What is Your Political Ideology?

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What is your Political Ideology

Communist (Marxist/Lenninst)
Communist (Stalinist/Maosist)
Moderate Liberal
Moderate Conservative
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What is Your Political Ideology?

Post by EmperorSolo51 »

Mine is a fascist ideology that is based on Fascism of Oswald Mosley, Francisco Franco, and Benito Mussolini. How about you
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Post by jock »

I like Socialism but I'm going to have to go with European Capitalism(quite different in many respects from the US version)
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Post by Deimos Anomaly »

Conservatism... pretty moderate in most respects. A few, such as gun control issues, I'd hold to in a way that some might view as extreme.

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Post by David »

Labor?? You must be British.
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Post by AltoidMaster »

Facism is the only way to go!!!!! MUAHAHAHA.
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Post by Guardsman Bass »

god thats a lot of fascists. I personally am moderately liberal, meaning that while I trust the executive branch of government more than the legislative branch, I am also an admirer of the possibility of a planetary government.
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Post by Antediluvian »

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Post by phongn »

Moderate libertarian
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Post by David »


Check out the location, what do you think I am.
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Post by Howedar »

Moderately conservative, although I despise both the Democratic and Republican parties.
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Post by John Clark »

Don't know what political ideology this is, but:

I believe that as long as you contribute constructively to society and don't go out of your way to do anything destructive, you should be left alone to do as you please.

I believe in a government that is only as large and as powerful as necessary to fulfill its obligation to those who elect it.

I believe that the people are the government, and that certain of the responsibilities that most people have abrogated to government, and certain rights which the people have relinquished to government, belong back in the hands of the people.

That's my ideology, I guess. Don't know what you'd call it... Responsibility-ism? lol
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Conservative Libertarian here....

Post by MKSheppard »

I'd describe myself as having libertarian leanings, but
with a conservative bent.

Some parts of the Libertarian plank I don't agree with, mostly:

1.) Pro Abortion Plank (cheapens human life...if you don't want kids,

2.) Pro Illegal Immigrant Plank (If you wanna come to this country,
do it legally, like my anecestors did, instead of wading across the
Rio Grande and demanding that we naitive-born Americans have
to change our habits to satisfy YOU.)

3.) Pro Drug Legalization Plank (take it down to a minor
misdemeanor, there HAS to be some sort of stigma
associated with being a druggie, same as there is with
a hard KKKore alcoholic.)

However, I'd be willing to settle with a fascist government if I was
the one doing the ruling.....the liberal pukes would be against the walls
in no tim........oh have I said too much?

PS - To the guy who made the poll:

Marxism/Leninism is the same damn thing as Stalinism/Maoism, it's
just that Lenin never got the chance to show what an evil bastard
he was before he died, while Stalin had a 30 year tyranny to show
how evil he was.
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

:shock: Many fascists here... and they're proud of it!
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Post by A Big Flying Fish »

liberal right for me.
I don't like guns being owned by everyone, I'm for abortion, I like strict drug laws, and I like having lots of money. And I like human rights, except for criminals, they can get screwed. And I don't like illegal immigrants, come into a country legally or don't come at all
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Post by David »

You sound like your one of those swing votes the politicians fight over so much.
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Re: Conservative Libertarian here....

Post by Howedar »

MKSheppard wrote:it's
just that Lenin never got the chance to show what an evil bastard
he was before he died, while Stalin had a 30 year tyranny to show
how evil he was.
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Post by SPOOFE »

Me? Fiscally conservative, socially liberal. VERY liberal. Ultimately, I think that people (as long as they don't intrude on another's rights) should be left alone. This includes subjects like sexual orientation, gun ownership, drug use, communications, and the like.

I also think that government should focus on only a handful of things... education (EXTREMELY important), military, and policing, in that order. Government should only make sure that its people are smart, safe from outside threats, and safe from each other. Everything beyond that is, in my opinion, extraneous baggage.
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Post by FireNexus »

Leave me alone, I'll leave you alone. If you're not paying me, I'm not paying you, you're not a friend or a member of my family, I don't give a damned what you do. And it should go both ways.

Government should be large enough to defend the rights of the people, not support them. And, people should be allowed to bear arms to defend against a government which gets too powerful. That's why the framers wanted that right, and that's why it's #2 in the USA...
I had a Bill Maher quote here. But fuck him for his white privelegy "joke".

All the rest? Too long.
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Post by David »

The first step in any dictatorships move to obtain power is to disarm the citizens. Witness Germany, Russia, and China.

All those poor Brits.

Before the government disarmed them, the police in London did not have to carry firearms, now they do.

What does that tell you about gun-control?

If you make a law saying no one may have guns, then only the law-abiding ctizens will comply. What will the criminals do?

Keep on carring guns.
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Post by Sienthal »

I'd have to go with Communism (The Marxist version), though Socialism comes a close second.
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Post by AltoidMaster »

You're statement about disarming the citizens is very interesting when we observe the effects of the red student militants during the cultural revolution. What you observed were thousands of students going up and beating people up because they were "counter revolutionary". Hardly good.
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Post by David »

Hardly a good example.
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Post by Icehawk »

Im not exactly sure what I would put myself under. However I am pretty sure of myself on a number of things:

Im all for abortion rights
All for stemcell and cloning research
All for getting rid of cigarettes and other pointless drugs
I have nothing against alchohol but have no tollerance for people who drink and drive.
I prefer Canada's take on weapon/gun ownership
Im pretty much an athiest and disslike anyone who tries to shove religion or other forms of such irrational sillyness down mine or other peoples throats.
Im not fond of Conservatives or anyone who thinks "we should go back to the good old days" or that we should stay the way we currently are.
I don't believe in Nationalism
I don't believe in the todays trend of segregating humanity into "racial" classifications. We are all HUMANS and that is the only true race worth having any concern over IMO

Those are most of my main points.
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Post by SPOOFE »

The first step in any dictatorships move to obtain power is to disarm the citizens. Witness Germany, Russia, and China.
Now, now, let's not turn this into a Gun Control debate. Especially since we know everyone in favor of Control is wrong.

(Kidding, kidding!)
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Post by Meghel »

I am a Moderate Conservative. Liberal in some views, highly conservative in others.

It seems like the Conservatives are the biggest group here. :P


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