Indeed, I couldnt agree more. Mind you, one also has to educate people about the difference between combat swordsmanship and sport fencing as well. People do tend to equate sport fencing with genuine European sword combat, then compare that to the asian arts, then proclaim the 'Cult of the Katana' as the winner.ChaosBurnFlame wrote:
Well, I mean its quite stupid, the amount of disdain for fencing these idiots show and the exhaulting of the 'holy katana arts'.... Especially when fencing practices of shallow cuts and quick attacks would fit with lightsabers more than kenjutsu. Also, all credible kenjutsu and iaido instructors have a geniune respect for fencing, something the majority of this board does not. For that I have to say this: Don't complain about someone else's ego before looking in your own backyard.
Swordsmanship is not the only area which suffers from this problem.