Athiests will burn in Hell! And so will everyone else!

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Athiests will burn in Hell! And so will everyone else!

Post by KK »

But really, back during school, every student was required to bring in a guest speaker. One guy brought in a man who started telling our class how each and every one of us was going to Hell, and he started talking about how we were in the season of the apocalypse. This guy was a major fundie, blabbing about the 7 day thing and all that. But he kept going back to the Apocalypse and how we'd all be stuck in Hell on Earth before being put in Hell for eternity. He actually made a girl cry. I tried to ask him reasonable questions, and he damned me to Hell for it, right there in class. I think I had asked him where he got some details (he was bringing up stuff that isn't even in the Bible to begin with, such as every nuclear bomb in the world going off on judgement day and other such things). He started getting physical, and he had to be escorted from the building.

So, have you ever had an experience like that? I mean outside the internet, since people tend to be more openly hostile and quicker to argue or lecture online.
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Post by StarshipTitanic »

Bahahaha, that's good! :lol:

Sadly, I have yet to encounter something such as that. I was getting close to that in my confirmation class before I managed to convince my mom I wasn't going through a "phase". :roll:
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Post by EmperorMing »

I had a few speaker talk about religeon in school before.

At least the ones I had to put up with didn't make total idiots out of themselves like yours...

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Post by corporial »

I’ve actually been to Hell (at least an approximation). The place was called Hell Stop and it was the classic “scare the hell out of you type of revival”. They started everyone out on a tour of the life of a person who did not accept Jesus and thus was bad person. This bad person drank beer after his Prom and promptly crashed his car. After a dramatic reenactment of the scene our little group was shuffled over to the funeral where the dead unsaved man popped up out of his casket and begged for a second chance to accept Jesus. Finally they led us to their version of Hell complete with a fat old man in a Big Lots grade Satan costume, pyrotechnics, and of course other hellions to keep us company. At this point a foreign exchange student from Sweden who was also drug out here and myself burst out laughing, and were both kicked out. I was told that we completely ruined the “mood” for our particular group.
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Ahhh, the classic "Hellhouse", loved by fundies everywhere on Halloween. No blood-drenched abortion scenes or AIDS funerals though? Definetly second-rate.
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Post by corporial »

Frank Hipper wrote:Ahhh, the classic "Hellhouse", loved by fundies everywhere on Halloween. No blood-drenched abortion scenes or AIDS funerals though? Definetly second-rate.
:!: Wow I got ripped off! I would much rather crash an abortion scene then a stupid Hell scene. I could have taken the fake fetal baby, turned it into a marionette, and have it dance a jig for the Godly onlookers.
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Post by Grand Moff Yenchin »

Well an odd experience of mine is around after the Dolly sheep. A professor came to my school and had a speech on Dolly, after some background introduction he began to claim that Dolly wasn't a clone by mutilating the definition of clone, and then the main purpose began: He started to say that only God can/has the right to clone life....yadda yadda yadda....

Confused on why my school invited such a guy here, I looked at the poster outside and realized he was invited by a campus fundie group... :roll:
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Post by KK »

Frank Hipper wrote:Ahhh, the classic "Hellhouse", loved by fundies everywhere on Halloween.
You don't have to be a fundie to love those.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

Dangit, how come nobody near me is that insane? How come I never had a insane wacko talk to me when I was in Catholic School?
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:Dangit, how come nobody near me is that insane? How come I never had a insane wacko talk to me when I was in Catholic School?
They probably figure they don’t need them if you're already in Catholic school.
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Post by neoolong »

I would have asked if he was threatening me. And then complain to the teacher that the guy was threatening you.
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Post by Drooling Iguana »

Maybe it's a good thing that I went to Catholic school up until the seventh grade. It was basically the same as a regular school, but we said the Lord's Prayer every morning and had a twenty-minute religion class after lunch in which it was explicitly stated several times that most of the stuff in the Bible was just metaphorical. We never got any of these kinds of nuts there.
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Post by AdmiralKanos »

Drooling Iguana wrote:Maybe it's a good thing that I went to Catholic school up until the seventh grade. It was basically the same as a regular school, but we said the Lord's Prayer every morning and had a twenty-minute religion class after lunch in which it was explicitly stated several times that most of the stuff in the Bible was just metaphorical. We never got any of these kinds of nuts there.
The Catholics have no choice but to admit the Bible isn't perfectly literal, since they have so many doctrines that lack Gospel support. Fundies, on the other hand, base their whole belief system on the notion that the Bible is 100% literally true. Since the Bible hates unbelievers and condemns them to eternal torture, fundies must therefore hate unbelievers, even if they won't admit it easily. Oh I know, they give you that "hate the sin, not the sinner" bullshit, but if the God they worship as absolutely perfect is willing to torture the sinner, then they must either hate the sinner or think God is an asshole for doing that, and I haven't heard too many of them say that God is an asshole.

But this kind of fundie is too easy to attack. Even a completely useless scientific ignoramus can see through their shit because it's overtly hateful. The more insidious type of fundie is the sort of dishonest shit who promotes "scientific creationism" etc.
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Post by KK »

Actually this guy was open about hating everyone.

He said something along the lines of, "Now I know you hear people saying that it doesn't matter what you have faith in so long as you have faith, but I'm sorry to tell you the Bible doesn't stand for that kind of nonsense. It's pretty clear. If you don't believe in God and the Bible, then you are a tool of Satan."
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Post by AdmiralKanos »

KK wrote:Actually this guy was open about hating everyone.

He said something along the lines of, "Now I know you hear people saying that it doesn't matter what you have faith in so long as you have faith, but I'm sorry to tell you the Bible doesn't stand for that kind of nonsense. It's pretty clear. If you don't believe in God and the Bible, then you are a tool of Satan."
Then he's basically harmless, since he will only turn people away from him unless they are already on his side. The more insidious type of fundie is the "scientific creationist" moron and his endless "Wall of Ignorance" copy-and-paste arguments.
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Post by neoolong »

Did you guys do anything to the kid that brought in that speaker?
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Post by Bug-Eyed Earl »

neoolong wrote:Did you guys do anything to the kid that brought in that speaker?
Swirlies, I hope!
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

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corporial wrote:<SNIP> At this point a foreign exchange student from Sweden who was also drug out here and myself burst out laughing, and were both kicked out. I was told that we completely ruined the “mood” for our particular group.
ROTFLMMFGDQQAO and Excellent work, soldier! *salutes and hands corporial a Purple Heart after he stops laughing*
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Post by Darth Gojira »

Thankfully, the worst case of preaching I've ever experianced was when my dad(egged on by my mom), who's a Catholic theology buff, tried to debate me on the nature of god. After losing ground, I bounced back, creating a stalemate. Philosophy can be so annoying at times...........
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