Aborted foetuses as Egg Donors

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Post by InnerBrat »

Embracer Of Darkness wrote:In all honesty, I'm not against post-mortem organ donation. My reasoning is this: Having a donated organ is, in my opinion, different than being born from a scavenged (and I emphasise that I see this as true scavenging), aborted foetus. If I had a donated organ, I could probably still feel like more or less a whole person but this foetus techique just makes me feel as if it's taking away a person's actual being somehow. It's just one of those situations where my heart is speaking instead of my head, but I agree with it. Hard to describe really.

I hope I've made my position a little clearer, if not I could always try again.
Nope. I'm still not in anywya clear on why this is different. It sounds like some sort of religious idea. Why is taking eggs from a foetus different to taking a heart, or any other body part, from a neonate?
You wouldn't have been born from an aborted foetus, you would be born from a living, bretahing adult woman who carried you and supported you in her womb. Your biological father, in all probability, would also be alive and well.
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Post by Embracer Of Darkness »

innerbrat wrote:Nope. I'm still not in anywya clear on why this is different. It sounds like some sort of religious idea. Why is taking eggs from a foetus different to taking a heart, or any other body part, from a neonate?
You wouldn't have been born from an aborted foetus, you would be born from a living, bretahing adult woman who carried you and supported you in her womb. Your biological father, in all probability, would also be alive and well.
It's not a religious thing, I'd see it as if I was born from an aborted foetus and it is grizzly to me.
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Post by Rhadamanthus »

Brilliant idea. Let's kill babies and harvest their organs so other people can have babies. Maybe we could even pay mothers to have abortions to help out another couple. Get knocked up, let the doc fish around with a coat hanger, and walk home with a check. You can get fifty bucks for a shot of semen, how much is killing your child so someone else can get pregnant worth? :finger:
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Post by Traceroute »

Rhadamanthus wrote:Brilliant idea. Let's kill babies and harvest their organs so other people can have babies. Maybe we could even pay mothers to have abortions to help out another couple. Get knocked up, let the doc fish around with a coat hanger, and walk home with a check. You can get fifty bucks for a shot of semen, how much is killing your child so someone else can get pregnant worth? :finger:
I wouldn't consider a 2nd trimester fetus your child. IMO, if it's not viable on its own yet, it's just a parasite.

Purposely getting pregnant just to have an abortion is not too likely though. Every time a woman has an abortion, she is chancing her fertility. It's a very serious, life altering decision.
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Post by InnerBrat »

Rhadamanthus wrote:Brilliant idea. Let's kill babies and harvest their organs so other people can have babies. Maybe we could even pay mothers to have abortions to help out another couple. Get knocked up, let the doc fish around with a coat hanger, and walk home with a check. You can get fifty bucks for a shot of semen, how much is killing your child so someone else can get pregnant worth? :finger:
Oh look - a troll!

The reason for this research is because there is a shortage of egg donors among adult women. Your stupid example makes no sense because it would be much more preferable to obtain eggs directly from adult donors.

Now bugger off and next time be aware of the issues before you make stupid posts like that. *sigh*
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

I can't give a reason for it, but somehow I feel it's gross nonetheless.
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Post by Faram »

Hmm I think about this and somehow somwhere way back in my mind I should object but I can't find any reasonable grounds to do it so.

I think it is OK and blame my semicounsious obejtion on my sorta cristian upbringing.

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