Biggest real-life loser you know

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Post by Colonel Olrik »

On topic, after the beggining of the first year of college all the people I hanged out and still hang with ended the degree on time and with good grades (and all had girfriends), so they wouldn't qualify as losers.

Looking further in time and remembering highschool, I think it's a toss up between the guy who used to jerk off during classes :shock: (we called him The Jerker) and the fat boy who was everybody's punching bag, and still asked for trouble by insulting and badmouthing random people who did him no harm. He's the one who managed to make me act as a bully, much to my disgust later. Additionally, he was a piss poor student, didn't get to college and will never get laid in his life, as even hookers have their standards.
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Post by InnerBrat »

OK, I'm not afraid of naming Fluff, because he is a loser.

1) It took him 5 years to get a degree: he passed the first year, failed the 2nd year, then failed a core unit so he had to drop to a non-honours degree (NB from this point on he cannae even get a third). Then he is ill over the Easter hols and claims he can't take the exams, so he repeats his final year, which he just passes.

2) He lost his virginity when he was 22, and then told everyone when he got his Brown wings (and hadn't washed yet)

3) He lived with his parents for the first 3 years of uni, then he moved in with some suckers (including me), then he moved in with his girlfriend as soon as he got one.

4) I cannot get a credit card or a mortage because this loser didn't send his proof of student status to the Council until after we all got a CCJ.

5) He claims to be a satanist when he's actually a Christian.

6) He claims to be a Goth (and claims to be the One True Goth) - when I'm more goth than him (and I'm not even slightly)

7) His biggest ambition is to play guitar - but he can't keep time (though he thinks he does)

8) He acts like a teenage girl in bitching behind people's backs and just generally being a hypocrite.
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Post by Hethrir »

I'm truely shocked. And here i was thinking the looser was the quiet guy at work...Some of those guys sound like they need serious help!
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Well, there's my cousin, he's not a bad guy, he just can't seem to do anything right.

After highschool he went to study metalworking, you know to weld and such, alot of people I know have gone this line, it's only 2 years and almost every one make it, hell I could do it, he however did not pass the first year(was absent too much) so he had to take it again, same thing the second year, so he quit.
He then spent a few years doing nothing, no real work, no nothing, he was getting money from his mom, which had enough trouble at home with her drunkard husband(his step-dad), he also leeched from his dad.

Later he moved out because he couldn't stand his step-dad, he still lives in that apartment, several years later, he rarely is able to pay the bills and he's on welfare, and whenever he gets money, he spends it all on stupid shit.

One time he bought an old rusty car to drive on the ice of the lake here during winters, he drove it once, got a flat tire and left the car at the beach, it's been there for years and has almost rusted away entierly.
Recently he's been two years in another school, he seemed to do well there, training to drive those forrest machines that drag away lumber, he passed the first years and it almost seemed like he would get a real education and a job, but a few months before the school was out and he would get his diploma, well, he just quit, now he does nothing again, just living on welfare.

Sad story really.

His 16 year old half sister is also dating a 26 year old guy, but I don't find that problematic really as I know them both and the boyfriend is a really nice guy and this isn't any sick old guy trying to hit on teenagers, he probably keeps her out of alot of trouble.
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Re: Biggest real-life loser you know

Post by seanrobertson »

Darth Wong wrote: [*]Has been working out for 10 years, 3 times a week, yet his methods (exclusive use of intensive isolation exercises of certain specific muscle groups, always with low reps and often with only partial range of movement in order to bump up his weights) have left him mishappen and with good strength on his favourite machines but pitiful overall strength (I started working out only a couple of months ago and I can beat him on the deadlift for reps).
Whatcha deadlifting? Are you using the conventional style, or "sumos"? Be sure to have your bro check your technique from time to time. Too often I think people don't keep their head back and don't start the initial push with the legs quite hard enough.

I don't do conventional deads at the moment. I do stiff-legs as a hamstring movement, and love them. My short-term goal is to hit 20 reps with more than 315. I think by that point my hammies and erectors oughta be as big as I can get 'em for awhile, at which point I'll emphasize quads more for a time. (I find it difficult to train both very hard in a given workout, though my volume of work is very low. So I tend to emphasize one part of the thigh for a few weeks, then the other.)

