Abortion, Teens, & Parents

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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

All right, how about a bit of a compromise, a minor can ask a doctor to hold the information if she feels it would be unsafe for her if she let the information out.
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Post by Darth Wong »

SyntaxVorlon wrote:All right, how about a bit of a compromise, a minor can ask a doctor to hold the information if she feels it would be unsafe for her if she let the information out.
What's the use of this? If her parents are that dangerous, she already has the option of reporting them and asking to become a ward of the state.
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Post by Dillon »

SyntaxVorlon wrote:All right, how about a bit of a compromise, a minor can ask a doctor to hold the information if she feels it would be unsafe for her if she let the information out.
Bad idea, since many teens wouldn't want their parents informed if they aren't fundie maniacs and are just scared of their parents no longer trusting them, the normal consequnces and embarrassment and stuff.

It seems to me that teens could easily lie about what type of people their parents are.
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Post by InnerBrat »

Glocksman wrote:I would also say that parents have the right to deny a minor aged child an abortion (unless it's a life threatening situation). A minor can't legally set up wart removal surgery or a tonsillectomy on their own, why should abortion be any different?
Are you really comparing an abortion to cosmetic surgery? Really? And how exactly do you define an abortion? Should parents have veto rights over emergency contraception or pill presriptions?

If you grant the parents the right to force a child to carry and give birth to a baby, you should also enforce on those parents the legal responsibility for their grandchild, including all forms of child support and guardian duties, thus freeing the mother to not have her life ruined by her parent's opinions.

I know I always bring up the 'what if she was raped' argument, but rape victims are granted complete anonymity by the law - they do not have to tell their parents if they were raped. Granting parents veto rights over abortions destroys this.
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Post by Hobot »

innerbrat wrote:
Glocksman wrote:I would also say that parents have the right to deny a minor aged child an abortion (unless it's a life threatening situation). A minor can't legally set up wart removal surgery or a tonsillectomy on their own, why should abortion be any different?
Are you really comparing an abortion to cosmetic surgery? Really? And how exactly do you define an abortion? Should parents have veto rights over emergency contraception or pill presriptions?
He wasn't comparing abortion to just cosmetic surgery. I believe he meant surgery in general as he also mentioned tonsillectomy.
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Post by Glocksman »

Hobot wrote:
innerbrat wrote:
Glocksman wrote:I would also say that parents have the right to deny a minor aged child an abortion (unless it's a life threatening situation). A minor can't legally set up wart removal surgery or a tonsillectomy on their own, why should abortion be any different?
Are you really comparing an abortion to cosmetic surgery? Really? And how exactly do you define an abortion? Should parents have veto rights over emergency contraception or pill presriptions?
He wasn't comparing abortion to just cosmetic surgery. I believe he meant surgery in general as he also mentioned tonsillectomy.
That's exactly what I meant.
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Post by Traceroute »

The parents should definitely be informed, but the child should definitely be informed of his/her options first, with access to counseling (anonymous or otherwise), etc.

I think the exception to this is if the minor in question has passed the age of consent. For instance (please shoot me down if I'm misrepresenting this) the age of consent is 16 in my state, California. If a young woman is between 16-18 has sex, she can do so legally. If she presses charges, it's still statutory rape, but only she can initiate the charges (not her parents).

If you're past the age of consent for your locale, you should be able to have access to appropriate facilities for dealing with the consequences of that consent. Personally, I think it's a no brainer to just walk into a Planned Parenthood and get free bag of condoms, but if an abortion is necessary (for whatever reason), then that should be available as well.

I think counseling for the effected teen is the most important part, though; a qualified counselor in conjunction with the teen's parents would be the best way to come to a decision (abortion, adoption, etc.). Minors generally don't have the capacity to make this kind of life-altering decision alone, but parents don't always have that capacity either.
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Post by Kitsune »

one cercern I have is related to the responsibility of the child. If the girl is afraid to tell her parents so she acn get an abortion, I can see a problem with a girl waiting too long. I haver to say that this is a really hard subject to make a stance on.

The real problem may be a non openess. Most parents had sex as teenagers but they will not admit iut and there may be a guilt or hatred tried up in the whole situation. People will be people and will have sex if they have the chance.

How about Birth control being available to teenagers without parent permission?
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Post by Traceroute »

Kitsune wrote:one cercern I have is related to the responsibility of the child. If the girl is afraid to tell her parents so she acn get an abortion, I can see a problem with a girl waiting too long. I haver to say that this is a really hard subject to make a stance on.
This is one of my biggest concerns. I have no problems with abortions in the 1st or 2nd trimester, when the child can't survive on its own, but third trimester abortions need to be carried to full term, with the exception of pregnancies that have the potential to severely injure the mother. If you don't want the baby in the third trimester, you're a bit late ... give it up for adoption if you don't want the child.
The real problem may be a non openess. Most parents had sex as teenagers but they will not admit iut and there may be a guilt or hatred tried up in the whole situation. People will be people and will have sex if they have the chance.

How about Birth control being available to teenagers without parent permission?
In the US, at least, there are a huge variety of safe, anonymous resources for birth control and family planning. Planned Parenthood is pretty much the best known, but there national hotlines to find resources in an individual's area, as well.
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