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Are you for homeschooling, or against it?

For it
Against it
Total votes: 24

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Gil Hamilton
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Post by Gil Hamilton »

I'm not really for or against homeschooling. First of all, I liked school, except for being bored shirtless by many classes, and did receive a nice enough education (which if you listened to some homeschooling advocates, you can't get in public school). Really, homeschool kids aren't any smarter or better off on average than anyone else who takes school with any seriousness (and in some cases, worse, as people in AP classes consistantly dusted the floor with homeschoolers when it came to testing, at least in Pittsburgh).

So really, it's up to preference. Homeschoolers tend to, as far as I know, get a strictly average education, with the people who do poorly and do prosperously likely do to the same no matter if they are in a school or not.

What bothers me are they people who homeschool their kids so they have them as a captive audience and aren't exposed to outside ideas until they are well beyond the point of thinking for themselves. Those people can shove off.
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Post by fgalkin »

Simon H.Johansen wrote:
fgalkin wrote:long link
Homeschooled and/or private-schooled.
What does THAT have to do with homeschooling??? :?
Most fundie kids are homeschooled or go to a "Christian" school. The example above is of the level of their detachment from reality.

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Re: Homeschooling

Post by CrimsonRaine »

I'm against for several reasons. I'm sure I'll have my face eaten off for it, but hey, what's a board for?

1. Children who are homeschooled are their lives are from paranoid parents. The only reason I'd find it excuseable if it was in a really bad area.

2. Some students ask their parents to be homeschooled, because public school is "too hard." School sucks, until you get to college. But you deal with a brunt of rudeness, insecurity and downright cruelty. The real world can be this cruel.. and sometimes, less so. It builds strength and loads of character.

3. Not all homeschoolers receive the amount and quality of education being taught by parents that they would in a public/private school. They are bombarded with parental bias.

Now, as far as I'm aware, not all homeschoolers are taught by parents. Some go through correspondance courses. This can be well and good. Parents are to motivate the child to do work, but it's the students job to do all the reading. College work wouldn't be as much as a shock to this kind of student. But I still feel they are missing the social experience. Having your living room be not only your entertainment/family room, but also your classroom? Something just isn't right with that.

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Peregrin Toker
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Re: Homeschooling

Post by Peregrin Toker »

CrimsonRaine wrote:I3. Not all homeschoolers receive the amount and quality of education being taught by parents that they would in a public/private school. They are bombarded with parental bias.
This is by far the biggest problem with homeschooling - it may result in unavoidably substandard education unless the parents are very, very well-educated.
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