Terran Empire - Unity (Mirror Trek AU Fan Fic)

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Post by HappyTarget »

Got some new TE ships for your perusal.

Imperial Intrepid class


Imperial Saber class


and finally, the Imperial Excelsior class Upgrade used by Ulysses in Prescott's Star

http://happytarget.50megs.com/janes/te% ... 28u%29.jpg

They'll be inserted to my website proper eventually. Till then, enjoy! :)
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Post by Crazedwraith »

urr that link didn't work. But when i looked at your site proper i had one question. is the wraith class supposed to be a scaled up prommie?
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Post by Akira »

Crazedwraith wrote:urr that link didn't work. But when i looked at your site proper i had one question. is the wraith class supposed to be a scaled up prommie?
You have to copy and paste.
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Post by HappyTarget »

urr that link didn't work.
Like Akira says, ya gotta copy and paste em in. Sory I didn't say so right away. 50megs doesn't like direct linking verymuch.
But when i looked at your site proper i had one question. is the wraith class supposed to be a scaled up prommie?
Pretty much looks wise yes. Hulls are virtually identical merely scaled different. Sorta like the BoP and the Kvort.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

HappyTarget wrote:
Pretty much looks wise yes. Hulls are virtually identical merely scaled different. Sorta like the BoP and the Kvort.
yeah! thats what i meen when i said "scaled-up"
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Post by Crazedwraith »

we gonna get another chapter up soon?
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Finals and more finals.

Its in my head, getting the Battle of Bajor to text takes a while.
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
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Post by HappyTarget »

^ Yup. Should have something soon, by next weekend for sure for me. Till then, you'll just have to bear with us as RL interupts writing. :)
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Post by HappyTarget »

Nearly done the next chapter, stay tuned.
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Post by Falkenhorst »

I just want to tell you to keep up the excellent work and please try to produce more chapters quicker, because this fanfic is 1000 times better than that steaming pile of shit IXIUS: Shattered Empires.

BOTM 15.Nov.02

Post #114 @ Fri Oct 18, 2002 4:44 pm

"I've had all that I wanted of a lot of things I've had
And a lot more than I needed of some things that turned out bad"

-Johnny Cash, "Wanted Man"

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Post by consequences »

Keep it coming, this is some nifty stuff.
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Post by Akira »

Chapter 28 – Assassin

Ulysses’ Quarters, ISS Valley Forge

A blizzard blew its icy breath about him, howling like the demons of hell as it bit at his exposed flesh that peeked past his heavy jacket. Billions of snowflakes swirling, blocking out all save that which was his immediate surroundings, with even them shrouded in near obscurity. He felt totally alone, with a growing sense of unease, like something was watching him from a hidden position just beyond where he could see. Ulysses unease grew, and the hair on the back of his neck stood up underneath his tightly drawn hood. He began to quicken his pace through the near knee deep snow, but the farther he went, the deeper the snow got. Soon, it was nearing his waist, slowing his pace to a crawl. Outright terror began to course through Ulysses as the grayed out world around him darkened, reducing his stunted field of view still further. The wailing walls of snow enshrouded him, muting his cries as he called out for help.

Then there was a light in front of him, and relief coursed through Ulysses, joining the adrenaline surge of his fight or flight response. Out of the swirling torrent of snow emerged a small figure clad in white fur. The figure held the source of the light, a flashlight, in one tiny hand, appearing to be searching for something. Catching sight of Ulysses, the figure paused for a moment, then approached him cautiously. The figure walked not through the snow, like Ulysses had been reduced to, but on top of it, as if her diminutive form was insufficient to leave more than faint impressions in the snow pack. As she approached close enough for Ulysses to get a good look at her, he saw that she appeared to be a young human girl of about seven or eight years of age. A lock of ebon hair fell beneath the hood of her white fur coat to lie across the white porcelain skin of her forehead. Her lips were pale blue, almost like those of a suffocated person, but they were not what held Ulysses attention. Her eyes were a very ghostly blue, almost pure white, and they didn’t look quite... human. Yet for their alien-ness, they were at once familiar and inviting, showing no ill will towards him. They welcomed him like a long lost friend, and a small, perfectly girlish smile perked the corners of her blue hued lips. As if coming to a decision, she gave a quick nod of her head.

