"I watched part of it...at least until the NBA final game really got rolling. It just stretches credulity that we are descended from apes....I didn't even buy into that argument when I was a kid and unsaved...even then it didn't make sense.
Our son was watching it with us and my husband and I discussed the flaws in that line of thinking so that our son would be clear on the issue.
And when Alec Baldwin was commenting on how the teenage daughter of Lucy was helping care for Lucy's baby...along about the beginning of the show and that it "takes a village" to raise kids I almost choked!
I never heard such tripe."
"i watched about 10 minutes of it and got -throwup icon- ...it's the biggest bunch of crap ive ever seen"
"I watched the whole thing. It was actually quite interesting, although it was fairly obvious that much of it was based on inference.
The amount that science knows about Man's originas compared to the amount that has been inferred is quite small really, and this show demonstrated that."
"i must say that i was thouroughly embarrassed by the portrayal of my alleged ancestors - and to think charging a hungry lion is evidence of an enlarging brain is beyond me - anyways, we've come a long way, baby."
"I don't believe in Evolution or any of that garbage.
But how do they go about determining the age of the skeletal remains that were talked about this weekend as being 160,000 years old.
Is the science of determining a objects age that screwed up?
Where do they come up with this stuff from?"
"I watched this show too. Great special affects, although I don't agree with any of it. I have a theory. There is of course evidence that there were early cave type men. But I don't think they had souls. I think God created Adam and Eve as the first humans with a soul."
"Modern evolution doesn't say man evolve from chimps and baboons. It believes man and the great apes evolved from a common ancestor."
"I will say I believe in evolution to some degree, like with Darwin's finches. After all, there have been enough studies about recessive genes that I could understand slight changes in animals over centuries and centuries. Geographic location seems to play a big factor into it too; I mean, I live in California and I swear I'm almost never able to figure out a person's ethnic background just by seeing them.
It seems like in just the one-generation difference it takes for, say, a Chinese woman to move here and her daughter to be born here, I'm barely able to tell the daughter's Chinese-American...
Likewise for a Mexican girl I knew who I thought was white for the longest time, and same goes for an Indian (not Native American) who I thought was Asian.
It's really not the same as having exchange students, who I definitely can tell where they come from...
So, yeah, I can see evolution as far as things like birds developing slightly different beaks goes because I see changes in people that remind me of that.
It just seems like a stretch to say that everything came from single-celled organisms in random combinations. If that was the case, why is it that, according to science, all fish came first, then all amphibians, then all reptiles, etc.? If it was random, why couldn't amphibians have come at the same time as fish? Why did birds come after fish, for that matter? And so on."
"i thought it was a great comedy
oh.. that was suppose to be reality...
oh well it was a great comedy"
"I heard once "cave men" were normal humans with vitamin deficiencies that caused abnormalities.
A good place to research is Institute for Creation Research."
"I had read years ago that in biblical days, many times the people with birth defects and such were cast out of the communities, and that they had gone to live in caves (and probably propagated).........and that those were the skeletons that have been found. I don't know that it's true, but it would answer a few questions about the "cave men", wouldn't it? "
"Discovery channel is DEFINITELY an AC channel!!
I suggest staying away from it!! "
"i honestly don't see how you can come up with the skulls scientists present as evidence for evolution. i mean, they have FRAGMENTS of bones, and from these they piece it with plaster to make it look like a skull. it doesn't convince me at all.
and does anyone know how scientists get the age of these fossile fragements???
i am familiar with radioactive dating, but it doesnt make since to me. For instance, how is it proven that radioactive decay is a constant? One can see that an isotope decays from the perspective of someone observing it right now... but does it have a constant rate of decay that never changes over time? I dont see how humans could ever prove that.... It seems much more realistic to have God as creator than the work of random chanc and evolution. I see the work of the lord in everything natural.
the brute
"I just finished watching another tape from
It's not copyrighted so see if you can get the series on creation vs evolution.
With three degrees I thought I was educated.
I was duped.
We have been lied too - the extent of the deception is incredible."
Im watching the show myself at the moment. fascinating stuff, even if most of it is conjecture - the daily stuff, like lucy dropping her baby and the like.