Combining just nitric acid and glycerine together won't do much as the reaction produces so much water that the whole process dilutes itself almost immediately.Emperor Chrostas the Crue wrote:Nitroglycerine is made by ROMOTE CONTROLE. In BUNKERS.In carefuly controled proportions.With the temperature and humidity strictly controled. Let's not for get static electric sparks, the bane of ALL munition manufacture. (Google search Nevada fireworks factory explosion)
Just pouring nitric acid and glycerine together will get you on the 5:00 news.
Now, add some concentrated sulphuric acid to take up the excess water, and you got yerself a self-sustaining reaction. I believe that it is also quite an exothermic reaction, so active cooling is needed to prevent premature detonation.
Not something anyone who isn't qualified should be making.
I totally agree with not setting off smoke bombs indoors. Not just because of the toxic smoke but because yer mom will kick yer arse for stinking up the house.