Your "pal" is really short-changing himself with the partial reps. Low repshave their place, but doing partials and playing around with isolation movements is a real waste of time.

As your brother has no doubt instilled in you, the guy who works squats, deads, bench (or as I prefer incline) presses, rows, etc. hard will ALWAYS be much bigger and stronger than some machine jockey.

Heavy basics, in good form, are key, but I think magazines like "Muscle and Fiction" have skewed peoples' understanding of what really WORKS. I know I often see idiots like the person you're talking about, the cable crossover kings and masters of the one-armed preacher curls. They never change. They'll be very lucky if they ever have even 15" arms. Meanwhile, I'm still making progress after 11 years of training.
[*]For years, ate a diet of 30 eggs and 10 baked potatoes per day because he wanted to get bigger (his knowledge of nutrition is as pitiful as his knowledge of exercise technique), resulting in serious problems with his digestive tract (for a while, he suffered from a problem known as anal leakage, thus forcing him to wear adult diapers).
BARF. That's gross.
[*]Perhaps as a side-effect of consuming more than 10 times the normal daily consumption of eggs grown from hormone-treated chickens for nearly a decade, he now suffers from a phenomenon known as gynaecomastia (male breasts). He also tends to gain weight in his thighs and butt, like a woman.
Perhaps. Are you sure he didn't do a cycle of steroids? Bitch tits are also hereditary...that whacked diet might've helped cultivate him a pair ;)
[*]He was baptized last Saturday. He believes that his life will turn around now that he has declared his faith in God.[/list]
Can anybody top that? Who's the biggest loser you know?
That's a tough one. I'll have to think about it.
Pain, or damage, don't end the world, or despair, or fuckin' beatin's. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, ya got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man ... and give some back.
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Post by seanrobertson »

Darth Wong wrote: I'm no expert either, but my brother is quite proficient and has been studying this subject for about a decade (and he's a qualified fitness instructor), so I've been basically using his method. He's big on the use of what he calls "power movements": big movements that involve your whole body or move your whole body, like dips, chin-ups, deadlifts, squats, etc. He says the biggest problem with the wannabes is that they do too much muscle-isolation work, so they become very good at certain movements but they're not balanced. As he puts it, the world is full of prettyboys who do tons of benchpresses and bicep curls, and that's pretty much the only thing they can do. No back, no legs, no balance. His mantra is that the isolation stuff is strictly for fine-tuning, not for building muscle in any quantity, and he can rattle off lists of big names in fitness and body-building who will say pretty much the exact same thing.
I want to meet your brother someday :) He and I would definitely hit it off.

And he is 100% right.

Bug-Eyed Earl, you asked for some general tips. I don't want to hijack Lord Wong's thread here any more than I already have, but here's a little primer. If you want more, please PM or e-mail me; I'd be happy to discuss it with you in more detail.

Anyway, the intro:

Gyms are filled with retards who think that, because they saw Arnold doing concentration curls in some 30 year-old picture, THAT must be responsible for Arnold's development.

In bodybuilding/strength training, logic is just as important as it is in less physical avenues of life. The hasty generalization alluded to above, and countless others like it, is responsible for more lop-sided training programs and the like than I care to acknowledge.

The same is said for blind adherence to the "more is better" principle. People are prone to context-drop out of fear...they're intimidated when they go into that gym because, as beginners, they realize they've got a long way to go, etc. Their thinking is cut short by this anxiety, and they believe hearsay, gym lore and what the media tells them is necessary to look like a ripped Adonis; i.e., working out "every day" for hours on end.

More is NOT better insofar as muscle growth is concerned. Anyone familiar with Dr. Selye's GAS could surmise this on their own. Put simply, it's an anaerobic activity, wherein intensity of effort is more important than volume. It must be limited in duration because your body has finite reserves w/ which to "recover" from the workout; and this is of primary importance because without recovery, you do not grow.

