1SuprJesusFreak wrote:Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:I'd love to see this "evidence". Ah -- coffee, bagel and the promise of pseudoscientific antics from a gibbering fool. The Breakfast of Champions.
I am not yet prepared to show all the evidence as this is still some I have not rock solid defence for. So of the evidence would be Sumarian (sp) pottery depicting dinosares.
Hahahaha. I hope you're not talking about the Peruvian Ica Stones. At best it's inconclusive. At worst they are frauds, like some of them have already been found to be.
Fuck, even if they were real, the damn things are pretty stylized and open to interpretation. Besides considering the extra parts and scale differences, they don't even look that much like dinosaurs, especially for people that should have been intimately familiar with them.
This would lead one to believe that dinos and humans lived at the same time blowing a rather large hole in the carbon dating system.
Even if it was true, that only means that some dinosaurs were alive with humans.
It doesn't mean that anything was wrong with the dating of older specimens.
Besides you'd still need to show how carbon dating doesn't date objects correctly as in having a test show a modern object not artificially manipulated date earlier than it should.
Other evidence are creators evolution cannot explain such as the Bombadar (sp) beetle and the giraffe.
Seriously, you even research evolution or did you just read Creationism for Morons?
As for giraffe's it is pretty much the same type of argument: "I'm too dumb to think of a way that it's possible, so it must have been God."
All that is needed is some stimuli that favors height of neck in reproduction and eventually, unless the species dies out, you'll get a long necked giraffe.
Considering that we see this from Climacoceras to Canthumeryx to Paleomeryx all the way to Samotherium with a diversion for the Okapia, a species of which still is in existance, the okapi, and then to the modern giraffe.
Fucking Jebus man, are you that much of an idiot or did you not decide to look at any evolutionary texts before you wrote your "paper?"
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