Anyway, who's the biggest real-life loser you know in real life (this stipulation added to eliminate obvious contenders such as Darkstar, Timothy Jones, or the TrekBBS babies whose response to a debate ass-kicking was to run away and try to get some would-be hackers to harass us)?
The biggest loser I know is a guy who shall remain nameless, but who has the following list of strikes against:
- No postsecondary education.
- 33 years old and has never had a serious relationship.
- Works stocking shelves at a local building supply store.
- Recently joined the Jehovah's Witnesses.
- Has been working out for 10 years, 3 times a week, yet his methods (exclusive use of intensive isolation exercises of certain specific muscle groups, always with low reps and often with only partial range of movement in order to bump up his weights) have left him mishappen and with good strength on his favourite machines but pitiful overall strength (I started working out only a couple of months ago and I can beat him on the deadlift for reps).
- For years, ate a diet of 30 eggs and 10 baked potatoes per day because he wanted to get bigger (his knowledge of nutrition is as pitiful as his knowledge of exercise technique), resulting in serious problems with his digestive tract (for a while, he suffered from a problem known as anal leakage, thus forcing him to wear adult diapers).
- Perhaps as a side-effect of consuming more than 10 times the normal daily consumption of eggs grown from hormone-treated chickens for nearly a decade, he now suffers from a phenomenon known as gynaecomastia (male breasts). He also tends to gain weight in his thighs and butt, like a woman.
- He was baptized last Saturday. He believes that his life will turn around now that he has declared his faith in God.