I try my best not to get involved in the regular attacks on Christianity in this group. There are three main reasons for this:
- It's not worth the effort.
- It won't exactly help win friends and influence people.
- I don't go out of my way to 'convert' others, esp. those who have expressed a (very understandable) desire to avoid such treatment.
I take the behavior in question to be this: initiating an argument about the beliefs of another with intent to change that belief to match your own. The gp4teens members have not done this. However, it would seem that some members of this board have, in staging an "invasion" of their forums. While the individuals in question are certainly unintelligent, I have to ask if they don't deserve the same respect that many members demand from others.
If a group of die-hard Creationists came here and started spewing out their crap, it would be perfectly acceptable to respond; however, this hasn't happened. Instead, the members of this board who are engaged in attacking the gp4teens forum are causing the problems.
My question is this: is it not blatant hypocrisy to engage in behavior that you insist others not take part in?
I may or may not make another post on this thread in the near future; my Internet connection is spotty and my time is limited. Please do not take any failure to respond to responses on my part as cowardice, arrogance, or anything other than a lack of ability to do so.