heaven and eternity

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heaven and eternity

Post by Shrykull »

Have any of you christians ever thought of this, (or perhaps some atheists as well) would you want to live forever, even in a paradise wouldn't it eventually get boring when there's nothing more to do after you've lived a few million years.
I once asked my Christian grandmother this, "What if you get bored" and she said "You don't", when I asked why she asked if I had been doing my religious homework and they would have explained to me it just doesn't happen, which gets me nowhere, anyway, just say for a second there is a god and you go to heaven, if you get sick of everything after you've done everything, do you think there is a way he can make you happy again, without actually interfering with your free will and putting you the spirtual equivalent of a narcotic so you'll just like it for no reason, basically changing your mind for you?
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Re: heaven and eternity

Post by Mitth`raw`nuruodo »

good question... I will ask my grandma (shes an "extreme Southern Baptist")

I've seen verses that say stuff like (not an exact quote here)"angels just walk around him worshipping Him, and every x days he reveals a new side", or something like that... maybe you get rotated to God-worshipping duty for awhile after you get bored?
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Post by neoolong »

Maybe they give you the memory of a goldfish. So you can't remember what you experience a couple seconds later.
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Post by Xenophobe3691 »

Or they have something like the Land of Infinite Fun (tm). Infinite permutations, infinite fun...
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Post by TheFeniX »

I am afraid to live forever. I am also afraid to stop existing.

Isn't life great?

Death scares me more than anything (and rightfully so). It is the fact that no matter what, I don't like the answer I'm going to get.

I really hate people who claim to not fear death (besides those that have seen hardship or are going to die, who have finally accepted it, but when some punk kid says it...).

On a related topic: My vision of heaven is doing massive amounts of Ectasy (I miss those days), and having sex with every attractive girl I can think of. Does that mean if I go to heaven, God will let me get trashed and have sex with supermodels all day every day? Or does he just snap his fingers and I'm content for eternity?

I'm hoping for the sex all the time theory, because after High School my sex life has sucked ass. Oh yea, and Heaven has to have Battlefield 1942 in it or I'm leaving.

For those that care: I do believe in God. A lot of soul searching has lead me to the fact that there has to be something else out there besides this rotten Hell-hole. Of course, organized religion isn't in my "to do" list.
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Post by Rye »

Well i was told once that you have no real consciousness and no memories, you're just your essence floating in bliss in God's company.
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Re: heaven and eternity

Post by jegs2 »

Shrykull wrote:Have any of you christians ever thought of this, (or perhaps some atheists as well) would you want to live forever, even in a paradise wouldn't it eventually get boring when there's nothing more to do after you've lived a few million years.
Don't think the concept of time will exist as we now know it, thus one may not have time to get bored. Moreover, I believe our understanding will be infinitley increased, allowing us to grasp concepts now unimagineable.
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Re: heaven and eternity

Post by InnerBrat »

Shrykull wrote:if you get sick of everything after you've done everything, do you think there is a way he can make you happy again, without actually interfering with your free will and putting you the spirtual equivalent of a narcotic so you'll just like it for no reason, basically changing your mind for you?

From how I understand it:

Sin exists because Man has free will.
There is no sin in Heaven.
Therefore, in Heaven, Man has no free will.
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