Ah ofcourse, silly me "A particle which travels solely at c (the speed of light in vacuum). All luxons have a rest mass of exactly zero. Though they are massless, luxons do carry momentum. Photons are the prime example of luxons (the name itself is derived from the Latin word for light). "His Divine Shadow wrote:From the beam ofcourse, beam weapons such as lasers and masers have momentum and recoil too.Rightous Fist Of Heaven wrote:Hmm im beginning to favor the LS beam idea but there is still one thing that puzzles me, the momentum. If we are talking about a LS beam, then where does the momentum come from?
What about the physical holes at the end of the barrels? Afterall you dont need to have a hole in the end of a flashlight for the lamp in it to emit photons.
Ofcourse it may be that my head is just so goddamn slow after an extremely tiring day at work.