Let's start this one out right: No. I don't think it's wrong.Dalton wrote:OK, ditch all that you previously knew. Ignore the bits of the bible that say homosexuality is immoral. Ignore all you've ever heard about homosexuals being evil and wrong and go with gut instinct.
Is homosexuality wrong? If so, why?
As far as I'm concerned - this is what happens when you're a sap - I think there is one right person, if one really wants to find it, for each person. There's no saying what that person would be like: old, young, male or female.
With a primarily monotheistic society that seems to follow the same guidelines of beliefs, no matter what name you slap on it, I seem to think that most people are so used to the staticity of the way things are. When mixed relationships started, people had trouble with that - hell, still do. Homosexuality, which has been around, well, forever, really, is something difficult for certain minds to accept. Why? I honestly believe it's deals with gender roles, most of the time, and another thing.
It's true. Lesbians need long, slender phallic toys to please their partners, while men are simply missing an extra, warm, moist hole. And that, unfortunately, is unnatural. Not to say it's wrong but definately costly - I mean, dildo's ain't cheap, especially with all the little controls and happy little buttons they come with now. And lubricant. Vasaline feels kinda gross between your legs, no matter what the dilemma, so it's better to buy the watery stuff in your favorite, run-down, wall-stained and cum-stenched shops.
So really, it's not wrong. If you're happy, thumbs up, chubby. I just see a real problem with functionality. Whether you believe in creationism or evolution, whatever created us, certainly split the parts.
Crimson Raine