Creationist Arguments (funny as hell)

SLAM: debunk creationism, pseudoscience, and superstitions. Discuss logic and morality.

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Post by Hendrake »

1SuprJesusFreak wrote:No I don't. Of the two theories for life on earth (Creation and evolution) one is right (or closer to being right) and the other is not.
Can you explain me Creation? You know, I've never seen the theory of creation written down. You know, like, what does it involve, what predictions it makes, how can they be verified and how can they be falsified.

If you want a serious debate about creation theory you should state it. Otherwise, it's a bad joke.
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

1SuprJesusFreak wrote: There is however scientific evidence for Creation.
Interesting. You claim to have evidence for creation, but you seem reluctant to represent your so-called "evidence."
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Post by Sir Sirius »

1SuprJesusFreak wrote:Creation can explain everything.
Ofcourse it can, that's why it is empirically unfalsifiable and untestable and thus falls outside the domain of science.

Although, I do have to note cretinism doesn't really explain and/or describe natural phenomena beoynd "god did it!" at all (Eg. cretins can't explain structural homology of vertebrate species beyond "it's the way it is because god made it so and he's ways are unknowable"), which makes the entire drivel complately worthless.
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

I'd love to see this "evidence". Ah -- coffee, bagel and the promise of pseudoscientific antics from a gibbering fool. The Breakfast of Champions.
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Post by RedImperator »

JodoForce wrote:So do they have science teachers teaching creationism in public schools? :?
It's against the law to teach Creationism in public schools in a number of districts and it's also unconstitutional for a state or school district to mandate the teaching of Creationism (the recent nonsense in Ohio about intelligent design, if it isn't revised, is due for a good, hard judicial smackdown when the usual coalition of scientifically-minded people challenge it). There are still probably public schools where it's taught by individual teachers and winked at by the administration, but it's pretty much got to be off the record.
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Post by 1SuprJesusFreak »

Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:I'd love to see this "evidence". Ah -- coffee, bagel and the promise of pseudoscientific antics from a gibbering fool. The Breakfast of Champions.
I am not yet prepared to show all the evidence as this is still some I have not rock solid defence for. So of the evidence would be Sumarian (sp) pottery depicting dinosares. This would lead one to believe that dinos and humans lived at the same time blowing a rather large hole in the carbon dating system. Other evidence are creators evolution cannot explain such as the Bombadar (sp) beetle and the giraffe.
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Post by Hendrake »

1SuprJesusFreak wrote:I am not yet prepared to show all the evidence as this is still some I have not rock solid defence for. So of the evidence would be Sumarian (sp) pottery depicting dinosares. This would lead one to believe that dinos and humans lived at the same time blowing a rather large hole in the carbon dating system. Other evidence are creators evolution cannot explain such as the Bombadar (sp) beetle and the giraffe.
You seem far more preoccupied to blow holes in evolution rather then find evidence for creation. You understand that you even if you find conclusive proof that evolution doesn't happen you are not a step closer to prove creationism, do you?
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Post by Alyeska »

1SuprJesusFreak wrote:
Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:I'd love to see this "evidence". Ah -- coffee, bagel and the promise of pseudoscientific antics from a gibbering fool. The Breakfast of Champions.
I am not yet prepared to show all the evidence as this is still some I have not rock solid defence for. So of the evidence would be Sumarian (sp) pottery depicting dinosares. This would lead one to believe that dinos and humans lived at the same time blowing a rather large hole in the carbon dating system. Other evidence are creators evolution cannot explain such as the Bombadar (sp) beetle and the giraffe.
That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. Do you even comprehend what dinosaurs and humans living together entails? Try watching Jurassic Park. Think about how well humans would do without any modern technology. Those Raptors are a real bitch.
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

1SuprJesusFreak wrote:
Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:I'd love to see this "evidence". Ah -- coffee, bagel and the promise of pseudoscientific antics from a gibbering fool. The Breakfast of Champions.
I am not yet prepared to show all the evidence as this is still some I have not rock solid defence for. So of the evidence would be Sumarian (sp) pottery depicting dinosares. This would lead one to believe that dinos and humans lived at the same time blowing a rather large hole in the carbon dating system. Other evidence are creators evolution cannot explain such as the Bombadar (sp) beetle and the giraffe.
Then show the evidence you do have a "rock solid" defense for. Show any evidence at all and simply add more once you've sealed it.