Weights are not the end themselves. They're a means to an end, greater strength and added muscle. All they do is help you stimulate this growth, setting things up for adaptation.

It's important to get your ass into the gym, bust it hard, then get out, rest, and GROW.
Pain, or damage, don't end the world, or despair, or fuckin' beatin's. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, ya got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man ... and give some back.
-Al Swearengen

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-Ole' Shakey's "Richard II," Act III, scene ii.
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Post by seanrobertson »

His Divine Shadow wrote:
seanrobertson wrote:When people tell you they can squat or leg press a ton, always try to verify that their ROM--range of motion--is as full as possible. It's usually a quarter or half-rep bullshit.
You know, I once push-started my car when I forgot the headlights on(d'oh!), it weighs 1.2 tons, does that count? :P
LOL :)

Well, if you get under the car and press it up, sure ;)

I'm still thinking hard on who my "loser" might be. I'm very afraid that it's going to be a close relative, not a parent of course but an aunt or uncle :shock:
Pain, or damage, don't end the world, or despair, or fuckin' beatin's. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, ya got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man ... and give some back.
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Post by seanrobertson »


Finally on topic, after some consideration, my "loser" and the 20 reasons that help elevate him to Loser Godhood:

1--Is almost 48 years old, and hasn't gotten laid in about 20 years.

2--After being dumped by his last girlfriend, became a misogynist, frequently talking about all women in a negative manner.

3--Hasn't held a steady job for more than 9 months at a time, and has been unemployed for the last 10 years. Instead, he mountain bikes daily and subsists on bologna. He won't take a job in part because...

4--He smokes marijuana often, and is afraid of drug tests. He's used drugs since about the age of 9-10 (?).

5--Lives with his older brother, and has for almost the last 30 years.

6--Rants and raves about various topics to family members, to the point of almost literally foaming at the mouth, even when not appropriate (funerals).

7--Didn't finish junior high schooland considers anyone with a university education--including me, his close relative--"brainwashed by liberal ideology."

8--Has worked out for about 25 years, yet can't bench press more than his bodyweight.

9--Thinks rich parents, who are admittedly tight with money, should set him up.

10--Master of conspiracy theories and speculation.

11--Is racist.

12--Is contrary. Even if you say something that is in line with his rhetoric from a week beforehand, he'll disagree with you just for the sake thereof.

13--Always wears a cap because of embarrassment at being bald, even indoors and when otherwise inappropriate.

14--Is a truly GIFTED musician, but personal problems with other band members always causes a break-up of his band du jour.

15--Can't contain his hatred of authority figures even for a few minutes at a time.

16--Is so jealous of people with families that he criticizes their babies openly; e.g., upon meeting a baby cousin for the first time, his opening remark was, "Ugh, look at the romper room."

17--Judges people very harshly in general. A man who once forgot his name and good-naturedly greeted him, "Hey, guy! How you doin'?" is forever known by the nickname GUY.

18--Can't admit he's wrong. If you think you've seen Walls of Ignorance before, you haven't met him yet :)

19--Is illogical in general. I've never seen such a source of so many fallacies coming from a single person. He couldn't argue his way out of a paper bag, but sure as hell tries.

20--Is a wasted intellect. Believe it or not, there have been definite signs that he has the potential for a good mind, but has let ignorance and hatred twist it into something unrecognizable.
Last edited by seanrobertson on 2003-07-10 01:18pm, edited 1 time in total.
Pain, or damage, don't end the world, or despair, or fuckin' beatin's. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, ya got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man ... and give some back.
-Al Swearengen

Cry woe, destruction, ruin and decay: The worst is death, and death will have his day.
-Ole' Shakey's "Richard II," Act III, scene ii.
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Post by RedImperator »

I sent the Jenny Jones show an e-mail about this psycho chick I knew once. They called me back the next day. I could have gotten on, but I decided I didn't actually want to be seen on that show.

This is not her story.

