Freaky Sexual Ethics Situation

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Post by Sr.mal »

It would be akward for about 10 seconds as I realize these are the women I've had to pleasure of pleasuring. After that the fun starts.
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Post by Sobbastchianno »

Honestly, I am not sure they make a ship that can comfortably accommodate that many gay men. Then again...... they would have fun sleeping on top of each other, no matter where they find to do this.

As for me, I will be in my cabin, with the Vodka, just waiting to see if I am missed by any of them.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Why don`t you all drop off some of those ex-girlfriends on my boat? :wink:
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Post by Drewcifer »

R would antagonize everyone after drying out the bar.
C would miss her husband, but it'd be nice to catch up with her.
N would enjoy the cruise, and probably stay in my cabin.
J would get in a fight with R, but be good friends with N.
L would enjoy talking to everyone else about me.
M would be mad at N for staying in my cabin.

Everyone would get tired of R and throw her off the back of the ship.
C, L, & J would probably become good friends with me again.
M & N would eventually team up and make me their loveslave/manservant.
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Post by Ted C »

Well, I'm on good terms with some, bad terms with a few, and don't know where I stand with the others.

There aren't so many that we couldn't easily avoid each other on a decent-sized cruise ship, though, and I'll be happy to hang with the friendly ones. My wife won't freak out, either. A couple of my ex's would even by threesome candidates.
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Post by Mr Flibble »

Well considering in my case there would be only one other person on the boat with me there wouldn't be any problems with ex's fighting.

However given who she is and her attitutde to me, we would either end up fucking each other stupid, or killing each other. Most likely both.
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Post by Steven Snyder »

I think my voyage would consist of a lot of 'what was your name again?'

If all of my sexual partners are there, then Ms. "If I can't have you no one will *slash*" is lurking around. Then there was the girl who liked to sneak into the bathroom at 2am to slice and dice herself up. There were so many other wonderful and special women, that I have tried to purge from my mind...

You know, with all the psychotic women that I have had relations with, my cruise will probably be a very dangerous place to be.
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Post by Death from the Sea »

Depends if the girls knew the reason they were on the ship or not. If they did not know then, I could probably score with a couple of them. If they did know the reason for being there, well..... I think some of the girls would wonder why some of the others are there. Like I had two female roomate that were bestfriends that I slept with seperately had no idea that I slept with the other(you think that is bad, they both had either a boyfriend or fiance at the time). I could probably still score with one or two of the girls but I think there would be some major cockblocking going on from the rest of the girls.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Just say NO.

Sir Nitram and I will very happily stay in our cabin, and let my ex-hubbie duke it out with the guy I left him for, while I ignore the 3 guys from college and the one-nighter SCAdian that gave me Mono.

Although if it was my college roommate, she'd be in Deep Dodo with the 50+ ex's.
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Post by J »

It's gonna be a nice quiet cruise after my BF gruesomely kills my ex-BF and feeds him to the sharks, which should happen within a day or 2. The ex was a decent guy...until he somehow got this notion in his head that he owned me and became a complete prick. After the ex is disposed of we'll just spend our days relaxing, drinking, swimming naked in the pool and doing naughty things in various places on the ship.
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Post by XaLEv »

Are the aliens cute?
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Post by StarshipTitanic »

Ok, who's playing bumper-boats with me? I've got nothing better to do.:P If we can sink a ship, they'll be FORCED to come aboard our's! :twisted:
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Well Dawn and Christina, I still have very dark/violent moods to.....

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Re: Freaky Sexual Ethics Situation

Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

Coyote wrote:A race of advanced aliens has been observing human behavior and they are puzzled over sexuality and all the complicated dynamics surrounding it. They decide to do an experiment.

They abduct you-- and everyone you have ever had sex with-- and you all wake up in individual cabins aboard a luxury cruise ship in the middle of the sea. You cannot tell where you are or what your heading is; you might well be sailing in circles. The ship is automated and works perfectly, no need to worry about maint.

There are provisions for months if need be; all the amusements work and you are essentially free to do as you choose-- even hide yourself away in a locked room with bottles of whiskey if that is your intent, for that in itself will teach these pesky aliens something. You are just floating about, serenely, with every single sex partner you have ever had-- one night stand, drunken orgies, devoted partners, current or former spouse, you name it.

What happens? How do you handle it? How do they handle it? Fighting? Guitar circles and "kum-by-ya"? A hierarchy? Are you in deep trouble? Are any of your partners going to be in deep trouble? Will some of these people ally with you or will you all try to ignore each other in embarrassed silence? There are no wrong answers...

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Well, insofar as I have a slightly higher chance of being hit seven times in a row by lightning than I do getting laid, it's going to be a pretty empty ship.

Mind you, that doesn't mean I'm not going to have a lot of fun. I mean, I could probably spend weeks crawling through the entire ship while attempting to figure out just how they managed to automate an entire cruise ship. Then I'll figure out a way to hijack the control systems and attempt to figure out what planet I'm on.
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Post by Lagmonster »

I asked my wife. She says she'd sit outside my cabin with me locked in it, lest I suffer a momentary lapse of judgment and allow one of the many gorgeous, leggy, sleek, and thoroughly brainless young women I 'met' during my Wild Years (1989 - 1993) into my room.

Those women I have known as dedicated partners would probably not care I was there one way or another and go play cards in the ship's casino or whatever.
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Post by InnerBrat »

Rob would almost certainly kick the living shit out of [name removed to protect the young offender], then would sink into a converstion about football with Jonny.

Me, I'm off to the cabin with my shagosaurus.

edited for typo
Last edited by InnerBrat on 2003-06-24 10:32am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by neoolong »

I'd be very very tired.
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Post by Crazy_Vasey »

Oh well, who needs human company after all?
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Post by Andrew J. »

Yay, my own private cruise ship! :)
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Post by LordShaithis »

Push one or two that I'm now embarassed by off the boat. Chill out with the rest, break out the booze, and try to get back into the pants of The One Who Got Away.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Yeah, I Know some who would be severly hurt by me if my other's other's were included....

Like Sarah's first Husband....(Yeah I hate abusive louts who abandon kids, anyone guess why?)

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Tosho »

Hello! Is there any one there? That's odd, all I hear are echos.
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Post by Jawawithagun »

Ummm... how powerful exactly are these aliens?

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Post by Darth Gojira »

Darksider wrote:
RogueIce wrote:*remembers the Impending Nookie thread*

Ok, this is what I'd do instead.

Arm my ship with any and all weaponry I can find and go hunting for those ships with the people who have partners on them.

::::::Walks up to RogueIce with holo displys of HTLs and other heavy weaponry:::::

Will you be paying with cash or charge???
Do you take Mastercard?
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Post by Col. Crackpot »

i'd be fleeing for my life in a zodiac :P
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