There is no comparison between Slavery which was apparently thought wrong by a good portion of the people both in America and outside of America and removal of the words "under God" which, as I said in the post above, is saying that since one person wants it, it doesn't matter what the other 99% of people want because of that one person, it doesn't make any sense to me.
There is a comparison. Blacks were done an incredible injustice because the majority (whites) had no problem with it. Atheists are done an incredible injustice because the majority (Jews/Christians) have no problem with it.
The rest of your post is meaningless. "Under God" constitutes an establishment of religion by the government, and it's not allowed. Period. As an aside, a full 10% of the population is nonreligious (about 30 million people).
Michael Newdow Is nothing but a Liar!.
Yes, damn him for interpreting the Constitution correctly! He must be lying!
He used his daughter to sue the giveronment and try to get rid of the pledge and stated his daughter was Being "harmed by saying/not sayng the pledge." What He did not tell you is that Mr. Newdow's Wife is a practicing Christian and so is his daughter.
And that changes the point that "under God" is a religious endorsement ... how?
He never once stated this fact. He lied to the American People, and Frankly I want an apology!
He filed the suit on behalf of
himself, not his daughter. Did you even read the whole article, or just the headline and first couple paragraphs?
"I mentioned that she has a free-exercise right and that I consider it injury to have government force dogma down the throats of little children. But I don't think I argued it in terms of her right. And particularly since the press [attention] and everything I've made it quite clear this is my case and not hers. ... I have the right as a parent to be able to send my child to school without the government indoctrinating views."
And, wow! He's absolutely correct! Children should be able to go to school without having the government force religious views down their throats!