - Harry is the Heir of Slyhterin through his father, AS WELL as the Heir of Gryffindor (if he is - it was implied in Chamber of Secrets)
:? Doesn't answer why Voldemort had such a hard on to kill Harry while he was still a baby.
I'm not going to specualte on who's gonna die, because I want to be surprised and upset.
*thinks about nodding head* *nahhhh*

I agree :D
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Post by El Moose Monstero »

I'll read it when my sister gets it, have to say, whilst they are mindless and reasonably enjoyable, but had they been around when I was the best age to appreciate them, I dont think they would have been my favourites, I think that title belongs to the Dark Portal Trilogy by Robin Jarvis and the associated back histories.

Anyway, not sure who's going to peg it, but considering they seem to have been getting progressively darker, by the end of the last book, everybody should be dead except Harry and Voldemort - in a sort of Arthur vs Mordred face off in the ruins of Hogwarts... muahaha!

Or perhaps not.

I wonder if we'll see anything of the recent political stuff reflected in any way within the ministry of magic...
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Crown wrote:
:? Doesn't answer why Voldemort had such a hard on to kill Harry while he was still a baby.
Hopefully answered....soon because it's an odd niggling fact given they haven't said anything really special beforehand about James or Lily of why they would warrant Voldy's personal attention.

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Post by El Moose Monstero »

EDIT: to the above, remove word 'whilst' so it makes sense. :oops:
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Post by Crown »

Steven Snyder wrote:My Grand Harry Potter Theory

Okay, here it is...

Snape has been in love with Lilly since they were in Hogwarts together.

Many years back Lilly, James, and Snape were involved in a love-triangle. Snape wanted Lilly, but Lilly wanted James. There was a great deal of jealousy on the part of Snape as he resented the talents of James and he went to Voldemort when James and Lilly were married.
So far so good.
Voldemort knew that Snape wanted Lilly, but hated the fact that she now had a family, so he decided to reward his new disciple. He went to the Potter house to kill both James and Harry, then bring Lilly back to Snape. He entered the house and killed James quickly enough, but when he tried to kill the child, Lilly stopped him and wouldn't relent.
Errr, hold your horses sparky, since when does Voldemort give a flying fuck about his disciples? (not being too aggresive hear, just emphasising). The guy wouldn't give two shits if Snape was upset, actually I retract that, he would, but just because it would make Snape more managable.
When you read about Harry's flashbacks you can hear this part, they argued for what seems like several minutes back and forth (hardly what you would have expected...why would Voldemort even bother to converse with her?), then he killed Lilly in an act of rage. Because of his mother's enchantment, Harry survived the attack.
I agree that Voldemort did indeed seem reluctant to kill Lily, but this begs the question why? Why would he give a fuck about Snape I mean? There seems to be a connection between Voldemort and Lily if you ask me. Although if Voldemort did care about Snape, your theory would make sense.
After the attack Snape left Voldemort's side and went to Dumbledore, he sword vengeance against the man who killed the only thing he ever loved. And this is the reason why Dumbledore trusts him so implicitly, he knows that Snape hates Voldemort more than anything else.
I got the impression that Snape was already a double agent before Voldemort's demise. I will have to read up on this more, but it seemed with the phrase where Dumbledoor defends him; 'turned spy for us at great personal risk' indicates that this was before Voldemort was thwarted by Lily/Harry. I mean what 'great personal risk' was there after Voldy died? Informants were coming out left, right and centre.
Now Harry enters Hogwarts and meets Snape, the potions professor sees James reflected in the boy and sees the future that he feels was stolen by him. But in all this angst, Snape does see a bit of Lilly in the boy and wants to protect him on some level.
Dumbeldoor explained it as owing James his life, although I will admit he could have been lying.
An very odd bit of history that they face is that in Harry's first year both were caught spending too much time in the Mirror of Erised, and both were looking upon Lilly Potter.
Errrrr, when was Snape looking at the Mirror of Erised?
I have a feeling that the two will eventually patch up their differences, just because they share a bond of Lilly.
Probably, maybe, I don't know.
And so who is Voldemort to Harry? Just the guy who tried to kill him...Harry isn't the center of the universe, he is just someone caught in the middle of a tradegy and is just trying to grow up and make sense of the world.
I disagree, Voldemort was there for Harry. He didn't even care about Lily and James, he was there specifically for Harry, otherwise Dumbledoor would have told him when in the first book Harry asked; Why did Voldemort try to kill me? And Dumbledoor brushed him aside with; when you're older.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Crown wrote:
Steven Snyder wrote:Now Harry enters Hogwarts and meets Snape, the potions professor sees James reflected in the boy and sees the future that he feels was stolen by him. But in all this angst, Snape does see a bit of Lilly in the boy and wants to protect him on some level.
Dumbeldoor explained it as owing James his life, although I will admit he could have been lying.
Re: Prisoner of Akar.

