guideposts for teens forum

SLAM: debunk creationism, pseudoscience, and superstitions. Discuss logic and morality.

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Post by El Moose Monstero »

So did I, I signed up after all - I was able to answer every point except the one about oil, which I couldnt quite figure out what to say to, I'm no expert on oil processes. I hope they let both of them through, I thought mine was quite good. :D

Thanks though... :)
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Post by Kuroneko »

The_Lumberjack wrote:So did I, I signed up after all - I was able to answer every point except the one about oil, which I couldnt quite figure out what to say to, I'm no expert on oil processes. I hope they let both of them through, I thought mine was quite good. :D
Oh. I just concentrated on nuclear physics. But since you said this, I'll go back and refute the rather weak oil argument.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

Plenty of gems from the gp4t boards. Get your barf bags ready. All user names are provided so that you know who to keep from reproducing when you take over the world, and also so you can be agog at how horrible most of them are.

catgurl wrote:I think I'm physic

I really, ,really think I'm physic, because every time I close my eyes, I have a vision of something. This has been happening all of my life, but I was too sacred to tell anyone until now. Is this normal,and is there anybody else out there who is also physic?
No explanation needed. Just shake your head at the sadness. My reply to this would be: "Wow, I have a vision of something everytime I close my eyes too! It`s called an after-image, or possibly, I could be seeing something with my IMAGINATION! You know, imagining? That allows you to believe in fake things, like ESP and God?"

electric wrote:Re: Evolution

Evolution is a joke. If you believe in evolution, then you can't believe in Creation, and vice versa. You can't believe in both. Besides, evolution is just a theory, whereas Creation is a fact.
Looks like someone doesn`t know the scientific definition of "theory", nor does he understand the scientific method, since Creation is not a "fact".
elf gal wrote:Re: HARRY POTTER BOOKS!! good or bad??

They are BAD BOOKS!!!! What part of Witcraft packaged to look good don't some people understand?
COG4Ever wrote:Re: HARRY POTTER BOOKS!! good or bad??

Let me ask this. Do you need to sample something in a container marked with a "Mr.Yuck" symbol to know its poison? Do you need to try drugs for yourself to know they are bad? Do we need to try sex before marriage, in order to know that is messing up our lives? It is well known and advertised long before cracking open the HP books or seeing his movies, that he uses a magic that is not of Yahweh. A magic that is more or less a form of curious arts. Curious Arts is mentioned as a big "nono" in the Bible. In the OT God punishes its users. Why do we entertain ourselves with things that the Bible clearly spells out as sin. Pretend or not. Is there anybody here who dares to go against the flow of the crowd in pop culture and discern right from wrong, and then be brave enough to stand? So what if others think Harry Potter is cool. He clearly uses witchcraft, does he not? Why would anyone care what his plot is all about then? There is plenty of Christian contemporary alternative entertainment out there, that is very interesting, and makes you feel good but helps you be a leader not a follower. Do you want a good life in the future? then earnetly seek God's blessing. Often that means doing right even if its not part of pop culture.
snoopyloopysk8a wrote:Re: HARRY POTTER BOOKS!! good or bad??

Just the title of the books alone should make you want to get away from them as fast as possible. Do sorcerers sound like people for Christians to be hanging around or reading about? But besides that, most of the demons and spirits mentioned in the movie are real. The author of the book also said she is a witch. She said she wrote the book to spread witchcraft and get rid of Christ...and she seems to be doing a good job. With everyone, even most Christians convinced that Harry Potter couldn't possibly be bad, they are allowing Satan and his demons/evil angels access into their houses and lives. And if Satan has control, you know it's not good.

snoopyloopysk8a wrote:Re: HARRY POTTER BOOKS!! good or bad??

The AUTHOR of the books send that they were written for adults and that the books are EVIL. How many normal kids do you know go to the library and get 400-500 page books to read on their own *for fun*? Most adults don't read books that big. And if its just fantasy, why can't 85% of adults figure out? And there are testimonials about former witches and wizards who say that the names of the spells, the spirits, etc., almost all of those are real. Harry Potter was made to teach people about witchcraft. And the Harry Potter website has links to other occult and witchcraft websites which in turn have links to more of those. And this a book thats ok to read.
Emphasis mine. First off... Rowling never has said that. Secondly, just because kids don`t usually use their imagination and read books, doesn`t mean it`s evil. WTF is this "fantasy and 85% of adults can`t figure it out" BS? Harry Potter teaches people jack shit about actual spell casting and the like. Does the Harry Potter website have links to the occult? I doubt it... probably referring to a fan-page, of which has no relevence. And that last sentence... is she changing her mind or something? Ugh.
jcfreak13 wrote:Re: HARRY POTTER BOOKS!! good or bad??

bad, this book is worshiping the devil I have watched a show on how bad it is I really agree with it they talk about how good wizards are and wizards are male witches so they say how good they are
dramaqueen031 wrote:Re: Christians who belive in evolution.

if we evolved from monkeys, why are they still here?
Oh, please...
katangel wrote:Re: Christians who belive in evolution.