Meet "Dan":

-He was book smart but so incredibly lazy that he wound up in "general" classes (read: what foreigners think of when they think about the American education system), which, as the years went on, he failed more and more often. He took Driver's Ed five times because he never turned in his homework in a class where homework was 50% of the grade. He dropped out senior year (well, not officially--he just stopped coming to school) because his grades were so bad he would have had to repeat the entire year rather than just go to summer school.

-He washed out of the Army. He claims it was a medical discharge, but I strongly suspect it was "unfit for service", seeing as the shoulder he supposedly hurt never bothered him again and a recruiting sergeant known for his aggressiveness in getting people into the service flat out said to him "You can never serve again."

-He never had a real job and he never held any job down for more than a few months. When he had a job, he would just not show up some days, and the days he did show up, he fucked around his whole shift. Sometimes he broke things, like the time we both worked at a lawn and garden supply store and he broke the conveyor belt into the basement stock room by surfing on it (you can imagine the things I had to say about him when the freight elevator broke down later and I had to haul 2000 lbs of fertilizer out of there by throwing it up the stairs one 30lb bag at a time).

-He talked himself into getting thrown out of his house after high school whn he had a minimum wage job and no roomate prospect. When he found a roomate (another co-worker), he managed to pick another guy who could easily hold his own with the sad sacks in this thread.

-When he found a place to live, a fairly drab little 2-bedroom apartment that nevertheless was clean, in a safe neighborhood, and only cost $550/month, he proceded to trash it in the course of a few months. Eventually he'd accumulate $1800 in damage to the property, the majority of it in damage to the rug, into which he'd throw knives just for fun.

-Traded his first car, a nice '96 Grand Am with low mileage which his grandparents bought for him (and for which his grandparents would pay all maintenence) for a '78 Mustang with body rust, blue smoke in the exhaust, and Christ only knows how many miles (the odometer only had five digits and was probably rolled back anyway) and a few hundred dollars. Bragged to everyone how he'd hoodwinked the dealer, even after the car broke down and he ended up selling it for $50 to a junkyard.

-Pathological braggart and liar. He'd lie about everything you can imagine, any possible topic of conversation that would come up in ordinary or extraordinary circumstances. Sometimes it was harmless bullshit. Other times it was information where it was vital that the other party knew the truth (and it would have done him no harm to be honest) and he lied anyway. It got to the point that nobody listened to him because nothing he told anyone was worth hearing. He called himself the "Prince of Lies", but I pointed out to him several times that if nobody believes a fucking word you say, then you've failed at being a liar.

-Elaborate fantasy life which increasinly intruded on reality. He was made for the Internet, where the people are credulous and the facts unverifiable. If everything he told his online friends (a fantasy chat RP community only slightly less dysfunctional than the cast of Elf Only Inn) was true, he'd be the world's only Nobel laureate astronaut bestselling author Heisman trophy winner Holocaust survivor. He started using chat abbreviations in regular conversation. You'd be amazed how quickly you can go from "calm and relaxed" to "I'm going to crack his Goddamn skull" when someone insists on saying "ROFL" instead of laughing. What's worse, he began adopting parts of his role-playing persona in real life, blathering about slaying dark lords and quests and the like where in reality when he wasn't on chat, he'd sit by himself in a squalid apartment all day casually throwing knives at the floor and eating an entire pound of cheese because he was too lazy to walk to the end of the block to buy a loaf of bread. Always assumed everyone was interested in his online life, which was patently untrue. Nevertheless, he'd spend HOURS talking about it.

-He was a two faced backstabbing little shit. His second roomate stumbled across his chat logs, which were VERY illustrative of his real personality. He'd tell stories online about how horrible all his friends were, how everybody picked on him and nobody appreciated him. I should have realized this, as he'd whine endlessly to me about his second roomate but act like they were the best of friends together. The second roomate confirmed he'd been saying equally rotten things about me to him. Apparently, any percieved slight was enough for a tirade--I didn't want to drive to his apartment to pick him up one day because I was busy, I took his roomate's side in a disagreement, I pointed out he hadn't bathed in a month, etc. Apparently, his idea of friendship was that he was the alpha and everybody else was supposed to 100% approve of everything he did, believe every single thing he said, and drop everything they were doing to do him a favor as soon as he asked. He was under no such obligations in return, of course.

