All of my life I have been taught that gays are bad.kojikun wrote:YT, lets hear your justification for your warped morality.
I am starting to be more open-minded, but it is slow going.
Moderator: Alyrium Denryle
All of my life I have been taught that gays are bad.kojikun wrote:YT, lets hear your justification for your warped morality.
that too.kojikun wrote:You mean buttsex.without talking bout romance
note two posts - one for the original topic, and one for you.YT300000 wrote:FYI I am an atheist. I don't base my opinions on vague/not so vague biblical quotes.
Wait, you know it's indoctrinated in you...but you still agree?YT300000 wrote:All of my life I have been taught that gays are bad.kojikun wrote:YT, lets hear your justification for your warped morality.
I am starting to be more open-minded, but it is slow going.
I can almost understand where he's coming from. When you've had something pounded in your head for a long time and you're just coming around to see that there's no basis for that, you might understand in your logical, reasoning mind that it's wrong but it's still kinda burned into your brain. I think a lot of the athiests here who are deconverted Christians can attest to that--I certainly can.StarshipTitanic wrote:Wait, you know it's indoctrinated in you...but you still agree?YT300000 wrote:All of my life I have been taught that gays are bad.kojikun wrote:YT, lets hear your justification for your warped morality.
I am starting to be more open-minded, but it is slow going.
Please give this message to whoever taught you that gays are bad:YT300000 wrote:All of my life I have been taught that gays are bad.kojikun wrote:YT, lets hear your justification for your warped morality.
I am starting to be more open-minded, but it is slow going.
Well, "manliness" as such is a legitimate virtue (and one that has nothing to do with sex or sexual orientation, but for lack of a better name...) - It's just not one associated with straight people. The Spartans and the Sacred Band of Thebes were certainly among the highest examples of "manliness" in history, and I don't think I need to go into what they liked, other than the fact that the Sacred Band was formed out of 150 homosexual male couples. They died in their places at Chaeroneia, and Philip wept of their bodies in honour of their courage. Philip, King of Macedon, father of Alexander - Who also liked young male youths.innerbrat wrote:
2) I am slightly more annoyed by people complaining about 'negative stereotypes'. There's fuck all wrong with being camp, and just because there are gay peopel who aren't camp, doesn't mean that a man who is should try to act a certain way just because it enforcs a stereotypes peopel don't like. One of my dearest friends is camp as shit: have a soft voice, likes to dress up (sometimes in drag sometimes not), and picks up a different straight woman to dance thwe night away each night. Yes, he's a stereotypes, but he's also one of the most genuine, open, wonderful people I know, so leave him alone.
(on a side note, I also have a very camp friend w3ho fancies girls, but he's in the theatre)
The Duchess of Zeon wrote:To speak to all: Bluntly, ideas about sex are just as cultural as anything else, and one must accept and realize that our ideas about sex are still largely locked into a vicious and primitive judeo-christian conception, having no basis in fact.
Very, very true. The fastest way to start a fight is to question a guy's manliness, accuse him of being a pussy or having no balls, etc.Lord Poe wrote:When I was a kid, we'd throw around insults like "sissy" and "you act like a girl" and "you like to kiss guys". When we finally found out that that actually was really hard to take.
Gay dudes, what you have to understand about us straight guys is this: from the time we are little boys up 'till and including PAST high school, we are always on the defensive about our manliness. You can't cry in public, or you're a pussy. You can't run away from a fight, or you're a pussy. You can't cry if you're being yelled at by the coach, or you're a pussy.
I have known several men who were straight but quite effeminate, and I dare say that they make men just as uncomfortable as homosexuals do, if not more so.Straight men PRIDE ourselves on how manly we are in any given situation. So when we see a mincing effeminate male of COURSE the sentiment will be negative. We should neither apologize for this or be sorry for it. This is how straight men are wired. Period. This is not "homophobia"- a "fear" of gays, this is disgust with another male's actions which are ALIEN to straight men.
I'd say it's more than a mere excuse; it is also a motivator. Even gay men who don't act effeminate at all are hounded and discriminated against, and it would be rather difficult to seriously believe that you can tell someone that homosexuality is a "sin against God" throughout his entire upbringing without becoming a cause of his behaviour (as opposed to a mere excuse).As we get older, and hopefully this occurs before 20, we learn to accept gays for who they are. MOST of us do. You have the other straight males who NEVER grow up, and feel they have to openly berate and gays they see, or in extreme cases, have to beat the shit out of them.
This is not repressed homosexulality or any bullshit like that that empowering gay activists like to call it. These SAME ASSHOLES will beat down others of differing races or creeds. Yes,religion plays a part in all this too, but ONLY as an "excuse" to act this way, without really admitting the truth: they haven't grown up.
Don't sweat it. Even I am still trying to erase my indoctrination. Just keep at it, and try to supress your pass feelings.YT300000 wrote:All of my life I have been taught that gays are bad.kojikun wrote:YT, lets hear your justification for your warped morality.
I am starting to be more open-minded, but it is slow going.
Don't worry about it; you'll grow out of it! Those that DO grow up do. Since I turned 18, I've walked away from many fights, and was called a pussy. You simply have to weigh what's perceived as important from what actualy IS. Going to jail and/or being sued by someone you beat the shit out of that called you a name vs. being able to go to work the next morning to py the rent? Fuck it, I'll take being called a Tube Steak Tarzan... I keep my cool as long as people don't feel the need to lay their hands on me.Thirdfain wrote:Call me gay, on the other hand, or insult my manliness, and I'll start a fight as fast as I fucking can. After all, I am one of those immature high-school grads Poe mentioned
*shrug*kojikun wrote:im seeing alot of guys who who think the male body is disgusting. i think freud would love the self-hatred implications of that..
I suppose I should clarify my position further.What really bothers me is when a person casts themselves in a negative stereotype. Any negagive stereotype. If a guy goes around in skimpy clothes and speasks with a lisp, it pisses me off because they are lending amunition to the religious right...and I do my best to piss those fuckwits off, and it irritates me when people help them, even inadvertently.
Regardless. You think its disgusting, so you obviously dont like it except in what it can do for you.Illuminatus Primus wrote:*shrug*
I can say, "w00t" while looking at myself in the mirror and it is really me just thinking "I'm going to get sex later". Our personal forms are still disgusting, though. No one said anything about loathsome, Kojikun.
That's a very interesting thought kojikun...what would i change my body into if i could...hmmmmkojikun wrote:
Regardless. You think its disgusting, so you obviously dont like it except in what it can do for you.
Yanno, they say that advertising and models have a bad affect on GIRLS self image, but I think it has a huge effect on guys self image as well, makign you all think that your bodies are ugly and disgusting.
Wait, something just occured to me. If you guys could change your body to something you wouldnt ind disgusting, and not have to worry about how much sex you get, or how it affects friendships (because in this case it would), what would you make yourself look like?
I dunno about that. I'm in pretty good shape, and I am a little proud of my body- but I don't see it as anything more than a tool. I don't find it physically attractive, that's for certain.Regardless. You think its disgusting, so you obviously dont like it except in what it can do for you.