Thunderfire wrote: My military training is limited to basic infantry training. I have been told to
retreat when faced against bad odds.
Numbers are not the only factor affecting the situation. There are other things that greatly reduce the odds against you. Your attackers will be approaching your house in the open. Even if there are some trees and bushes and other things to provide cover and concealment, there will be some open ground they have to cover. They will thus be more exposed than you are. You may even be able to get off several shots before they can even tell which window you are firing out of. If they are attacking at night (likely) and you have the yard illuminated by floodlights, while the porch and interior lights are off, this will make it even harder for them to see where you are, and may even make it impossible. It will also illuminate them for you. There are likely to be a number of fainthearts in the group who will break as soon as it becomes clear that this is not the walkover they were expecting. They don't even have to be cowards for this the case, merely people of ordinary courage to whom burning you out does not matter as much as living to see the next day does.
You have weighted the odds
entirely against the defender in your mind, and have not even tried to consider the factors working in the defender's favor.
Thunderfire wrote: The average SDNet member lacks the
necessary skill to put up a skilled defense.
This is not necessarily true. With enough forethought to the situation, even a person of average marksmanship ability can make the most of the defensive advantages in this scenario. It will not be necessary to kill every attacker. Merely make it clear that they will have to pay an unacceptably high price to get you, and they will almost certainly retreat.
Thunderfire wrote: Glockman has later specified
1. attack range is 100 yards
2. the attackers are fundies on foot
Fundies are not automatically fanatics. My mother's side of the family is shot through with fundamentalist Free Will Baptists. This does not make them ravening fanatics willing to die in order to strike the hated foe. You have assumed total, fanatical dedication on the part of every single one of the attackers, and there is nothing to support such an assumption.
Thunderfire wrote: bad odds if you ask me. I might get 2-4 of them before the others move out of my line of sight. This leaves 6-8 fundies outside of my firing range. 6-8 fundies = atleast 6-8 molotov cocktails/torches that could be flying though the windows of my house.
Again, you are taking it as a given that they can
not be frightened off, and that despite their losses, they will press the attack without concern for their lives. Why? I have told you over and over and over and over that this is simply not typical mob behavior, and I have more experience dealing with mobs than you do. Is it possible they will still be determined enough to press the attack? Sure. But it's not likely. Given that this is a mob, and is not trained or disciplined, it is not likely at all. You insist on taking it as a certainty.