Fine, since Evilgrey is obviously too much of an asshole to come out and state his position, and he obviously intends to cry victory and scream "strawman" when someone uses the classic First Cause argument because it's "not what he meant", I'll just ignore his feeble little bleatings and state that the classic First Cause argument is simply that everything must have a cause, therefore the universe must have a cause, therefore something must have predated the universe, therefore God. I believe it was Aquinas who came up with this one (also known as "first mover" argument), although any history geeks can feel free to correct me if I remembered incorrectly.
It is a moronic argument on many levels:
- It assumes that the cause must be God
- It assumes that the cause must be a sentient agent and not a natural force
- It assumes that the cause of any event must be external to the participants in that event. This is nonsense, since countless examples can be provided of events which are not caused by an external agent (for example, a cloud of gas will gravitationally collapse into a planet or star without the need for any external agent to interfere with the process; the cause is the intrinsic nature of the agents involved in the event, not an external agent, sentient or not).
- It assumes that the universe exists in some external frame of reference with a distinct and independent timeline, so that it is possible for something to exist "before" the universe, when in fact the theory of relativity predicts that spacetime was enormously compressed and there was no flow of time before the Big Bang
And to top it off, even if we accept its flawed logic, then it still doesn't work because God must also have a cause. And simply defining God to not require a cause is a ridiculous cop-out; one could just as easily say that the universe does not require a cause.
Having said that, Evilgrey is still being a dipshit. He refuses to define his terms; if one makes a challenge, one is obligated to define that challenge. Moreover, "The Question" is being a smart-ass; he tries to make it seem as if one must have familiarity with the names of moronic religionist arguments in order to be a competent debater in this venue, which is untrue; there are many people in the world who are doubtless unaware of the "first mover" argument. This does not necessarily reflect negatively on their ability to discuss science vs religion in any way, as an intelligent person would undoubtedly see through its stupidity the moment it is described in sufficient detail.