The moaning of the storm, the chill bite of the sub zero air, the driving snow flurries, even the thoughts of being stalked from the shadows melted away from Ulysses. All he saw was the girl in white. As if in a state of awed wonder, he reached out towards her with an outstretched hand. She tentatively raised her own small hand, slowly bringing it towards Ulysses own. The instant they touched, it was as if Ulysses touched a live wire.

Ulysses jerked upright in his bed, eyes wide, his heart beating a mile a minute, muscles twitching as if unsure weather to freeze or snap into instant action. Terror gripped him, but he wasn’t sure what it was from. The dream itself gave him no real cause for it, for he was actually calming down towards the end of it. Giving his head a quick shake, as if to clear away the last vestiges of sleep, Ulysses laid back onto his mattress. Soon his heart rate slowed. “What a strange dream.” He mumbled, then drew the covers back up over him and closed his eyes, falling soon thereafter back to sleep.

Starbase 2000, Prescott’s Star

Unity operative 11J fumed silently under his disguise. Yet again his plan had been stymied by the Sectors new SO. The Galactic Unity’s invasion force had been thoroughly manhandled and forced to retreat. They never even got to within striking range of the substantial fortifications orbiting Lilith, and the carefully hidden extra code added to an otherwise benign program that had spread to nearly 2/3rds of the stations orbiting Lilith wasn’t able to be utilized. If the Founder had believed in gods, he would have cursed them for dropping the damnable solid on him, ruining all of his plans time and again.

But new orders had been given to him by his superiors, and he was delighted that they were finally taking his reports seriously. Nothing like loosing a good part of a fleet and throwing initial battle plans into turmoil to get their attention. If the fools had taken him seriously, none of this would be necessary. The Galactic Unity would be in control of the system and on its way forward, deeper into Terran space. The lightly defended and lightly colonized holdings in former Dominion space in the Gamma Quadrant had already been near totally overrun, most of the Terrans only making a half hearted attempt to defend them when faced with superior numbers and PPD fire from beyond their own max weapons range. His old homeland had only been lightly affected by the transfer of control from the Dominion to the Terran Empire, for it was shortly after their successful campaign against his people that the Terrans encountered the Borg. The Terrans’ losses incurred in eradicating them had slowed expansion of the Terran Empire to a virtual standstill.

While Operative 11J had no idea of the long range military plans of the GU, just incase he was somehow caught alive and handed over for interrogation, there was a regular stream of communication between himself and his superiors through various 3rd parties. He had to be far more careful now that non-military traffic was competently searched, but there were many places one could hide secret messages aboard a starship. The searchers were primarily keeping an eye out for things like explosives and weapons and spies, not for illegal correspondence. While alert, operative 11J didn’t feel particularly at risk, even with the increased security concerns.

However, with his new orders, he would have to ensure that his escape was ready to execute, for he wouldn’t be able to remain hidden once he executed them. The beehive he was about to tip over would surely cause him to be hunted down otherwise. His PADD let out a discreet chime, and he activated it. His dour expression was creased with an eager smile. The discreet data acquisition software he had uploaded into the Starbase’s primary computer core had just sent another burst to his PADD. To all monitoring devices, it would appear to be a mere scheduling change command, but it was in actuality an upload of the latest movements of Prescott’s Star’s senior officers. This was just the opportunity he needed. He left his assumed quarters to put the necessary plans in motion, both to execute his new orders and ensure his getaway.

Lilith, City of Eden

Ulysses smiled and waved back to the cheering throngs of civilians, then turned and walked through the waiting aircar’s hatch. A man could definitely get used to such attention, he thought. Being a hero definitely had its advantages. Being sector governor did as well. It was under this hat that he had called for a meeting of prominent Lilithians. He had given them leave to initiate elections for an advisory committee to the Starfleet Governor. They were as large a concession as he could wrangle out of his Commissar, but he had sent a recommendation up the chain of command that Prescott’s Star was ready for independent civilian administration. Nothing might come of it true, but it just might become fact with the sway he was gaining with Starfleet’s upper echelons. While he didn’t truly consider himself a hero for his actions, thinking them merely the successful execution of his duty and oath to Starfleet and the civilians of the Empire, there was something to be said for the respect and power it gave his recommendations to his superiors. Better to make the recommendation while he could to, for the first batch of new Flag Officers was slated to come in-system within a few days. Ulysses hoped that they wouldn’t undo all that he had accomplished for Prescott’s Star in his short tenure as Sector Governor.