-Always believed he was the smartest person in the room despite all evidence to the contrary. Being placed in general classes only worsened this, because there he was surrounded by ninnies all day and this was partially true. Most of the time, though, he was dealing with people at least as smart as him, or, more importantly, as smart or smarter than him IN THE SUBJECT BEING DISCUSSED, and none of these people appreciated being treated like idiots by him (his absurd lies were a big part of this--they were so bad and so blatantly false they were insulting).

Case in point, the car dealer who sold him that awful Mustang. Dan may very well have been smarter than him when it came to book learning. The guy was probably some South Jersey hayseed from the land of traffic circles and sideways stoplights, out on Route 130 running a dealership consisting of a sandlot a traveling Negro League team would have been ashamed to play on and a trailer I wouldn't use to raise pigs. Dan could have probably effortly beat his ass in Trivial Pursuit. But the dealer had one advantage: he was a professional swindler and bamboozle artist who'd been separating fools like Dan from their money since before Dan's father got his driver's liscense. He talked Dan into giving up a well running, fuel efficient, all-maintenence paid car that he'd loved for a rusting piece of shit with the Mustang nameplate and a few hundred bucks. Dan, of course, was probably thoroughly convinced the whole time he was getting the better of this hick.

-He racked up tremendous personal debt, to the tune of about $10,000 in ten months. He did this without a credit card and without blowing the money on drugs or booze. After he was arrested and released on bail for not paying a shoplifting fine, he skipped town. He made no attempt to get in touch with me or anyone else for two years until he returned a few months ago, dressed exactly as he did when he was a sophomore in high school pretending to be goth, smelling like he hadn't seen the inside of a shower in several days and with teeth that had visible cavities the size of ball bearings (why he wasn't in agony, I don't know). By sheer coincidence, a college friend of mine was there that same day. After he left, she said, "What kind of people did you hang out with in high school?" To which I replied, "Losers."
Any city gets what it admires, will pay for, and, ultimately, deserves…We want and deserve tin-can architecture in a tinhorn culture. And we will probably be judged not by the monuments we build but by those we have destroyed.--Ada Louise Huxtable, "Farewell to Penn Station", New York Times editorial, 30 October 1963
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Post by NecronLord »

I have a few disgusting relatives. Some are pretty bad......

But the king of the ueber loosers must be someone my mother works with - Transcript

Mum: "You're in early."
Looser J: "I had to get up early, I wet the bed."

This is at 25 odd.
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

seanrobertson wrote: 3--Hasn't held a steady job for more than 9 months at a time, and has been unemployed for the last 10 years. Instead, he mountain bikes daily and subsists on bologna. He won't take a job in part because...

7--Didn't finish junior high schooland considers anyone with a university education--including me, his close relative--"brainwashed by liberal ideology."

8--Has worked out for about 25 years, yet can't bench press more than his bodyweight.

10--Master of conspiracy theories and speculation.

11--Is racist.

14--Is a truly GIFTED musician, but personal problems with other band members always causes a break-up of his band du jour.

15--Can't contain his hatred of authority figures even for a few minutes at a time.

17--Judges people very harshly in general. A man who once forgot his name and good-naturedly greeted him, "Hey, guy! How you doin'?" is forever known by the nickname GUY.

18--Can't admit he's wrong. If you think you've seen Walls of Ignorance before, you haven't met him yet :)

19--Is illogical in general. I've never seen such a source of so many fallacies coming from a single person. He couldn't argue his way out of a paper bag, but sure as hell tries.

