1SuperJesusFreak goes too far...

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1SuperJesusFreak goes too far...

Post by Yuri Prime »

1SuperJesusFreak has lost his position as a moderator on his forums for suggesting terrorist actions against Hollywood because he didn't like a certain Tatu performance on the MTV awards show. He also made several shady comments about cleansing the world of evil, blah blah blah... Typical Fundie "kill the sinners" speech. Anyway, Alyrium and myself told the admin of this and he removed his modship. When is this guy going to learn?

His offensive post can be seen here:
http://www.kgi vler.com/teens/tboard/viewtopic.php?t=2756
(remove space)
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Post by Sindai »

Link doesn't work for me.
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Post by Yuri Prime »

Sindai wrote:Link doesn't work for me.
oops, I think he's working on the site right now. I'll check it when he puts it back up.
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Post by Sir Sirius »

http://www. kgivler.com/teens/
The board appears to be experiencing 'Major problems'.
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Post by Howedar »

We don't direct link to such places, genius.
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Post by Lonestar »

I see nothing. I think Yuri is making it up. :)
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Post by Montcalm »

If fundies want to clean the world of evil and kill all sinners,then they could eat a bullet.
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Post by Cyborg Stan »

I can access it now. Here's what the first post says :
1SuprJesusFreak wrote:If they terrorists want to blow up hollywood or distroy MTV I think I would help them. I think God has a special place in hell for people like that. Also when Gollum "receved" his award for best virtual charicter via a TV screen he had one of those personality splits and his evil side started spewing the f word and other such volgarity. Tolkien must have been spinning in his grave. How far can things slip before we do something. Lets rise up and bombard MTV, t.a.t.u. and New Line Cinima and tell them to get that trash of TV, start acting decent on stage, and stop defiling someone else's creation respectivly. It's time we make some noise!! We are warriors for God, lets be bold as warriors should!
His second post contains :
1SuprJesusFreak wrote:It's called fighting for God, and beating evil. Those 5 are what I see as the top evils of our day. I'm out to distroy them all and so should every other Christian.
He then backtracks and says that he never supported terrorism, which then seems to be reversed when someone else posts a chat log with him.
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Post by Enforcer Talen »

all that holy goodness light does seem to block them from civilization
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

I guess Johnny Boyd has been out preaching his doctrine?
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Cyborg Stan wrote:I can access it now. Here's what the first post says :
1SuprJesusFreak wrote:If they terrorists want to blow up hollywood or distroy MTV I think I would help them. I think God has a special place in hell for people like that. Also when Gollum "receved" his award for best virtual charicter via a TV screen he had one of those personality splits and his evil side started spewing the f word and other such volgarity. Tolkien must have been spinning in his grave. How far can things slip before we do something. Lets rise up and bombard MTV, t.a.t.u. and New Line Cinima and tell them to get that trash of TV, start acting decent on stage, and stop defiling someone else's creation respectivly. It's time we make some noise!! We are warriors for God, lets be bold as warriors should!
His second post contains :
1SuprJesusFreak wrote:It's called fighting for God, and beating evil. Those 5 are what I see as the top evils of our day. I'm out to distroy them all and so should every other Christian.
He then backtracks and says that he never supported terrorism, which then seems to be reversed when someone else posts a chat log with him.
I posted that chatlog..
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Post by SeebianWurm »

He's an immoral little fuck, and all this did is add further evidence to our damning case.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Sir Sirius wrote:http://www. kgivler.com/teens/
The board appears to be experiencing 'Major problems'.
No one other than WONG himself helped him with those problems :D
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:
Sir Sirius wrote:http://www. kgivler.com/teens/
The board appears to be experiencing 'Major problems'.
No one other than WONG himself helped him with those problems :D
Are you implying that Wong is a hypocritial bastard who hacks websites he doesn`t like?
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Post by Kuroneko »

DPDarkPrimus wrote:Are you implying that Wong is a hypocritial bastard who hacks websites he doesn`t like?
No, but he did help fix them.
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