Ulysses could have ordered his ship to beam him back up, but he had never truly surveyed the bustling capital city of Prescott’s Star and used his meeting as a pretext to do so. As such, he had taken both a shuttle down and an aircar to and from his meeting with various influential citizens of Lilith. While not as awe inspiring as the massive forest of alloy spires of Terra, Vulcan, Alpha Centauri or any number of core Imperial worlds, the city of over 400 million strong was quite impressive. The yellow primary of Prescott’s Star was setting behind the towering sky scrapers to his right, casting everything in pleasant reds and warm oranges. Steady streams of aircar traffic threaded their way through the sky above, moving along the invisible pathways assigned to them by Eden’s central traffic computer.

While most people used the planetary mass transit transporter system, sufficient number of them chose to use their aircars, allowing them to see their beautiful city far more than the transporter network allowed for. It also allowed them to go to areas where the limited utility mass transit net didn’t service. Rather than spring for a fully capable transporter system for civilian transport use, the Empire had decided for a more limited version that only went from point to point, much like an old Earth subway system or bus route. While some might complain at the slight inconvenience this caused, it drastically simplified sensor and computational requirements for the system as well as allowed for near 24/7 transporter inhibitor use throughout the rest of the city. With terrorists having access to high-powered explosives and transporters, the Empire had learned early on to ensure that it controlled all transporter activity on its planets.

Ulysses strapped himself in to the copilots chair, smiling to himself that Starfleet Regs didn’t let Flag Officers fly themselves dirtside. “Well Lieutenant, are we ready to proceed to the spaceport?” Ulysses asked the very young officer that was his pilot/chauffer for the duration of his stay on Lilith.

“Yes we are Skipper.” There was a slight breaking of his voice, showing he was more than a little nervous. He was more used to less larger than life superiors, and was more than a little uncomfortable at Ulysses polite but resolute insistence that he take the copilots station rather than the more customary rear bench seat.

“Then proceed at your discretion.” Ulysses encouraged with a half smile

“Aye Sir.” He said, then proceeded to activate the sporty luxury aircar’s AG drives. Aside from a soft whine, there was no sound other than the throngs of people surrounding the grounded aircar. Seconds later, the aircar was lifting off on its quiet drives and flying down the path assigned to it by Eden Traffic Control. His pilot, though young and nervous, was an exceedingly talented stick, handling the fighter like throttle and side stick controllers like a seasoned pro. Since Ulysses conveyance was a special case, it was assigned its own skyway on a more direct route to his destination than was the norm. Once the Lieutenant was certain that the complete course was uploaded, he handed control over to the aircars computer autopilot.

“Well done Lt. Theisman, that’s some excellent piloting skills you have.”

“Thank you Skipper!” The now beet red Imperial officer said with a smile that was more boyish than anything else.

Was I ever that young?, Ulysses thought. Then, Am I really that old? Ulysses nearly snorted in laughter, here he was not even 30 years old yet, and likely to go far beyond that given his heritage, and he was already thinking like an over-the-hill coot. Relaxing in his chair, Ulysses turned his eyes from the holographic skyway to look through the dome like one-way transparent bubble that capped the aircar. They had ascended quite high, and were now above the scattered cotton puffs of the cloud deck. The gleaming alloy spires of Eden still towered above their course, their lights gleaming in the growing twilight. Overhead, one could easily see the shapes of the OWPs and Battlestations that stood guard over the planet. Near the far west horizon, where the sky had already turned a deep navy blue flecked with stars, the Nightingale Yards could clearly be seen, their massive structure blocking out a good portion of the western sky near the horizon. The city was truly a beautiful place, cosmopolitan without having to go too far to reach relatively virgin land, a relatively uncluttered sky for such an important system. Ulysses was glad he had decided to use shuttles and aircars rather than the transporter. It reinforced just what he was fighting for. These people needed to be safeguarded. While there were worse fates than being removed from the Terran Empire and incorporated into the Galactic Unity, incorporation into the Galactic Unity wasn’t the best option either.