The Bombardier Beetle argument has been discounted elsewhere by authorities better educated than I am, and I'll allow those who have such information to share it with you directly. The giraffe is an oddity, certainly, but if you intend to use this anomaly to demonstrate the validity of a theory which necessitates the involvement of a supreme being, you should also be prepared to consider that that supreme being may have completed the giraffe while under the influence of heavy hallucinogens.
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Post by Ted C »

1SuprJesusFreak wrote:I am not yet prepared to show all the evidence as this is still some I have not rock solid defence for. So of the evidence would be Sumarian (sp) pottery depicting dinosares. This would lead one to believe that dinos and humans lived at the same time blowing a rather large hole in the carbon dating system. Other evidence are creators evolution cannot explain such as the Bombadar (sp) beetle and the giraffe.
If those are the best arguments you can produce, no wonder you're not prepared to show your evidence. Giant serpents and other mythical animals are common in legends throughout the ancient world, so there's nothing to tie pictures on ancient pots to dinosaurs. The theory of evolution can easily explain bombardier beetles and giraffes, so you'd best leave that argument behind, too.
Last edited by Ted C on 2003-06-11 02:17pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

This guy is starting to remind me of Kent Hovind, only without the lame-ass "folksy" angle. He appears to be opting instead for a lame-ass "Professor" angle.
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Post by neoolong »

1SuprJesusFreak wrote:
Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:I'd love to see this "evidence". Ah -- coffee, bagel and the promise of pseudoscientific antics from a gibbering fool. The Breakfast of Champions.
I am not yet prepared to show all the evidence as this is still some I have not rock solid defence for. So of the evidence would be Sumarian (sp) pottery depicting dinosares.
Hahahaha. I hope you're not talking about the Peruvian Ica Stones. At best it's inconclusive. At worst they are frauds, like some of them have already been found to be.

Fuck, even if they were real, the damn things are pretty stylized and open to interpretation. Besides considering the extra parts and scale differences, they don't even look that much like dinosaurs, especially for people that should have been intimately familiar with them.
This would lead one to believe that dinos and humans lived at the same time blowing a rather large hole in the carbon dating system.
Even if it was true, that only means that some dinosaurs were alive with humans.

It doesn't mean that anything was wrong with the dating of older specimens.

Besides you'd still need to show how carbon dating doesn't date objects correctly as in having a test show a modern object not artificially manipulated date earlier than it should.
Other evidence are creators evolution cannot explain such as the Bombadar (sp) beetle and the giraffe.
Seriously, you even research evolution or did you just read Creationism for Morons?

As for giraffe's it is pretty much the same type of argument: "I'm too dumb to think of a way that it's possible, so it must have been God."

All that is needed is some stimuli that favors height of neck in reproduction and eventually, unless the species dies out, you'll get a long necked giraffe.

Considering that we see this from Climacoceras to Canthumeryx to Paleomeryx all the way to Samotherium with a diversion for the Okapia, a species of which still is in existance, the okapi, and then to the modern giraffe.

Fucking Jebus man, are you that much of an idiot or did you not decide to look at any evolutionary texts before you wrote your "paper?"
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Post by neoolong »

Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:This guy is starting to remind me of Kent Hovind, only without the lame-ass "folksy" angle. He appears to be opting instead for a lame-ass "Professor" angle.
Well that and lying.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

1SuprJesusFreak wrote:Some of the evidence would be Sumarian (sp) pottery depicting dinosares. This would lead one to believe that dinos and humans lived at the same time blowing a rather large hole in the carbon dating system.
I know of many paintings from ancient Greece that show things like creatures that are half man and half horse. I guess they existed too.
Other evidence are creators evolution cannot explain such as the Bombadar (sp) beetle and the giraffe.
Your limited knowledge displays nothing but your limited knowledge. Tell me, can you explain how lightening works, because if not then it must be devine intervention. How about thunder, is that God clapping his hands?
The most basic assumption about the world is that it does not contradict itself.
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Post by neoolong »

Oh and don't forget, my pictures of xenomorphs must meen that they exist. Somebody call in the Colonical Marines.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

You are aware that those cultures would not have been able to survive with dinosaurs preying on them correct?

You know that seen from The lost world: JUrrasic park, when they go into the long grass.....that wasnt very far off. They would have been deinonychus, or Utah raptors because Velocoraptors are only 2 feet long, but the same principle applies.

