On Suicide

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Yes, I have attempted it.
No, I haven't attemped it, but have contemplated it.
Niether two. I'm just one big fucking ray of sunshine.
I've known someone who has thought/tried to do it.
I've known someone who has taken their own life.
I don't know anyone like that. We're all somewhat stable.
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On Suicide

Post by UltraViolence83 »

So have you yourself thought about or attempted it? Known anyone who contemplated, attempted, or even committed it?

I tried to about 9 times. As you can see, it didn't really work. I gave up after I thought even the attempts on my own life were too half-assed even for my standards.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

I have been depressed by being teased, or looking at how much of a loser I am, but I cheer myself up. I say don't get mad, get revenge. The reason why I'll probably never attempt suicide for a couple more decades is hope for the future.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

A few of my friends have killed themselves... and my moms fiance(after she divoced my 'father' ) put a shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger... not a pretty sight...
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

I've known one person who successfully committed suicide and several more of friends have attempted it.
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Post by haas mark »

2nd and 4th options.

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Post by Tsyroc »

2 & 5.

I've actually known several people who've comitted suicide.

Two killed themselves with guns (one handgun the other a shotgun) and the third hanged himself.

I also encounter indirectly people who have attempted suicide on a regular basis where I work. Just this last week a 62 year old guy tried to kill himself for the second time. Last time he tried slitting his own throat. This time he drank a glass full of diazinon a now banned insecticide.
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Post by Robert Treder »

Never even contemplated it for myself. I'm sure I know someone who's tried and/or thought about it, but I'm not aware of it.

No offense, but the whole business sounds pretty stupid to me.
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Post by Mr Flibble »

I attempted suicide once, thankfully I failed. I have many friends who have thought about it, I don't know, I must live in a depressing city or something.
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Post by Darth Gojira »

I used to often contemplate it, but I stopped myself in time.
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Post by Lord of the Farce »

I've contemplated suicide in the past, but as far as I can tell about myself (of now) thinking back, it's only been of thoughts on why, how and the consequences of it, and never as something I might actually do...

I think I'll go to bed before my brain gets locked into thoughts about this subject.
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Post by JodoForce »

I've committed suicide. :P
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Post by Majin Gojira »

3rd and 6th options! I'm a Sheltered Child! Yipee!!
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Post by Vympel »

2nd and 5th options. Come on, who HASN'T contemplated suicide, even in passing, at some point?

My friends' mother killed herself.

The only time I would SERIOUSLY consider killing myself is

1: I went blind
2: I was restricted to a wheelchair the rest of my life

Sorry, in those two cases, I'd

1: Walk into oncoming traffic
2: Roll myself off a cliff
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Post by Zoink »

I've never contemplated suicide. The poll is somewhat flawed in option #3:

"Niether two. I'm just one big fucking ray of sunshine"

The poll links a disregard of suicide to being a constant "ray of sunshine". There is no link. Wanting to live has nothing to do with your emotional state. I've never seen suicide (or "finding Jesus" for that matter) as a solution to any problem I've faced, honestly, it doesn't come up in my thought process. "I just got dumped, maybe I should kill myself" ... it just doesn't happen.

When dealing with such situations, I tend to throw myself into other things as a "distraction" until the raw emotions have subsided.
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Post by Rye »

Yeah, i've tried it, didn't work. I must be immortal.

To cheer myself up when im in that mood i think "at least i'm not Troy" and i get a sarcastic smirk which passes time until the next crisis.
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

So many people try to kill themselves over lost love, or kill the lost lover, or kill their new lover. Why are people so goddamned violent?!
It makes me want to go out and strangle someone.
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Post by Death from the Sea »

I have never tried or even thought about hurting myself or killing myself in any way, I love me way too much to do that to me. I have known a few people that took their own life.
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Post by Grand Admiral Thrawn »

Huh? How hard is it to kill yourself? Why do so many people fail?
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Re: On Suicide

Post by CrimsonRaine »

I've definately thought about it, but I've always been way too chicken shit to actually commit the crime.

Depression sucks like that, but as I look back on it, it wasn't that my life was so bad, but it was my severe lack of self-esteem. I'm SO happy I overcame that. :D

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Post by Darth Garden Gnome »

Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:Huh? How hard is it to kill yourself? Why do so many people fail?
I dunno. Kitchen knife not as sharp as you thought it was? Bullet missed your brain (but it's slowly driving its way in...you no longer feel emotion, love, lust, even PAIN! Cookie for he who gets that reference)? Car actually had a cow-catcher you didn't notice whne you leaped in front of it? Cliff had an over-sized whoopy cushion at the botton? There is an infinate string of ridiculous circumstances preventing you from doing so.

Myself no. Never thought about it. Don't know anyone who has or even considered it (and made it known to me, at least). I mean, c'mon, what would the world be like without me? Everyone else would just commit mass suicide in woe for me. But you guys already knew that...

Sorry, what was the question again? :D
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Known people that have contemplated, some that have tried....and some that have....

Personally I'm more of a homocide rather than suicide person ;)
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Post by Rye »

Darth Garden Gnome wrote:I dunno. Kitchen knife not as sharp as you thought it was? Bullet missed your brain (but it's slowly driving its way in...you no longer feel emotion, love, lust, even PAIN! Cookie for he who gets that reference)?
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Grand Admiral Thrawn wrote:Huh? How hard is it to kill yourself? Why do so many people fail?
It's surprising how much your body wants to live, even if your mind really wants to die. The subconscious probably sabotages the attempt.
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Post by Saurencaerthai »

I enjoy life too much to want to leave it, but I have served as an ear for a number of friends who have considdered it.
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Post by Dillon »

Used to contemplate it a lot, it's went down since then though. Even with my recent breakup, which has left me in an almost constant state of sadness, I have't really considered suicide an option.

Oh well, I guess it was just a phase for me.
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Post by Andrew J. »

"I wish I was dead.


No, I wish everyone else was dead."-Calvin.

My attitude, basically.
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