While Ulysses hated the excesses of the Terran Empire with a passion that at times threatened to consume him, he had learned long ago that not all, or even most of the Empire’s citizens were evil and deserving of death. Many were in fact just like he was, trapped in a system he couldn’t control and unable to change things. He had truly come a long way from the hate filled teen he had once been. He had funneled his anger and rage into something that was bigger than his own schemes of revenge, and in doing so had gained some distance from it. It was still there, always a part of him, always threatening to gain the upper hand, but he could now see that true change must be wrought on the system from within if it was to fix things. Anything less wouldn’t solve the problem.

Eden, Rooftop of Tower 602

Tower 602 wasn’t one of the brightly lit titans that made up Eden’s downtown core, but it did have its uppermost floors peeking just past the cloud deck. The top of the roughly cylindrical spire was flattened out, allowing for an emergency landing pad and various transmitters and receptors to be planted on it. Operative 11J walked out of the roof access door amidst the forest of vane and spine antennas. He strode across the roof to a seemingly benign access panel. The changeling popped it loose, tossing it skidding across the smooth armorcrete surface of the rooftop. Now exposed to light for the first time in close to half a year was one of the agents many contingency plans. With rapid, deft movements, Operative 11J began to assemble it.
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Post by JodoForce »

First post! :D

Well well well, an assasination! I reckon you shouldn't have put that in the title, since it takes the thrill away when you know that an assasination is going to happen, AND you know that Ulysses is not going to die :P
Busily picking nuggets out of my well-greased ass.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Falkenhorst wrote:I just want to tell you to keep up the excellent work and please try to produce more chapters quicker, because this fanfic is 1000 times better than that steaming pile of shit IXIUS: Shattered Empires.
Whats wrong with Ixuis?
If you think its crap u could at least have the deceny to say so on the IXIUS thread along with some reasons.
Last edited by Crazedwraith on 2003-08-24 01:33pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by HappyTarget »

Whats wrong if Ixuis?
If you think its crap u could at least have the deceny to say so on the IXIUS thread along with some reasons.
I agree, and It goes for anyone reading here as well. Seriously, let me know if anything looks odd or wrong to you. It's the only way I can improve my writing. I am not adverse to criticisim, just so long as it's constructive is all. :)
AND you know that Ulysses is not going to die
:wink: .... :lol:
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Post by JodoForce »

:? :? :shock: :wtf:
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Post by HappyTarget »

:twisted: He, he, he. :)
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Post by Akira »

From HT :) :lol:

Chapter 29 – Assassin

City of Eden, Ulysses’ Aircar

The sleek form of the sporty black aircar cut through on course between the stacked levels of local traffic. The cloud deck was a fiery crimson turning towards purple bubbled plain below him. The near countless windows of the downtown core’s towers cast their glow to reflect off of the suspended water droplets that wreathed them. They cast long shadows as their forms interrupted the nearly set sun’s final rays.

Ulysses was lounging in his copilot’s seat, his eyes staring out the aircar’s bubble canopy, seemingly entranced by the near perfect grid lines of fellow aircars that passed above and below his own. For once in what seemed like a very long time, he was at peace. He relished it, for he knew it would only last a short time. He even was able to ignore the assault shuttle that had slipped silently in behind his aircar, trailing it at a discreet distance. Being the current leader of the sector, and with the assassin of the previous ones still at large despite a system wide dragnet, certain precautions had to be taken to protect him. Both aircraft were going considerably slower than their max speed, not even edging the sound barrier, in order to comply with Eden airspace safety and control guidelines. It would still be a few minutes flight time to the Spaceport because of this.

Ulysses wished that he didn’t have such a near unbearable weight to return to. Even with his solid cadre of loyal officers, it was a very heavy responsibility he had assumed when he took the reins of power into his hands. As much as he was concerned over any new senior officers Starfleet assigned to the sector, part of him was almost glad that the crushing responsibility of safeguarding billions of lives would no longer be his alone.

Suddenly, he felt a spike of wrongness in his head. It wasn’t exactly unpleasant as much as it was unexpected and alien, yet almost at once was familiar. In his minds eye, the little girl from his dream appeared. Her piercing blue eyes were concerned, and she parted her blue hued lips to speak with a distinct British accent.

