Religion and Medicine

SLAM: debunk creationism, pseudoscience, and superstitions. Discuss logic and morality.

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Religion and Medicine

Post by Kitsune »

If a religious group believe in some form of religious 'Medicine' instead of normal medical solutions, what shoudl athorities be given the power to do. I really do not care if you poinson you self by snake healing but I really do nto think that they should have the right to do that to another.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Law enforcement should be able to interppose themselves to protect children from harmful religions
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Post by Stormin »

they probably have the power to under the many child protection acts, but in any town where that type of person congeals, it would probably prove too troublesome for anyone to try doing anything about it.
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Post by Montcalm »

What about the JW can they stop every doctor of operating their kids? :?
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Post by InnerBrat »

I think it would be nice if people were resticted from making lots of money by selling unproven practices (like, despite what I said in the other thread, homeopathy) - there shoudl be some sort of cap on how much each treatment can cost.

This is because of the cases where Mexican mub bath servuces have drained thousands of pounds out of dying and desperate cancer patients, usually merely hastening their death.
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Post by CrimsonRaine »

Montcalm wrote:What about the JW can they stop every doctor of operating their kids? :?
The only thing the JW will stop is blood transfusions. Now while I'm quite aware that certain cases require a blood transfusion, the Witnesses are aware of different methods. But they don't stop surgeries and other operation. It comes from the Bible (wish I could remember the scripture) that states a law that no God-fearing individual shall take in blood (this include animals), because blood is precious and is life-giving to each individual (or something along those lines. That may just be my old brainwashings I'm regurgitating).

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Post by Grand Moff Yenchin »

Where I live, decades ago superstitious people took ashes of written spells or asked gods for medical perscriptions (pick a random herbal recipe outta a book). Since it is faith more than science curing the person, and only offerings are "paid", no one gets sued for quacking. The government sees it as religous behavior and only uses education to decrease such practice, some old folk sometimes still do it today.

Last year I recieved a sore-soothing spell from a tiger god, since it was a tiger god, no one understood what it was "roaring", and no one knew how to use neck has annoyed me for a long time, maybe I should ask Dr. Dolittle for some help.... :)

Edit: The tiger god was actually a guy "possessed", and no, when he woke up he didn't know how to use the spell either.
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Re: Religion and Medicine

Post by jegs2 »

Kitsune wrote:If a religious group believe in some form of religious 'Medicine' instead of normal medical solutions, what shoudl athorities be given the power to do. I really do not care if you poinson you self by snake healing but I really do nto think that they should have the right to do that to another.
Well, seeing as how you can be sued into the poor-house for saving someone's life, you'd probably be better off letting them go. If the person in question refuses medical help, wish them luck and move out. If they're unconscious and you don't know of their stance, render medical attention.
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