A young Snapes had been told that if he'd go through the door at the base of the Willow Tree, he'd find the secret that James Potter and his friends were hiding. James just did manage to save Snapes from the Werewolf, thus Snapes owes James his life.
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Post by Steven Snyder »

You know I had a nice big response going, and then bad things happened.
Errr, hold your horses sparky, since when does Voldemort give a flying fuck about his disciples? (not being too aggresive hear, just emphasising). The guy wouldn't give two shits if Snape was upset, actually I retract that, he would, but just because it would make Snape more managable.
Ahh, but he does. Recall that in book 4 he restored Wormtails hand, he didn't have to do this but he did it. He also allowed back into his good graces all the Death Eaters that had abandoned him a decade before. While he isn't a nice guy, he does at least show some benevolence to his supporters.
I got the impression that Snape was already a double agent before Voldemort's demise. I will have to read up on this more, but it seemed with the phrase where Dumbledoor defends him; 'turned spy for us at great personal risk' indicates that this was before Voldemort was thwarted by Lily/Harry. I mean what 'great personal risk' was there after Voldy died? Informants were coming out left, right and centre.
Snape was in great personal risk when he came to Dumbledore, and by several parties.

First and most importantly, he was a Death Eater. This is a pretty serious problem considering that those that were known were rounded up and sent off to Azkaban. So as you can imagine, turning himself into Dumbledore was a very big risk for him to take.

Secondly the remaining Death Eaters would have seen his action and could have taken action against him. This isn't too far fetched, especially considering that he probably knew who a few of them were.

Thirdly, even the groundskeeper at Hogwarts knew that Voldemort wasn't truly dead and was on his way back. It is very possible that Snape also knew this, and knowledge of this makes his betrayal even more risky.
Dumbeldoor explained it as owing James his life, although I will admit he could have been lying.
As Lady Tevar pointed out, he did owe James his life...but only because James put it in danger in the first place.
Errrrr, when was Snape looking at the Mirror of Erised?
I am going to have to go back over the book...I could be wrong about this. But I recall the mirror either being under the care of Snape, or have been recently removed from his care.
I disagree, Voldemort was there for Harry. He didn't even care about Lily and James, he was there specifically for Harry, otherwise Dumbledoor would have told him when in the first book Harry asked; Why did Voldemort try to kill me? And Dumbledoor brushed him aside with; when you're older.
Well let me ask you this. If a young boy came to you and asked you what Harry did, would you have responded with, "Because your Potions intructor was a follower of Voldermort and Snape wanted you and your father dead, and your mother as his wife?" Of course not...If it were me I would tell him to wait until he is older, this is pretty harsh stuff.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Some of theory works...the only problem is that it's never indicated in any Potter book that Snape coveted fact the two are never mentioned in any sort of connection, but James and Snape having a minor rivalry(Snape has said James was too proud for his own good, that he got away with too many things...etc)

In fact the biggest reason and one Rowling has so far stood by(so it's all we know) is the Snape had many little things he hated about James...but primarily because James saved his life, thus making Snape in essence owe him one.

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Post by InnerBrat »

Crown wrote:
innerbrat wrote:
BUT - we don't know anything about Tom Riddle's witch mother - so I think she's a Potter, and a close relation of James - so That crap about the powers transferring through the failed Avada Kadavra curse is wrong - Harry is the Heir of Slyhterin through his father, AS WELL as the Heir of Gryffindor (if he is - it was implied in Chamber of Secrets)
:? Doesn't answer why Voldemort had such a hard on to kill Harry while he was still a baby
Sorry, I forgot that.
Voldemort wanted the entire Slytherin line eliminated to secure his power. Some ancient magic/prophesy (Rowling doesn't seem to deal in prophesies, so presumably a powerful spell by Slytherin).