“You are in danger, you are not safe.”

Then the presence in his mind was gone, as if turned off like a light switch. Ulysses blinked, shaking his head a few times as if to help clear it. In its wake, a feeling of crushing dread washed over him. It was much the same feeling he had had when the Section 31 ship had tried to turn 2nd Fleet into part of a new planetoid. It was telling him to alter course immediately.

City of Eden, Police HQ, that same time

“Captain?” A young sensor tech asked.

“What is it Horrowitz?” The department’s shift CO growled gravely. Appropriately named Quentin Justice, he was a man of 42, balding gray hair, and carrying a slight paunch around his middle. He wore the near black navy-blue uniform of Prescott’s Star’s System Police Force. He had been a law officer on Altair before he had joined the first wave of colonists to Prescott’s Star. He had remained in law enforcement here, and was now a well respected individual in the local community, known for enforcing equality under the law for all citizens.

“Just got a blip from security monitor Tango Charlie Four Nine. Unauthorized power source on the roof of Tower 602.”

“Do we have a drone to poll for data in the area?”

“Yes sir, I have already dispatched a Sierra Roy Six covert recon drone to give a look see. Should be onsite in about 50 seconds.”

Quentin nodded. “Good job Horrowitz.” The young officer beamed at the praise.

It had been a relatively uneventful day, as if even the cities criminal element was unwilling to spoil The Skipper’s visit. It was still an uneventful day, likely the unknown power source was merely a service team suffering from a fowl up of authorization. Just the same, the Book said all such occurrences had to be looked in to. And for good reason, for a rooftop with a heavy weapon was prime terrorist real-estate. The damage one could do to the air traffic, or even nearby towers if he had sufficient firepower would be considerable.

City of Eden, Roof of Tower 602, that same time

The final piece of his weapon slotted together and locked in with a satisfying click. The heavy Hyper Velocity Missile launcher unit completed its self tests and lit the appropriate telltale lights along its base. It indicated that all four of its missiles were ready for launch. Taking a stroll to the opposite side of the rooftop, Operative 11J slipped the control VR glasses over his eyes. His hands plugged a datalink cable into the PADD he carried, allowing the data from the City Traffic Control computer hack he had emplaced to be shown in his VR glasses. They showed the normal rush hour, ray pattern grid, the traffic coming and going with precise precision and razor straight lines. All save one small, unobtrusive black aircar with a considerably more noticeable, predatory form trailing behind it on an identical course. They had a special lane all to themselves, and priority clearance through Eden airspace to the adjacent Spaceport. That was his quarry. Had to be.

Lining up the targeting crosshairs over his prey with his VR glasses, Operative 11J smiled lightly as the HVM launcher on the opposite corner mimicking his head’s movements. Initial aim point was critical when the range was as short as this, for the speed of HVM’s meant that they had very little time for in-flight course correction beyond relatively minor adjustments. Satisfied that he had an adequate lock on both targets, Operative 11J pressed the launch commit button on the HVM unit’s stick style controller and waited half a heartbeat. The unit received the launch commit command, and popped open the guard doors on the front of its quad launch cells. The unit didn’t need to use its onboard sensor suite to get guidance instructions, for Eden’s own ATC computer was giving it all the data it needed.

Their warheads consisted of nothing outside of the missiles themselves, little more than javelins of extremely dense battlesteel. These were not the smaller, man-portable versions, these were the heavy ones, as big around as your arm. An unassisted man could barely raise them from rest in standard G, but Operative 11J’s adaptive muscles merely shifted to a form that could lift them in Lilith’s slightly stronger than Terra standard gravity. Faster than an eyeblink, the four heavy HVM’s ripple fired from their launch cells and their impulse engines slamming them to velocities upwards of 95 PSL.

City of Eden, Ulysses’ Aircar, that same time

“Descend… Now!” Ulysses ordered. His tone demanded instant compliance.

Lieutenant Theisman hesitated for the briefest instant, but word had percolated throughout Prescott’s Star’s Starfleet ranks that when The Skipper gave one strange orders, it was best to obey them. It had saved quite a few lives in the past, and as such merely added to The Skipper growing larger than life mythos. Almost before conscious thought, he had shoved the side stick controller as far ahead as he could while simultaneously slamming the throttle stick to its forward detent. Autopilot automatically disengaged, and near instantly a giant hand forced Ulysses deeper into his seat as the peppy aircar snapped to respond to the pilot control inputs.

