Steven Snyder wrote:
Being able to control one's temper on a single occasion is not enough. I find it very odd that you bring up an example of Banner and not the Hulk, Banner's mind is submerged when the Hulk is dominate.
Its not controling your anger on a single occasion, its controlling your anger during extreme duress.... Something a jedi has fallen to do nurmios times. He contolled his anger for most of his adult life even when it could still transform him to a limited degree. Heck, the Hulk isn't just banner's "I'm angry" persona....It's a seperate personaility. It stayed the Hulk
twice when not angry, it stayed the hulk whem uncoisnce (and it shows the hulk submerging banner's personalility in that scene). And Banner showed sigms of transforming when having no angewr towards anybody in specific. Anger looks more like the only times the Hulk can defeat Banner. And whats this about "your talking about banner? You forgot the whole Banner took over the Hulk to fight his father thing?
You still have yet to show how the Hulk's or even Banner's will is stronger than the average human.
I don't actually have too, despite the fact that I did show he was strong will. He needs a weak-mind, not a normal one for Jedi force powers to work.
Red Herring The self-control of a padawan Jedi who is already admitted to having anger problems is completely irrelevant to this argument.
Nope, not at all a red-herring, you are stating anger problems is a sure sign that his will is weak enought to allow jedi mind-powers when his rages do not even come close to the rages made by a specal destined Jedi! Jedi have emotional problems and/or generaly need to learn to control thier emotions as a rule.
It seems you have no defense against my argument that neither the Hulk nor Banner have enough self-control to resist the manipulations of Yoda.
Concession Accepted.
Now your just talking to yourself wanting to claim victory becuase you don't believe a word I am saying. Thats fine, the only person here who belives you've proved anything is yourself. By Obi-wans direct cannon quote and's defination of strong-mind Hulk/Banner is not going to be affected by Jedi mind powers.
Yes you do. Jedi powers not only work on the weak minded, but on Gungan tribal rulers, drug dealers, and so on.
Bullshit, You're claiming that these people are strong-willed becuase of thier TITLES? By Obi-wans quote on the matter they must have weak-minds and thier titles mean shit as far as proving anything about thier personal characterists.
You made the claim that the Hulk (a childish brute) would be immune to the mental manipulations of an ancient Jedi Master. The burden of proof is on you.
All I had to have done was prove that he didn't have a weak mind, which I did. Now you're just calaiming I didn't without giving a good reason why. And the phaise "mental manipulations of an ancient Jedi Master" would sound so much cooler if the generaly population of this planet wasn't immune to the "mental manipulations of an ancient Jedi Master".
Really??? You just specified magic...
Marvel universe magic.....
And yes, MU magic has many sources of energy, life energy being one of them.
By your own words the force and "MU Magic" operate on different principals and are not the same thing.