20--Is a wasted intellect. Believe it or not, there have been definite signs that he has the potential for a good mind, but has let ignorance and hatred twist it into something unrecognizable.
Sounds like the member of some Obscure Metal Band From Norway. (TM)
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Post by seanrobertson »

RedImperator wrote: -Always believed he was the smartest person in the room despite all evidence to the contrary. Being placed in general classes only worsened this, because there he was surrounded by ninnies all day and this was partially true. Most of the time, though, he was dealing with people at least as smart as him, or, more importantly, as smart or smarter than him IN THE SUBJECT BEING DISCUSSED, and none of these people appreciated being treated like idiots by him (his absurd lies were a big part of this--they were so bad and so blatantly false they were insulting)."
Ouch. This Dan does sound like a real peckerhead.

This part I just quoted is similar to what my Loser God does. It doesn't matter who he's with, he not only has to be the center of attention, but he has to assume he knows the most about the subject being discussed.

Since some of us are talking a little about bodybuilding, I'll use that as an illustration. Back in the early 90's, I met a top pro bodybuilder named Kevin Levrone, who came to a Powerhouse Gym opening here in Gastonia, North Carolina.

Kevin was a beast, a real strong guy. I saw him do standing dumbell curls with a pair of 100s. He also did a set of flat bench presses with 495.

This was when I first started bodybuilding, and it left a big impression on a 14 year-old me. I've seen some bigger, slightly stronger guys here and there but none had the impact of seeing this guy. I remember what he was doing as clear as if it was yesterday. I considered myself a knowledgable person insofar as Levrone's awesome strength.

Well, in comes Loser God a few years later. The subject turned to lifting, and he mentioned that he saw "Flex" on TV doing curls with 200 lbs. dumbells (400 lbs. TOTAL!!!!) and bench presses with 600 lbs. or somesuch crazy thing. I'd seen the same program, and I knew it wasn't Ken "Flex" Wheeler he was talking about; it was Kevin Levrone.

I told him he had those two confused, and that Levrone wasn't moving such weights because, back in mid 1993, Levrone tore his pec; ever since then, he hasn't lifted heavier poundages in training. Levrone has SAID this in those otherwise bullshit muscle rags.

But that wasn't good enough. My first-hand observation was bullshit because Loser God thought it was possible that the guy could've gotten stronger years after his injury. Sure, it was possible, but that was a red herring; it didn't fuckin' happen, anyway.

He refused to admit his subjective "maybe that was a 200 lbs. DB" shit could've been wrong, and I let it go because it was such a stupid fucking argument even at the time.

That's a SOFT CORE example of the guy's stubbornness. The time I tried to tell him that it's "testicular cancer," not "tesTOCULAR," was a little more...something. I don't know what.
Pain, or damage, don't end the world, or despair, or fuckin' beatin's. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, ya got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man ... and give some back.
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Cry woe, destruction, ruin and decay: The worst is death, and death will have his day.
-Ole' Shakey's "Richard II," Act III, scene ii.
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Post by seanrobertson »

Simon H.Johansen wrote: Sounds like the member of some Obscure Metal Band From Norway. (TM)
LOL :)

He's a redneck like me from NC, USA, but his idols are Rush and Dream Theatre.

It's such a damn shame, too...he is, no kidding, the best drummer I have ever met. He's just even lazier than ME, which is saying something (as I sit on this thread like a giant toad when I have a dozen other things I must go do). And he has a terrible attitude. Racism, misogyny, and hatred for authority won't get him far.
Pain, or damage, don't end the world, or despair, or fuckin' beatin's. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, ya got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man ... and give some back.
-Al Swearengen

Cry woe, destruction, ruin and decay: The worst is death, and death will have his day.
-Ole' Shakey's "Richard II," Act III, scene ii.
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Post by Peregrin Toker »

seanrobertson wrote: And he has a terrible attitude. Racism, misogyny, and hatred for authority won't get him far.
Thing is, if you have those characteristics, (apart from the misogyny) you can become quite a cult figure among fans of underground metal. Hey, it worked for Varg Vikernes! (And to some extent, Graveland)
Last edited by Peregrin Toker on 2003-07-10 02:52pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rye »

Now, people may think i'd say Troy, but there is worse than Troy.

namely: GREG AKA semi evolved seal.

He's big fat and ugly. Bottom set everything. No post secondary education that i know of.

Annoying to EVERYONE. Thinks he's the man. Everyone, including the scallies hate him.

