Well...let's seeShinjiGohan wrote:I listed the powers of the flash, and I said which ones wouldn't be able to be used due to the limitation. How does that make me an idiot? Flash has more powers that just run really fast and punch a buncha times.Ghost Rider wrote:And amazing the guy who creates the thread ignore the one thing that he LIMITED Flash to.
I don't see Yoda quite able to go c speeds.
Also I'd like to point out Yoda has other avenues of attacks that every Flash has shown great vulnerabilty to(in fact one of his major villains have and still use it, and most of the times is the greatest vulnerability he has).
ShinjiGohan wrote:Ok, the Flash should be well be godly if it wasn't for the fact that he acts like an idiot nearly 24/7. And actually decided to do more than charge in and punch.
to keep it fair, Flash is only allowed to go as fast as Yoda can. But he can still use his other speed tricks.
Who wins?
Did you forget these dumbass?ShinjiGohan wrote:Flash when not acting like an idiot:
Able to learn at lightspeeds (he learned how to reprogram a nuclear missle on the spot).
Able to give speed. Aka Yoda going from 1000m/s to 1,000,000 m/s. Kinda hard for yoda to adjust to that in the spot. Also can heat up items because he can also give/steal KI. So he can speed up the atoms in the lightsaber or Yoda's body.
Can steal speed, to where Yoda is a statue. Or the electric impluses in Yoda's body to where he can't even think. Also can steal KI, so if something hot comes his way he can make it a nice 70 degrees F.
He has outran instant teleportation (with loads of help of stealing a planets worth of speed).
Time Travel.
Infinite mass punches E=mc^2 right
And probably a few others that I'm forgetting at the moment.
now due to the limitation that he can only move as Yoda, that takes out Time Travel and outrunning instant teleportation (aka being in 2 places at the same time).
Assuming that Flash isn't acting like an idiot (as per the thread here). He could slow down the items Yoda tosses at him via TK, slow Yoda down so he's a statue. Land one infinite mass punch, make Yodas temp close to absolute zero, or make Yoda burn on the spot (giving and/or taking KI). Go intangable through all of Yoda's blows, or stop Yoda from even thinking thus being unable to use TK, or much less anything else.
Course this is why they make the flash an idiot in the comics, if they didn't then only godlike beings could beat him, and that makes for bad stories. Heck, Flash should in all right defeat Superman (it doesn't matter if its Prime, 1 million, Sun Dipped, Pre Crisis or whatever) with ease.
So I guess everything Flash is doing with the exception of Vibration powers and speed steal(which I love the extrapoltions to infinity the wank-fesst has been going...since all he's done is minor effect...the bullets were WALTER) Yoda is going to be doing...
And hell maybe not even that since when he was shown at Yoda speeds...he wasn't able to do TENTH of his tricks.
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