That good enough?
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Post by InnerBrat »

P.S. and as for why when Harry was a baby, well basically ASAP.

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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Voldemort? Pah. If it was Lord Valdemar though...
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Post by Mr Bean »

The book will be intresting that simple

Heck even if KJA suddenly got ahold of it it would still be intresting, JK has such a good plot line going its kind of hard to mess up EVERYTHING

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Post by Crown »

Steven Snyder wrote:You know I had a nice big response going, and then bad things happened.
I hate it when that happens :D
Ahh, but he does. Recall that in book 4 he restored Wormtails hand, he didn't have to do this but he did it. He also allowed back into his good graces all the Death Eaters that had abandoned him a decade before. While he isn't a nice guy, he does at least show some benevolence to his supporters.
I hardly call that concern. He did make the guy cut his hand off first. But in the end I agree Voldemort held up his part of the bargain.
Snape was in great personal risk when he came to Dumbledore, and by several parties.

First and most importantly, he was a Death Eater. This is a pretty serious problem considering that those that were known were rounded up and sent off to Azkaban. So as you can imagine, turning himself into Dumbledore was a very big risk for him to take.

Secondly the remaining Death Eaters would have seen his action and could have taken action against him. This isn't too far fetched, especially considering that he probably knew who a few of them were.

Thirdly, even the groundskeeper at Hogwarts knew that Voldemort wasn't truly dead and was on his way back. It is very possible that Snape also knew this, and knowledge of this makes his betrayal even more risky.
Well according to The Goblet of Fire;
The Goblet of Fire, [i]page 513[/i] wrote:Dumbledore had go to his feet. 'I have given evidence already on this matter,' he said calmly. 'Severus Snape was indeed a Death Eater. However, he rejoined our side before Lord Voldemoet's downfall and turned spy for us, at great personal risk. He is now no more a Death Eater than I am.'
I think that says un-arguably that he did indeed re-join the good side before Voldemort attacked Harry, and make no mistake he was there for Harry. Besides after Voldemort's failure the Death Eaters for all intents and purposes clearly on the back foot and on the run. Nevill's parents being the unfortunate exception to this rule. Hell Petigrew blew himself up. And Hagrid, while not the brightest crayon in the box, isn't a wishful thinker. He is a skeptic, and like he said for his money Voldemort was too evil to die...
As Lady Tevar pointed out, he did owe James his life...but only because James put it in danger in the first place.
I know. I was trying to show support for your theory as to why Snape would love/hate Harry so much, other than the official one. :wink:
I am going to have to go back over the book...I could be wrong about this. But I recall the mirror either being under the care of Snape, or have been recently removed from his care.
I don't remember anything like that, and I have a photographic memory. The only thing I remember is that Snape was outside the corridor that the mirror was stored in, threatening Prof Stirl (or whatever his name was). But that's it.
Well let me ask you this. If a young boy came to you and asked you what Harry did, would you have responded with, "Because your Potions intructor was a follower of Voldermort and Snape wanted you and your father dead, and your mother as his wife?" Of course not...If it were me I would tell him to wait until he is older, this is pretty harsh stuff.
Yeah I conceed that point.

I just got the impression that he was after Harry specifically. I mean why didn't James and Lily both just run? They can both Aparate, and go on the run, but James made a stand, why? Was it because Voldemort was specifically after Harry and Harry only? I mean they couldn't run for ever with an infant in tow, could they? But that's speculation.

What we do know, is that for some reason Voldemort was un-willing to kill Lily, and that's what has got out panties in a bunch. While your Snape/Voldemort/Lily theory does make sense, it has to dis-regard the above quote of Dumbledore's in order to be applicable.

Anyone else think that there is a connection between Lily and Voldemort. What if he and her are related? Or could she have been a Death Eater too? :shock:
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"Science is one cold-hearted bitch with a 14" strap-on" - Masuka 'Dexter'
"Angela is not the woman you think she is Gabriel, she's done terrible things"
"So have I, and I'm going to do them all to you." - Sylar to Arthur 'Heroes'
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