In regards to Gundam: A jedi may have difficulty against any of the Uber-gun toting MS such as the Wing Gundam or the Gundam Double X. Against a normal Mobile Suit, a jedi could win, if he avoids getting squished, by using his lightsabre and impressive jump heights to strike at critical leg points. Then again the MS could be carrying an anti personnel flechette launcher, though that's only been seen once.
The members of the Shuffle Alliance from G-Gundam could take a jedi, with or without a mobile suit. If they can succesfully dodge the light sabre and get in one of their super moves, then they could qin. This goes the same for Master Asia and Schwarz Bruder. Perhaps a fighter who has been DG cell enhanced might have a chance against a Jedi, though i'm not entirely sure.
Just for the sole purpose of naming something that could definitely take a Jedi, I would have to say the Devil Gundam. I bet a DG-cell ehanced Jedi would make a good MF pilot