Humans woud have made easy prey for just about any carnivor. We dont run fast, we dont have claws or sharp teeth....Easy lunch.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

neoolong wrote:Somebody call in the Colonial Marines.
Sir, is this gonna be a stand up fight, or another bug hunt?

How do I get out of this chickenshit outfit?
The most basic assumption about the world is that it does not contradict itself.
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

neoolong wrote:
1SuprJesusFreak wrote:
Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:I'd love to see this "evidence". Ah -- coffee, bagel and the promise of pseudoscientific antics from a gibbering fool. The Breakfast of Champions.
I am not yet prepared to show all the evidence as this is still some I have not rock solid defence for. So of the evidence would be Sumarian (sp) pottery depicting dinosares.
Hahahaha. I hope you're not talking about the Peruvian Ica Stones. At best it's inconclusive. At worst they are frauds, like some of them have already been found to be.

Fuck, even if they were real, the damn things are pretty stylized and open to interpretation. Besides considering the extra parts and scale differences, they don't even look that much like dinosaurs, especially for people that should have been intimately familiar with them.
This would lead one to believe that dinos and humans lived at the same time blowing a rather large hole in the carbon dating system.
Even if it was true, that only means that some dinosaurs were alive with humans.
Some modern species, such as Monitor Lizards and Crocodiles, could easily be artistically interpreted as dinosaurs.
Fucking Jebus man, are you that much of an idiot or did you not decide to look at any evolutionary texts before you wrote your "paper?"
My impression is that he's been watching a lot of "Dr. Dino" tapes with a pen, a notepad and a lotion-stained box of Kleenexes.
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

neoolong wrote:
Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:This guy is starting to remind me of Kent Hovind, only without the lame-ass "folksy" angle. He appears to be opting instead for a lame-ass "Professor" angle.
Well that and lying.
No, Hovind does that, too. This guy's really not terribly original.
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Post by Cyborg Stan »

1SuprJesusFreak wrote:
Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:I'd love to see this "evidence". Ah -- coffee, bagel and the promise of pseudoscientific antics from a gibbering fool. The Breakfast of Champions.
I am not yet prepared to show all the evidence as this is still some I have not rock solid defence for. So of the evidence would be Sumarian (sp) pottery depicting dinosares.
Would it be that hard to learn how to at least spell 'dinosaur' right?

In any case, considering we as humans depict fictional creatures all the time, it means nothing.
This would lead one to believe that dinos and humans lived at the same time blowing a rather large hole in the carbon dating system.
Carbon Dating isn't used for fossils, since fossils tend to be mineralized, having much of their minerals replaced. And even then, we're hard-pressed to get to to work over 20k years.

Let's see if you recognize that I mean by 'sandwiched dating in between isotope decay samples'......
Other evidence are creators evolution cannot explain such as the Bombadar (sp) beetle and the giraffe.
The TalkOrigins.Org page for Bombardier Beetles has already been posted, but to get the main point across :

Hydrogen Peroxide and Hydroquinone don't react too fast without a catalyst, contary to creationist claims.

The giraffe isn't terribly hard. I remember reading a few years back the neck could be the result of sexual selection.
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Post by neoolong »

And since you might need carbon dating to measure the age of artifacts related to the pottery. But if that's off then you don't exactly know that the stuff is from the past so then you lose a way of showing that the pottery is even from the past.
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Post by InnerBrat »

I hereby declare that Jurassic Park is evidence that dinsoaurs and humans lived together during the last century...
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

innerbrat wrote:I hereby declare that Jurassic Park is evidence that dinsoaurs and humans lived together during the last century...
I'll do you one better; I hereby declare that the Indiana Jones films prove that the Ark does in fact exist, and will cause your face to fall off.
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Post by neoolong »

Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:
innerbrat wrote:I hereby declare that Jurassic Park is evidence that dinsoaurs and humans lived together during the last century...
I'll do you one better; I hereby declare that the Indiana Jones films prove that the Ark does in fact exist, and will cause your face to fall off.
Last thread hijack. I'll do you one better and declare that Bruce Almighty proves that God exists, and that he is Morgan Freeman.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Raoul Duke, Jr. wrote:
innerbrat wrote:I hereby declare that Jurassic Park is evidence that dinsoaurs and humans lived together during the last century...
I'll do you one better; I hereby declare that the Indiana Jones films prove that the Ark does in fact exist, and will cause your face to fall off.
One better still, I hereby that the Mars Attacks film prove that the world's monuments were all destroyed.
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