There's obviously a serious danger in resurrecting Skywalker, because it is so difficult to do things properly and the result is so terrible if you don't get it right. I've been convinced, however, that the NJO has been building towards his resurrection and has the tools they need to set it up well.CaptJodan wrote:However, given all of the above, and the fact that I simply want Anakin back, the fact is, I don't think it's a good idea. One, I have the same moral problem of bringing people back to life as others on this board do. You play that card to much, you become Star Trek or any other number of shows who have killed, then brought back to life. But it's more than that. I simply DON'T TRUST THESE WRITERS TO GET IT RIGHT. That's the biggest thing. I agree, that if they were able to pull it off, it may well be the best thing for the series, and we would finally get that damned prophecy out. But the fact is, I don't think these writers that are doing this are up to the challenge of getting it right. If it happened, he'd come back, get lots of hugs and kisses, and then proceed to destroy the Vong. There simply isn't TIME for anything else. We only have a few books left, and I don't think that there's time to handle Anakin's return correctly, and finish the war off correctly. (Actually, I figure they'll botch both things, if they do bring him back.)
There's obviously the danger of resurrecting everyone who's died, and so I think that it should be used only in this particular case (ie. Not resurrecting Chewie, Biggs, Madine, etc. etc. etc. just for the hell of it), but I think it would be the best thing for the series to resurrect Anakin properly.
In terms of finishing the war with the YV, I'm not sure it's really going to end. I don't think that they CAN finish it properly in the remaining books--there just aren't enough of them left. It simply would not make sense for the YV to conquer upwards of a third of the entire Galaxy and then just die out the next day. I don't think that the GA has the resources to actually defeat them, so I think that they're going to have a cliched "Let's work out our differences over lemonade and sponge cake" moments.