Wears football t-shirts perpetually. Says he was gonna become a professional footballer, but he's clearly too fat, and to be frank, shit at football. So presumably he'll become a PE teacher, and im sure that'd fit him like a glove.

Calls everyone behind their backs, on his travels between social groups.

His parents are just the same, and noone ever talks to them.bGod, what slime.
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Re: Biggest real-life loser you know

Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Darth Wong wrote:Don't say it's you! No whining about personal problems allowed!

Anyway, who's the biggest real-life loser you know in real life (this stipulation added to eliminate obvious contenders such as Darkstar, Timothy Jones, or the TrekBBS babies whose response to a debate ass-kicking was to run away and try to get some would-be hackers to harass us)?

The biggest loser I know is a guy who shall remain nameless, but who has the following list of strikes against:
  1. No postsecondary education.
  2. 33 years old and has never had a serious relationship.
  3. Works stocking shelves at a local building supply store.
  4. Recently joined the Jehovah's Witnesses.
  5. Has been working out for 10 years, 3 times a week, yet his methods (exclusive use of intensive isolation exercises of certain specific muscle groups, always with low reps and often with only partial range of movement in order to bump up his weights) have left him mishappen and with good strength on his favourite machines but pitiful overall strength (I started working out only a couple of months ago and I can beat him on the deadlift for reps).
  6. For years, ate a diet of 30 eggs and 10 baked potatoes per day because he wanted to get bigger (his knowledge of nutrition is as pitiful as his knowledge of exercise technique), resulting in serious problems with his digestive tract (for a while, he suffered from a problem known as anal leakage, thus forcing him to wear adult diapers).
  7. Perhaps as a side-effect of consuming more than 10 times the normal daily consumption of eggs grown from hormone-treated chickens for nearly a decade, he now suffers from a phenomenon known as gynaecomastia (male breasts). He also tends to gain weight in his thighs and butt, like a woman.
  8. He was baptized last Saturday. He believes that his life will turn around now that he has declared his faith in God.
Can anybody top that? Who's the biggest loser you know?

I don't think i can top that to save my life...
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Re: Biggest real-life loser you know

Post by Peregrin Toker »

Einhander Sn0m4n wrote: :wtf:

I don't think i can top that to save my life...

Do you aspire to be the weirdest person in the world?? That's my job!

Weirdo Man, Weirdo Man, does what a weirdo can... :P
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Re: Biggest real-life loser you know

Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Simon H.Johansen wrote:
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote: :wtf:

I don't think i can top that to save my life...

Do you aspire to be the weirdest person in the world?? That's my job!

Weirdo Man, Weirdo Man, does what a weirdo can... :P
Weirdos != Losers

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Re: Biggest real-life loser you know

Post by Enigma »

Darth Wong wrote:Don't say it's you! No whining about personal problems allowed!

Anyway, who's the biggest real-life loser you know in real life (this stipulation added to eliminate obvious contenders such as Darkstar, Timothy Jones, or the TrekBBS babies whose response to a debate ass-kicking was to run away and try to get some would-be hackers to harass us)?

The biggest loser I know is a guy who shall remain nameless, but who has the following list of strikes against:
Can anybody top that? Who's the biggest loser you know?

You've lowered the standards on who'd be a loser? If that's true, then I'd put you as a loser. Just because he chose not to go uni or college or decides not to pursue a relationship or that he puts faith in God that he's a loser.

I thought you were a reasonable intelligent human being but seeing this makes me think otherwise.

Edit: Though I still don't think what you listed about the guy would make him a loser but from other posts you've made about the guy tells me that he needs to cool it. Also I retract in calling you a loser. When I'm heated up I usually say or type things I don't mean.
Last edited by Enigma on 2003-07-10 05:31pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Enigma »

Darth Wong wrote:
Trytostaydead wrote:Well, nothing really wrong with #8 there.. a little faith doesn't hurt that 'ole self-esteem.
Getting baptized as a Jehovah's Witness means more than "a little faith". It means "a lot of stupidity", not to mention an enormous new peer pressure burden; all of that star-chamber shit that they do with tribunal hearings about your personal conduct only applies to the baptised.
Expand on it please.

