Our animal friends

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Our animal friends

Post by Oddysseus »

To put it succinctly, what is your aopinion of animals. Their is somewhat strict religious concept that they are merely our property to do used and discarded as we see fit. Then there is a more Earth friendly stand that they are responsiblity. Then their is also the one that thinks they have more right to exist then us. Where do you fall in feelings towards animals? Are they a tool? Are they sacred? Take a stand.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

I do not view them as a tool or as sacred...

I view anmals as having a necessary place in the worlds ecosystem. And they have as much a right to be here as we do...that does not mean we should not use them, but that we should endevor to cause minimal damage to their habitats, and to not drive them to extinction.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

I say that animals have their part in the ecosystem, and no more animals should be killed than what is necessary for human gain, and giving me a steak for dinner.
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Re: Our animal friends

Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

Oddysseus wrote:To put it succinctly, what is your aopinion of animals. Their is somewhat strict religious concept that they are merely our property to do used and discarded as we see fit. Then there is a more Earth friendly stand that they are responsiblity. Then their is also the one that thinks they have more right to exist then us. Where do you fall in feelings towards animals? Are they a tool? Are they sacred? Take a stand.
If I'm hungry, then some of them are damned tasty as food. Some of them are useful for transportation or menial work. Others are useful companions. Otherwise, they ought to be left alone.
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Post by Seggybop »

Animals are the same as humans, except with different bodies and far stupider. They perceive the world similarly as we do (dependent on their senses) but aren't smart enough to process it like us. It is because of this mental weakness that humans can exploit the other animals and use them as they will.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

There a tasty tool to be exploited
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

friends some of those fuckers are down right EVIL

yes I am talking about Deer and groundsquirrels.....

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Post by ArmorPierce »

I see pets as property with certain rights (like that of a minor) and wild animals as not being owned and should be left alone except for necessities..., like hamburgers.
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Post by Saurencaerthai »

They are living beings. While they cannot be treated at the same level of humans, I think there should be a baseline of humility towards them. While I'm not willing to jump on the PETA bandwagon for obvious reasons, I feel there is merit to treating animals humanely. Beating your dog? Taken away and given to an owner who is willing to treat it kindly. I have no issue of eating animals, as it has been going on in nature for a pretty damn long time, but I think that it has to be done in a humane way (some will argue whether or not killing can be humane, but I mean it relatively.) I object to the factory farming, where animals are killed without ever having the acknowledgement that their life is being taken. For this reason, if not for religious reasons, I support the kosher method of slaughter for ethical reasons.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Yeah...stringing thousands of beakless chickens to a giant conveyor belt and having a specially designed blade catch the base of their skull....that isnt right.
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Post by Joe »

We should try to minimize the amount of damage that we do to animals and their habitats, but at no point should man have to compromise his quality of living for the sake of an animal.

With the exception of dogs, of course. Being Man's Best Friend and the only animal to take our side in the battle against nature, dogs shouldn't be mistreated, ever. They deserve to be treated better than other animals, in my opinion. Cats as well, but to a lesser extent.

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Post by CrimsonRaine »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:I do not view them as a tool or as sacred...

I view anmals as having a necessary place in the worlds ecosystem. And they have as much a right to be here as we do...that does not mean we should not use them, but that we should endevor to cause minimal damage to their habitats, and to not drive them to extinction.
I definately agree with this one. ;) But I wanna add to it.

Animals are not "people too." They are animals. These animals, especially the carnivores, feast on other animals. Sharks truly don't form societies that won't eat fish, because "fish are their friends." It's all a chain, a circle.

However, from what I learn about our current way of filling up our cold meat section of your everyday supermarket, it's horrifying. I don't agree with the ways certain livestock are slaughtered. But, many of these animals are bred to do. It's not like we take all our cows out of random fields, gut them alive and leave their bones to rot. I just do not agree with all our current methods.

We are on the top of the chain. Eating animals is just a natural thing, it's what we've always done. It's the way the circle works. :D

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Post by Joe »

I have no problem with poor treatment of animals we're going to kill and eat. If we want to treat them well we should probably start with, I don't know, not killing and eating them, maybe?

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Post by Howedar »

They're like mobile plants, some of which can think.
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Post by Traceroute »

I think animals are like employees. You should treat them with respect, but you know deep down they're just faceless tools to be commanded at your whim. And, if it's more cost effective, you should get cows from India, or the Philippines. My HR manager told me they perform just as well as American cows.

(Not that I'm bitter about getting laid off due to outsourcing.)
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Post by Montcalm »

Howedar wrote:They're like mobile plants
So are some of our politicians and all lawyers. :wink:
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Pets, food, tools, weapons, nightmares and more.

Without them, the biosphere would collapse and us with it, with them, we can exploit loads of good things for ours and their benefit.
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Post by BrYaN19kc »

No livestock in the house! :P

Animals are animals, but I do think that they should be treated humainly. They feel pain, they feel pleasure.... they aren't tree stumps.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Admiral Valdemar wrote:Pets, food, tools, weapons, nightmares and more.

Without them, the biosphere would collapse and us with it, with them, we can exploit loads of good things for ours and their benefit.
Well put.
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