City of Eden, Police HQ, that same time

The spherical, golf ball sized SR–6 RD was finally coming into range of Tower 602. Its sensors sent a real-time data feed back to Police HQ, dumping it to Trooper Horrowitz’s terminal. He looked over it, with Captain Justice looking over his shoulder. Quentin’s eyes bulged in dawning horror.

“Jesus Cr…” Horrowitz managed to squeak before quad trails of dazzling incandescence snapped into being from the business end of what could only be a heavy HVM rack. At virtually the same instant as they appeared, they were virtually drowned out by the day bright flash from somewhere to the camera’s left. It light up the twilight like a temporary second sun. Then the signal went haywire as the tiny RD went tumbling to the right, out of control.

City of Eden, Roof of Tower 602, that same time

11J’s first two missiles tracked perfectly, striking the aircar’s escort squarely on it’s pilot compartment and AM stores. While both were heavily armored, they couldn’t withstand a Heavy HVM strike on their own. And since the assault shuttle wasn’t in a combat situation, they had their shields down. Just the same, the Empire made their assault shuttles tough. Her entire front end disappeared into a boil of harsh light with the first HVM strike. A split second later the rest of the ship was gutted as her AM storage pod was breached. Out of the brilliant glare and shockwave of the detonation, the shattered remains of the assault shuttle tumbled down towards the distant ground.

The second two HVM’s also tracked well, but for some inexplicable reason, the aircar had begun a steep dive. They struck further back from their intended aim points, ripping the aft half of the aircar free in an eye tearing boil of light and sending the relatively intact front spiraling away. This was good, for his primary target was likely dead thanks to the rear passenger compartment’s virtual disintegration.

The explosion of the assault shuttles AM stores created a temporary second sun for the city of Eden. Those unfortunate to be looking near directly at the blast were blinded. The aircar traffic in the general vicinity was scattered like lake water from a thrown stone. Some of the less lucky ones careened into buildings.11J was fortunate he knew the blast was coming. His from reverted from its rock like state to his natural gelatinous, amber form. It reformed into the smooth featured humanoid shape his kind favored when not liquid. 11J walked over to the edge of Tower 602, continuing to watch his target spin towards terra firma. The light cloud deck had been boiled away from the local area by the energies liberated by the assault shuttle’s destruction, allowing him an unobstructed view.

City of Eden, Police HQ, that same time

Quentin Justice began to bellow orders even as the general alarm began to wail upon sensing weapons fire and explosions.

“Dispatch EMS, Fire Department and SWAT teams to Sector 21 on the double! Tell em to watch themselves, there’s a Heavy HVM site on Tower 602.”

“Captain, Sierra Tango One and Sierra Tango Two are both going down according to ATC! Casualties are currently unknown but believed to be 100%!” Another dispatcher shouted from across the room.

“Bloody hell!”

“When the assault shuttle’s AM stores went, there was a MT level explosion Captain. Reports are coming in from across the city of flash blinding cases and severe radiation contamination. Also, the blast front forced some local aircar traffic down. Confirmed casualties so far are five dead, with at least 23 injured.” A different dispatcher said grimly from a few desks away. “Atmosphere regulation installations are removing most of the airborne radiation as we speak, but cleanup is still gonna be a pain.”

“Double check that all personnel going into Sector 21 have anti-rad vaccines beforehand. And make sure they’re in HASMAT gear and get deconed afterward.” The nanites of the anti-rad vaccines would continually purge the harmful radiation and repair the damage it caused to living tissue. The bad thing is that they had a limited endurance, meaning that they had to be replenished after a time. The SWAT teams would be adequately protected in their unpowered assault armor, as would the Firemen and women with their power assist suits, but the EMS personnel would be quite vulnerable.

At least it was a small blast, and the towers weren’t affected through their defenses either, thank God!, Quentin thought.

