Dr. Laura (probably done to death)

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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Sobbastchianno wrote:<SNIP>
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Post by Jadeite »

My eyes! :x Why did you post that picture??
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Post by Bartman »

I would disagree with your view as to what the author is trying to acomplish Darth. I would say that the author is trying to paint Dr. Laura as a hypocrite. He points out her condemnation of homosexuality and then uses satire to say that if she is willing to condem people for homosexualtiy she should also issue the same condemnations for eating shellfish etc.

Every time I have seen this posted, it is to attack Dr Laura for being inconsistant in useing the Levitical text, not for applying Levitical law to modern secular society. Look at the original post in this thread:
Sobbastchianno wrote:I personally think it is wrong to publicly state something is wrong based on a biblical text, while patently ignoring what "The Rest Of The Story" says.
Sobbastchianno seems to think the point of the letter is to highlight Dr. Laura's hypocracy. He even says she is "patently ignoring" the rest of the story. The fact of the matter is that she is apparently a very devout Jew and according to all reports applies the Levitical texts to her own life. Simply put she does not "state something is wrong based on a biblical text, while patently ignoring what 'The Rest Of The Story' says."

Now none of this changes the fact that by all accounts she is an evil vindictive bitch. Nor does it change the fact that I think she is wrong, or that I agree with you that Levitical law has no place in our modern secular society. But the point of the letter, that she is a hypocrite, is wrong. She is applying her scriptures in a consistant manner.
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Post by Sobbastchianno »

Darth Wong wrote:
Bartman wrote:In all it looks like the author of this piece has no understanding whatsoever of 'Dr.' Laura's religion and beliefs.
Actually, it looks like you can't read. Your claim that these laws don't apply to non-Jews misses the point, since the whole point of the letter is that Dr. Laura thinks Levitical law should apply to modern secular society, as evidenced by her use of Leviticus to condemn homosexuals. That was the whole point of him quoting all of those absurd laws. He was not trying to say that those laws apply to modern secular society; he was making fun of her for thinking that they do.

Honestly, I couldn't have said it better. Bartman, I was raised an Orthodox Jew and even though I didn't write the letter, I do know what the writer is talking about. The Modern Orthodox Jew is JUST AS HYPOCRITICAL as the Modern Christian in choosing what laws apply and what don't in the modern world. The "Orthodoxy" you refer to is only practiced by Hecidic (sp) Jews, not the Orthodox. Granted, we don't have animal sacrifice, but that is only because of secular laws forbidding it, same with selling the daughter into slavery. And acutally, taken literally and in context, the no contact rule during the menstrual flow means just that, on contact, even casual. So separate beds isn't even proper, it should be separate housing during that time, as was done by the ancient Hebrews. There literally was a separate tent that women stayed in collectively while they were menstruating so that there was no risk of contact with their husbands. THAT is following the letter of the law.

My whole point in posting that letter is this, if we are supposed to pay credence to one part of scripture, how is it that we don't need to pay credence to the other parts of the SAME BOOK of scripture? If the entire Bible is holy (which I personally don't believe), then how is it that man, as a species, with its religious committees and elders, seems to be able to pick and choose what part of scripture to adhere to? And Dr. Laura claims to be an Orthodox Jew, and as such, shouldn't even be in television or on radio. He SOLE concentration should be on HER home and HER family. The woman isn't even a Rabbi (also not allowed with Orthodox Jew, that is a female Rabbi), and yet she portends to teach the Torah and what it means. SHE is an abomination and would be stoned in Ancient Israel. You can't say the letter of the law applies to some of the laws while the rest need to be followed "in spirit."
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

Straha wrote:Hehe, I posted that before. :twisted:
I believe this is my third time to post it. And everytime it make people queezy.
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:BTW How the flying fuck did you manage a direct link to Geo$hitties, WP?
It is from someone's website who critizes this nation's fundies. Since the owner probably pays for his account, I doubt Geocities minds us using bandwidth for which they collect money.

Go visit their site; Church Watch. I'm sure you'll like it.
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Post by Darth Gojira »

Wicked Pilot wrote:
Straha wrote:Hehe, I posted that before. :twisted:
I believe this is my third time to post it. And everytime it make people queezy.
Just please don't do it again :shock: My eyes are still smoking
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

I think Michael Moore wrote this one.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

Darth Gojira wrote:Just please don't do it again :shock: My eyes are still smoking
What? You mean this:

The most basic assumption about the world is that it does not contradict itself.
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