Since it was written, "god" has made over a thousand "corrections" to the book of Mormon and even more to the Bible.
Bullshit. The only significant revision of the Book of Mormon was the adding of punctuation. The very first version had none... it was just a giant, run-on sentence, and thusly, nigh impossible to read.
As well, my brother wanted to attend the wedding and was not allowed to due to it being held in secret chambers of the Mormon church (the giant one in Salt Lake City) which non Mormons are not allowed in.
Oh, PLEASE, turn your Drama Queen mode off. "Secret chambers"... they consider it a sacred ceremony. Just because YOU see a wedding as an excuse to get pissed and vomit on the bride doesn't mean that Mormonism has any sinister undertones.
I wouldn`t be suprised if other people have used that line, but I came up with it myself one day.
Yeah, because it's SUCH a difficult connection to make...
One impression I have of them is that their faith is ruled by fear.
More bullshit. One wry joke by one missionary doesn't make it official church doctrine.
They wouldn't give you their bible unless you leave an address for contact, and I won't do that.
Actually, walk into just about any Mormon church around and you'll find a BoM, free, sitting on a table.
Hate to break it to you, Perinquus , but the Mormon church recently decided the "Book of Abraham" wasn't really part of the gospel, and has been dropped from their cannon.
Guess they didn't want to look like fools.
Or maybe they're just capable of changing with the times, albeit slowly.
Which changes what, really? My point was that Joseph Smith was a flim flam man. How does this refute that assertion? Whether they accept it as canon or not, the fact remains, it was still a fraud perpetrated by Joseph Smith, their founder.
So, because he was wrong about one thing, he was wrong about everything? Please, religion is silly, but you can still argue against it rationally. "Debating fallacies" do not simply apply to Vs. debates.