Huh? That never happened.
Luke Skywalker wrote:Re: ABORTION: right, or wrong?

Thats a no brainer,its wrong. If ya dont want kids, dont get into that sort of situation that your gonna have one. L-S
Oh, of course. It`s the 12-year old girl`s fault she was brutally raped outside a convenience store by a pedophile. Sorry, I forgot.
wildrose1011 wrote:Re: ABORTION: right, or wrong?

I think abortion is totally wrong however u look at it. Even before the baby is born or even thought of God has a plan for it. Sometimes it's the only way out but that doesn't make it right at all.
So, if God has a plan for the baby, wouldn`t he make the parents decide not to have an abortion? :roll: I can see it now, God saying "Oh shit, that baby was supposed to bring about world peace. Oh well."
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Post by Yuri Prime »

The stuff I read there makes me hurl daily (well not literally). Some of these kids should be declared legally braindead. It's sad that all they can do is regurgitate Bible verses at everything in life.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

Perhaps I'll join next week, they'd make a good chew toy.
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Post by Exonerate »

Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:Perhaps I'll join next week, they'd make a good chew toy.
If any of your posts get through.

I've just made another lengthy post under the alias Rather Convenient in the Scientific American Evolution thread... Now watch it never show up...

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Post by Enforcer Talen »

ah, so your rather convenient?

Im gothic_J, and I think most my posts are getting through.

being ignored tho :roll:
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Post by Darth Gojira »

*Reads board, head explodes* :banghead: I hate it when kids my age don't have brains! THESE ARE OUR HOPE FOR THE FUTURE????? Perhaps it isn't just bipolar that makes me hate humanity.......
Hokey masers and giant robots are no match for a good kaiju at your side, kid
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Do you not believe in Thor, the Viking Thunder God? If not, then do you consider your state of disbelief in Thor to be a religion? Are you an AThorist?-Darth Wong on Atheism as a religion
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Post by El Moose Monstero »

Well, they allowed my comments on the Evolution in Do Something through, I hope I managed to get my point across, I'm doing an exam on this sort of thing on Wednesday... :D
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Post by RogueIce »

Does anyone know who quantumX is? Is it someone from here?

actually...there are lots of butts in sex before marriage...
I have no idea what the rest of this person's posts are like, but that was just beautiful... :lol:
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Post by Flash »

I am completely shocked that they actually let this post go through:
I have no all powerful sky pixie on which to appeal to. I don't simply shrug everything off onto him. It means that I form my own moral guidelines to follow, based on MY experiences, and what I believe to be right, not what some 2000 year old book tells me.
The guy calls God a sky pixie. He says he forms his own moral guidelines and says he doesn't follow the bible. And they actually ok'ed the post?! I am shocked. Their thought police are getting sloppy if they miss this...
Rather surprised I got that one through myself. However they didn't let my response of "I lost my virginity, but still have the box it came in" in the "Virgin Pride" thread go through. :)

And on a different note... *turns and drops pants in anticipation of the nOOb spanking*
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

*Poke* :)
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"Well then, science is bullshit. "
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Post by Temjin »

I can not debate at GP4Teens. It's like the whole damn board suffers from a "silver bullet" mentality. With only one post, these kids think they can disprove evolution and convert every atheist who happens to read it.

Not only that, they can have 50+ threads for each subject. And they all say the same thing: "Evoulution wrong. Creation right."

The entire board is one big circle wank.....
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Post by Frank Hipper »

After reading a post that went something like "If we came from monkeys, then who created the monkeys????" I ran from the place, gibbering in horror.

That, and I'm old enough to be their daddy.
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Post by Raptor 597 »

Darth Gojira wrote:*Reads board, head explodes* :banghead: I hate it when kids my age don't have brains! THESE ARE OUR HOPE FOR THE FUTURE????? Perhaps it isn't just bipolar that makes me hate humanity.......
No, they are the hope for our future Darwin Awards. I must admit the average intelligence and vigor of the Fundie debaters have decresed ten fold.
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Post by Dillon »

I was reading around the "Religioin and Spirituality" forum earlier. I find it hard to believe people can be that moronic.
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Post by Jadeite »

I just noticed they created a new forum. "Lock Horns", it even has a warning that people will disagree with each other. :lol:
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Post by Exonerate »

Jadeite wrote:I just noticed they created a new forum. "Lock Horns", it even has a warning that people will disagree with each other. :lol:
And I just posted in it... Lets see if their Thought Police try and stop me this time... :roll:

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Post by Mutant Headcrab »

The Mutant Headcrab has descended amongst the heathens to smite them with the burning sword of logic!
*raises sword which bursts into flames and goes out*
Damn blue light specials.....
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