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Post by ArmorPierce »

5:45 pretty good eh? Then I guess I'm god at sub 4:20 ;)

On subject, losers I know, one among a few is my brother who is 18 and plays with cards, never dated a girl, face filled with acne, fat, lazy, and fails all his classes his social life is on the computer and the thing that makes him a loser is that he doesn't give a shit about failing actually wait he does care, he just doesn't like work and he thinks doing shit is better off than putting effort into something. He'll probably end up being a sanitation worker and that is if he's lucky.
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Post by CrimsonRaine »


Brother of mine, that was so beautiful. Never, in all my writing and reading years, have I seen such an exact description.

And yes, "Dan" is the top of my loser list, too. You know, I was gonna write a short story, in which one of the main characters would have this guy's real name. But I couldn't even type it. It brought back too many horrible, horrific memories.

Crimson Raine
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Re: Biggest real-life loser you know

Post by Darth Wong »

Enigma wrote:You've lowered the standards on who'd be a loser? If that's true, then I'd put you as a loser. Just because he chose not to go uni or college or decides not to pursue a relationship or that he puts faith in God that he's a loser.
Blow me, loser. He's uneducated, chronically alone after 33 years on this planet, and thinks that God will make it all better. If you can't figure out why that makes him a loser, then I guess you should give him a call and marry him. The two of you will get along just fine.
I thought you were a reasonable intelligent human being but seeing this makes me think otherwise.
Funny how you fail to provide any logic or evidence to support your conclusion that a 33 year old virgin who's never had a serious girlfriend, never went to college or university, never got a decent job, fucked up his body, and thinks God will solve all his problems is somehow not a loser. All you say is that I must somehow be unintelligent to connect the dots and draw the obvious conclusion, which only leads me to ask which of this loser's failings you share.
Edit: Though I still don't think what you listed about the guy would make him a loser but from other posts you've made about the guy tells me that he needs to cool it. Also I retract in calling you a loser. When I'm heated up I usually say or type things I don't mean.
Funny how you don't retract the part about how I must not be "reasonable" or "intelligent" if I think a 33 year old virgin with bitch-tits, no job, and no education is a loser.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Enigma wrote:
Darth Wong wrote:
Trytostaydead wrote:Well, nothing really wrong with #8 there.. a little faith doesn't hurt that 'ole self-esteem.
Getting baptized as a Jehovah's Witness means more than "a little faith". It means "a lot of stupidity", not to mention an enormous new peer pressure burden; all of that star-chamber shit that they do with tribunal hearings about your personal conduct only applies to the baptised.
Expand on it please.
Go look it up yourself. After all, you seem to think I'm not "intelligent" or "reasonable" for thinking that a 33 year old virgin with bitch tits, no money, and no education is a loser, so what value would my input have to you?
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing

"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC

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Post by Enigma »

Darth Wong wrote:
Enigma wrote:
Darth Wong wrote: Getting baptized as a Jehovah's Witness means more than "a little faith". It means "a lot of stupidity", not to mention an enormous new peer pressure burden; all of that star-chamber shit that they do with tribunal hearings about your personal conduct only applies to the baptised.
Expand on it please.
Go look it up yourself. After all, you seem to think I'm not "intelligent" or "reasonable" for thinking that a 33 year old virgin with bitch tits, no money, and no education is a loser, so what value would my input have to you?
Why look it up for myself? You made the claim so you should back it up.

As for not retracting my claim for not considering you intelligent or reasonable. Fine, I retract that also. I still don't think that his choice of lifestyle from which you've mentioned would categorise him as being a loser. The only thing I'd find wrong about him is his attitude. True his choice of working out leaves a lot to be desired but that shouldn't make him a loser.

"Whilst human alchemists refer to the combustion triangle, some of their orcish counterparts see it as more of a hexagon: heat, fuel, air, laughter, screaming, fun." Dawn of the Dragons

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