“You tell SWAT that I want that bastard, if he’s still alive, to be taken out with extreme prejudice!” As per His Imperial Majesties General Edict 12, Section B, all those suspected of being involved in assassination of political or military leadership of the Empire can be summarily executed. While for most cases, Quentin Justice’s personal leanings were that they should at least have a fair trial, he was more than willing to exercise the full extent of the law in this particular case.

City of Eden, Ulysses’ Aircar, that same time

It was as if someone had turned on an impossibly bright light behind them. There was a loud pop-bang combined with the sounds of tearing alloy as an intense surge kicked the back of Ulysses chair. The aircar was already starting to dive into the cloudbank when it was as if a giant fist took the small aircraft and shook it like a dog sheds water. Then the aircar was in an uncontrolled descent, punching through the vanishing cloud deck in a flat spin combined with a slight tumble. The G forces forced Ulysses’ head around and down, allowing him to see past the back of his chair. He frowned for an instant, for something was wrong with the view. Then he realized that he was seeing far more out the back of the aircar than he was supposed to. Ulysses addled mind took a few seconds to register that the entire back half of the aircar was gone. The only thing that had saved his life up to this point was that he was on the right side of the internal armored divider of the small aircar. The entire aft half had been blotted out of existence.

All flight controls were unresponsive, save for the small forward airflow control surfaces operating on redundant backup. But with the main wings ripped away, the small front canards proved inadequate to maneuver out of the violent death spiral the remains of the air car was locked in. Ulysses caught a fleeting glimpse of the onrushing ground before the G-forces caused the world to go black.

:lol: :lol:
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Meh, this is what emergency transporters are for ;) Nice missiles.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Yay! New Chapter!
The tension! what an ending! will Vanguard survive? Or is the end of our brave young(ish) hero? :D :) :D :) :D
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Post by HappyTarget »

Meh, this is what emergency transporters are for :wink: Nice missiles.
That would require deactivation of the transporter inhibitor field, which would open up all sorts of nasty things to happen. All it would take is 1 orbiting ship to beam down some AM to somewhere vital and everything goes boom. Hence, they have to do things as the Book says, even in the case of Ulysses. Otherwise, with transporters and big boom explosives, things can get much to dicy.

Glad you like em. Tried to get the effects as close to what they should be as my feeble mind thought they should.
The tension! what an ending! will Vanguard survive? Or is the end of our brave young(ish) hero?
:) Tune in next week folks. Same Trek time, same Trek channnel. :p :wink: (well it's likely to be by the weekend, as I'm hammering away at chapter 30 now, but... you get the idea.)
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Post by HappyTarget »

Next chapter is away to my editor and should be up soon.
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Post by Falkenhorst »

Ahh, another excellent chapter of an excellent fanfic. I eagerly await more. I like this fic because I have read all of the STARFIRE novels by Weber and White, and this story reminds me of them because it is very well written and consistent.

As to why I don't like Ixius, it is a blatant VOYAGER wankfest, filled with spelling and grammar errors. The cardinal sin of that fanfic, which I found unforgivable, was the assignment of the voyager command staff to each command their own super ship. That is the same thing as I used to do in THIRD GRADE, I would draw comic strips where all 4 or 5 versions of the USS Enterprise got together to fight some new enemy.

As I said before, it is a blatant voyager wankfest, and I also think that the storyline is poorly thought out.

BOTM 15.Nov.02

Post #114 @ Fri Oct 18, 2002 4:44 pm

"I've had all that I wanted of a lot of things I've had
And a lot more than I needed of some things that turned out bad"

-Johnny Cash, "Wanted Man"

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Post by JodoForce »

This was meant to be posted right after the last chapter was put up but my efforts were thwarted by my bad internet connection :evil:

regarding Vanguard's fate:

Busily picking nuggets out of my well-greased ass.
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Post by HappyTarget »

^ :lol: 'Tis But A Scratch :)
Ahh, another excellent chapter of an excellent fanfic. I eagerly await more. I like this fic because I have read all of the STARFIRE novels by Weber and White, and this story reminds me of them because it is very well written and consistent.
Consistancy is the thing I find most infuriateing about canon Trek. Hence why it's what I try most veahmently to keep TE as internally consistant as possible.

As for the comparision to Weber and White's excellent Starfire series, I'm quite flattered to be amongst such distinguished company. :)
Cult of Weber Missionary
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